Transformation || Bully! Naruto x Bullied! Hinata

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A/N: Hey guys! I was inspired by the oneshots book of Powerful_Niya so I decided to create my very own oneshots series!

Feel free to message me if you have any requests in mind, I'll be happy to write them 😊

It will be my first time to officially write a lemon so please bear with me!

Anyways, here goes nothing...


⚠Warning: Mature content and a bit of violence⚠

Hinata's POV

Swallowing a huge lump in my throat, I froze in my spot as the tall school building of Konoha High stood before me. I stood still, debating whether I should enter the place I considered as hell. A soft sigh escaped from my lips, releasing a small puff of smoke as I did so.

Sure, I managed to ace all the entrance tests to be able to enter to this prestigious school and I was ranked first in the whole junior year. Engaging in social interactions with my classmates isn't really my cup of tea so I considered the library as my comfort zone, using my spare time to study in advance and just savor the quiet atmosphere at that. For me, maintaining a good and clean student record is a must as my father is strict about it.

I may have a good reputation and status, but how did my classmates view me?

An outcast.

Quite contradicting, huh?

Just as I was about step forward to enter the gates of Konoha High, I felt someone pushing past my shoulder aggressively, causing me to stagger forward at the abrupt movement.

"What the hell are you standing for? Can't you see you're blocking my fucking way? You damn nerd." A brown-haired guy sneered, uttering the last sentence with such hostility as he glared at me. Inuzuka Kiba, one of the misfits known in Konoha High. The red thick line on his cheeks made him look even more intimidating. I winced at his cold gaze and lowered my head, my dark blue bangs falling over my lavender eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, Ki-- I mean, Inuzuka-san." I stuttered out my apology, biting on my bottom lip nervously.

Kiba narrowed his eyes at me dangerously and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Don't get so casual with me or else I'll shove all your textbooks down to your fucking throat." He taunted. I gulped at his threat as he walks away, hands on his pockets.

I thought that this school was meant for students who excel in academics and desired to be on the top. But no, I was wrong.

In Konoha High, popularity, fame, and superiority are such a big deal to them. There's no such thing as equality because the popular students get whatever they want while the losers... gain nothing at all.

I tucked a hand under my green scarf that hung loosely around my neck and clutched the gray butterfly-shaped pendant against my chest.

If only you were here mom, you'd soothe all my worries away.


Glares, soft murmurs and snickers were sent to my way as I walked down the long hallway, my hands trembling from the unwanted attention. It was difficult to go on with this cycle repeating itself over and over again when you're the type who wanted to be isolated from a big crowd, like me for instance.

"Hey look, it's that namby-pamby nerd again."

"The hell? She looked like a fucking alien from mars with those pupiless eyes."

"Look at her acting like the goody-two-shoes student. Makes me wanna puke."

Every step I take felt like I'm suffocating for air, longing to be free from this madness. My hands trembled as I gripped onto my textbooks, hanging my head low as I couldn't bear to look at those faces who have made my life a living hell. My pace sped up, wanting to escape as soon as possible and ignoring the loud gossips behind my back.

I sighed in relief when I entered my homeroom class as I felt my anxiety diminishing. Suddenly, the loud chatters inside the classroom soon subdued to regard me with a cold glare as I walked along the aisle. My lips pursed into a thin line.


Trying to ignore their scrutinizing stares as hard as I could, I wobbled towards the seat at the very corner by the window, drawing in a breath as I sat down. When I glanced to my right, reassurance flooded through my senses as I caught sight of a girl with long dirty blonde hair tied into a high ponytail and light blue eyes. Ino Yamanaka, probably my only friend until I graduate high school and luckily, she's my seatmate for homeroom class.

Ino's forehead creased, worry evident on her features.

"Are you okay, Hinata? Those bastards still treat you the same way and it's getting on my nerves." She growled as her eyes narrowed at some students in front who were snickering and pointing fingers at me.

I smiled softly at her protective behavior.

"There's no need to make a fuss about it. I'm fine, don't worry."

She seemed unconvinced as she shook her head in dismay.

"No, you're not fine at all Hinata. I can see it in your eyes. You want to be free from your current situation. I'm your childhood friend so expect that I can read your mind everytime."

I smiled wryly, "Yeah, you're right. Unfortunately, that's impossible to happen."

Ino frowned, "What are you talking about? As your best friend, I hate to see you suffer and I'm willing to do anything to help you overcome your problems. This has to end, Hinata. And we need to make a change about that." She pointed out.

My smile faltered, already knowing what she had on her mind. Memories from middle school before I transferred to Konoha High came rushing back into my mind. I shuddered.

"You know I hate that feeling, Ino. I'd rather stay with this look, I'm more comfortable this way. I just.. don't like the way those guys were staring at me in middle school, I can't take any more of it." I said, glancing up at her with a solemn expression.

Ino seemed like she wanted to say something but she was interrupted when a silver-haired man entered the classroom, a black mask covering almost the whole of his face with one eye visible. Kakashi Hatake, our homeroom teacher in the junior year.

"You're late!" A girl with pink shoulder length hair exclaimed angrily in front as she abruptly stood up from her seat.

Kakashi waved a hand dismissively with a closed eye smile.

"Ah, well I encountered a black cat down the road so I had to take the long cut." He said casually. The whole class groaned, clearly not impressed with his lame excuse. Not to mention he uses the same excuse every single day for being late.

Kakashi cleared his throat, "Anyway as for this period, use the time to work on your projects that are deadlined today." He said before fishing his Make-Out Tactics novel from his bag, his visible eye frantically skimming through the pages. I sweatdropped.

He's a pervert, alright.

Since I basically finished doing my projects last night, I pulled out my calculus textbook to do some advance studying. Ino stared at me in disbelief as she did her nails with a purple nail polish.

"Seriously, Hinata? There's gotta be other stuff you wanted to do other than reading those boring textbooks."

I shrugged, flipping to another page. "Nah. Studying has always been my hobby." I said nonchalantly.

This made Ino chuckle, "I guess I should've known better hearing that from you. Although, any guy would think that you're a major turn off if you keep that up."

I rolled my eyes, "What guys think of me doesn't matter, at least for me."

She pouted, "Jeez, you're boring when it comes to boys. Whenever I gossip about the hotties in our grade, you wouldn't even stay interested for a minute!"

"Well you know me, Ino. Just a nerd who thirsts for knowledge in books." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Ino quirked up a smile, "Yeah, I can clearly see that."

My eyes then landed on Kakashi briefly. I observed him with complete disinterest as his one eye remained glued on the novel, his face gradually heating up as steam came out of his ears.

Oh boy.

Brushing it off, my attention returned to my desk to continue my work. Suddenly, I felt a light object hitting the back of my head. It didn't hurt but it was enough to catch my attention. When I looked under my chair, my eyes caught sight of a paper shaped into a crumpled ball. I picked it up and unwrapped it out of curiosity.

'FUCK OFF, NERD!!' was written messily in all caps with a red marker. I sighed.

I should've known this would be their doing. I've dealt with this unbearable cycle every day, and yet I can never get use to it.

My lips quivered as I glanced over my shoulder, making eye contact at the person who gave me a vulgar note.

"What'cha looking at, you ugly bitch?" He snapped, causing shivers down my spine. He had long spiky brown hair that also matched his eyes and large red swirls on his cheeks. He was munching down on a bag of potato chips hungrily while glaring down at me. Akimichi Choji, another one of the misfits in Konoha High. I had to mention that he had an obese appearance, but if I say that out loud he'll go berserk.

I was about to say something but I was unable to when Ino suddenly slammed a hand against her desk loudly and stood up, capturing everyone's attention.

"She has nothing to say to you, you fat--" I clamped my hand over her mouth before she could even utter the last word and rose from my seat, eyes widened in fear.

"I-Ino, don't.." I whispered to her shakily but Ino shook her head vigorously with a muffled protest, her hand grabbing my arm in attempt to pry it off of her mouth.

"The fuck did you just say?!" A loud growl from Choji was heard as he abruptly stood up, narrowing his eyes at Ino in a deadly glare. Ino didn't back down as she glared back at him fearlessly.

"You heard me. Now I want you to back off and leave my friend alone!" She exclaimed angrily with hands on her hips.

Choji snickered before flashing Ino a mocking smile, dropping the bag of potato chips on his desk.

"Oh, really? You think you can intimidate me just because you're so popular? I hate to break it to you but it takes more than doing your fucking nails to scare the shit out of me." He remarked scornfully.

This vexed her up as her eye twitched in annoyance.

"Yeah, good job on trying to intimidate me. Unfortunately, that doesn't work on me you fa--" Once again, Ino was cut off before she could say the magic word as Kakashi walked in between her and Choji.

"That's enough, you two. Ino, you should know better than to mess with him. And Choji, control your temper or I'll confiscate your potato chips." Kakashi warned, his eye glancing between Ino and Choji.

Choji scoffed before stuffing a potato chip in his mouth.

"Whatever." His eyes then flashed to Ino coldly.

"If you mess with me again, you'll fucking regret it. That includes your nerd friend." He taunted, his cold gaze then landing on me. I let out a shaky sigh as I turned away.

Ino growled through gritted teeth, as if she wanted to make a comeback. She reluctantly pursed her lips into a thin line when I sent her a warning look.

Kakashi cleared his throat, "Take a seat and pretend nothing happened, you three." He said. We complied as we quietly sat down. Soft murmurs soon filled the classroom, causing my anxiety to swell.

Kakashi went up in front and clasped his hands, getting the class's attention.

"As for the remaining five minutes of the period, since Christmas break recently ended a week ago, I'll be giving you homework about the things you did and the places you traveled to during the break. Based from that, I want you to indicate your insights and realizations. That's all."

Mixed reactions were shared among the class; some groaned in frustration while others looked pretty pumped up about sharing their Christmas break experiences. Ino's mood seemed to lighten up as she lets out a girly squeal. I chuckled.

