He just an old man

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"Anything else you need granny? I finished the mission." Naruto said cheerfully.

"No, that's all and stop calling me old. Why do you keep doing that anyway? You did with the third by calling him an old man, even though everyone keeps telling you to be more respectful." Tsunade said. For the first time Naruto turned serious. 

"Because he is old and I'm not saying it out of disrespect but out of concern." Naruto said. 

"What?" Tsunade looked confused. "What do you need to be concerned about? The third was the strongest ninja in the village."

"Is he? With all this pressure being put on him. Granny you weren't there, you didn't see the tire beat up the old man who was sitting on that desk." Naruto said.

"Well he the hokage Naruto they are respon-"

"That's the problem, he wasn't supposed to be the hokage. My dad was supposed to be the hokage but he sacrificed his dumbass to save an ungrateful village. That instead of finding a new hokage they basically just force the old man to do it."

"It was his choice, Naruto." She said,

"Was it? Was it his choice or did half of the village practically guilt trip his ass into taking it. Come on, Tsunade! Think they ask an old ninja who is supposed to be retired to be hokage again. And we both know how greedy and power hungry those council members are." Naruto said. It started to click on her. "And the village Tsunade, when he told them that I was a jinchuuriki, and trust me he was beating himself up for that, they made his job even harder and put more pressure on him. It bad enough he has to deal with enemies outside of the wall, greedy corrupted council members but now bunch of dumbass villager who can't tell the difference between a kid and giant fucking FOX!"

"Ok you may have a point there." Tsunade agreed.

"Granny, I don't know how no one knows this. But the old man was miserable when he became the hokage again."


"Yeah, look what he had. Before a spoiled ass grandson, a dead son, asuma who was an ungrateful asshole to him. Three of his students are acting disgraceful assholes. Orochimaru threw a bitch fit for not being the hokage and turned rouge like a bitch who after little boy, no offense granny but you wasn't any better by leaving the village then the gambling and drinking. Look I know you lost people so did everyone else. we needed you, the old man needed you but you basically spat in our faces and refused to come back." Naruto said.

"But I did-"

"After he died and because of a fucking bet." Naruto shut that shit down hard. Tsunade actually felt a bit guilty because it was true if Naruto hadn't made that bet she wouldn't be here hell she basically just disrespected the late ones. Now that made her feel like a hypocrite. "And finally Jiraiya, I don't know where to start with him. He the biggest fucking pervert I have ever met. He practically made the old man even annoyed and miserable with his damn peeping. The owner come here so much that he has his own fucking chair to wait on." Naruto points at an empty chair. "As much I hate to fucking say it. But do you realize how much time we could have saved if Jiraiya could have accepted being hokage. But no, he just had to say no because 'it's not his style' and I went with him on a stupid mission in which his dumbass basically let S rank missing nins to sneak into the village then attack our comrades." 

'Ok, when he put it like that it was pretty dumb of him.' Tsunade thought.

"This entire village forgot the third wasn't in his prime. Yes he is a powerful ninja but he is also an old man, an old man who is under pressure, taking advantage of, being so overworked to the point he once had a heart attack." Naruto said 

"He what!" Tsunade said, shocked.

"Yeah the stress got to him and he almost suffered a heart attack. He was 69 years old for kami sake. Just because he was called the kami no Shinobi doesn't mean he is one. The reason I've been calling him that is my way of reminding people that he is just an old man. He may be powerful but kami sake you people need to lay off! He is an old man, not a God. For kami sake did you see the third tsuchikage having back pain!" Naruto said. Tsunade had realized that the tsuchikage have serious back pains. "And the second reason was because he was the only family I had left. We may not be related but he was a grandfather to me. Just in some way you're a grandmother to me. You may not know or realize it but we're family in some way." Naruto said, with a smile. 

"Yeah you're right kid. In some ways we are and third was also like a grandfather to me as well." Tsunade said, smiling back. They both shared a hug knowing that family isn't just blood but a bond.

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