Sweet Scandal ||Teacher! Sasuke x Student! Sakura

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A/N: Okay, I have to admit that I had a hard time writing this oneshot because I'm not really a huge fan of SasuSaku (please don't hate me), so I get bored easily whenever I write this. But I really gave my best on this one so I'd really appreciate it if you read it and give it a vote!


⚠Warning: Mature content⚠

Sakura's POV

Never have I thought that the day would arrive where I'd have no choice but to face the consequences. But in the back of my mind, I knew this would eventually happen. And yet, I still went with the flow anyway.

After all, people can't help but to fall in love.

Even if it's unrequited and forbidden.

Now here I am, sitting on a chair, my head hanging down in shame. My hands rested on top of my red plaid skirt, balled into fists as my pink bangs covered my emerald green eyes. I bit my lip, the eerie silence causing my anxiety to swell.

If there's one thing I'm feeling right now, it's shame.

Ashamed for not knowing better.

Ashamed for acting like the typical, rebellious teenager.

Ashamed for being such a hopeless romantic to a guy I barely even know.

"I just can't believe it! Of all people it had to be you, Sakura. You're one of the brightest students in Konoha High and now here you are, inside my office! Not to mention that you're just an innocent highschooler!" A woman around her forties sat behind her desk, a scowl contorting her features. Her waist-length light blonde hair was tied into twin short pigtails and her brown eyes seemed to pierce through my soul.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat, my heart thumping wildly against my chest. My green eyes refused to meet the principal's, unwilling to reveal my guilty expression. I hold my tongue from starting a denial before I could regret it.

The principal rubbed her temples in disbelief as she pulled one of the drawers open, fishing out a folder of my student record. She flipped through a few files, sighing exasperatedly.

"You've been accomplishing a clean class record consecutively since middle school. No grave offenses and complaints from any of the teachers. Furthermore, you're always the top student in class. For you to commit such a scandalous act is ridiculously unbelievable!" She snapped angrily as she slammed her fist on her desk, making me jolt up in my seat.

I remained silent, suddenly lost in my own thoughts.

Good grades.

Clean student record.

Top one in class.

Those were always my parents' demands and of course, I obeyed them, knowing they just want what's best for me. I worked my butt off just to maintain my best performance in academics because mom wanted me to enter to the best college university in Japan. If I want to become a doctor, then I should always remain on top, or so she says.

Many wanted to gain the title of class valedictorian, although most of my classmates' reasons were quite invalid. Some wanted it for popularity and attention, while some for superiority and intimidation. I've been the class valedictorian since seventh grade, not because I wanted it but because I was forced.

Unfortunately, despite obtaining such an exemplary title, I didn't feel accomplished. Normally, I would feel proud but I wasn't. With realization hitting me hard, I became aware that always being on top isn't as thrilling anymore. Everyone has high expectations in me, my whole family, my classmates, and even my teachers.

And eventually, I grew sick of it.

Which led to the scandalous incident that occured just earlier right after dismissal.

I let out a sigh.

Is it that bad to loosen up a bit once in a while?

I'm just a teenager, not a robot.

"Your grades are currently going down since the end of the first semester," She began, disappointment evident in her voice.

"Most especially in algebra." She finished, her gaze darting to the raven haired man in his twenties sitting beside me. Her brown eyes narrowed as she glared at him.

"Don't you think so, Sasuke?" She inquired, though there was mockery evident in her voice. I gulped nervously as I peeked a glance at my handsome algebra teacher, his expression stoic as ever.

His jet black hair matched the shape of a duck's butt perfectly, which I find hilarious. Nonetheless, his unusual hairstyle made him look like a cool heartthrob. He had onyx eyes that are similar to a black hole as I felt like I'd get sucked into those dark orbs the more I stare at them. He wore a simple denim jacket underneath a white shirt, dark jeans and black sneakers and yet, he still managed to look defiantly attractive.

Uchiha Sasuke is the new algebra teacher in our class and has only finished the first semester of teaching in Konoha High.

Sasuke's eyes slowly fluttered close, his arms crossed as if he were meditating.

"This case is mainly my fault, Tsunade-sama. As the adult, I'll bear the responsibility." He said in a matter-of-fact tone, his eyes meeting Principal Tsunade's.

My eyes widened in shock. For all I know, I'm the one at fault here. If I wasn't so obsessed in craving for his attention, all of this wouldn't have happened.

"S-Sasuke-sensei..." I whispered, wanting to protest but I knew he wouldn't like that.

Sasuke casted me a glance, his lips forming into a small smile.

"It's okay, Sakura. Don't worry about me." He whispered, his deep gaze making me blush as I nodded slowly. My hand twitched on my lap, wanting to reach out and hold his hand but I stop myself. Sasuke tilted his head, finding the gesture amusing.

Tsunade cleared her throat, making us snap our heads back to her. My blush deepened, embarrassed that the principal have witnessed our little lovey-dovey moment.

"It's good to know that you're willing to take the consequences like a man, Sasuke However, even if you say that, Sakura will still receive her punishment." Tsunade deadpanned, her eyes landing on me expectantly. I gulped at her scrutinizing gaze.

"Y-Yes, I'll accept whatever punishment I receive, Tsunade-sama. I'm at fault here as well." I admitted.

She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment before finally nodding thoughtfully.

"Very well then. I'm glad you two are cooperating. Now as for Sakura's punishment," She began. My lips formed into a thin line, nervous of what's coming to me.

"You'll be suspended for a week. And when you come back, you'll be needing to do cleaning duty for another week." I fought the urge to groan at that.

I mentally face palmed at my stupidity. Looks like I'm gonna have to risk missing a lot of quizzes and deadline submissions of some projects.

"As for you, Sasuke," Despite the threat evident in Tsunade's voice, Sasuke managed to keep his calm and cool attitude as he stared at the principal with an emotionless expression, hands on his pockets. Me on the other hand, was clenching onto the hem of my skirt with my eyes shut tightly.

I just hope he wouldn't get fir--

"You're fired." My eyes grew wide as the size of dinner plates as I felt my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

Oh wow. I can't believe I just jinxed that.

I shot up from my seat abruptly, "But Tsunade-sama! He was a really good teacher! I promise Sasuke-sensei and I wouldn't pull off something like that again!" I exclaimed desperately, silently praying that Principal Tsunade would somehow show her consideration.

