Act 4: Four More Pieces, Please...

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“I knew that it was you, Kakashi. Back then, your dad always talked about you to me,” Shiruma said, as he was escorted back to Konoha with the rest of the teams. It was the second day of their mission: going back to Konoha sure took days if there was someone who was seriously injured. Kakashi, who was walking side-by-side with the Konoha traveller, could only look down as his father was mentioned.

“And… what else did my father tell you? Did he also… tell you about, Shiroi?” Kakashi asked, even though hesitating. He really wanted to know anything about Shiroi.

“That... he only told me that he was afraid if one day Shiroi might turn like the Kyuubi, that’s why he sealed it into someone’s... body,” Shiruma answered, vacillating though. “Kakashi, don’t blame your father. Everything that he did was to protect you-”

“At least he should’ve left me with Shiroi. I’ve been lonely ever since I’m just a kid,” Kakashi frigidly said. “It’s the same as taking away my life. Anyone or anything that are close to me always ‘leaves’ me.”

“Kakashi-sensei, don’t say like that,” Naruto disrupted, walking next to Kakashi. “I’ll be always by your side.”

“Me too. Team 7 will always be with you,” Sakura claimed too, while catching up next to Naruto.

“No... Make that ‘we’,” Kurenai softly said, patting her right hand on Kakashi’s left shoulder. Everyone stopped on their tracks. Kakashi looked around at everyone, before looking down on the ground. Even though he realized that he was a bit emotionless before, but now since he heard about his long-lost Shiroi, he could feel like something was softening in him.

“Everyone...” he started to speak, lifting his head up, to face his Konoha fellows. “Arigatou nee.”


Birds were flying through the blue sky of Konohagakure as time passed by. Tsunade stared deeply at the sky. “Shizune...”

“Oh.. H-hai?” Shizune responded, as Tsunade sat on her chair, fisting her hand.

“It’s been 2 days since they left. Aren’t there any reports from them?

“Until now, there are no reports from them yet, Tsunade-sama.” Tsunade deeply gazed down at her table.

“I just hoped that they found it first,” Tsunade said, after a silence for a while. “And also... Mirai-san...”


“She kept escaping the hospital, and goes nowhere. Ask Yamato to keep an eye on her. We don’t know what she is up to.”

“Um... It seemed like Yamato already keep an eye on her. Both of them once escaped the hospital and had spent their days together, thus made her to believe in Yamato,” Shizune explained. “According to Yamato, she seemed... innocent though after they almost spent their day together since two days ago.”

“Hm... Even so, we still need to take any precaution steps first. Shizune, make sure our secrets and highly-confidential informations we have here are in a very tight security,” Tsunade ordered. “Then... Call Yamato to meet me.”

“Hai, Tsunade-sama.”


"Ah... kirei nee," Mirai praised a vase of tulips that was displayed in Yamanaka Flower Shop. She picked one of the tulips and went over to Ino. "I'll buy this."

"Okay, it's $1. Sorry to ask, but I never seen you here before. You've just arrived at Konoha?" Ino asked, as she received the payment from Mirai.

"Oh I've arrived two days ago. What's your name?" Mirai began to ask.

"Ino. Anata wa?"

"Mirai nee."

"Ah... Mirai... Nice name," Ino said, just before someone called Mirai from outside the shop.

"Mirai-san, so you're here," Yamato said, as he walked over to her. Mirai turned around to face him. "Hm? Tulip?" Yamato observed, as he saw a tulip was in Mirai's grasp, who brought it closer to her chest.

"Hihi, hai. Tulip is my favourite flower," Mirai answered, giving a smile to him. "Ja nee Ino-san. I'll get going first. Nice to meet you." With that, both Mirai and Yamato left the shop. "How did you know I'm here?"

"O-Oh... um... I was walking by, and I heard your voice..." Yamato told her, or actually lied to her. There's no way that I'm going to say that she ate one of my tracking seeds yesterday.