Knowing her as a big fan of travelling, her family probably went out of town.

"Alright, with everything now settled then---"

I don't why but for some reason, people kept getting cut off lately which kind of irked me. Unfortunately, that feeling had been dissipated almost immediately as a loud banging noise occured, the door flying open abruptly. The whole class gasped at the precipitated moment while Kakashi remained calm and composed. When my gaze landed towards the front door, my lavender irises shrunk from fear and my blood ran cold at the sight.

"Well, well, how kind of you to casually barge into our class after your week's suspension," Kakashi said with a casual smile. But then he paused as his visible eye squinted dangerously at the trespasser.

"Uzumaki Naruto," He said venomously, as if the name itself held a threat to the society.

The said guy was sipping on his orange juice carton apathetically, a menacing glint evident in his blue eyes as his features contorted into a scowl. He released an infuriated sigh, running a hand through his spiky blonde hair which only made it even messier. Three whiskers adorned his cheeks, adding to his intimidating demeanor. He wore the school uniform different from other students. A few buttons of his polo came undone, exposing his tanned chest slightly. Instead of wearing the black Konoha High blazer, he was sporting a black cloak over his uniform. A black headband with an orange swirl image in front was tied around his forehead and a blue crystal necklace hung around his neck.

A loud sipping noise was heard before Naruto squeezed the juice carton in his palm and swiftly tossed it to a blue trash bin next to the teacher's desk.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he glared at Kakashi.

"Says the one who's late in his own class all the time. You should be ashamed of yourself, you fucking retard." He snapped. The whole class gasped at his straightforwardness. My heart beat escalated in fear as I hid my trembling hands under my desk.

After all, he is known as the most feared junior in Konoha High. With his improper way of wearing the school uniform, participating in street fights to satisfy his bloodthirst, and most especially his bright, unique blonde hair...

Makes him a delinquent.

"What a troublemaker," Ino muttered under her breath, glaring at Naruto.

Kakashi seemed unfazed as he stared at the boy emotionlessly.

"Instead of standing there and showing off your orange juice in front of everyone, why don't you take a seat instead?" He said with a hint of mocking kindness. This irked the blonde male. His lips then pulled up into a smirk.

"You really love riling me up that much, huh? I guess you're really desperate to make me do reckless things so that I'll get detention with Granny Tsunade, right?"

Kakashi didn't say anything. Though, he flashed him a fake smile.

Naruto chuckled dryly as he went over to his seat in front, his legs automatically resting on his desk while his arms were behind his head.

"Guess I hit the spot. But don't underestimate me, sensei." He warned in a low, dangerous tone.

I drew out a breath I didn't know that I was holding.

I don't know how much longer I can last around his presence.


Thankfully, lunch rolled by a few hours later. As usual, Ino and I headed to our favorite spot; the rooftop. A gentle breeze passed by, my long dark blue hair floating along the wind. I tucked a hair strand behind my ear as I sat down across from Ino with my knees on the floor and my buttocks resting on top of my feet.

Ino sighed dreamily as she stared up at the clear blue sky.

"This place is exactly where girls wanted to experience their love confession. Imagine the orange sunset in the sky! The boy professes his love wholeheartedly to the girl he loves! And then after the girl admits her feelings, they share a passionate kiss under the sunset! Ohh, how I wish that would happen to me!" She squealed happily as a light blush grew on her cheeks.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm sure Sai would love to do that to you."

Ino's blush deepened at the mention of her crush as she smiled sheepishly. Ino slapped my arm lightly.

"Jeez, you're embarrassing me Hinata! But I really hope something like that would happen!" She squealed once more as she covered her face with her hands.

I chuckled as I opened my bento box, clasping my hands together.

"Itadakimasu," I chanted happily before taking a bite of a rolled omelette using my chopsticks.

"Why are you so interested in Sai anyway? He seems kinda bland in my opinion, no offense."

Ino's cheeks puffed up in a childish manner.

"He's not bland! He may be what you think he is, but for me, I think he's just having a hard time connecting with others. But I know for sure he always smiles from the bottom of his heart." She said, a genuine smile making its way to her lips subconsciously.

"Hmm, you seem to know a lot about him. Are you his stalker?" I joked with a teasing smile.

Ino's eyes widened briefly before shooting me a half-hearted glare.

"Not funny, Hinata! We were just randomly paired up in art class and I guess you could say we've gotten closer." She admitted shyly.

I smiled genuinely, "That's great, Ino. I'll be rooting for you."

Ino chuckled, "Thanks, hun. I appreciate that."

She then took out her phone and began scrolling on it while I finish my bento lunch. Afterwards, I went over to the fence to admire the scenery at the school grounds.

My ears suddenly picked up a loud grunting noise coming from below. Looking down directly at the school campus, was a bunch of male students who looked like thugs crowding around a certain blonde male. I gasped when one of them landed a swift uppercut to the blonde's jaw. My eyes then widened in realization when he tilted his head a bit, revealing his whiskers.

It's Naruto!

My confoundedness grew when Naruto reformed his fighting stance before charging towards the thugs with incredible speed. He delivered punches and kicks effortlessly, causing them to groan in pain as they fell to the ground. My face paled as I backed away from the fence.

I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that.

A beeping noise from Ino's phone made me snap out of my thoughts. I glanced over at her in curiosity when she gasped in surprise. I returned to my spot across from her.

"What's going on?" I asked as I watched Ino typing down on her phone promptly, her expression turning giddy.

Ino finally turned her attention to me, grinning enthusiastically.

"I almost forgot that tomorrow is Gaara's birthday! Temari messaged me just now and she invited us to the party!" She then grasped both of my hands which caught me by surprise.

"We have to go there, Hinata! Especially you! Don't you know what this means?!" I blinked at her rapidly, confusion written all over my face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm on the right track. " I admitted.

Ino sighed exasperatedly, "This is your chance to show people who you really are! And don't say no to me, girl. I've had enough of it." She pointed a finger at me with a half-hearted glare when I opened my mouth to protest.

I frowned, "B-But dressing up is not really my thing. And you know I hate being the center of attention." I said, lowering my gaze to my lap.

Ino shook her head vigorously, "No, trust me on this Hinata. I'm not like your bitchy friends in middle school. They're such a bad influence to you, forcing you to wear revealing clothes at parties and to skip classes just to do some shitty stuff! I'm different from them, and I promise that you'll have a good time at the party. Cross my heart and hope to die." She said sternly, drawing an X mark on her chest before raising up her hand.

Ino's pleading stare was hard to decline. I sighed in defeat.

I flashed her a solemn look, "I'm trusting you in this, Ino. So please, do everything you can to not break my trust." I implored. Ino's light blue eyes softened before giving me a reassuring smile.

"You can count on me, Hinata."

Although at the back of my mind, something tells me that an unexpected event will occur at the party.

Eventually, we climbed downstairs during the remaining fifteen minutes of the lunch period. When we reached the third floor where the seniors reside, I caught a glimpse of a familiar girl with brown hair styled into twin mini buns, her appearance reminding me of Chun Li from Street Fighter. I watched as she chattered casually with her friends at the hallway near the windows, hers hands tucked in her pockets in a boyish manner.

"Tenten-senpai!" Ino exclaimed happily as she waved her hand around. Tenten's brown eyes lit up when she saw us and waved back.

"Fetch you guys later." I heard her say to her friends before jogging up to us.

"Yo, how's it going? And Ino, please don't address me that. I really don't feel like an upperclassman." She admitted with a coy smile.

I chuckled and greeted her with a polite bow.

"It's good to see you Tenten." I said warmly. Tenten's smile broadened.

"You too, Hinata!"

Ino smirked and nudged her arm playfully.

"So, how does it feel like dating the President of the Student Council? You can't help but feel proud, huh? I can totally see you with your chin held up high as if saying, 'Ha, this guy is mine bitch.'" She teased with a wink, pertaining to my cousin who's also in his senior year. A red hue appeared on Tenten's cheeks as she rubbed the back of her head bashfully.

"Well, I guess you could say that. I still can't believe that happened, though. I mean, I used to admire him from afar whenever he'd make an announcement during morning assemblies and the next thing I knew, I was already standing next to him. I guess love works in mysterious ways." Tenten said, grinning widely as she placed her hands behind her head.

"Oh girl, you are so right! I'm so glad you guys are together now! Who knew a tomboy like you would fall in love!" Ino gushed, causing Tenten and I to erupt into fits of laughter.

"Anything is possible after all." Tenten added with a smile.

Ino then leaned her elbow on top Tenten's shoulder with a smug expression.

"Well, did you guys have sex yet?" She asked casually, a mischievous glint evident in her eyes.

Like a robber caught red-handed, Tenten tensed up immediately, a deep blush forming on her face.

"S-S-Sex?! That's going too fast, Ino! We just started dating a week ago!" She protested, looking clearly flustered.

Ino snickered, "I was just kidding, girl. But if ever you guys are gonna do it, you can drop by to my house. I've got a lot of condoms stored in my room." Ino said with a playful smirk, her eyebrows wiggling deviously.

Tenten's eye twitched, "Ino!" She yelled exasperatedly, earning a giggle from the dirty blonde-haired girl.

Meanwhile, my eyes blinked innocently, unable to follow to their conversation.

My head tilted to the side, "Sorry to interrupt, but what's sex?" I asked curiously.

Ino and Tenten whipped towards me, looking horrified.

"Wait, what? You don't know Hinata?" Tenten asked in surprise. I shook my head slowly. She sighed.

"Jeez, Ino. Your friend is so innocent and you're trying to ruin it."

Ino smiled coyly, "It's just that she's very disinterested in romance."

"Oh, well. It can't be helped. I'm sure you'll learn about it once you meet the guy of your dreams, Hinata."

For a moment, a crestfallen expression crossed over my features.

I doubt that'll happen.

I shook my head lightly, settling on changing the subject.