Unfortunately, this seemed to only vex her up as she slammed her hands on the desk angrily. Her bangs covering her eyes, making her look more intimidating.

"Sakura," She began, and from the tone of her voice, I could tell she was close to strangling me to death.

"Do you think you're in position to speak to me that way?" She said bitterly, regarding me with a cold glare. I shook my head frantically before taking a seat immediately.

"N-No, Tsunade-sama. I apologize about my rash behavior." I said apologetically with my head hung down in shame. The moment Principal Tsunade's previous words repeated in my head, I felt a stinging pain in my chest.

I won't be able to see him anymore.

It was all my fault.

If I wasn't so naive and reckless, Sasuke could still continue to teach here in Konoha High.

I fought the urge to burst into tears right here on my seat.

Principal Tsunade's infuriated expression ceased as she leaned back against her chair with her hands clasped together on her stomach.

"Once I've made up my mind, no one can ever make me think otherwise of my decisions. Besides, to clarify what you said earlier Sakura, even if Sasuke was a good teacher, if his disgraceful behavior is in the way, then he's a good-for-nothing." She stated.

My lips quivered, hurt by her harsh words but looking at Sasuke, he remained fully composed, regarding Principal Tsunade with an impassive expression. I stayed silent, growing tired to even make a protest.

"Now before I dismiss you two, do you have anything to say? Sasuke? Sakura?" She inquired, motioning her hand to both of us.

I suddenly found interest on the floor as I gazed down at it solemnly, my green eyes now dull and lifeless. My pink bangs fell over my eyes, adding to my devastated state.

I heard Sasuke clear his throat beside me.

"I won't go against your decision, Tsunade-sama. I'll leave my ID here then." He said monotonously, fishing his ID picture from his pocket before sliding it into Principal Tsunade's desk.

She nodded slowly, "Very well then. You two are dismissed."

I felt miserable at this moment. Not only I ruined my reputation because of my recklessness, but it also resulted to Sasuke losing his job. I suddenly don't feel like looking at him, knowing that it'll only add to my feeling of guilt.

In case you're wondering how it all came out to this, well it all boils down to what occured from five months ago.

When Sasuke entered the classroom for the first time.

- Five Months Ago -

Red leaves swaying back and forth through the window was the first thing I've seen the moment my eyes fluttered open. Birds chirped cheerily from outside as the soft rustling of the leaves accompanied to the pleasant sound. Peeling the pink blanket off of my body, my eyes wandered lazily around my room. Across my bed was a wooden study desk, with a rectangular glass window on the left and a mini book shelf on the right. I caught sight of a white calendar pinned on the bulletin board above my desk.

A circle scribbled using a red marker was drawn on number seven which triggered my curiosity.

What's the occasion?

My question was answered when the month, 'April' in black bold font was displayed above the chart of numbers. I blew on my bangs, rubbing my temples at my forgetfulness.

Of course today would be the first day of school.

Without looking, my hand reached out for the alarm clock on the nightstand, holding it in front of my face. My eyes widened. It read 7:05.

And I'm gonna be late!

Shooting up from my bed at a speed of lightning, I dashed downstairs, cursing quietly under my breath. I stomped towards the kitchen, a tick mark appearing on my forehead at the sight of my mom humming casually to herself while cooking which smelled like bacons.

"Mom! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I exclaimed, completely infuriated. Mom only chuckled as she turned to me, her green eyes staring at me in amusement.

"I've been trying for like fifteen minutes, sweetie. It's as if you were in a deep slumber so I wouldn't want to interrupt your beauty sleep." She said jokingly as she turned off the stove and walks up to the dining table holding a plate of crispy bacons and omelettes.

I frowned, turning away from her with crossed arms.

"It's your fault for making me study until midnight." I mumbled softly, although mom still heard it.

She sighed and came up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's your senior year now, Sakura. You have to give it your all and study as twice as hard. You want to be a doctor right?" She asked sweetly.

I gulped, knowing that under her sweet facade, lies a deadly and menacing personality.

I lowered my head, unable to meet her eyes.

"Y-Yes, mom. I'll study hard and promise to be on top just like what you always tell me." I said, my voice slowly wavering.

She hummed, pleasant at my response.

"Now that's the answer that I'm expecting. Take a shower and change into your uniform. I'll be waiting downstairs, hun." A robotic nod was my only reply before heading back upstairs.

It has always been like this.

It's like my life was being controlled.

Like a puppet being dominated by its puppeteer.

There were times when I'd wish upon a star at night, hoping for something magical would happen in my life. Maybe even something romantic. I remember when my friends found out that I grew fond of romance stuff which led to Ino lending me a bunch of romantic novels and Tenten convincing me to watch Titanic. Getting a taste of romance in real life would be a dream come true for me. Sadly, time just keeps rolling on with the same old, boring life of my last three years in highschool. And now that I've entered my senior year, I just couldn't find the reason to believe something like that would occur anymore.

In other words, I've lost hope.

And I'm not expecting anything what's in store for me.

I rubbed the towel on my damp hair after the refreshing bath and sighed softly. Pretty much, I'm still the same person from three years ago now that I look at myself from the mirror. I wore Konoha High's summer uniform which consists of a white blouse with a black collar and red ribbon, a black skirt that reached above my knees along with a pair of black long socks and black doll shoes.

Grabbing my school bag on my desk, I headed downstairs. Dad was already at the kitchen, reading a newspaper while taking a sip of a coffee every so often. He was wearing a black business suit as he works at a famous car company. His eyes peeked at me from underneath the newspaper as I walked up to the dining table, an impassive expression contorting my features.

"Morning, my little cherry blossom." His deep voice cooed, causing me to roll my eyes. I know too well of my dad's behavior. He loves coaxing me with my childhood nickname and it's honestly getting annoying. But just like mom, his hot-headedness is something you do not want to witness.

I answered anyway, not wanting to infuriate him this early in the morning.

"Morning, dad." I deadpanned, grabbing a french toast on my plate before turning on my heel towards the living room.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Shivers ran down to my spine at the sound of mom's taunting voice. I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of her scowling at me. I tried not to show my fear as I sent her a fake smile.

"I'm gonna be late, mom. But don't worry, I'll just get some food at the cafeteria." I lied. I've already lost my appetite and I certainly wouldn't want to join breakfast, knowing that my parents would just babble their mouths off about their high expectations in me.

God, I wouldn't be able to bear that.

Thankfully, mom's intimidating demeanor vanished as she cracked up a smile.