"Oops, I must be loud that even you could hear me," Mirai giggled, scratching her head. But then suddenly, a pigeon flew in a circle, hovering on top of them.

"Oh, Hokage-sama is calling me. Ja, I'll be going first." Mirai nodded. Yamato turned around, but then a tug on his sleeve had stopped him.

"Will we meet again after that?" Mirai asked, her small hand grabbing tightly onto his sleeve. Yamato was speechless as he heard the request.

"A-Ah... we will. Don't worry, I'll look for you," Yamato said, giving her a smile. Mirai sighed in relief, slowly letting his sleeve go with a smile on her face. Bidding each other with a bye, Yamato walked towards the Hokage's mansion.

On the other side, Tsunade was staring deeply out of her room's window. “Come in,” she instructed as she heard a knock on her door.

“You called me, Hokage-sama?” Yamato asked, as he entered the room. Tsunade walked back towards her seat.

“Yes Yamato,” Tsunade replied, as he walked forward toward the centre of the room. “Tell me Yamato, what have you observe about Mirai-san?”

“She... She may be a high-skilled person, since she had been travelling throughout her lifetime,” Yamato started with hesitation. “But, she seems like a cheerful person. Like a kid. Her behaviour, almost the same as Naruto. In other words, she’s an active and happy-go-lucky person.”

"You've heard about 'deceiving'..."

"I know Hokage-sama," Yamato nodded, before continuing. "That's why, I'll keep my eyes on her. I'll try to get to know her more as she somehow had her trust in me."

"You knew what I want, as expected from you," Tsunade said, leaning back against her seat. "Keep on watching her until Team Kakashi, Kurenai and Guy back."

"Hai, understand."


"Yamato-san!" Mirai waved her hand above her head, as Yamato came into her sight. Yamato walked towards her, as she scanned her eyes through the books in a rack outside the bookstore. "Nee Yamato-san... What is this book really about?" she asked, holding up Icha Icha Tactics. Deep inside, Yamato gulped.

"Ah... That... Icha... I don't know because I don't read them," Yamato smiled frankly, scratching the back of his head. How am I supposed to know that? "Eh? Where's your flower?" he suddenly asked, as he realized it.

"Oh, hahaha... I gave it to a random villager. He's happy though. Too bad I didn't have another one to give to his wife." Yamato realized that Mirai had a gloomy expression as she looked down. Quickly she shook her head and looked down at the book cover with a questioning look on her face. "Hm... I've seen this book everywhere. I've seen Icha Icha Paradise too. I just don't know what is so addictive in this book..." Yamato remained silent as Mirai finished.

Hm... how can I investigate her? But she really look like no threats at all. Is it possible that I couldn't read her mind? I would like a help from Kakashi-senpai, but... he's on a mission...

"Yamato-san!" Mirai called out, constantly shaking his shoulder. Yamato woke up from his deep thoughts. He blinked a few times before he asked her.

"O-oh... Did you say something?"

"Nee nee," Mirai frowned, putting both of her hands on her sides. "I was ASKing..." she corrected Yamato, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I was asking if there's anyone you know that would read such a book-"

Suddenly there was something yellow flashing right in front of Yamato's eyes... and it happened in a blink. "Eh? Where did she go?" Yamato confused, glancing to his left and right.

"Be careful next time," Yamato heard behind him, far behind him. He turned around, and saw Mirai was holding an old woman by her arm, far behind him.

"Oh thank you young lady. What's your name?" the elder asked her.

"Mirai," she simply answered, as Yamato came towards her.

"Mirai? Just... Mirai?" the elder asked again. Mirai nodded, a bit puzzled. Same goes to Yamato. "Ah... I thought you're somehow related to Yondaime." That thought made Yamato startled. "You're just like the Yellow Flash."

"Yondaime? Yellow Flash? Hahaha... Sou na... There's no way I'm related to him, because I'm Hishouka Mirai, not Namikaze Mirai."

"But you're fast-"

"Oh that... I don't know how and why I am fast, since I was a kid. Maybe it was because of what my father taught me during our travel."