"Speaking of which, how is Neji nii-san doing?" I asked curiously.

"Busy as usual. Though it seems like the Student Council members are planning something grand for Valentine's Day since February is nearing, or so I heard." Tenten said, shrugging her shoulders.

Ino perked up in surprise, "Oh my gosh, seriously? This could be my chance to confess to Sai!" She enthused.

Tenten raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Ah, right. I remember you telling me you totally have hots for that bland guy."

A red irk mark appeared on Ino's forehead, glaring at Tenten.

"He's not bland!" She protested.

Tenten rolled her eyes playfully, "Whatever you say."

Ino and I bid our farewell after the conversation with Tenten before climbing downstairs.

"Hey, before we head back to our floor, wanna grab an ice cream at the cafeteria? We still have ten minutes before the bell." Ino suggested.

I nodded with a smile, "Yeah sure. Let's go."

Walking around the hallway is one thing I hate the most. Let's just say it's because I was the center of attention most of the time. And boy, it's something that I can never get used to. I held onto Ino's arm tightly as we passed by the hallway towards the cafeteria. Snickers, murmurs, and whispers filled the area, escalating my anxiety.

Ino huffed in annoyance as we arrived at the cafeteria.

"Ugh, I really hate those assholes. They just never learn to stop, huh?" She growled.

I sighed, "There's nothing we can do, Ino. This is reality after all." I said as my expression saddened.

Ino placed a hand on my shoulder firmly with a determined expression.

"Where there's a will, there's a way. You just gotta be confident, Hinata! You haven't even shown your true colors yet, and you'll do that at the party." For some reason, I felt the heavy weight on my chest being pulled off as relief washed over me.

I smiled at her genuinely. Throughout my highshool years in Konoha High, I've always wanted to be a invincible, going unnoticed by people. After the unpleasant events in middle school, I made up my mind with changing my appearance entirely. Unfortunately, it didn't go well since people still notice my anyway, but in a negative way.

As a result, I was bullied in the last two years in Konoha High.

I've always hated attention.

And yet why was I always noticed by everyone?

I'm so sick of it.

But this time, I won't hide anymore. My mother once told me when she was alive that true beauty shapes who you are.

And I should never be ashamed of my natural beauty, no matter what.

"Thanks, Ino. I really needed to hear that."

After getting our desserts, we began walking back to the classroom while chatting casually. This time, I completely ignored the negative gossips behind my back by the other students.

"Vanilla again? Isn't that flavor a little too plain, Hinata?"Ino asked in disbelief as I licked on my ice cream.

"I think it tastes just fine. And isn't yours too sweet?" I asked as I eyed her pink strawberry ice cream.

"Well, that's what makes it taste good!" She exclaimed enthusiastically. I chuckled.

Ino sure is girly in every way.

Unaticipatedly, I bumped into someone and I could've sworn I thought there was a wall blocking the way because of the solid impact. I staggered backward, luckily regaining my footing. I sighed in relief, my gaze engrossed on my ice cream that was still on my grip.

"I'm so sorry about--" When I looked up, my lavender orbs immediately shrunk and I couldn't seem to find my voice as I stared at the tall figure before me, terrified.

Blonde bangs casted a shadow over his eyes, manifesting his enkindle rage. I gulped audibly when his fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. My eyes widened as I witnessed the vanilla ice cream smeared on his polo uniform.

My heart nearly dropped to the pit of my stomach when he slammed his fist against the shoe locker, causing a harsh, ear-splitting sound to echo around the area. My knees wobbled in fear when his head slowly raised up as I witnessed his darkened blue eyes burning with rage.

People nearby gasped at the sudden turn of events as some stopped by to see what the ruckus was all about. I heard Ino gasped beside me.

"H-Hina--" I heard her try calling out in a shaky voice but was cut off when Naruto began sauntering towards me, his blue eyes locking me in his deadly glare.

Despite my knees wobbling, I managed to take a step back as glassy tears formed at the corner of my eyes.

"P-Please... I-I.." I mumbled incoherently as I couldn't find the words with fear overtaking my senses. I was trembling so badly that I lost my strength to step back as Naruto drew closer towards me, staring at me as if I were his prey.

"Seeing you acting all carefree and happy-go-lucky with your friend here," His low, venomous tone practically screamed terror and malice as his slow, deadly pace came to a halt when he was standing right in front of me, his presence incredibly close and I had to stop myself from collapsing on the floor.

I let out a squeak in surprise when he suddenly yanked my blouse collar in an iron grip before roughly pulling me towards him, my smaller frame colliding against his steele chest in the process.

"Makes me feel fucking sick." He snapped, his fiery blue eyes glaring at my frightened lavender ones.

I whimpered in response, wanting to cower away from his intimidating figure but his monstrous strength prevented me from doing so.

I placed my free hand on his chest shakily, giving him a pleading look.

"U-Uzumaki-san... L-Let me clean your--" Naruto gritted his teeth before pushing me against the shoe lockers abruptly. I gasped at the painful sensation.

"Shut your damn mouth or I'll slit your throat in half! And don't touch me, you four-eyed bitch!" He barked, pushing me harder against the locker. I cried out in agony and began struggling in his hold.

Ino came up beside him and attempted to pry his arm off that was keeping me still.

"S-Stay away from her!" She yelled in a pleading voice. Pure fear was evident on her features but she tried to fight it off, her eyes watering up.


Naruto growled dangerously before pushing her back aggressively with his free hand, growing even more infuriated.

"Get your hands off me, you Barbie wannabe!" He taunted bitterly.

Ino whimpered as she collapsed on the floor with her ice cream forgotten on the floor. She glanced at me in pity.

"N-No! P-Please... don't hurt her.." I begged as a single tear strolled down my cheek.

Naruto cocked his head to the side, an amusing smirk playing across his lips.

"And hurt you instead? That would be my pleasure." He mocked as I felt his fingers wrapping around my throat deliberately. I yelped in pain when his grip suddenly tightened, blocking my air supply.

Ino shook her head vigorously as tears streamed down her cheeks, her hands balling up into fists.

"Stop it or I'll inform the principal about this!" She exclaimed angrily as she stood up. She was about to run to the opposite direction but she stopped when Kiba and Choji blocked her way.

"You're not going anywhere, bitch." Choji snarled with his arms crossed.

Kiba smirked, "You'll have to stay here and watch your friend suffer whether you like it or not." He mocked.

Ino placed a hand over her mouth as more tears escaped from her eyes.

"No... H-Hinata..."

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek when Naruto suddenly slapped me hard. I let out an agonizing scream. He clicked his tongue in annoyance before delivering another harsh slap to my other cheek, making me whimper. I choked and gasped for air in his tight hold.

"You annoying piece of shit. I was pretty exhausted after those thugs did a number on me. But then you fucking ruined my mood." He growled. For a brief moment, I felt relieved when he removed his hand on my throat. But it was short-lived when he suddenly kneed me on the stomach. I screamed in agony, coughing out blood afterwards. Naruto snickered devilishly as he delivered a punch to my stomach and my screams grew louder.

"Hinata!!" Ino lets out a shrill cry as she was being held back by Kiba and Choji, her eyes puffy from crying.

My vision grew blurry as I felt like the world is spinning, most likely due to light-headedness. I suddenly had the urge to vomit from the painful sensation on my stomach. My eyes became half-lidded as I took the time to scan my surroundings.

Ino was trying to escape from Kiba's and Choji's grip as she looked panic-stricken. While everyone only watched the scene in the sidelines, whispering and gossiping amongst each other.

"She's in bad luck today, angering the Uzumaki like that."

"She deserved it anyway, that bitch needs to know her place."

My eyes slowly fluttered close as another tear strolled down my cheek.

I hate being treated like this.

Like I'm some kind of garbage.

Since freshman, I've always been manipulated and controlled by people as if I were a puppet.

In this school, I was forced to face the cruel reality.

A cruel reality where the world doesn't buy kindness and looks matter to everyone.

If that's the case, then I have no choice but to fight back.

I glanced at my bestfriend, her face had grown pale as she looked horrified. I gave her a weak smile.

And I will fight back.

Mustering all of my strength, I kneed him on the crotch and threw my ice cream right to his face. Naruto's eyes widened, a shell-shocked expression written on his face as he screeched in pain as the vanilla liquid ran down his whiskered cheeks. He had to release his grip on me as he leaned over with his legs closed, writhing over his painful area.

Breathing unsteadily, I backed away from him with one hand holding onto my stomach.

Naruto barely raised his head, flashing me a heated glare as he wiped the liquid with his arm.

"Y-You fucking dipshit. Who knew you had that in you? Now I'm gonna kick your fucking pussy so hard that you won't be able to fuck someone." He snarled as he limped towards me, his body slightly bent forward.

I whimpered, fear overtaking my senses once more.

How can he still walk?

Finally, the bell chimed, signalling that lunch period had just ended. I nearly fell over as relief washed over me.

Thank God.

Naruto clicked his tongue in annoyance before turning to me with a scowl.

"I'm not finished with you yet, four eyes."


"I just can't believe that guy! He just came back from his week suspension and he's back at it again! Just when will that Uzumaki bastard ever learn?!" Ino exclaimed angrily as she paced back and forth around her room.

I sighed, rubbing the right side of my abdomen where he severely hit me. I sat down on the edge of Ino's purple bed.

"There's nothing we can do, Ino. That's just who he is." I said, a solemn expression crossing over my features.

Yesterday, Ino guided me straight to the clinic after Naruto gave me a brutal beating so I missed a few classes. As for Naruto, due to his misbehavior, Principal Tsunade decided to give him a light punishment which is doing cleaning duty after school. Ino and I protested that he didn't only harm me but also got himself into a fight with some students from another school. Although, Principal Tsunade explained that since the midterm exams are nearing, giving Naruto another week's suspension would be risky.

It was unfair how he could get away from everything so easily.

But then again, only those who hold popularity and authority can gain whatever they desire.