"Sure thing, sweetie. I've already made your bento for lunch." She said, holding up a package wrapped in white cloth patterned with cherry blossoms. I reluctantly took it from her hands.

"Well then, I'll get going now." I said, jogging up to front door rather hurriedly. I ignored their shouts of goodbyes as I slammed the door shut behind me. Okay, I know that was quite rude but I swear I just can't last another minute with my parents putting up a sweet act.

Shaking off my thoughts about the possibility of them going berserk later evening, I went over to my bicycle leaning against the fence at the frontyard. Getting fresh air to clear my mind seemed like a good idea so I took off to the concrete road, making sure to stay on the bike lane. My short, pink hair flowed freely behind me as I pedaled at a moderate pace. I gasped in awe as a myriad of cherry blossom petals drifted through the air, astonishing me at the mesmerizing sight.

That's right. The month of April is when cherry blossoms start to bloom in spring season.

For some reason, a tinge of hope sparked within me. I felt as if something I've been waiting for is meant to happen. I couldn't help but giddy as I thought about it. After all, cherry blossoms symbolize a time of renewal. And I know for sure that I can finally find the missing puzzle in my life.

Soon enough, the large facade of the Konoha High building came into view. I had to get off of my bike once I arrived at the gates because of the mass of students walking inside. Strolling inside the campus area, I went to the parking lot near the entrance of the lobby to park my bike. Pushing it up the rack of an open spot, I sighed in relief upon hearing a clicking sound, convinced that its front wheel is secured. I entered inside the lobby to change my shoes so I opened my locker and brought out my white and blue school shoes. As soon as I slammed it shut, Ino was leaning against the lockers casually with crossed arms. Hinata was behind her, shifting uncomfortably in her feet with a coy smile.

"Ino, Hinata!" I exclaimed in surprise, dropping my shoes on the ground to put them on as I smiled at my longtime friends. "It's been a while!"

Ino grinned, leaning away from the lockers before giving me a casual wave. "Yo! It seems like your forehead hasn't gotten any smaller at all, forehead girl!" She teased, her grin broadening when my smile faltered. Automatically, a tick mark appeared on my forehead as I glared at her.

"Say what now?! You really love riling me up this early in the morning huh, Ino pig?" I smirked in satisfaction upon seeing her grin changing drastically into a scowl. A line of lightning seemed to link between our staring contest as it created a spark, forming a tense atmosphere. Although, it immediately disappeared as we erupted into fits of laughter.

"Damn. That brings the good old days." Ino said, letting out a satisfied sigh. I quirked up a smile as a wave of nostalgia hits me.

"Um, its good to see you again Sakura." Hinata's soft voice said sweetly, making me turn to her.

I chuckled in amusement, "You're still shy as ever, Hinata. But it's great to see you again." I said warmly, earning a pleasing smile from her.

Ino sighed, "I'll tell you what, I've been pestering Hinata to build up some confidence last summer. We're already in our senior year and that idiot isn't even aware of her feelings yet." She scoffed. I raised an eyebrow, knowing who exactly she was talking about. Hinata's face flushed pink as she waved her hands around frantically.

"B-But Ino! I'm not ready to confess yet!" She protested, flashing Ino a pleading look, making the dirty blonde haired girl frown.

"You've been saying that since freshman, hun. Deal with it, it's now or never. You're gonna regret it after graduation." Ino pointed out, making Hinata pout sadly.

"J-Just give me a bit more time, I'll confess soon enough."

"Let's just hope you wouldn't faint this time, Hinata. Seriously, we had to bring you to the clinic during breaks almost everytime, remember those times?" I said, looking at the dark blue haired girl in amusement as her blush deepened.

"Heh, we're such a hilarious bunch back then. It's hard to believe it's our last year now." Ino said with a smile.

"Guess we've got to savor it before the school year ends." I added.

"Ah, what a drag. I can't believe I'm back to school again." Said a voice we know all too well.

Walking past us was none other than our old classmate, Shikamaru. People often view him as a lazy fellow, although putting that fact aside, he has a mindset of a strategist. His long dark, spiky hair was styled into a ponytail, making him look like a delinquent. His eyes matched his hair color and wore the school polo with a few buttons came undone. We all sweatdropped at that.

Typical Shikamaru.

"Somebody's grouchy today. By the way, you sound like an old man." Ino commented with a mocking smile, watching as he slammed his locker shut.

Shikamaru clicked his tongue in annoyance, tucking his hands in his pockets. "And you're loud as usual, Ino. I feel like my eardrums are gonna explode by any minute." He shot back nonchalantly.

"Now, don't be like that Shikamaru. We should relish our last year in highschool while it lasts." This earned a scoff from the dark haired male.

"As if. I'll just hope that it would end in a flash. I wouldn't want to spend another year sitting in class the whole day."

"Man, you're so boring. And still the same as always." I teased with an amused smirk.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Even talking to you guys is such a drag." He grumbled before walking off, an impassive expression written across his face.

"Sheesh, he finds every little thing boring. He's such a kid." Ino remarked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"But I think it's a good to see that he hasn't changed a bit. It brings back all the old memories." Hinata admitted, a sheepish smile making its way to her lips.

Ino chuckled as she wraps an arm around Hinata's shoulders casually. "Well, I guess you're right. Wow, it's incredible how you see things on the bright side Hinata."

The shy female blushed, twiddling with her fingers nervously. "N-Naruto-kun was the one who inspired me to do that." She confessed.

"That idiot totally brainwashed you, huh?" I joked.

Hinata shook her head vigorously, steam coming out of her ears.

"O-Of course not, Sakura!" She protested.

"I was just kidding, jeez. Don't take it too seriously." I said, trying to hold back a chuckle when Hinata puffed out her cheeks in a childish manner.

The school bell chimed throughout the lobby area, taking it as a cue for the students to enter the assembly area.

"Well, girl talk's over. Come on." Ino said as she walked up ahead, Hinata and I following after her.

The school's gymnasium was humongous. In front, stood an expansive stage decorated with red curtains framing the area. Loud squeaking noises from the shoes echoed around the area as students chattered amongst each other while forming into lines. I saw a bunch of our old classmates at the far corner so we walked up to them.

"Kiba, Shino!" I waved at the two guys exchanging a conversation casually. The duo turned to me, Kiba regarding me with a grin while Shino only nodded at me in acknowledgement.

"Hey, it's you three! You guys are still together after all these years, huh?" Kiba said cheekily.

