I'm not a hero pt 2

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It's been months since everyone has seen Naruto. Like Naruto predicted, no one seems to care. He was nothing but a guard dog to these people. Tsunade now sees what Naruto was talking about. It is about 4 months and not once has anyone asked about his whereabouts hell did anyone even know he left. For fuck sake not even hinata ask for him. She so fucking disgusted by this village they only care about their safety. Sakura came by 3 times and not once asked about Naruto she even asked if they would bring back the traitor. It took all of Tsunade's willpower not to punch the bitch's head off. Hell, she sent Kakashi flying out of her office because he was asking about Sasuke. It proves no one gives a shit about naruto. Right now she has all the team here to give them some mission until finally.

"My lady where that baka Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, where is that loser? Probably thinking he is too good to come because he is a hero." Kiba said, everyone even Hinata, which made Tsunade sick to her stomach seeing this. 

"6 months" they look at her confused. "It took you six FUCKING MONTHS TO NOTICE HE GONE." she screamed, they all jumped. "6 FUCKING MONTHS NARUTO WAS GONE. 6 FUCKONG MONTH, HE DIDN'T LEAVE FOR A MISSION, TRAINING, OR CHASING AFTER A TRAITOR. He got fed up with this shithole of a village and left. For fifthteen years he fought for this village and shit for return. He fought pein but deep down inside it still not enough. Naruto can sense emotions he knows when you're faking your shit. Don't say it is not true because he sees right through your bullshit. He said that no one in this room don't care about him and I'm starting to think he is right."

"But not true, we care about him. I love h-''Hinata tried to say.

"Oh spare me the bullshit. You say that 'I love you' bullshit now and during the pein invasion but I don't remember seeing you in my office asking about him. Hell he told me you gave him the cold shoulder and wanna tell me what that is about." She said, glaring at the timid hyuga.

"Well Naruto had been ignoring me for years and Sakura told me I should give him his own medicine." Hinata said, doing that finger thing.

"One: stop doing that fucking finger thing. You're fucking ninja not a little girl and look me in the eyes goddammit." Hinata stopped and stiffened. "Two: why the FUCK did you listen a bitch ass little fangirl like her." She pointed to a hurt looking Sakura. "And you didn't stop to think maybe she tried fuck up you releantionship with him. Because as long as this little bitch isn't happy no one should. After all she keep reminding and shoving that stupid fucking promse shit down his throat. That surprise he didn't knock her teeth down her throat." Tsunade ranted.

"But he-"

"But he ignored me boohoo. What is it with this and not moving the fuck on. I know it hypocritical of me to say but at the same fucking damn! Naruto been alone in his fucking LIFE! He never had or felt any love. You little fucker call that being dense, I call that being unloved. You made me sick Hinata, you say you love him, that you admire him but you never help him. He knows that you've been following him around and pisses us both off that you watch the villagers mistreat him. Then did nothing to help in fact none of you ever helped him. Like I said, this villager is stuck in the past. Because you in this room still see him as the dead last in the academy. You may say he looks and acts mature but none of you believe that." She ranted.

"But lady ho-"

"Silence Kakashi, you are in the thinnest ice with me. Also late, reading the fucking book, never bother asking about naruto but asked about the damn traitor."

"I was trying to make up for my teammate obito." He defend

"Hey Kakashi." She gestured to come close and he did. "Guess what, FUCK OBITO." She shouted, making him fall on his ass. "Obito is dead, he fucking dead and using that a excuse. I wonder if that is the real reason for failing all those teams. That your dead teammate made you so obsessed with teamwork and training Sasuke."

"That's not true, I just see myself in him."

"Which proves my point none of you let go of your pasts. So which is it? Are you training him to honor Obito or is it because you see yourself in him? Because it can't be both. Right now you made the same mistake that my sensei made. He favors Orochimaru and looks how that turns out. You did the same and now we have two dangerous S-Rank ninjas. I have no idea why lord third gave you a team. You were a shitty teacher who lied to my sensei. Then cause one of my ninjas to leave. You and that pink bitch care more about the traitor than a loyal ninja. Hell you two threaten him with silence saying I won't believe him. Let me tell you something. I see that boy as a son, a brother, a nephew, as any family member. So you damn right i'll listen to him then the two little ass kissers standing in front of me."


"I am not your fucking sensei. Naruto told me the shit you did with my training. I didn't train you to be a bitch. I train to be a ninja. First tomorrow all that training will be erased."

"But lady-"

"But nothing bitch, you have disgraced my training enough. For now on Kakashi you train her to be a fucking ninja if you fail I will ripped that eye out and beat you until you realize you're my bitch. Now all of you get the fuck out my office." She shouted, that all left but not without feeling guilty on how they threatened their friend.

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