Noticing my expression, Ino rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Let's just drop him out of the topic." Her eyes then lit up as she opened her grand closet.

"For now, we should focus on the party. Like you know, get all the problems behind us for now and have fun. You in?" She asked with a hopeful look.

I smiled, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I'll never know, this might be exactly what I need."

I haven't gone to a party for a long time ever since the incident in middle school.

But I think it's time to come out of my shell and reveal my true self to everyone from Konoha High.

I can't let them view me as someone they believe me to be.

Being insecure has always been my major flaw, that's why I chose to hide my real identity behind a pair of glasses and my hair tied into a braid.

But I'm not afraid to show it anymore.

Ino grinned enthusiastically, "Now, that's the answer I've been expecting."

Excitedly, she took out a pair of dresses with different designs.

"Alright, I'll be lending you clothes since I'm a good friend. Now, which one do you choose?" She asked.

I blinked, feeling uneasy at her choice of clothing. She held up a backless plain purple dress and a black v-neck dress which was a bit revealing for the cleavage.

I scratched my cheek, "I think those clothes are a little too revealing." I pointed out.

Ino's eyes widened in realization, "Oh, right. Sorry about that, just got excited." She said with a sheepish smile before dropping the dresses on her bed.

"Hang on. You need to wear something not too revealing, but not too preppy either." She muttered to herself as she rummaged through her large closet.

After a while, my curiosity spikes up when she took out a yellow spaghetti strap, a black skater skirt, and a white cardigan. Ino grinned proudly.

"Voila! What do you think about this one? It's pretty simple but after all, simplicity is what reveals one's natural beauty." She said as if she were reciting a Shakespeare monologue. I giggled and nodded.

"I totally love it, Ino. Thank you so much. I think this suits me." I said genuinely.

Ino came up to me to give me a bear hug

"Aww, anything for you hun. I'm glad to be of help."

It was already quarter to seven on Ino's alarm clock when she finished applying light make up on my face. She ended the process by putting light pink lip gloss on my bottom lip.

Ino pulled back and smiled proudly at her work.

"There we go," She glanced at her clock and gasped.

"Damn, it's almost time. Alright get changed, Hinata. Just use the bathroom downstairs." She said as she handed me the clothes for the party. I nodded before proceeding to get changed.

I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and was greeted by a wide-eyed Ino.

"Oh my! You look like a doll, Hinata! You're so pretty!" I smiled bashfully as she grasped both of my hands and began gushing over my outfit.

"Thanks. And you look lovely, Ino." I commented which made her smile. Her hair was still tied up into a ponytail and wore a dark purple dress that reached down to her knees and white winter boots.

I on the other hand, wore the clothes Ino lend me along with a pair of black winter boots to complete my outfit. I wasn't used to not wearing glasses anymore after being on disguise for two years but thankfully, my vision isn't that blurry. My once braided hair was now to its full length, the dark blue locks cascading down my shoulders freely.

A loud honk resounded from outside Ino's house.

"That must be Temari. She came to fetch us. Come on, let's go." She said as she grabbed her white winter coat. I nodded, putting on my black winter coat and wrapped my green scarf around my neck.

A black car on hazard across the snowy street was the first thing I see when we exited Ino's house. Temari was whistling to herself and tapping on the steering wheel through the open car window.

"Hey Tem!" Ino chirped as we entered her car and sat on the passenger's seat. Temari grinned as she rolled up the car window and turned to us. She was sporting a black leather jacket underneath a green shirt, some black ripped jeans and a pair of black sneakers. She's quite the rebellious and headstrong type but she has a heart of gold.

"Hey guys! Ready for a ride? By the way, you look pretty good, Hinata. I doubt that any guy wouldn't stop and stare at you." She said sassily, quirking up an eyebrow.

I smiled softly, "Thanks Temari."

"Hell yeah! Let's do this!" I giggled in amusement at Ino looking so pumped up.

"Alright. Hang on tight, ladies!"

In roughly ten minutes, we made it to Gaara's house. I stepped out of the car, feeling a bit nauseous and a bit pale. Temari's driving scared the heck out of me as I felt like we were on a race. I sighed, wondering if she even had a driver's license.

My jaw dropped at the sight of Gaara's huge mansion behind the giant black gates. A tall white modern house stood in front of us with black columns on each corner of the building. On the middle was a large white fountain.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Gaara's father runs a successful business company.

"Well? Are you guys just gonna gawk at my house? Come on, my brother would be happy to see you two." Temari said with a chuckle as she walked up to the gate and pressed her hand on the screen beside it. Automatically, the gates moved to give way for us.

"Damn. If I were as rich as Temari, I'd buy all sorts of luxuries." Ino mumbled, making me roll my eyes.

Faint music was the first thing I could pick up as we neared to the front door of the large mansion. From the glass windows, numerous silhouettes were dancing wildly to the beat as light of different colors flickered around the area.

When Temari opened the door, I automatically covered my ears with my hands before the blaring music could penetrate through my eardrums. Ino and I took off of our winter coats and hung it at the clothing rack beside the front door. As we follow after Temari, I took the time to scan my surroundings. The living room was spacious as juniors occupied the black leather couch with red plastics cup in their hands. I turned away in disgust when I spotted a couple making out at the corner of the staircase, nearly feeding off each other's faces.

I tensed up a bit when some faces turned their attention to me, their features showing of surprise and astonishment. Eventually, more students began to take notice as I pass by them.

"Hey, who's that cutie over there? I don't remember seeing her around before."

"Damn, I'd totally date that chick."

"Wait, those eyes.. Isn't that Hinata Hyuga?"

"Holy shit, you're right!"

"Man, I never knew she was that pretty!"

I lowered my head and hid behind Ino as we continue to follow after Temari, my cheeks growing hot from the attention.

Ino chuckled, "Now look at those jerks checking you out. You totally blew their minds, Hinata!" She said proudly with a wink. I only smiled bashfully in response

"Gaara!" I heard Temari call out to her brother. Looking over at Ino's shoulder, I saw Gaara leaning against the kitchen counter with a drink in hand. He had red spiky hair, green eyes with black rings around it as if he were sleep-deprived, and a red kanji carved on the left side of his forehead. He wore a red flannel, dark jeans and some sneakers. He was chatting casually with his brother, Kankuro with a hand on his pocket.

The said guy whipped his head to our direction and smiled at his sister. Kankuro sent us a quick wave.

"Oh, hey big sis. And I'm glad you made it Ino and... Hinata?" When his gaze landed on me, his eyes widened. I smiled coyly and nodded slowly.

Ino chuckled as she puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Isn't she a beauty? I transformed her myself." She said with a grin.

"Wow, I didn't recognize you for a moment. I guess that's why guys were checking you out earlier." Kankuro joked. He had brown hair, onyx eyes, and his face sported a purple paint in a cross-like design. He wore a simple black shirt, dark jeans, and tennis shoes. I blushed, scratching my cheek awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know, right. One minute, those fuckers were treating her like shit then out of the blue, they're gawking at her as if she was some kind of goddess." Temari sneered, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Agreed. You probably took their breath away, Hinata." Ino said with a smirk. I waved my hands in front of me with a shy smile.

"I'm sure it's nothing like that." I admitted shyly.

Kankuro chuckled, "Now look who's acting humble."

"So, wanna go grab a punch?" Temari inquired, jabbing a thumb at the counter at the corner of the kitchen, where people were getting fruit punch from a large coleman.

"Sounds good to me." Ino says with a shrug. I nodded along before turning to Gaara.

"Happy birthday by the way, Gaara-kun." I said with a polite smile.

Gaara smiled back coyly, "Thank you, Hinata."

"Yeah, happy birthday panda boy!" Ino teased with a smirk.

Gaara sweatdropped and sighed, "Don't call me that, Ino. I've had enough of that nickname since freshman." He pointed out.

Ino stuck her tongue out at him, "Well you ain't gonna stop me, panda boy!" She joked before walking off with Temari and I.

After grabbing our drinks, we occupied the empty couch at the living room. I swallowed a lump in my throat when I noticed some guys checking me out with smirks on their faces. I turned away, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"My, my, who would've thought you're actually such a hottie, Hinata~" I flinched, recognizing the voice immediately. Standing in front of me, was Kiba, sporting his gray hoodie, dark jeans and sneakers. He smirked and licked his lips, ogling at me from head to toe.

It was the first time he called me by my name.

Usually he'd address me as 'nerd' or 'freak' at school.

Does he really think he has the right to suddenly act casual around me after the way he treated me?

I looked away, my cheeks warming up from the way he's staring at me intently. I gasped when he crouched down to be eye level with me, smirking at my reaction. He gently took a handful of my hair and brought it close to his nose, taking a long sniff of it.

"Mmm.. Fuck, you smell amazing too. Why did you hide your beauty from me, sweatheart? I'd totally be so into you when you look so damn hot." He said in a sultry tone as he slowly leaned forward, looking at my lips. I whimpered as I placed my hands on his chest.


Suddenly, a grunt escaped from his lips as he was abruptly yanked away from me, much to my relief. Temari was glaring down at him angrily, her hand clenching on the collar of his hoodie.

"Get your dirty hands off her, dog breath. Lay a finger on her and I'll cut your fucking dick off and mount it on your forehead." She growled.

Kiba chuckled dryly as he stood up and swatted Temari's arm away.

"That's harsh, Temari. Shouldn't you act a bit nicer?" He mocked.

Temari narrowed her eyes at him, "Says the one who treated my friend like garbage. I should say that to you, asshole."

"Now, now. I suggest we play it off nice right now. You wouldn't want to ruin your brother's birthday, would you?"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, her fiery green eyes remaining rooted on him.

"I'll give you a taste of my fist as a greeting when I see you at school." She taunted.

"Try me," He shot back.

He then turned to me, smirking devilishly. He sent me a wink.