"Well, that's what you call true friendship alright." Ino replied.

"It seems that you two haven't changed as well, Kiba-kun and Shino-kun." Hinata addressed politely with a smile.

"Ha, well you're still that same timid girl from freshman Hinata." Kiba remarked with a smirk.

"Hinata meant that you still smell like a dog, Kiba." I teased, which earned a flustered look from the poor dark haired girl.

"N-No! You've got it wrong, Kiba-kun!" She exclaimed desperately.

I sighed. Sometimes, Hinata's just way too nice for this world. And that's why Ino and I insisted in nicknaming her as the angel in our group.

Of course, Kiba seemed unaffected as he tittered.

"Don't make it into such a big deal. Anyway, you guys are in class B right? It seems like the old class is back again." He said, grinning widely as he placed his arms behind his back.

I smiled subconsciously, "Yeah, and I have a feeling that this year will be an exciting one." I admitted.

Ino raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly. "Is it because you're finally planning to get a boyfriend?"

Her abrupt question made my cheeks erupt into a dark shade of red.

I faked a cough, "W-What?! Where did that come from, Ino?"

Although, I have to admit that I've been fantasizing of having one ever since I grew fond of romance stuff. After years of being engrossed on my studies, I hoped that something romantic would happen in my life as if it came right out from a fairytale book.

And I think my friends were aware of that.

Ino rolled her eyes, "Stop acting dumb. You're clearly obsessing over every cliche scene whenever we'd watch a romance movie on our slumber parties. And you'd wish that it would happen to you."

"Oya oya oya, your secret has been exposed, Sakura!" Kiba hollered when he witnessed my face as bright as a tomato.

"Shut up, dog breath!" I exclaimed. Kiba placed a hand over his chest, putting up a fake hurt expression.

"Ouch, that hurt." I scoffed at his playfulness.

Eventually, we all formed into two lines after the carefree conversation according to our corresponding class numbers. The morning assembly began with one of our teachers, Kurenai leading the singing of the national anthem. Afterwards, Principal Tsunade stepped up to the stage to give a brief welcoming to the students.

"I hoped you all had a wonderful summer break, everyone. Now, I know this year will be a tough and hectic one, most especially to our new seniors this school year," She paused to glance at our grade with a smile, her brown eyes meeting mine for a moment.

And I know very well of her high expectations in me.

I looked away from her scrutinizing gaze, pretending to straighten my pleated skirt.

Whoops and claps resounded from the background as the freshmen, sophomores, and the juniors cheered for the seniors, regarding us with genuine smiles as a sign of good luck. I smiled back at them, giving them a polite bow for gratitude. Kiba, and Choji had bashful smiles on their faces as they waved at the younger batches awkwardly, making me giggle.

"Ah, yes! This must be the power of youth!" I quirked up a smile, knowing the only person who's way too fond of such a motto. A black haired guy in a bowl cut had his fists raised in the air, his large, rounded eyes sparkling with excitement. He was right beside me at the next column and I observed him in amusement. Oh, and not to forget that he has thick eyebrows, but he doesn't look so bad at all.

"Jeez, Lee. How can you be so energetic early in the morning?" Tenten inquired, a hopeless sigh escaping from her lips. She's one of Lee's childhood friends and I've been seeing them together since freshman.

"Just don't bother him, Tenten. It's futile to make him listen to you." Said a deep voice coming from behind me. With Hinata behind me, her cousin, Hyuga Neji was behind her, also one of Lee's close friends. He had pearl-like lavender eyes like Hinata's, although he had long dark brown hair. Neji crossed his arms, apathetic as usual.

Tenten frowned, "I guess so. Now that I think about it, he's always been that way." She pointed out, receiving a short grunt from the Hyuga male.

"But I do believe that our new seniors will be all able to graduate with flying colors and of course all the younger bat--"

Suddenly, the gym doors flew open, effectively cutting off Principal Tsunade's speech through the microphone. Everyone flinched at the sudden occurence, their attention turning to the source of the noise. I fought the urge to bawl the person's name right on my spot when a loud guffaw roared in the gym.

"Uzumaki Naruto has arrived, believe it!" In front of the door entrance was none other than the biggest misfit amongst the seniors, Naruto. He stood there casually, grinning boisterously at the shell-shocked faces of the highschool students.

Simultaneously, us seniors all groaned and face palmed at his usual idiotic antics.

"That idiot." I muttered, sending an icy glare at the carefree blonde male.

"Unbelievable, he's late for the first day's assembly for the fourth damn time." Shikamaru grumbled, hands on his pockets.

"With his stupidity lurking around his brain, he'll never learn in a lifetime." Kiba commented, rolling his eyes.

"N-Naruto-kun.." Hinata whispered, her eyes filled with admiration and longing at her long time crush.

A dark shadow casted over Principal Tsunade's blonde bangs, making me gulp in anticipation.

Oh boy, I know that expression all too well.

"Naruto!" Her loud, enraged scream caused a high-pitched screeching sound coming from the microphone, making the noise reverberate throughout the gym. We flinched and immediately covered our ears.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to be late, huh?!" She continued to yell through the microphone, and I could only imagine how my eardrums wouldn't be able to function properly later on.

Naruto hissed, rubbing at his ear before shooting the principal a scowl.

"Man, is there even a time where you didn't yell at me at all, Granny Tsunade?"

"Well, it's because you never learn! And quit addressing me that way! You're embarrassing the seniors!"

"Tch. If you keep glaring at me like that then you'll look like an old hag with those wrinkles." He sneered.

A queer silence followed by at Naruto's bold statement. We nearly melted like puddles from pure fear, unprepared to brace for the worst.

"That's it! You're going to my office right after the assembly, Naruto!"


I rubbed my temples in utter disbelief, letting out a long sigh.

That idiot sure knows how to get into someone's nerves.


"What's our first subject, Hinata?" I inquired, fishing out my binder and pen. Hinata glanced at the yellow slip on her desk.

"It's algebra." She replied.

I tilted my head, confusion contorting my features.

"Speaking of which, didn't our former algebra teacher, Kabuto-sensei quit his job last year? That means we'll be expecting his replacement."

Hinata nodded thoughtfully, "Let's just hope that his replacement isn't as odd as Kabuto-sensei."

"Well, he is a strange one. He always gives me the creeps with the way he gazes at us. Like who stares at his students like they were some kind of prey?"

