Cakeverse pt1

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Before we start, this will have indications of Gore and violence. I am no good at either of them so please give me some tips.

And if you don't know what cakeverse is

I decided not to use the age part of the definition but...

It's essentially Cannibalism.

I hope you enjoy this.


I didn't mean to...

I was just hungry...

We all have those moments...

I couldn't control it...


Don't leave me alone...


"Araki? You don't look so swell."

"Oh um...I just have an important thing to do. No worries."

"Are you sure? You're shaking."

"Come to think of it...we haven't since Luz in days. Wonder what's up."

"Surely he must be sick, Mey-chan. It is winter after all."

"Let's all go to his house, it's just for a check up of course. We don't want to get sick either."


"Now what's really going on Araki? First, you're
Figdety and now you won't let us see him. What's going on? Are you hiding something from us?"

I shouldn't let them know...

Especially Him...

We made a promise...

I'm not gonna break it...

"Um...I'm just going to go back home. See you tomorrow."


"...Why is he avoiding us?"

"Maybe we should go follow him."

"Na, we should just respect his privacy."

"Anku, can you track his phone? He always has it with him so we can find him easier."

"Really guys?"

"This is our two best friends we are talking about, Sen-chan. We don't know what's happening with Luz and Araki's being secretive."

"Welp, you can tell me how it goes. I'm going home."

"Senra! Sigh, we can do it without him."

"Let's go then! I found him."


"Are you sure you don't want to tell them? Even as to show your face?"

"I go out there I could hurt them, they don't know what they are and they think it's normal. I don't want to be seen as a monster to them..."

"But you're not. I bet if we explain them your situation then they would understand."

"But what if one of them is cake, huh? I wouldn't be able to control it until I have eaten them. I could eat my friends; it's better to stay away from them."

"Well now they're getting worried. A whole week man. I bet they are gonna track me to find you; they do see like the type of people to do so.

It's inevitable, they are going to find out. Might as well tell them now or they are gonna find it themselves."


*Ding dong*

"Oh no..."


"You think he's around here?"

"They track says so."

"Should we really trust it? I mean what if it's a lie?"

"Trust me Mey, it's here. My hacking and tracking skills never lie."

"It's around the block it says, then let's go! I already want to see him again."

"Of course you do-" "shut up Anku."

*Ding dong*

"...I kinda here some shuffling, so he must be here."

*Ding dong*

"Maybe we should do it tomorrow-"

*Phone rings*

"Oh! Araki, you're in his house, aren't you? Can you unlock the door. We want to see him again."


"Why not?"

'he's sick, I don't want you guys to get sick too.'

"Then why only you take care of him? We can too!"

'look! Trust me on this.'

"We're coming in to help whether you like it or not!"

'Nqrse no!'

*Hangs up phone*

"We're coming in!"

"Wait what-"

*Bust down door*

"Thanks Mey."

"Hello? is anybody really home?"

"Araki's in there."

"Then let's go find him!"


"Luz! Calm down! I got them under control."

"I can smell it! Please...I don't want to be a monster..."

But you surely are a monster...

None of them would even like you anymore once they see your disgusting self...

Your 'owners' would discarded you away like the filthy dog you are...

And He will forever see you as a horrible, horrific, disgusting monster..

"You're not and never will be, I won't let you.

Come on, let's find you a place to hide-"

"Araki! Where are you?"

"Let's check upstairs!"

"Oh...oh no.."

"What's wrong?"

Do you smell it?

Smells like cake~

Delicious, yummy, yummy cake~

You want it, don't you?~

Go on~

Get your dessert~



"Maybe he really isn't here."

"But I heard his-"



"You guys heard it too?"

"I knew it!

*Footsteps approaching*



"Uh Luz? You don't look so good, is everything okay?"

"He is sick."

"He doesn't look sick."

"Sickness can be shown in different varieties."



"...I want cake..."


"...I think we should run..."

"Huh? But he just wants cake? We can buy him cake."

"Nqrse, I know you don't read the books they gave us but that's code for human. A special kind."

"...but how will we know if he really wants human, maybe he just wants ca-"



I will probably make a part 2 tomorrow or later this week.

This is a nice Au to play with if you want to give it a try, though this has Gore so if you don't like it you don't have to do it.

Don't be afraid to send in a drawing or writing request!

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