"I'll be at the guest room if you want to look for me. We'll be having a good time, I can assure you that." He purred seductively before walking off, leaving me in a flustered mess.

Ino huffed in annoyance, "That bastard. Who does he think he is?"

Temari tilted her head to the side, giving it a good crack as she sat beside Ino.

"I know. Just leave him be. Are you okay, Hinata?" She asked worriedly.

I nodded with a smile, "Yes, thank you for that Temari."

Temari waved a hand dismissively, "It's no big deal. Just try not to be close with those perverts."

As the three of us were chatting casually, I couldn't help but have a feeling in my gut that someone's watching me. I shuddered and looked around frantically as paranoid thoughts filled my mind. Unfortunately, everyone was just minding their own business. My lips quivered.

I just hope that feeling would go away.

However, my prayers were unanswered as the feeling of being watched didn't ease my swelling anxiety.

My eyes wandered around the area, searching for the unknown creep who has been watching me for nearly fifteen minutes. My gaze stopped at the left corner of the kitchen counter as I caught sight of a tall silhouette that I couldn't quite distinguish due to the dimmed lights. He was leaning against the counter, a drink on one hand while the other was tucked into his jean pocket. What made me feel certain that he was the one watching me was the way his head kept turning sideways to my direction everytime. My heart thudded loudly against my chest when the lights flickered on his figure and for a split second, I found his eyes trained directly at me as we made eye contact.

I gasped before jerking my head away almost immediately. A moment of realization hits me when I saw his eyes.

Because I was certain that I've seen those ocean blue eyes somewhere.

"Hinata, are you alright? You've been awfully quiet." I was snapped out of my thoughts as Ino eyed me worriedly. I didn't realize that my breathing had grown unsteady as I try to catch my breath.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Um, I'll just use the bathroom." I said inbetween pants.

Ino nodded quickly, "Okay girl, we're coming with you."

I quickly declined her offer. "Oh, no it's alright. I just need to freshen up. I'll be back in a minute."

"Sure, we'll be waiting here. Turn to the right corner at the kitchen, that's where the bathroom is." Temari said.

I nodded and stood up. "Thanks Temari."

I looked around uncomfortably as I squeezed through a large pack of people, letting out a yelp whenever they'd accidentally bump into me. Following Temari's instruction, I turned to the right corner. I sighed in relief upon seeing a wooden door ahead of me when I felt a hand grasping onto my wrist firmly. I squeaked in utter surprise before whipping around and saw a guy with shaggy white hair, icy blue eyes, and unbelievably pale skin. Otsutsuki Toneri.

I've seen him around in my class. He was one of the nicest guys in junior year because he never bullied me, nor made fun of my nerdy look. Despite being one of the top students in class, he also engages in extracurricular activities as he's a member of the basketball team.

He sent me a kind smile, his hand still grasped on my wrist firmly.

"Is that you, Hinata? I have to say you look really gorgeous tonight." He said sweetly as he began caressing my wrist with his thumb. I blushed deeply, my eyes looking everywhere but at him. I could feel his eyes staring deeply into my soul.

I haven't encountered such a nice and sweet guy ever since I transferred to Konoha High.

"U-Um.. Thank you, Toneri-kun." I said softly that it almost sounded like a whisper. Toneri seemed to heard me as he chuckled lightly. He reached out to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, my cheeks growing redder at that.

"There's no need to be shy, Hinata. It's just me." He said, his icy blue eyes tracing every inch of my body. I grew nervous at his deep gaze as I tensed up visibly.

"S-Sorry. It's just that it's rare for me to interact with a nice guy like you." I admitted coyly. Toneri's eyes soften and reached out to rub my arms gently. I shuddered under his touch but I tried not to show it. I didn't want him to think that I was disgusted when he was being so nice to me.

"Oh my dear Hinata, you've don't have to worry about dealing with those jerks at Konoha anymore."

I perked up when Toneri suddenly took a step forward, closing in the space between us. My eyes widened as I took a step back instinctively. Unfortunately, my back collided against the wall behind me as I did so. Toneri's soft features changed drastically into a devilish one as he leaned forward, his lips brushing gently against my ear on purpose. I gasped, my mind turning into a jumbled mess as my brain couldn't process what's happening.

"I'll treat you better than the other guys who made your life a living hell. In fact," He paused as I felt his hands trailing down to my sides, stroking it affectionately. I squeaked at the tingling sensation, my cheeks growing even hotter as I squirmed under his touch.

"I'll even make you feel good~" He purred seductively in my ear, his tongue coming to play to lick at my ear lobe sensually. I mewled softly at the weird sensation before I could stop myself.

"T-Toneri-kun.. S-Stop.." I moaned helplessly as my knees became weaker at his ministrations. Toneri groaned in pleasure as he nibbled on my ear while his hands still stroked my sides.

"Fuck, you're turning me on Hinata." He grunted. My eyes widened when he began undoing his pants.

"W-What.. are you doing?" I asked as my heart pounded in fear, which escalated when Toneri grinned at me maniacally.

Is he going to... rape me?

I placed my trembling hands in front of me in attempt to push him away.

"N-No.. I don't want this." I whimpered as my face grew pale.

Toneri chuckled dryly as his belt dropped on the floor, the zipper on his pants came undone but I didn't dare to look down.

"Come on, Hinata. You know you want it~" He said in a sultry tone as he reached out to grope one of my breasts. I squealed loudly and attempted to swat his hand away, but he had a firm grip on my breast, massaging it roughly. I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut, wishing that it was just a horrible nightmare.

"Get your dirty hands off of her, you son of a bitch!" My eyes shot open at the familiar voice and before l knew it, Toneri groaned in pain as he was yanked roughly against the wall. When I looked up, shell-shocked contorted my features upon seeing Naruto beating the hell out of Toneri severely.

"You fucking shithead! You'll pay for that!" He yelled angrily, his blue eyes burning with rage as he kept delivering punches to Toneri's face until he passed out. I gasped in shock as his knuckles were smeared with Toneri's blood, my fearful gaze then landed at Toneri, his cheeks had a number of purplish bruises as blood dripped down from the corner of his lips.

Naruto breathed heavily as he stood up straight and cracked his knuckles, his heated gaze rooted on Toneri's passed out form. I stared at him, frightened.

Why did he have to beat him up like that?

Naruto wore an orange long-sleeved polo with the sleeves folded up to his elbows. His dark ripped jeans, black sneakers and the headband around his head still captured the image of a delinquent.

I flinched when his gaze turned to me, his expression softening slightly. He then cleared his throat and looked away.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, a hint of genuine concern in his voice. Although, he was avoiding eye contact with me which I find pretty odd.

I ignored his question and went straight to the point.

"U-Uzumaki-san..? What are you doing here?" I asked, disbelief written all over my face. Naruto tensed up at the way I address him as his head jerked towards me in surprise.

"That voice... So it really is you huh, four eyes?" He said, his blue eyes glancing at me every so often as he scratched his cheek. I raised an eyebrow, a bit taken aback by his question.

Can he not recognize me? Or maybe he just found it hard to believe.

Well, believe it or not. Here I am now.

I was growing frightened by every minute. Generally, I disliked being around his presence ever since freshman but after the brutal beating I received yesterday, my fear increased tenfold. My lips quivered, wanting to get away but there was no other way out with the wall behind me.

Naruto noticed my trembling form and frowned before a sigh escaped from his lips.

"I won't hurt you, four eyes. I just saved your butt from that guy, see? He almost raped you."

I shook my head frantically, my shaking hands clutching at my chest as I made sure to keep my distance from him.

"Y-You're playing an act. I just know it."

Naruto placed his hands in front of him in attempt to calm me. But I knew that wouldn't work.

"Look, you don't have to be scared of me. I actually... owe you an apology." He said in an unusual, soft voice. I stared at him as if he had two heads.

Does he really think an apology can change my mind in how I see him?

He was known as cruel, ruthless, and cold-hearted. There's just no way the Naruto Uzumaki would be asking for forgiveness.

It's just not his nature to be kind.

I lowered my gaze to the ground, unable to meet his ocean blue eyes, which held a deep emotion in it.

"Do you really think a simple apology would work, Uzumaki-san? After all those years of hell I've been through was because of you. You were always spreading bad rumors about me and making fun of my appearance. But when we entered junior year, you were more violent and abusive as ever. Going so far by beating up the weak when they're so vulnerable, including me. But now you're suddenly asking for forgiveness? This isn't a good joke, Uzumaki-san." I said truthfully in a stern voice, having the courage to express my thoughts.

There was guilt found in his expression as his eyes searched for mine frantically, as if I were a math question, trying to be figured out. Slowly, he took a step forward and I grew alarmed.

"D-Don't go any closer." I warned, my fear coming back once more as my legs trembled.

"Four eyes, just listen--"

"No! I don't want to hear it!" I yelled before deciding to make a dash towards the kitchen and threw the liquid contents left on my plastic cup to his face, silently hoping that I could get past Naruto without getting caught. However, he managed to grab a hold of my arm. I yelped as I tried to yank myself out of his grip.

He groaned in annoyance and wiped the fruit punch that was spilled on his face with his free hand as his grip tightened, making me wince.

"Dammit! Stop being so annoying!" He growled before storming out of the kitchen while dragging me along.

"L-Let go of me!" I pleaded desperately while continuously trying to escape from his strong grip but he just kept pulling me along effortlessly.

"Not unless you listen to what I have to say!" He exclaimed, glancing over at me with an annoyed expression.

I shook my head vigorously, "You have nothing to say to me and I won't definitely lend you my ears!" I shot back angrily, slapping on his hand on my arm but his tight grip wouldn't budge.

Naruto clicked his tongue and yanked me harder and I nearly lost my footing as I staggered forward. Before I knew it, I was greeted by a cold breeze, causing me to shiver at the sudden change of temperature. It took me a moment to realize that we're at Gaara's front yard. The atmosphere was quiet, excluding the faint music blaring inside the mansion and the sound of water running down the large fountain in the middle of the yard.