She chuckled, "At least he's gone for good now. I feel like I couldn't last another minute in his class."

A high-pitched squeal resounded from behind, making me look over my shoulder at the sudden commotion.

"Naruto, you idiot! You just spilled my nail polish all over my hands!" Ino screeched out, shooting her seatmate a glare.

The blonde male released a bored yawn, hands behind his head and feet on top of his desk. He peeked a quick glance at the enraged dirty blonde haired girl, seemingly nonchalant at her behavior.

"It's not my fault that your hands are blocking my way. Besides, we're not even at a nail cottage for you to do that kind of stuff."

"Ugh! I can't believe you're my seatmate again!" Ino groaned in annoyance, wiping her hands with a tissue.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry. Do we need to ask for Granny Tsunade's help to switch me to another class?" He asked sarcastically.

"Save the trouble. Just shut up before I punch you on the face."

He scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Nah, as if I would be intimidated by that threat. A girl's punch is totally nothing for me!" He exclaimed boastfully, a wide grin spreading across his face.

My eye twitched as a tick mark appeared on my forehead. I stood up abruptly, catching everyone's attention.

"S-Sakura..?" Hinata called out softly.

Balling my hands into fists, I turned to my childhood friend who seat by the far corner, my green eyes fueled with rage.

"Did you say something, Naruto?" I taunted, giving my knuckles a good crack in attempt to intimidate him. I smirked in satisfaction when his face turned blue, gulping audibly.

He waved his hands around frantically, "N-Nope! I didn't say anything at all, Sakura-chan!"

My expression changed drastically into a fake smile. "Good."

Naruto sighed in relief as I sat down. When I glanced at my watch, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Our new teacher's a little late. Do we have another Kakashi-sensei now?" I said, sighing exasperatedly.

"I just hope he's not absent on our first day. That would be a bit troublesome." Hinata commented.

The attention of the class turned to the front door when a creaking noise occured followed by the sound of footsteps. When the person's face came into view, I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat.

A man not too older than our class entered the classroom wearing an impassive expression. The odd hairstyle of his raven hair was the first thing that caught my eye. The shape was similar to a duck's butt and I had to fight the urge from laughing out loud. His onyx eyes were cold and emotionless, as if the color itself meant to not hold any deep emotion at all. I wouldn't lie when I say his appearance was quite dashing and perfectly portrayed a cool heartthrob.

I could practically pictured myself blushing like a normal school girl because of the hot sensation on my cheeks growing immensely. The whole scene almost seemed like it came out from a romance movie as he ran a hand through his dark hair before turning to our class, hands on his pockets coolly.

I was snapped out of a daze as ear-splitting screams from the girls reverberated in the classroom at the sight of an attractive man looking like a famous celebrity.

"Oh my god! I never knew Kabuto-sensei's replacement would be such a hottie!" One of the girls squealed.

"Kyaahh! I totally have the hots for him!"

"Hah! Hands off him, bitches. He's mine!"

"Says who?! I'll make him fall for me first before anyone else could!"

"Man, girls are such troublesome creatures." I heard Shikamaru said nonchalantly behind me.

The man let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, as if he were expecting this to happen. He cleared his throat and glowered.

"You guys are one annoying bunch. Shut up." He snapped, my heart beat escalating upon hearing his deep voice. An uncomfortable silence followed by before squealing noises filled the classroom once more.

"Ahh! Even his voice and arrogant attitude is so hot! What a perfect combination!"

"I can proudly say that this feeling is love at first sight!"

I could imagine flying hearts floating above my head as I stared at the handsome male dreamily.

If only he would look at me just once.

As if he could read my mind, his head jerked to my direction. His eyes narrowed as he stared at me with an unreadable expression, making me tense up. His gaze felt like they would pierce into my soul and yet, I find myself getting sucked into those onyx orbs. I failed to hide my disappointment when he turned away, focusing his attention to the whole class while trying not to manifest his annoyance as the loud, screeching noises seemed unending.

He cleared his throat, thankfully minimizing the volume of the screams.

"As for today and onwards, I will be your new algebra teacher. Uchiha Sasuke is my name, just address me as Sasuke-sensei." He said apathetically, ignoring the girls staring at him with hearts in n their eyes.

I heard a loud grunt from behind and I had to stop myself from hurling my binder right at Naruto's face.

"Look who's acting cool just because he earned the girls' attention." He scoffed loudly on purpose, scowling at Sasuke.

The male teacher narrowed his eyes dangerously as he glared back at Naruto, the blonde male not backing down from the staring contest.

"Hey, you blondie with the weird whiskers," He addressed in a mocking manner, making Naruto grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Did you say something?" He asked venomously, remaining apathetic even with Naruto's dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Are you deaf now? You heard me, teme." He growled. The girls stopped gushing over Sasuke to glare at the blonde male.

"Don't talk to him that way! Give him some respect!"

"You're just jealous because you weren't given the same treatment!"

Naruto frowned at that, dejection evident on his expression. He stood up abruptly and walked up to the aisle, directing his grudge to Sasuke.

Sasuke's apathetic expression lingered. "You're one disrespectful kid. I'm guessing you're the one who Principal Tsunade described as the troublemaker."

Naruto arrived in front of the teacher's desk and groaned.

"Tch, shut up!" He exclaimed angrily before thrusting his fist upwards, intending to land an uppercut on Sasuke's jaw. My eyes widened.

What the hell is he thinking?!

Surpringly, Sasuke was able dodge his punch effortlessly. He didn't even flinched, most likely anticipated Naruto's movements. Everyone gasped at that as Naruto couldn't hide his smirk.

"Ha, I guess you could fight after all rather than just being an arrogant ladies man."

Sasuke glared at him, "Quit wasting my time, dobe. I need to do my job."

Naruto grew infuriated at the new nickname as he slammed his hands on his desk.

"Dobe?! What kind of teacher calls him that?!"

Sasuke tilted his head in a challenging manner. "What kind of student addresses his teacher as teme?" He shot back.

"Y-You..." Naruto growled, looking like he was ready to pounce at him at any moment. What happened next shocked me to the core along with Sasuke's new fangirls as Naruto lost his footing when he took a step forward, his body lunging towards the male teacher and before I knew it, their lips connected.

An uncomfortable silence followed by and for a brief moment, I could've sworn I heard a bird saying, "Aho! Aho! Aho!" as it flew past the windows.

Ino's piercing scream intruded through the quietness as her face paled.