"Hm... whatever it is, you reminded me of him... That fellow... Ja, I'll go then," the elder excused herself, before leaving both of them. Yamato stayed silence, observing Mirai.

No way... No way she just used 'that' jutsu. But how? Yamato looked around. But there's no marks?

"Yamato-san, let's go!" Mirai suddenly shrieked, walking forward leaving Yamato behind. He caught up and walked side-by-side with her, when her footsteps suddenly stopped. "Oh... that gate..."

"Hm?" Yamato followed her, who was now walking towards Konoha's main gate. She ran towards Izumo and Kotetsu. "Mirai-san?" Yamato called out, as they reached the gatekeepers.

"Excuse me? Is there anyone coming, I mean, a traveller maybe?" she asked, looking desperate.

"So far, there's no sight of anyone," Izumo stated. Yamato could see worriness and sadness in Mirai's blue eyes. "Um, may I ask why-"

"Father..." Mirai whispered, as her hands were clasped together, bringing it to her chest. Slowly, she walked towards the gate, followed by Yamato behind. "I hope you're alright..."

"He'll be fine, don't worry," Yamato soothed her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Mirai slowly turned to him, and gave him a small smile. Yamato replied it with his, before he placed his right arm behind her shoulders. "Let's go, we'll just-"

"HIIIYAAH!!!" Suddenly a familiar voice could be heard, far away outside the gate. Both Yamato and Mirai turned to the direction of the voice, with their brows furrowed. "KONNNOHAAA!"

In a flash, something superly fast, in green, ran past right in front of them, making Mirai lost a bit of her balance while standing, but got helped by Yamato. "What the heck was that?" she asked him, a bit dazzled.

"Sensei! I'm number ONE!!!" It turned out to be Rock Lee, with both of his arms in the air. Yamato could only blink and sweat-dropped, compared to Mirai who haven't known Rock Lee. "Neji-kun, you've challenged me but yet you lost!"

"USO! I DIDN'T EVEN SAY THAT I'VE CHALLENGED YOU!" Neji's shriek could be heard, even though he was far behind, walking with the others.

"YOSH! That's my student! The spirit of youth is burning inside him! Neji, you should have that burning youth desire too!" Guy said, as the mission teams were in Yamato's sight.

"Tch, even hearing the word 'youth' already 'burning' me..." Neji said, as all of them walking towards the gate.

"Ah it's them-" Yamato started to say, but got cut off as Mirai started to run towards the returning teams.

"Otousan!!" she shrieked, as she hugged an old unfamiliar man to Yamato. All the teams stopped right in front of the gate, watching the reunion of a daughter and a father. Yamato walked towards the other.

"Welcome home, Kakashi-senpai," he said to Kakashi, earning a nod from him. "Who is he?"

"Hishouka Shiruma," Kakashi simply answered.

"The missing Konoha ANBU?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Tenzou? Shiruma-san was having a long rest-" Kakashi abruptly stopped, and stared at Mirai, with his furrowed brow.

"Oh Mirai! I'm glad you made it to Konoha!" Shiruma said, cupping his daughter's cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Oh dad, I'm glad you're still alive!" Mirai said, rubbing her eyes with her clenched fists. "I thought... you're..."

"Nee nee... stop rubbing your eyes now, you're 26, not 6!" Mirai stopped, and hugged him again. "Don't worry about me, I'll be always fine."

"If you... let me to-"

"Shh," Shiruma shushed her instantly. "That's okay. See? I'm fine- ungh!" Suddenly he collapsed to his knees as Mirai clutched his arm, helping him to stand.

"Mirai-san, we'll bring him to the hospital," Naruto offered, as he approached her and lifted Shiruma's right arm over his shoulders. Neji helped, too with the other arm. Yamato glanced at Kakashi: he was still staring at Mirai.

Does he know her? Yamato thought.

"S-so then, team captains will meet Godaime to report in. The rest of the teams, you can have a rest," Kakashi cooly said, as he started to walk into the village, followed by all of them.


