Chapter 32

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-Naruto Pov-

If I get something wrong, then let me know so if I decide to fix it, I can.

The first test was pretty easy. Kuro, Kouki, Kiba, Neji, and my team had passed. Choji, Ino, and Shino had, somehow, failed.

Oh well.

Anyway, my team and I are currently waiting for the gates to the Forest of Death to release us.

Once they had done so, Fumiko and I dragged Sakura with us because she wanted to go and find her boyfriend, Sasuke.

Oh, yeah, they are dating.

I hold out my hand in a stop motion and dropped Sakura on a branch below me as I heard someone coming from the east.

Fumiko and I quickly duck behind the trees and leave the bubblegum princess as bait with a fake scroll.

Fumiko was a few trees away from me when two girls and guy showed up demanding the scroll.

The banshee like creature had been frozen in place.

Fumiko quickly, and silently, used her abilities to make their scroll, which was strapped to one of the girls waist bands, float in the air.

After she had done that, I went over and kicked one of the females in the head, knocking her out, followed by me hitting the other girl and bashing the guy into a tree trunk. All this in a mater of five seconds.

Sakura was about to let her horrifying voice, if you can even call it that, when I grabbed her and started to head to the finishing tower.

Quite a few of the people there were extremely surprised to see people arriving so soon.

After all, it has only been around three minutes.

Fumiko and I walked off, hand in hand, to the lounge room, leaving behind a very confused Sakura.

As Fumiko was watching some TV, I went to make us some food, like, I don't know, Duce pizza.

It's really good, you should try it!

I pulled out the ingredients and start making the dough and all that.

Once I was done, I put the pizza in the oven and set the timer.

I went to join Fumiko just as Shikamaru, Kuro, and Sasuke came in.

The emo duck immediately went to his bubble gum princess of a girlfriend, who was mumbling about what just happened in a corner. Sasuke was also looked a little shaken about their test.

I guess Kuro and Shika were to much for him!

"Hey, Kuro! Shika! How did your hunt go?"

Kuro chuckled as he answered, "Apparently not as well as yours."

I laughed a bit at that.

"I got some pizza cooking if y'all want some."

They quickly nodded their heads.

I chuckled a bit and sat down next to Fumi. Kuro plopped down next to me and Shika beside Fumiko. I swung my arms around both of them.

Fumi leaned into my touch while Kuro scowled but make no move to remove my arm. I grinned at him and he just looked away with a pout.

The emo and banshee had left to do who knows what.

After a while, the timer rang out.

I was about to get up when Shikamaru stopped me.

He gestured to my brother and girlfriend. I looked at them and found 'em to be asleep. I sighed as a smile spread along my face.

A few minutes later, he came back with two plates, each had four slices on it.

I carefully removed my arm from around Kuro so he was now just leaning on my side, and grabbed the plate.

After an hour, Kiba and Katsuo's teams walked in.

"What took you guys so long?" I questioned.

"We had a run in with that snake." Kiba replied, a little out of breath.

I tried muffle my laughter as there were two sleeping ninja in the room.

That snake does not like him to much. Kiba once took the snakes food and it escalated from there.

"So, what? Are you a pillow now or something?" katsuo inquired.

"Shut it, Kat." I pouted while glaring at him.

Katsuo, Kiba, Kouki, Natalie, and Shikamaru bursted into a fit of laughter while Hinata just stood there with a slight smile across her face.

A red tint spread across my face as I stuck my tongue out at them. I truly don't get though. How is this funny?

Kuro and Fumiko started to shift in there sleep, about to wake up.

Once Kuro did, and took in his position and surroundings, he quickly shot off of the couch with a deep, red blush from falling asleep, cuddled into me.

Fumiko just looked up and waved a hello, before groggily leaning back into my side, unleashing a large yawn.

I gave her a warm smile and she returned it with a bright grin of her own.

I let down and landed a kiss on her cute, yet small, nose.

Everyone else had taken a seat, lovers next to each other holding hands or something in that category.

The others were just messing around and playfully tormenting each other.

Kouki was trowing chips at Katsuo and Shikamaru, who, in return, we're chasing him around the building.

Fumiko sat on my lap, head feeling on my chest, while we watched a movie. The movie was based off one of my books, or, should I say, one of Fumio Ayumu's books.

Speaking of him, you remember when I caught Kuro going through my stuff that one time?

Yeah! That time.

Let's just say....

I had a 'stern talking to' with him and touching or looking through my stuff.

Hey guys! Real sorry this is late. After I finished my essay for English and went on spring break, I didn't feel like updating so this chapter's a bit late, as you can probably tell. Now we ate reading ANOTHER book! I like reading and all, but these are not anywhere near interesting!! Anyway, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 995

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