"What the hell?!" She cursed, disbelief written all over her face. The girls screeched as well, horrified at the scene that occured just now.

"Gah!" Naruto exclaimed after pulling away from the unexpected kiss, wiping his mouth using the sleeve of his cloak, scrunching his nose in disgust. Sasuke seemed to lost his composure as his cheeks were red from anger, pursing his lips into a thin line.

"Do you intend on ruining my first day, dobe?" He said in a low, dangerous voice. Before Naruto can make a comeback, I stood up, my green eyes blazed with fury.

"Naruto..." I growled, giving him a death stare. My childhood friend swallowed a lump in his throat as he backed away slightly.

"S-Sakura-chan, you know I didn't mean that right?" He stuttered nervously, cowering under my intimidating aura. Sasuke turned his attention to me, eyeing me with curiosity.

I cracked my knuckles before charging forward, catching the blonde male by surprise.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled angrily, watching as he let out an unmanly scream before retreating from the classrooom, running like a headless chicken.

"You're not going anywhere, jerk!" I taunted, making a sharp turn before sprinting down to hallway, completely missing Sasuke's hidden smirk as he watched me go.

In the end, our first class with the new teacher was rather chaotic.


"Ugh, that Naruto always ruins everything." I muttered under my breath, plopping down my tray on an empty table while Ino and Hinata sat across from me.

"He even stole Sasuke-sensei's first kiss. That bastard." Ino growled, taking a bite of her apple.

Hinata pouted as a small blush manifested on her cheeks.

"I-I was a bit sad that I'm not Naruto-kun's first." She admitted, making Ino and I sigh.

"Speaking of Naruto, where is he? You didn't hit him too hard that he'd end up to the clinic again, did you?" Ino inquired.

I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head.

"I might've punched him too hard." I admitted. Ino face palmed at that while Hinata frowned.

"Sakura, I know you used to be in judo club and all, but at least try to practice a little bit of self-restraint." Ino said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I gave her a sheepish smile, "Yeah, I think I'll do that."

Eventually, our casual conversation ended as we headed to the top floor later on. What I like about the top floor is the fact that the clear glass windows showed a wide view of the tall buildings of Sendai City and the unclouded blue skies, providing such a mesmerizing sight. Trees covered most areas below, which is the reason why our school was called, 'Konoha High'. The three of us leaned against the windows, just admiring the view.

Everything seemed very normal as students pass by the corridors, chattering amongst themselves. Girls are gossiping about their crushes while boys would race down the hallways to see who's the fastest. It gives off a vibe that were really back to school.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a while. Anyone want to come with me?" Ino asked.

Hinata nodded as she stepped back from the windows. "I'm coming with you. I think I need to fix my hair."

The two then turned to me, wordlessly asking for my affirmation. I shook my head.

"I'll just stay here. Gotta enjoy the view while it lasts."

Ino rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Look, who's acting like Shikamaru now."

I glared at her half-heartedly, "Ha, ha. Very funny, Ino. I'm definitely different from that lazy cloud watcher."

Ino only muttered a "Whatever," in response before turning to the opposite direction, Hinata trailing behind her.

I sighed in relief as silence enveloped around me, other than the faint sounds of murmuring from other students and their footsteps echoing softly.

Looking down from across the high school building was the middle school building. I spotted a few middle schoolers walking aimlessly around the campus, some sat under the nearby trees as they mingled happily with one another. The scene brought a faint smile to my lips, memorable flashbacks playing in my mind.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Uchiha. I'm glad to finally meet you." At the mention of the hot algebra teacher, I whipped my head towards the source of the voice. Down the hallway, across from the windows is the teachers' faculty. Sasuke stood by the entrance, hands on his pockets, apathetic as ever. I couldn't see who he was talking too but judging from the female voice, it must be Kurenai.

"Likewise," Came Sasuke's monotone voice.

A faint chuckle echoed from the faculty. "The principal sure is an expert when it comes to describing someone. Anyway, I hope you don't mind to give you a favor but is it okay if you fetch some attendance files at the juniors' floor? I need to double check something." I heard Kurenai say as I sauntered slowly towards them, making sure to not get caught.

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed, "You also teach in the junior year?" He inquired.

"I'm their class adviser, for your information. But I also teach English in the senior year." She replied.

The raven haired male nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Well, I'll get what you're asking for."

"I'd appreciate that, Mr. Uchiha." That was Kurenai's last response before Sasuke slid the door shut gently. Walking off, he turned to the right corner, thankfully unnoticing me as I followed after him.

Honestly, I have no idea why I was even trailing after him like some crazy stalker. Fortunately, I have this urge to get to know about this man more before any other girl gets in my way. So being the naive girl I was, I did what was on my mind.

So far, I was doing great as I tiptoed and would hide behind a wall occasionally whenever he'd glance behind him. I felt like a pro ninja. Unfortunately when we were halfway down the staircase, his pace came to a halt, nearly having me get bumped against his back.

"Is there a reason why you're following me, Sakura?" I froze on my spot and my blood ran cold, eyes widened in shock.

How did he find out?

When I didn't say anything, he turned to face me, and I tried not to cower under his intense gaze.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Well? I'm waiting." He said huskily.

"I-I..." I find myself stuttering, my mind a jumbled mess. I didn't expect to get caught after all. Sasuke's next expression surprised me.

He smirked.

"Well, look who's acting flustered like a little bunny." He sneered, tilting his head.

I almost choked on thin air as a deep blush exploded on my cheeks.

"E-Excuse me?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes at that. "You heard me, Haruno. Now since you're here, lend me a hand to fetch Kurenai's files." He commanded, and I had to nod immediately upon hearing his authoritative voice.

"Yes, sensei."

His smirk broadened, "Good."

As we make our way towards the junior floor, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Sasuke everytime. Despite behaving in such a dull manner, he still knows how to capture a girl's heart without even trying.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped out of a daze upon realizing that Sasuke had caught me staring, making me look away in embarrassment.

"I-It's nothing, Sasuke-sensei." I stuttered.

"Hn," Was his only his response, simply dismissing our conversation short. I frowned at his lack of interest.

Eventually, we arrived at the teachers' office. Sasuke asked permission from one of the teachers before doing Kurenai's request. He lets out a deep grunt when he exited the faculty and slid the door shut with one hand, the other filled with piles of folders.

"Help me carry some of these." He instructed, handing me a few folders. I nodded, taking them into my hands.