Naruto's grip remained on my arm as he turned to me, much to my annoyance. His blue eyes still searched for my lavender ones, making me feel uncomfortable under his deep gaze. He had an unreadable expression on his face, and I had no clue what's going on in his mind from the way he's staring at me so intently.

His iron grip on my arm slowly ceased, which made me raise an eyebrow at the strange gesture. My confusion grew when he slowly brought my arm close to his face, his eyes narrowing as he inspected it.

I gulped, unable to bear the queer silence anymore.

"U-Uzumaki-san..?" My hesitant tone pierced through the cold, silent night as I gazed at the tall blonde male in confusion. I tried not to flinch when his eyes flashed to mine momentarily but unlike yesterday, his blue orbs held tenderness and sympathy.

I blinked at the new expression contorted on his features, which I find unusual.

Why is he looking at me like that?

What changed him to make him feel that way towards me?

Or was it just an act?

My train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt his lips pressing lightly against my arm. I jolted at the feeling and tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. My heartbeat picked up its speed when he planted soft kisses on my arm up to my wrist, his serious gaze rooted on me as he did so. A red tint grew on my cheeks.

"W-What... are you doing?" I asked in a hushed tone, trying to ignore the tingling sensation of his surprisingly rough but soft lips.

He planted another kiss against my wrist longer than I expected, before he pulled away.

His soft gaze lowered to my arm and moved his hand against it a bit, revealing a red hand print from his tight grip earlier.

"I hurted you..." He whispered, my heart nearly melting at the misery evident in his voice. I bit my lip, debating whether he was just acting everything up so I tried to remain on guard.

Once more, he continued trailing kisses on my arm, causing a deep blush to explode on my cheeks. I let out a small squeak when his tongue came to play, the hot, wet muscle licking at my trembling arm. This brought a smirk to Naruto's lips.

"Hm? You like that, huh? I'll give you more, then." He teased, my skin getting goosebumps from his sudden husky voice.

My eyes were half-lidded as my lips formed into a thin line. For some reason, I have to urge to cry out but I stopped myself. I didn't realize that I was panting heavily as I looked up at him.

"N-No, I don't." I quickly denied inbetween pants, my legs trembling at the sensation of his slimy tongue.

Naruto chuckled as his tongue swirled in tiny circles, teasing me.

"Oh, really? 'Cause from the looks of it, you're clearly begging for it." He said in a sultry tone, wiggling his eyebrows. My blush deepened and I looked away, much to Naruto's amusement.

"I'll take silence for a yes. Don't worry, I can be nice enough to give it to you." He purred flirtatiously as he gave my arm a long lick, making me shudder.

"N-No.. Uzuma--" I yelped in surprise when his teeth sunk under my flesh before sucking on it, groaning in delight afterwards.

"God, you're skin is so soft." He grunted as he bit into my arm once more, making me jolt abruptly. But strangely enough, the feeling was rather pleasurable than painful.

My body was starting to grow hot despite the cold weather as I panted heavily. I gasped when I lost my footing from the weird sensation. An arm snaked around my waist and I was soon found in Naruto's arms, his body pressing against mine. He had now removed his grip on my arm and was now reaching to grab a hold of my chin gently, tilting it up so that our eyes would meet.

"I'm sorry." I heard him say softly as his nose nuzzled into my dark blue hair, taking a long sniff of it before letting out a groan.

"Why are you... saying that?" I asked, flinching as his breath tickled my neck slightly.

He moved my hair away from my shoulders before his head dipped in, showering my neck with open-mouthed kisses, making me mewl softly.

"For the things that I did to you at school." My expression softened at the sincerity evident in his voice. I gasped softly when I felt him lick on my neck.

"And I'm also sorry in advance." This brought confusion to me as I tried to search for his face to see his expression, but he was too engrossed with his ministrations on my neck.

"Why..?" I managed to croak out as his tongue swirled around the sensitive area of my neck, bringing me to a bliss.

I squealed when he bit into my neck, the oddly sweet sensation making me melt in his arms.

He lets out a grunt against my neck.
"Because I can't hold back any longer."

Before I could process his words, I was carried bridal style as Naruto began walking briskly back inside Gaara's mansion. I was too shocked to protest as I stayed silent as we pushed passed the dancing highschoolers at the living room. My curiosity didn't cease as he climbed upstairs where the lights are all off and the area was surprisingly quiet.

He came to a halt when a wooden door stood in front of us. Using one hand, he twisted the knob open and opened the lights. Realization hits me as the blush on my cheeks grew tenfold when my eyes scanned the white king sized bed before me.

I wondered why he'd casually barge into one of Gaara's guest rooms but then I remembered that they were childhood friends. Although with their differences, I wondered how they're able to become close.

Naruto smirked at my reaction before tossing me effortlessly to the bed, making me yelp as my weight sunk under the mattress. I gulped and backed away nervously as Naruto leaned down and crawled on the bed towards me, his eyes tracing every curve of my body hungrily.

"Mmm... You're so sexy, you know what?" He purred as he came closer to my flustered form when my back hit the head board. A tingling sensation rushed through my whole body, making me feel hot all over. I blushed when he flashed me a devilish smirk and licked his lips in a seductive manner.

I gulped audibly under his gaze, my hands clenching at the bed sheets. His hand lifted up to my cheek, caressing it gently. Subconsciously, I leaned into his touch and hummed softly. He then moved his thumb to stroke it against my plump lips, making my eyes widened briefly. His thumb pushed inbetween my lips, attempting to part them.

"Open your mouth, sweetheart." He cooed, his smirk broadening when he witnessed my bright red face. Not knowing why, I complied and parted my lips slightly, his thumb entering inside my mouth, exploring my moist, wet cavern.

Naruto lets out a chuckle, "You're such a good girl, I'm gonna give you a reward later on." He said seductively as he crawled closer and sat inbetween my slightly parted legs. His free hand went to my thigh, rubbing it up and down, reaching under my black skirt everytime.

His thumb stroked my tongue gently, sending shivers down my spine from the pleasure. He then pulled it out of my mouth and brought it to his lips, letting out a soft moan as he sucked on it.

"So sweet," He purred, his hungry eyes flashing to mine deeply. I gulped, finding myself slowly turning on at the situation.

"Let's have a deal, shall we?" He inquired with a smirk as he removed his thumb from his mouth.

"W-What kind of deal?" I asked, watching as his hands began rubbing my thighs slowly while gazing at me as if I were a delicious piece of meat.

His head leaned close to my shoulder, his lips brushing against the shell of my air teasingly and my toes curled at the sensation.

"If I make you scream my name," He began as I felt a tingling sensation at my lower area from his deep voice.

He licked my earlobe and nibbled on it lightly, my hands shooting up to place them on his chest for support.

"You'll forgive me." He finished, giving my ear one last lick before pulling away, his eyes meeting mine once again.

I stared at him a bit drunkenly, as if I were caught up in a spellbinding trance. It took me a minute to process his words before my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"W-What do you mean by making me scream your name?" I inquired, uneasiness hinted in my voice.

But looking at Naruto's suggestive smirk, it almost seemed like he wanted to do something naughty.

Very naughty.

He cocked his head to the side before letting out a chuckle in amusement, making me lower my head in embarrassment.

"Aww, you're such an innocent little angel, Hinata. You don't mind if we're on first name basis now, do you? Try calling me by my name too, use those cute little lips of yours." He said sensuously.

I blushed and shook my head vigorously.

"There's no way I'd do that. We're not even close." I protested, earning another chuckle from Naruto.

Suddenly, his hands shot up to my shoulders before pulling me towards him and I let out a yelp when my body landed on his solid chest, my nose buried on his shoulder. I grew alarmed as he yanked both of my arms behind my back and felt a cloth being tied around it, locking my arms together. I gasped, wiggling my arms but to no avail. Glancing behind me, I noticed that Naruto had used his black headband.

I pulled away from him and caught sight of his hungry stare at my helpless form. I whimpered, cowering from his scrutinizing gaze.

"Uzumaki-san... Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me." I asked, my voice growing a bit shaky.

For a moment, Naruto's aroused behavior faltered, his expression softening gradually. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, acting as if he was being scolded like a kid.

"I did," He replied softly after a moment of silence which made me perk up. I stayed quiet and stared at him wordlessly, gesturing him to continue.

"But after seeing you earlier, I-I was just..." He trailed off and I noticed a light pink hue across his whiskered cheeks as he struggled to find the words. I blinked rapidly at the unusual sight.

Looking at him right now made me think that he looked pretty cute. I tried to fight back a smile as he began mumbling incoherently to himself.

He sighed again and slapped a hand on his forehead, catching me by surprise.

"Goddammit! This isn't exactly what I'm good at and yet, here I am about to say a bunch of fucking cheesy lines to a goddess in front of me!" He rambled on and on, moving his hands around comically. My eyes widened at the nickname he gave me.

"G-Goddess?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Naruto stopped his babbling and slowly turned his head to me as if he was caught red-handed.

His lips pursed into a tight line and from his hesitant look, I could tell he was having an inner turmoil whether if he should express his own thoughts. His cheeks turned into a deeper shade of red as we made eye contact, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"To be straightforward with you, I was smitten by your beauty, Hinata." He said genuinely. And for the first time, his usual darkened blue eyes have changed into a more vibrant one, holding a deep emotion in it.

My heart thudded loudly against my chest, feeling myself melting into a puddle at the strange feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

A new feeling which I longed for.

I looked at Naruto questionably when his hands slowly reached up to my shoulders. Realization hits me when he tugged on my cardigan lightly.

"Uzumaki-san!" I protested as my white cardigan slipped down to my shoulders, revealing my yellow spaghetti strap which exposed more of my creamy skin.