"Itachi and Kisame, huh?" Tsunade said, silently biting her finger. "And you guys only found Shiruma-san?"

"Hai. And there's no doubt that Akatsuki knows about Shiroi's existance," Kakashi stated. "Kisame had mentioned something about mine..." Kakashi slowly said, almost whispering as he looked down at the floor.

That girl. Have I met her before? I felt something familiar about her. But what is it? He started to question himself, but he was woke up by a pat on his left shoulder. He turned left: Yamato. Eh? When did he come in?

"Senpai?" he called out, looking puzzled.

"Ah... oh..." Kakashi mumbled.

"Are you alright? You seemed drifted away," Tsunade asked, resting her chin on her raised clasped hands.

"Ano... That girl..."

"Hm? Me?" Mirai suddenly asked, before approaching Kakashi. He turned around, and she was standing right in front of him. "Why?"

"Eeto... have we met before?" Kakashi asked, almost with no hesitation. Mirai stayed silent for a moment as Kakashi continued to stare her. "What's your name?"

"So you actually didn't hear what my father called me out earlier?" Mirai asked, her hands on her waist. "Mirai nee," she introduced, holding out her hand for a shake. "You must be Hatake Kakashi, the famous Copy Ninja."

"Hmph," was all that left Kakashi's mouth, shaking her hand. But then, he turned around as Tsunade cleared her throat. Mirai positioned herself between Kakashi and Yamato next to her left.

"Mirai-san, how're you feeling?" she asked, tapping her desk with her finger. "Since you've escaped from the hospital, I'm sure you've been better."

"Hihi! Yeah, I'm feeling way more better! Thanks for the hospitality," Mirai said, bowing her head at Tsunade.

"You know, actually you should stay in bed for a week. You're pretty worn out."

"No no, it's okay. The only way for me to get better is to have a walk," Mirai cheerfully said, even putting up a 'V' sign at Tsunade, who was just smiled to her. "Oh Hokage-sama, how about my father?"

"In his current condition, he HAVE to stay in the hospital. He's badly injured." Mirai looked down, her hands clenched tightly as Kakashi observed. "Oh, Mirai. Shizune told me that your father said that you're in the middle of your training?"

"Oh hai. The reason why we are here is to train me and going back home."

"What are you training at?"

"Manipulating my nature chakra. I'm trying to master my Katon chakra..."

"Perfect timing. Kakashi," Tsunade called, ripping away Kakashi's suspicious eye from Mirai. "You can use Katon, right?"

"Oh h-hai," Kakashi answered, figuring out that he would train her. "Do you want me to train her, Hokage-sama?"

"Exactly. For the moment you're training her, she'll be your Genin."

"A 26-years old Genin? Well that was a bit funny for me..." Mirai said, trying to hold in her laugh even for only a short moment. "Understand nee! As long as I'm training!" she exclaimed, putting up a thumbs up.

"You looked so confident and determined, Mirai," Tsunade said, smiling at the energetic girl.

"That's because I'm going to be a great kunoichi and a great Medic nin like you, Hokage-sama!"

"Hahaha, nah..." Tsunade flustered, waving a hand in front of her face, feeling shy. "Now, Kakashi. Train her anytime you want."

"Hm. I'll test your chakra first. Meet me after this at the training field. From here, go straight and then-"

"Hai hai, wakatta nee. I know how to get there. Ja I'll meet you later nee!" With that, Mirai disappeared with a cloud of smoke. Kakashi glanced at Yamato, who gave him a shrug.

"She already knew the village ways since she arrived. Thanks to her 'escape'," Yamato stated, scratching his temple.

"Thanks to you too, being her 'escape' partner and tour guide," Tsunade interfered, smirking.


Kakashi walked towards the training field after paying a visit to Konoha's Memorial Stone. He was taking rather a relaxing walk, just like when he was going to meet his Team 7.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto screamed from behind. Kakashi turned around, and saw Naruto was running towards him. "Kakashi-sensei! I've heard that you're going to test the new Mirai girl."