The way back to the top floor was rather awkward and I try not to look uneasy as more seconds pass by.

"Do you do martial arts?" Sasuke's sudden question almost made me jump out of my skin.

"I used to be in judo club, sensei." I was thankful to find my voice, but it sounded more like a squeak.

He hummed in amusement as we climbed upstairs. "No wonder you sent that dobe to the clinic. Although, he kinda deserved that." He said with a smirk.

I chuckled nervously, "I didn't mean to hit him that hard. Guess I got carried away." I admitted.

Sasuke quirked up an eyebrow as he watched me closely. "Because he stole my first kiss?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I could feel my face flaming hot, "N-No, it's not..." I trailed off when he suddenly took a step forward towards me, making me tense up visibly. Instinctively, I backed away, my back hitting the wall behind me.

"S-Sasuke-sensei..?" I tried to call out, my lips quivering as his onyx eyes held an emotion I've never witnessed before. Lust and desire. He slammed a hand against the wall above my head, catching me off guard.

Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm experiencing a kabe-don moment in real life!

He let out a deep chuckle, a sadistic grin coming up to his face as he made eye contact, my green orbs widening in shock.

I've never seen him look like this before.

"You amuse me too much, Sakura. If you're so jealous about the one who stole my first kiss, how about giving me one that would completely blow my mind?" He said in a sultry tone, his eyes trailing down to my lips. I feel like my heart's gonna jump out of my chest by any second because of how it was beating too fast for my liking.

Oh God.

Did he really just say that?

What surprised me even more is that I suddenly find myself leaning in towards him subconsciously. I blushed at my own actions, Sasuke's grin widening in amusement.

"Someone's being bold today." He teased. I felt a hand snaking around the back of my head. I gasped when I felt myself being pulled in aggressively and before I knew it, my lips met Sasuke's rough ones in a chaste kiss.

My brain couldn't process everything that's happening as I stood still, completely paralyzed. His lips moved against mine expertly, nearly making me melt right there on my spot. Before I could even kiss back, he already pulled away. I covered my lips with the back of my palm, panting heavily.

"S-Sensei, why did you do that?! Anyone could've seen us!" I protested. Sasuke seemed unfazed as he gave me a smug look.

"Don't worry. No one witnessed our forbidden act just now. It's almost time for the next class anyway. And don't pretend that you didn't enjoy it." He purred seductively before turning away to walk up ahead, leaving me in a flustered mess.

Upon hearing his last words, realization soon hits me hard.

My teacher and I just shared a kiss. And even though I know it's forbidden, I wanted to feel his lips on mine again.


It's been two weeks ever since the scandalous incident with Sasuke, and I find myself growing bolder as days pass by. Whenever he'd call me out in class to answer an equation, I'd bump into him on purpose and act like the cutesy type of girl. He seemed amused at my gestures as he gazed at me intently.

After the bell rang for dismissal, we all bid our goodbyes to Sasuke before leaving. As I was left alone in the classroom while packing up my things, I heard footsteps coming up to me. When I looked up, Sasuke was eyeing me deeply, a mischievous glint evident in his eyes.

"Sensei..?" I tried calling out when he took a step forward, closing in the space between us. I gulped nervously as he towered over my short, petite figure.

Sasuke suddenly shoved me by the shoulders, making my butt land on my desk, elbows resting at my side for support. He moved forward to the space between my slightly parted legs. I blushed when his knee poked my lower area slightly. He pulled at his black necktie with a smirk. I gulped, finding the gesture quite sexy. He took a hold of my thighs, caressing it affectionately.

"I wanna take it to the next level, Sakura. You know, our forbidden relationship." He said in a sultry tone, his forehead leaning against mine.

My breath hitched as we made eye contact, his onyx eyes narrowing at me. My heart beat was escalating at this point. It's hard to imagine that I'm here in this very classroom, alone with my teacher that I have a crush on.

"Let's do it, sensei." I blurted out before I could stop myself. Sasuke grinned devilishly.

"That's my little cherry blossom." He settled on calling me that as a nickname ever since we started our little relationship. Although my dad calls me that, it sounds much better coming from Sasuke.

I yelped in surprise when he parted my legs a bit wider, trembling in anticipation. I felt the cold air brush against my panties and I was certain that he could already see them because of my short skirt. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when Sasuke placed his knee inbetween my legs, pressing it intimately against my private area. I bit my lip from making strange noises.

Sasuke smirked at my reaction. "Hmm? Oh, you like this huh? Just admit that you like it." He said, flashing me a flirtatious wink as his knee began caressing against my lower area in a tortuously slow manner.

My lips parted slightly into an 'o'shape I let out soft, passionate gasps. A tingling sensation rushed through my nether regions, my legs trembling at the unknown feeling. He kept up his actions, increasing the pressure by rubbing his knee faster against the fabric of my panties. I threw my head back, feeling the dampness of my underwear.

"Hnnghh~ Mmm~" I moaned through gritted teeth, my cheeks burning red at the embarrassing noises coming from my mouth.

His hands came up to my sides, gripping my hips tightly to hold me in place as he stimulated my covered pussy continuously.

Sasuke groaned in disapproval, "Don't hide your moans from me, sweetheart. Show me how I make you feel." He said huskily. I nodded immediately.

"Y-Yes, sen-- Ahh~" A loud moan escaped from my lips before I could hold myself back when he crouched down and pressed his lips against my lower area through my panties.

He peppered my covered pussy with soft kisses, making sure to be slow and gentle. It was enough to drive me insane. A chuckle escaped from Sasuke's lips.

"Wow, you're wet already? I haven't even taken off your clothes yet." He teased, making me turn away in embarrassment.

I was caught off guard when he yanked my pink panties down to my ankles. I moaned when he blew against my arousal, shooting Sasuke a half-hearted glare at his teasing which he responded with a chuckle. A wet muscle stroking my bare pussy made me feel weak on my knees as I gripped his shoulders for support.

"A-Ahh~ Sensei.." I moaned out, white liquid oozing out of my lower lips at the sensation of his slimy tongue. Sasuke shushed me gently.

"Call me by my name, Sakura." He commanded. The tip of his tongue licked my wet slit in slow strokes, his hand coming up to press onto my sensitive nub lightly.

"Haahh~ Sasuke-kun~" I moaned which sounded more like a plea for him to keep up his ministrations.