Naruto sent me a mischievous smirk before leaning down, his lips connecting with my shoulder blade. As if being pulled into a hypnosis, my eyes slowly fluttered close, feeling his lips trailed up to my collarbone. I let out a moan when he began nibbling on my sensitive spot before sucking on it hungrily as if he were a man dying of thirst. He inhaled my scent deeply and heard him cursed under his breath.

"Fuck, you smell so damn sweet. Like lilacs." He said in a sultry before biting on the base of my neck, making me cry out in pleasure.

He pulled away afterwards, and this time, he leaned in towards my face, his blue eyes glancing at my lips every so often.

"Can I kiss you, Hinata?" He whispered, though his lips were already brushing lightly against mine, as if he couldn't wait any longer. I smiled faintly at that.

"Yes, you can," I whispered back inbetween soft pants. Without a warning, his rough lips crashed into my soft ones, kissing me sensually and slowly, a muffled moan escaping from my lips at the blissful feeling.

I felt arms snaked around my waist, one hand making its way to the back of my head to keep me in place as Naruto tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss, biting down on my bottom lip occasionally.

Soon enough, his tongue came to play, licking at my closed lips, asking for permission. Shyly, I parted my lips slightly, granting him access as Naruto's tongue slipped in. I jolted as his tongue explored my wet cavern, licking at my insides, the wet muscle swirling around the roof of my mouth.

Our tongues then battled for dominance, my own tongue pushing back against his desperately in hopes of preventing him from taking over my space. I felt Naruto smirked inwardly as he easily won the battle, pushing my tongue back and licking at it with the tip of his wet muscle, making me moan.

He was the first to pull away from our French kiss, a small string of saliva connecting between our lips. My cheeks grew warm at that, finding it somewhat lewd and dirty. I breathed heavily as I looked up at Naruto, lust and deep desire found in his eyes.

He flashed me a lopsided smirk upon witnessing my rosy cheeks and saliva running down from the corner of my mouth.

I raised an eyebrow when he crawled away from me, a smirk remaining on his face. A loud gasp escaped from my lips when he grabbed a hold of my ankles before giving it a strong yank, making me slide down the head board as I was now laid on the bed on my back.

My heart beat escalated as Naruto soon hovered aboved me, his hands on either side of me supporting his body. He eyed my helpless form, drinking in my body hungrily and I could only squirm helplessly under his gaze. My long dark blue hair framed my face, a few strands sticking against my cheeks and neck as I was getting sweaty. I stared up at Naruto with my eyes half-lidded and rosy cheeks while releasing loud pants.

Naruto smirked, finding satisfaction at my exhausted and pleasured state.

"Save your breath for later, princess. The fun had just started." He teased, a coquettish grin playing across his lips. I blushed, wondering if he'd give me any more new nicknames.

My breath hitched when he dragged a finger along my collarbone, wandering off to south as it trailed down to the valley of my breasts, my navel, until it reached the hem of my skirt. Naruto watched in pure fascination as my chest lifted upwards as I was subconsciously wanting more of his touch. He licked his lips sexily.

"Damn. What a sight to look at." He teased, earning a blush from me as I whimpered, begging for more wordlessly. He snickered and obliged, leaning down to give me a quick peck on the lips before his hands reached down at the edge of my spaghetti strap. He then lifted it up, exposing the milky color of my midriff. I shuddered when the cold air hit my bare stomach.

Naruto then dipped his head down, his hot breath tickling my stomach. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pleasure to come. Unfortunately, I was left quizzical as I didn't feel any warm contact. Opening my eyes, I glanced down at him, wondering what's up.

Shock replaced my confusion as he eyed the visible purplish bruise found on the right side of my stomach from Naruto's brutal beating yesterday. Regret and guilt was found in his expression as his thumb traced the bruise gently as if it were made of glass.

"Hinata... I'm so sorry.." He said and my heart nearly broke upon hearing his voice cracking slightly. My legs wrapped around his torso in hopes of comforting him.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt that much anymore." I assured with a soft smile but Naruto shook his head, a single tear strolling down his cheek.

"But this looked so fucking painful. Hinata, I'm really sorry. I hate myself so damn much for doing this to you." He said with a sigh, his head resting on my bare stomach, placing a soft kiss on it.

My lips quivered, wishing that my restraints are off so that I could hug the blonde male before me. Right now, I wanted to comfort him.

"Please don't hate yourself. I'm already starting to see a change in you. And that's the thing that matters for me. So please, don't dwell so much to the past." I said genuinely, watching as Naruto lifted his spiky blonde hair, revealing his shocked expression.

"H-Hinata.." He said in pure awe.

I blushed when I remembered a recent memory.

"B-Besides, we had a deal remember? If you win, then I'll forgive you. B-But I still don't know how you'll make me scream though." I admitted, my blush deepening.

Naruto's cheeks puffed up, as if trying to hold back his laughter until he couldn't take it anymore as he threw his head back and burst out laughing. My eyes widened, finding his laugh quite captivating.

"Man, you're the cutest girl I've ever seen ya know?" He said, and I was surprised to find enthusiasm in his voice.

My heart pounded loudly against my ribcage upon witnessing the boyish grin on his face. He looked more childish but lively this way.

It almost seemed like he came back to his old self.

Naruto reached out to caress my cheek affectionately before pecking me on the lips.

"Thank you, Hinata." He said genuinely, which brought a smile to my lips.

"You're welcome, Naruto-kun." I said, my smile widening as I finally decided to call him by his name.

His blue eyes widened, a sheepish smile tugging along his lips as a red tint became visible on his cheeks. He leaned in once more and pecked my nose lovingly.

"Keep calling me by my name, Hinata." He said before his head descended south to give my navel some attention.

I mewled softly when his tongue circled around my belly button slowly as if to tease me.

"Hmm... Naruto-kun..." I pleaded softly, my legs tightening around his torso.

Naruto seemed to read my mind as his tongue slipped inside my belly button, lapping hungrily at the insides while occasionally sucking on it.

Afterwards, he lifted my spaghetti strap again until it reached above my chest, revealing my white frilly bra. He then began massaging my breasts through my bra, making me moan at the new stimulation.

"A-Ahhh~" I moaned loudly and threw my head back when he gave my breasts a light squeeze.

Naruto smirked deviously, "Someone's feeling good~" He teased, his fingers teasing my nipples through the fabric.

I glared at him half-heartedly, but soon changed into a look of pleasure as he squeezed my mounds a bit harder.

He found the bra hook in front so he unhooked it expertly with one finger before my large breasts were exposed to his eyes. My face turned red, squirming a bit underneath him. He hummed in amusement when my breasts jiggled a bit.

"Holy fuck.. Is there anything hotter than this?" He mumbled under his breath as he leaned down, engulfing one of my nipples into his warm mouth.

"H-Haaah~... Ahnnn~..." I moaned out loudly, my body twitching at the feeling of his tongue swirling around my erect bud.

Naruto's hands placed themselves on my hips, holding me in place as he switched to my other nipple which increased the volume of my moans. I struggled against the restraints, wanting to hold onto his blonde locks and tug on it.

"Mmm~" Naruto moaned against my nipple as he sucked on it, his tongue flicking at it which made electricity shocks coursing throughout my body.

After a while, he unwillingly pulled away from my breasts, his gaze trailing down towards my black skater skirt. I whimpered softly and shut my legs when he licked his lips, not knowing what he's up to.

I swallowed a lump in my throat nervously.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, watching as his body moved down to my legs, my panties growing damp in anticipation.

He sent me a playful wink, "You'll see, baby." Once again, I blushed at the another new nickname.

He parted my legs a bit wider, his knees inbetween providing no way to shut it. I squealed when he lifted my skirt, revealing my white cotton panties, a wet blotch found in the center. My body trembled as my cheeks flushed, feeling like I was facing my biggest humiliation.

"D-Don't look." I pleaded softly. Naruto sent me a reassuring smile, one of his hands resting on my thigh.

"It's okay, Hinata. You're beautiful in every way." He said genuinely, rubbing my thigh softly which somehow made me feel calm.

"Naruto-kun..." I whispered, staring at him into his blue orbs longingly.

His smile broadened before returning his attention to my lower area. Gently, his finger ran up and down my wet folds through my panties.

"Hnnghh~... Haahh~.." I moaned breathlessly, my body jerking at the new sensation.

Naruto seemed to be encouraged by my moans because he began rubbing my private area faster, increasing the pressure after each stroke. I squeezed my eyes shut, crying out at the strange yet wonderful stimulation as the wet blotch on my panties began spreading.

His index finger then circled around my opening while his thumb pressed down to my clit, rubbing it lightly. My toes curled and my head threw back, letting out a long, shaky moan.

"Ahh~... Haah~... Naruto-kun~" I moaned out desperately, my hips thrusting upwards to meet his fingers that were pleasuring me.

Naruto groaned loudly, growing sexually aroused as he kept running his fingers up and down my lower area rapidly.

"Fuck, shit! You're so fucking sexy, Hinata. You're making me feel hard." He growled, licking his lips hungrily as his fingers kept working on my weeping lower area.

His hand suddenly slipped under my panties, catching me by surprise as my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

"N-No! Naru-- Ahhh~" His fingers were now touching my sensitive area directly, making me scream loudly to the heavens. He continued to twirl his fingers around my wet slit, gathering moist as his thumb rubbed on my clit. I whimpered as my lower area began to throb painfully, as if begging for its release. Naruto's pace didn't stop as his fingers kept rubbing me, but it wasn't enough.

My legs spasmed uncontrollably as I cried out, squirming against my restraints.

"Ahh~... P-Please, Naruto-kun~" I begged for an unknown reason as I stared at him through watery eyes. A smirk played across Naruto's lips, as if an idea came to mind. A very sadistic idea.

He pretended he didn't hear me as his fingers continued rubbing me up and down, his smirk broadening at my petrified expression.

"Hmm? What was that? I couldn't quite hear you sweatheart. When you want it, you have to beg for it." He said in a sultry tone. Tears blurred my vision from the overwhelming sensation.

