Chapter 31

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~Kuro Pov~

Today is the day the chunnin exams! I'm really excited for it!!

Naruto and I are already at the sign up desk thing with all of our friends.

There could only be teams of three, and they were chosen at random too.

This only qualified for the leaf because there were to many people on each of our teams.

The teams for the exams went as followed,

Team 1- Naruto, Fumiko, and Sakura.

Team 2- Sasuke, Shikamaru, and me.

Team 3- Katsuo, Kouki, and Natalie.

Team 4- Kiba, Akamaru, and Hinata.

Team 5- Neji, Ten-Ten, and Lee.

And lastly, Team 6- Choji, Ino, and Shino.

Let's just say, I was not the only one upset about our team placements...

I'm not even sure who has the worse team.

Well, any who, I'm wearing a plain lime green, tight fitting, shirt with black, sorta baggy, sweatpants.

No orange.

Naruto-nii had chosen to put on a red and dark orange T-shirt with a matching jacket. He also had some navy blue dress pants.

He only like a little bit of, or just really dark, orange.

I don't know how, but he can still move around perfectly in the dress pants.

It kinda sucks that we couldn't be on the same team though...

I mean, at least he's with his girlfriend! My Natalie is with her brothers, not me!

I want my Natalie!

I heaved out a heavy sigh as our groups came up to the 'testing room door'.

Seriously, how can they not tell it's an genjustu?

It's obvious!

I rolled my eyes as Naruto and I started talking.

"You guys do know that's not the actual door, right?" I saw a few people look creeped out by us talking in union.

Our friends have gotten used to it, though, it sometimes still scares them.

It's always funny to see their reactions  to our joint speech.

"W-what are you talking about, bakas!" Sakura said with a shaky start, still creeped out by Naruto and me.

"This is the second floor. Also, it's a weak genjustu from the start." Naru said, muttering something about idiotic banshees under his breath.

Apparently Kiba heard him because it looks like he's about to burst with laughter.

Even Naruto seems amused.

~Naruto Pov~

I sighed as everyone was giving me weird looks.

Although Kiba is trying not to laugh. I not even looking at him and I can still tell.

"You're lying, you Naruto-baka!" the banshee screeched.

I bit back a flinch from the level of noise coming from her mouth.

"Believe what you want, but I'm not going to let you slow my team down with how slow your brain is going." I replied, grabbing her arm and pulling her up the stairs, everyone else following behind.

The female was pulling and tugging her arm to get away as she shouted complaints and insults into my ears.

If she thought that would phase me me, she has another thing coming.

I continued to drag her to the door. After we entered, I released the loudmouths arm.

She stood there for a minute, rubbing where I was holding her arm, while everyone else made their way into the testing room.

As soon as Fumiko entered the room, I was by her side, hand in hand.

I looked down at her and smiled.

She gave quick peck on the lips.

"you know, you could have been nicer, you know." Fumiko whispered.

"Could have." I replied, earning a cute giggle from the girl.

We then went to go sit by Sakura. The only reason I am sitting so close to her is because we're supposed to be teammates.

Everyone else went to take a seat by their temporary teammates.

I could hear a lot of not-so-nice comments coming from the mismatched teams.

We all sat near each other so the teams can talk until the exam started.

Ino and Sakura are talking about something involving Kuro and my new outfits, but I do not know what, I ain't paying a lot of attention to them.

My friends and I are discussing our plans for after the exams. If we pass or not, we are all getting out of here. But we all know we're passing, ya know.

I really just can't wait to get out of this wretched Village.

Just about anywhere would be better than here!

And I have just the place ready to go.

Hey guys! Sorry it's a bit short, but I have been pretty occupied this pass month. Let's just say, it could have been a lot better...
Anyway! Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 780

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