"Mmm... Yeah, that sounds better baby." He purred seductively, my pre-cum staining my skirt and the desk as it kept dripping out of my hole.

An hour has passed since we began our sexual activities but it felt like only a few minutes has passed by. I moaned loudly as Sasuke plunged his dick inside me, stealing my virginity.

"Ahhh~ Sasuke-kun~" I moaned out as our bodies grinded against each other which almost seemed like an erotic dance.

Sasuke groaned in delight as he pounded into my pussy continuously, his hands gripping my hips painfully but I didn't really mind the pain, only focusing on the pleasure.

"Ah, yeah~ You feel so damn good, Sakura." He said in a sultry tone, his dick exiting my wet slit before entering once more, adding to the pleasure.

I whimpered in response, pleasurable shockwaves rushing through my nether regions at the wonderful sensation. Loud squealching sounds, moans, and pants were the only thing that could be heard clearly in the classroom. Sweat beads rolled down Sasuke's neck, his breathing ragged and unsteady as he kept sliding in and out of me relentlessly. My hands traveled down from his chest down to his six packed abs, admiring his body. Our clothes were discarded on the floor, leaving our bodies naked as it glistened with sweat.

He gave a one hard thrust that had me moaning and writhing helplessly against him as he the tip of his dick hit my g-spot. Grinning wildly, he kept up his actions, hitting my g-spot again and again, watching in satisfaction as I cried out in pleasure and trembled underneath him. I felt a cord inside of me snap and I let out a breathless moan as my toes curled.

"Hnghh~ Something's coming!" I exclaimed as an unknown feeling rushed through my lower area, making me bite my lip in anticipation.

"Agh~ Same here, I'm cumming Sakura!" He groaned, giving me a few more hard, fast thrusts before pulling out of me to release his huge load of cum.

I did the same as my first orgasm ripped through my nether regions, white liquid rushing down my thighs and on my desk. My body trembled uncontrollably at the aftermath of my release.

I was very much aware of the consequences of our forbidden act. But at that moment, I only feel free because I was able to enjoy myself after breaking the rules.


Five months have passed and so far, we were doing great at hiding our relationship. There are times when my family and friends would wonder what made me so bright and cheerful all of a sudden but I would dismiss their question by saying that I'm having a good time, which is true. Sasuke on the other hand, was starting to get a hang of our class, even with Naruto surprisingly. He's starting to be open about his feelings and we've successfully built a strong bond with him as one class.

Although of course, in all the good things that have been happening, there is always a but. Lately, my grades have been going down and my parents didn't took the news very well as they gave me an earful right after the Report Card Day at school. Despite that, I was perfectly casual about it, because at the moment, I wasn't particularly focused on my grades like I used to.

The bell chimed, signalling for dismissal as students bid their goodbyes to Sasuke. As I was placing my binder inside my bag, strong arms snaked around my waist. I sighed, immediately knowing what he's up to.

"Sasuke-kun, I need to study today. You know how my grades have been." I protested softly but his grip remained on my waist, my back pressed against his chest.

"Just one round, Sakura."

I sighed, "Fine." Sitting on top of my desk, Sasuke smiled in satisfaction as he leaned in for a kiss, which I happily obliged, crashing my lips into his. His hands traveled down to my chest, cupping my breasts into his palms. I moaned through the kiss, granting him access to slip his tongue inside my wet cavern.

After the spellbinding tongue kiss, Sasuke pulled away to focus his attention on my neck, planting wet, open-mouthed kisses all over.

"Hnn~ Sasuke-kun~" I moaned, placing a hand behind his head to push him gently against my neck, begging for more.

He caught on my gesture quickly, nibbling on my neck before his teeth sunk under my skin, making cry out in pleasure as he gave me more love bites on the base of my neck and on my collarbone.

Just as Sasuke's hands were about to reach my skirt, an abrupt sound of the door slamming open made my blood ran cold as I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. Sasuke and I wore a petrified expression as we were face to face with the intruder. Principal Tsunade's face had gone pale as she looked like she had just seen a ghost.

At that moment, I knew that it's impossible for me and Sasuke to be together.

- Now -

A crestfallen expression crossed over my features as I stood outside the Konoha High building. Tears blurred my vision as I bit my lip, fighting the urge to breakdown into tears. After the talk with Principal Tsunade, I began thinking about my previous actions.

I've grown rebellious ever since I met Sasuke. And even though I broke the rules, I was happy to be by his side.

Nothing else matters to me.

But even if I say that I'm happy being with him, sometimes I have to consider my priorities too.

I was too blinded by love because the feeling felt so new to me.

And now it all came to this.

"Sakura, I'm so sorry." Sasuke's voice made me jerk my head towards him, he was standing a few feet away from me, his back facing me. From the way his head hung down, I could tell he was having a soliloquy in his thoughts as well.

I shook my head immediately, "No, it's not your fault Sasuke-kun. I was too naive." I admitted.

I heard him sigh, "No, it's my fault. I'm the adult in this relationship and I should've known better. Don't put the blame all to yourself."

"I'll only do that if you don't blame yourself as well." I said sternly.

"Alright." He said with solemn expression as he turned to face me.

Sasuke walked up towards me, hands on his pockets. His onyx orbs held genuine concern as he reached out to brush his thumb against the corners of my eyes.

"Don't cry now. Everything's gonna be fine." He said softly, and only did I notice that tears had strolled down my cheeks.

"S-Sorry." I apologized.

"It's fine." He said softly, his hand caressing my cheek gently. Subconsciously, I leaned into his touch.

"I actually have something to tell you. You might not like it but I know that you're willing to wait." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What is it?"

"We need to end our relationship first," He paused to shush me gently when he noticed that I was about to make a protest.

"Because clearly, we're both not yet ready for this stage. We have our own priorities to take care of. You need to improve your academic performance while I need to find myself a new job." I nodded thoughtfully, slowly understanding his opinion.

"But after you graduate highschool, that's when we can reform our relationship. You need to be prepared enough for this, Sakura. Naivety isn't an excuse anymore."

I smiled softly, "Yeah, you're right Sasuke-kun. I agree with you.

"I'm glad you understand. This is for our own sake after all."

I was a bit sad that we had to end our relationship for a while. But no matter how hard things may be, life keeps rolling on, and we have to live through that.

Despite everything that happened, I know that I'll grow up as a wise woman through the mistakes I've committed.

Instead of dwelling on the past, I have to look up at what's ahead of me.


Word count: 10,590

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