"B-But... I have no idea what I'm begging for!" I protested, letting out another moan when his thumb circled around my clit teasingly.

Naruto chuckled in amusement as he shook his head.

"Ah, I forgot that you're quite the innocent one. Fine then, since I'm kind enough, beg for me to fuck you. And when I say beg, you scream what you fucking want from me like there's no tomorrow. If you failed to do that, I'll keep teasing you like this." He purred seductively, one of his fingers sliding inbetween my lower lips, making me cry out in pleasure.

I shook my head vigorously, "I-I can't say that! That's so vulgar! Ahh~" I moaned again when another slipped in and slowly, his fingers began pumping in and out of my private area.

"Well, that's too bad. I guess I couldn't give you what you want then." Naruto teased, a fake sympathetic tone found in his voice as his fingers slid in and out of me continuously, driving me insane as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Ahh~ Ahh~ Hngghh~ O-Okay, I'll say it! I'll say it!" I screeched out as I felt a strange liquid dripping out of my pussy as Naruto pumped his fingers inside of me.

Naruto grinned maniacally, his blue eyes still engrossed on my maidenhood.

"Good girl~ Now open those pretty little lips of yours, my sweet little angel~" He cooed as his fingers pumped faster inside of me, making me moan breathlessly.

My cheeks flushed in embarrassment but I swallowed up my pride, deciding to go with it rather than to be stuck with Naruto's sweet torture. I clenched at the bed sheets behind me and trembled uncontrollably as more white liquid dripped out of my wet slit.

"Ahhh! Please fuck me, Naruto-kun! I need you so much!" I screamed loudly, my cheeks turning red at my own choice of words. Naruto smirked.

"That's the spirit, Hinata." He said in a sultry tone before removing his fingers from me. I grew nervous at the sound of shuffling clothes as Naruto began undoing his pants, revealing his black boxers. I gulped audibly upon seeing his manhood twitching in its confines. He also unbuttoned his orange polo, biting my lip in anticipation when it slid down his shoulders, revealing his muscular tanned body. Lastly, he finally removed his boxers, revealing his hard dick. He grinned, holding my hips in place.

"Is this what you want? To have sex with me?" He asked, a hopeful expression written on his face.

I smiled softly, "I have no idea what it feels like so please show me, Naruto-kun."

He smiled back, caressing my sides softly.

"I will, Hinata." With that, he pulled my white panties down to my ankles, making me yelp as my bare pussy has been exposed to his eyes. He groaned in delight, sniffing at my arousal.

"Mmm... Shit, you smell so delicious." He said, making me whimper.

I breathed heavily as he took a hold of his member and positioned it in front of my private area.

"This is gonna hurt a bit. But I promise it'll feel good afterwards." He reassured with a soft smile as his eyes traced my helpless body.

"O-Okay," I responded inbetween soft pants.

He inhaled sharply, "Alright. Here I come."

Before I knew it, I felt a painful intrusion on my pussy, making me let out an ear-splitting scream. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my head jerked from side to side. Only half an inch of Naruto's member was inside of me but the sensation was already extremely painful.

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts! Pull out, please!" I pleaded through gritted teeth, my body trembling uncontrollably. Naruto shushed me gently, his hand coming up to wipe my tears with his thumb.

"Shh, I know sweetheart. But you need to bear it for a while. Come on, you can do it. Just relax."

Letting out a shaky nod, I forced my body to relax, my hands behind gripping at the bed sheets. Slowly, Naruto entered my pussy entirely and I screamed once more. Drawing in a breath, I tried to relax and adjust to his size.

"Y-You can move now, Naruto-kun." I whispered.

He nodded in response and without a warning, he began to pump his thick length into me, sending shockwaves of pleasure into my body as my mouth formed into an 'o' shape.

"Kyaaahh~ Haaah~" I moaned out helplessly as I could feel his shaft sliding in and out of me, the wet sensation making it easier for him to move.

Naruto gripped my hips painfully, holding me tightly as he pumped in and out of me relentlessly.

"Dammit, you feel so good Hinata!" He growled inbetween moans, throwing his head back as he kept grinding his hips into mine erotically. My walls tightened around his member, hugging his shaft entirely.

My mind became clouded and a jumbled mess as I tried to hold onto sanity from the pleasurable feeling, a feeling so new to me yet I never wanted to end. Naruto's hands wrapped around under my legs, lifting it upwards and placing them over his shoulders for a better angle.

"Haahh~ Mmm~ Naruto-kun~" Each time I attempted to catch my breath was rather futile as more moans escaped from my lips.

Naruto's dick thrusted in and out of my dripping pussy endlessly, putting me to the edge on each thrust. Loud slapping noises and the squelching sounds from inbetween my legs filled the room along with our breathless moans.

His dick plunged into spot that had me moaning helplessly as my legs spasmed uncontrollably. He smirked sadistically upon noticing my reaction before burying his thick length into my cunt once more, hitting my g-spot again and again which had me writhing helplessly under him.

"Hnngh~ So good, Naruto-kun~ Don't stop!" I pleaded loudly, throwing my head back, feeling like I could die from the pleasure.

Sweat poured down on Naruto's neck down to his Greek god-like body. He panted harshly, his spiky blonde hair bouncing as he kept up with his ministrations, focusing on the task at hand.

"I will never, ever stop baby. I'll keep fucking you so hard that you won't be able to walk for weeks!" He groaned, his blue eyes watching in fascination at the pre-cum dripping down my wet slit. I blushed deeply at his lewd comment.

Suddenly, a knot inside my stomach seemed to snap as I let out a piercing scream, my body trembling at the abrupt feeling. Despite that, Naruto's hard thrusts never ceased as he kept pounding his member into me non-stop.

"A-Ahh~ Ahh~ S-Something's coming! Naruto-kun!" I was soon drowned in my own moans as I finally had my release, my eyes flying open as my juices flooded Naruto's dick and my thighs.

"Aghh! I'm cumming too!" Naruto moaned out as he shot his release inside of me, making me moan shakily.

I was still trembling, my body convulsing in deep, sharp spasms, panting harshly after my first orgasm as I stared up at Naruto through half-lidded eyes. He finally pulled out slowly, leaving leftover juices dripping down my pussy and gave me a tired smile. Removing my legs from his shoulders, he crawled towards me, leaning in to capture my lips into a short but sweet kiss.

"That was amazing, Hinata. Believe it." He uttered softly, a boyish grin making its way to his lips. I let out a soft giggle in amusement.

"Yeah, you're amazing, Naruto-kun." I said genuinely with a smile. Once more, Naruto's lips met mine and we shared our last passionate kiss for the night.

"So, do you forgive me now?" He asked hopefully after he pulled away.

I let out a chuckle, "You don't have to ask that anymore when I've clearly already did."


I groaned, limping downstairs in hopes of finding my friends. I had to admit, I felt guilty upon leaving them so suddenly. Surprisingly, music still blared through the speakers as students danced wildly to the beat. I squeezed through the large crowd, heading to the living room only to find out that Ino and Temari weren't in the same spot anymore.

Walking aimlessly around the house, I caught sight of Gaara talking casually with his group of friends at the dining table. Without hesitation, I went towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked pretty surprised upon seeing me.

"Hinata? I'm surprised you're still here. It's already midnight." He said with a chuckle. I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, yeah I wanted to enjoy the party for a while. Anyway, have you seen Ino and Temari?" I asked. Gaara's eyes widened slightly as if he remembered something important.

"Oh, yeah! They were looking everywhere for you. They told me that you should meet them at the front yard." He said.

I nodded, "Got it, thanks Gaara. Enjoy the party.

"Yeah, have a good night Hinata."

I jogged towards the front yard and immediately caught sight of my friends sitting at the wooden bench near the doorway. Ino looked panic-stricken as she nibbled on her nails anxiously, while Temari patted on her back in hopes of comforting her.

"Guys!" I called out, running up to them. The duo whipped their heads towards me, their faces shocked. Ino shot up from her seat and marched towards me, her light blue eyes burning with rage.

"Hyuga Hinata! Where the heck have you been! Do you know how long you've been gone?!" She exclaimed angrily, making me gulp. I glanced at my watch.

"T-Two hours." I stuttered, placing my hands in front of me automatically when a tick mark appeared on her forehead.

"Exactly! Now what do you have to say?" She inquired, crossing her arms as she glared at me.

"I-I'm sorry, I won't do it again." I apologized with my head hung down in shame. Ino sighed.

"Just don't worry me like that next time, hun. You'll scare me to death." She said, her voice a bit softer this time. I nodded thoughtfully.

"I understand, Ino."

Meanwhile, Temari was eyeing me from head to toe suspiciously, and I gulped under her scrutinizing gaze.

"What's that hickey on your neck?" She asked suddenly, though she sounded a bit amused.

I gasped, immediately putting my hair over my shoulders to cover it, my cheeks bright red. Ino's eyes lit up, before a mischievous smirk tugged along the corners of her lips.

"Ohoho! Looks like somebody just had a good time~" She teased in a sing-song voice, making me blush harder.

"I-It's noth--"

Temari came up to me, putting an arm over my shoulder casually as she grinned widely.

"Who knew an innocent girl like you could do something naughty?" She added.

Oh God. If only I could dig a hole under the ground right now, I would gladly go down there and die in embarrassment.

Ino giggled, "Well, just like what Tenten said, love works in mysterious ways!"


Temari nudged my arm playfully, "Come on, tell us everything girl. And when I say everything, I meant all the juicy details." She said with a smirk.

"T-Temari!" I exclaimed, my face turning redder at her bold statement.

Well, damn. I didn't expect them to find out sooner. However, I don't know how they'll be able to take the news if they find out that I've fallen for the guy who used to bully me since freshman.


A/N: Lol! Can't believe I just officially wrote a lemon one-shot! Sorry if it seems jumbled and rushed since it's my first time. But I still hope that you like it!

Word count: 16,599

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