Cakeverse pt2

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Time for part 2 of this bullshit

It really is a good AU and if you want to try your own version, go ahead. I would love to read it!

Warning ⚠️
And most importantly...
Bad writing



I'm sorry...

Don't leave me...

Not you too!



"Dammit! I told you I had it under control!"

"I thought it was some harmless flu!"

I didn't understand, is this what he mean 'cake'...

When Mey said it was a special human...

Did they meant...



"You two, go! I'll handle this."

He didn't say anything.

Was he always like this...

Just waiting to swallow me whole...

To eat me alive, inside and out...

Maybe if I can wiggle out.


"I don't want to hurt you, so let Nqrse go."

Araki has a knife...

Wait, is he gonna-

"I'm sorry..."

(Unholy screaching accures, I would lose my hearing if I were there)


"GO! I got him covered!"

"But you could get-"

"He's after you, not me! Now GO!"

I'm running...

I don't know where those two are. Hopefully they're safe...


Now he's running away~

Chase after him!

Don't let your cake get away!


I'm sorry...

To Mey...

To Anku...

To Araki...

And especially to Nqrse...

I am truly sorry...


*Phone rings*

"Are you okay?! ALIVE?!"

"I'm...okay. Just exhausted from running..."

"I'm sorry we didn't try to help you."

"It's fine...I didn't want you guys to get hurt. Araki is dealing with him since he isn't 'cake'. You still have to explain to me what do you mean by 'cake = human."

"Okay, I will. We're at Senra's. You know where he lives so you should be fine. Keep talking to us, we still worry about you."


I think I should be close to his house, hopefully.

But what was that...that was totally not him.

Mey-chan really has a lot of explaining to do...

"Found you~"

I can feel all my sins crawling on my back...(oop- Sans? Is that you?)

It is him...I can see him...

"...I'm hungry..."


I'm not ready to die!!!

He lunges at me...

I really gotta thank Aniki for those lessons...


Did..did it hurt?

Must have...

I feel really bad, but it's my life here.

I throw another punch.


"Finally, delicious cake!"


"Now then..."


(I'm gonna pray that I wrote that right)



"He should be okay."

"Maybe we need to find him."

"Luz is most likely near him, we could get killed too."

"He's only after him, so we should be fine to save him."

"It's that fact that he is only after him, we interfere with that contact. We're doomed."

"Yeah but-"



"You guys heard that, right?"

"Of course we did!"

"You see! We have to go find him!"

"Let's go then!"


My forearm...

It's gone...

He fucking bit it off...

Ripped it into pieces...

He's chewing on it like a doggie with his chew toy.

Now it got me thinking...

(I'm about to beat this bitch up)

What happened to Araki...

I think he's coming to his senses...

"Huh? Where am I?

Nqrse? Why are you her-...

Was that...

Because of me..."

" was..."

He has blood all around him..

He's crying now...

I'm surprised I'm not crying...

"I knew it...I'm a monster..."

"You're not a monster, I mean, yeah, you bit off my arm but-"

"Then that means I have to stay away from you...

I hurt you."

"It wasn't were hungry.

But...I do think that we do need to stay away from each other..."

"I...I understand..."

"We're still friends, but what you did...I just need some time to relax."

"I understand..."

"What happened to Araki?"

"He's okay...I only knocked him out if I could remember."

"That's good."


It's awkward now...

"Why didn't you tell me...them?"

"I was afraid you would avoid me and would be scared of me."

"Well I am scared, but it's not like you meant it."


"I'm sorry..."

Maybe if I pet him.

I'm petting him with my one remaining hand...

"Huh? I'm not a dog."

"I know you're not, you just looked like you needed it."

"...can you...hug me?"

"Of course."

Maybe we could rebuild our friendship...

His friendship with them...

And maybe I can tell him...

Just not now...


Feel free to go to the request page and request a drawing or a one shot!

Maybe even a Series.

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