I'm not a hero

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Naruto was carried by Kakashi after he convinced Nagato to revive everyone. He was tired after the fight when Pein and talking with his last family member, he found out from konan, he now wanna just go home and rest. As they got to the gate Naruto saw a group of people. He recognizes the villager and groans he really doesn't wanna deal with their biased shit right now. But when they entered he heard cheering. They picked him up and threw him in the air for celebration. They patted him on the back and called him a hero. Naruto should feel happy, overjoyed, grateful but he doesn't, in fact feel anything but disgust, annoyance, and anger. Naruto faked his happiness just so he wouldn't spoil this but afterward is the day he lost all care for this village.

Mini timeskip

Naruto is right now talking to Tsunade about what happened. 

"Yeah that's what happened bachan." Naruto said retelling what happened.

"Wow, so how do you feel about the village hero naruto?" Tsunade asked, teasing. Naruto was silent as he looked out the window.

"For fifthteen years I wanted nothing but acknowledgement from this village. They have done nothing but try to make me suffer. They hit, poison, glare, sabotage and even tried to kill me. All to honor my father, who I wondered why he bothered to save them. I fought tooth and nail with blood, sweat and tear for this DAMN VILLAGE AND NOTHING BUT HATRED AND SNEERS. Granny, I almost died multiple times for this village whether it was from a C turned A rank mission, from Orochimaru, Gaara or that bastard Uchiha." Naruto ranted.

"But Naruto now they see you as a hero." Tsunade said.

"Do they or do they realize how screwed they are when their guard dog is not here to save their asses." Naruto said.

"Now Naruto you know that is not true." She said,

"Bachan thirteen years they tried to have me banished for not bringing Sasuke back. For fuck sake Kakashi and Sakura tried to help them banish me because they believe it was my fault they he left. When they failed, Sakura beat the hell out of me and Kakashi never spoke to me. The only reason they tolerate me is because you're gonna punish the hell out of them. Threatened me to be silent before I went to training because they said you will never believe a word I say."

"Why would you think that?" She asked with disbelief.

"BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING SENSEI DIDN'T BELIEVE ME?" Naruto shouted in tears. "He never listens to anything I say. Everytime I tried to tell what they did half the time he does half ass job, giving me a disappointed look when I tried to defend myself. When I ask for a different team because I saw Kakashi playing favorites he just pat me on the head and basically tell me to suck it up. All three of them complained about me being lazy and he believed them didn't even let me say anything. I lost almost half my fucking money becausd of those assholes. 3 times I almost kick out of my apartment because of your damn sensei couldn't fucking listen for once." He said.

'Damn you, sensei.' Tsunade clench fist in anger at her late sensei, at Kakashi and Her now former apprentice Sakura.

"Tsunade" she looked up hearing the first time he called her by her name. "If there was no pein, akatsuki or whatever. If Sasuke is still here, who do you think would most likely leave him…or me?"

"Naruto, do you hate the village?" She asked.

"No." She smiled, "i'm fucking dissappointed in them." Her smile faded and look at him in shock. "The village, the villagers, my teammates, my sensei, the old man, hell even the perv. They all disappoint me, they treat me like I'm not human and I can't take it anymore. Bachan you say they're cheering for me, calling me a hero. Well I say BULLSHIT! The kyuubi gave me the ability to sense emotion. Every last of them was faking it. I still feel their hatred. They are doing it to keep their pet from leaving. Before even the rookie nine are in it too. Hell I overheard them talking, face it granny no one in this village gives a shit about me." Naruto said, wanting to punch something.

"Naruto, if there was no ninja chasing you would leave?" Tsunade asked.

"Pfft, what's stopping me? There are no akatsuki, no in this village love ne. even when I save their asses again, my teammates barely talk to me."

"Naruto, you didn't answer my question: would you leave?" She asked.

"Yes, granny, I would leave this damn hellhole if I have a chance." Naruto said, with no hesitation. "Because sooner or later this village will push me and I will snap. They will be the reason. You heard how Gaara was before he became kazekage I was close to becoming him because of this fucking village."

"Why aren't you?" She asked softly.

"Because of that damn old man with his fucking guilt trips. I can't even talk back to an asshole without him making me apologize. I'm sorry granny but I hate your sensei." He said. Tsunade sat there in silence thinking about what Naruto told her. She then came to a decision.

"Ok, on this day forward you are no longer a leaf ninja." She said Naruto looked at her but he saw her smiling. He smiles back knowing what she is planning. He took off his headband and gave it to her. "Promise me you'll be safe and happy."

"I promise, thank you granny." He left happy that he was free.

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