"Oh yes. Why?" Kakashi, as usual, simply answered Naruto.

"Can I watch the training?" Naruto's request made Kakashi thought for a moment. "I want to see how powerful is this kunoichi from all she learnt throughout her life." Kakashi watched the determined Naruto, before letting out a sigh.

"Fine. But don't nose in. I'm testing all her jutsus," Kakashi said, continuing to walk to the field with Naruto behind. As they arrived, they observed faraway Mirai was meditating under the shade of a tree peacefully. That shouldn't be a shock to Kakashi and Naruto, but since her meditation showed a different view, they were.

"Huh? What's that?" Naruto asked, as he saw Mirai was in a state that Yamato discovered before; blue chakra cloak-like. Kakashi's eye widened at the sight.

"Kakashi-senpai," Yamato called out, as Kakashi left the Hokage's room. "About Mirai," he said, as Kakashi stopped in his track.

"Hm? What's with her?" Kakashi asked, as he leaned against the wall of the building. Yamato stood at the front of him. "Something unusual with her?"

"She claimed to have overflowing chakra in her."

"Which mean?"

"She might be a powerful kunoichi. She's also be able to release them and then restore it back in her. No doubt that I sensed mixed chakras in her too, and I really mean, 'mixed'."

"Hm... sounds interesting."

"And experienced. Also, when she's releasing her chakra, you'll see something very familiar. Something blue."


"Yes... and I don't know if she's going to use 'that' jutsu later..." Kakashi looked up at him in sudden, asking what does he mean by that. "Space time ninjutsu."

"Oi sensei! Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out, shaking Kakashi's shoulder to wake him up from his flashback. "Mirai-san's here." Kakashi blinked his eye a few times, and Naruto was standing in front of him, with Mirai behind him.

"Oh sorry," he apologized, scratching his head. "Mirai-san. Are you ready?"

"Yosh! I'm all ready!" Mirai said, energetically. "But... why Naruto is here?"

"Eh? How did you know my name?" Naruto asked, puzzled. "We've never met before-"

"Of course we've never met before, since I was busy with my Suiton training that time..."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Around... two years ago, you went to Kirigakure right?" Naruto nodded as an answer. "I was living in Kirigakure when I've heard about your arrival. But my father said that I shouldn't try to interfere your mission, so I continued my training, on the middle of the sea."

"SEA?! For real?!"

"No wonder you looked familiar to me. I must have seen a glimpse of you," Kakashi stated. Mirai nodded with a smile. "So then, let's begin." He pulled out a piece of paper from his pouch. "You know this paper, I assume?"

"The paper made from a tree that grows and fed with chakras, nee?" Mirai stated, taking the paper. "To determine what affinity do I have, right?"

"I need to know yours before starting."

"I hate to say this as it'll make me as if I'm boasting myself out," Mirai stopped, before holding out her hand at Kakashi, making him surprised. "But I'm gonna need four more pieces."



Nana: What? It's my fanfic, and it's my imagination!

Sakura: But if Mirai-san is asking for four more pieces, that means-

Nana: Shh! You're 'leaking' the story plot!

Sakura: But I want 'those' too! So that I won't have to sit back and just wait until Naruto bring Sasuke-kun home alone! I don't want to be useless!

Nana: ... Demo, I'm sorry Sakura-san. You are who you are. I may could change a bit about you, but that will make you're not what you are originally, do you get it? Because even me myself was confused...

Sakura: Kishimoto Masashi-sama! Let me have 5 nature chakras too-

Nana: OI OI OI SAKURA! SHH!!! Ja minna, sorry but I'll end this short Omake here now! Sakura-san is in... a condition that she'll 'spill' my story plot-

Sakura: ARGHHH! Mirai'-

(Mouth shutted by Nana, before being dragged away)

Nana: Oh if I knew that this would happen, I shouldn't make her appear for this Omake. It should be something else; not 'revealing the plot' Omake!

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