Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Emergence

~Three Years Later~

(3rd POV)

The past 3 years have been uneventful, save for our special blonde already making a name for himself. Naruto Uzumaki, also known as the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox, also became known as Konoha's Number One Prankster. Some people cowered at his pranks as others get irritated by them, mainly because of how creative they are.

One time, he set a zapper disguised as a pillow on a chair for Iruka Umino to sit instead of having to stand during Clair. He designed it to stick to whatever touches it. For four hours, everyone could see him running around with a pillow stuck to his nether regions while being shocked every 20 seconds. Of course, as other people found out, getting the zapper pillow off of Iruka was just as hard as when they attempt to take it off, they got stuck and shocked too.  Which led to about four people being stuck to Iruka's behind.

Ever since then, people became very nervous around Naruto. They didn't know if they would become the next victim. However, no one knew the purpose behind the pranks. Well, almost no one.

For a little particularly blonde girl by the name of Ino Yamanaka, a fellow student at the Academy, already figured out the reason behind his pranking. The just hasn't realized how deep it all goes. However, she will find out. For during one particular event on October 10, she experienced something that changed everything.

(Ino's POV, still 3rd POV)

The school bells toll as the school day had ended and all the kids left to go home. Ino was just walking out with her friends Shikamaru and Chouji when Chouji spoke up while eating a potato chip. "So, what are you guys doing today now that classes have ended?" Shikamaru just sighed as he put his arms behind his head and stretched. "Well, I wanted to go cloud watching, but mom wants me to wash the dishes. I said I couldn't and that I was busy, but all she did was hit me on the head and just said that cloud watching isn't being busy. She threaten to hit me in the head again if I didn't. Such a drag."

Ino just sighed at him. "That's what you get for being lazy." Chouji then looked at her. "What about you Ino, are you going to the Kyuubi Festival?" She shook her head. "Nope. I'm going to meet Naruto at the park and hang out." Shikamaru scoffed. "Geez you spend more time with Naruto then anyone else. And Sakura thinks you're her rival in affections for Sasuke. Makes me wonder what goes on inside that head of yours."

She winked before backing up. "And you will never know." She then turned and waved. "See you guys later." She then began walking away. She smiled as she heard the familiar and well known phrase of "troublesome" from Shikamaru as she continued on her way home. When she got there, she saw her mother trimming a small bush that laid near the window.

"Hi Mom. I'm home." Her mother smiled as she looked at her. "How was the academy today?" Ino just shrugged. "You know, the same thing every day. More lectures about the history of Konoha and a few spars." Her mother nodded as she then smirked. "And pray tell, what did Naruto do today?"  Ino smiled as she thought about what happened in class. "Naruto complained about the lectures again. About how useless they are. He even pulled a prank on Iruka-sensei which today was funny."

Ino looked up and saw that a sad expression appeared on her mother's face before it faded just as quickly, a smirk taking its place. "Again? Poor Iruka Umino. He can't seem to get a break. What happened this time?" Ino responded with a slight giggle. "He put a bucket of sugar in a hidden compartment in the ceiling above the desk with a hidden rope attached to he back of the chair. Let's just say that the bugs in the forest around Konoha have become...attached to Iruka-sensei."

Her mother laughed at that. "And the Konoha Prankster strikes again." I o smiled at that. Her mother then turned to her. "What will you do now that you're home?" Ino point to the door. "I'm going to go to the park to see Naruto." Her mother smiled at that. "Have fun then sweetheart. I know that he needs it." Ino raised an eyebrow at that, confused. "What do you mean?"

Her mother shook her head. "It's nothing dear. Just go and have fun." Ino looked at her for a few seconds before shrugging her shoulders. "Alright mom. I'll see you later." She then went to he door, opened it, and left. As the door closed. Her mother sighed. "Poor Naruto. I'm glad he had you as a friend Ino." She then went to do the laundry

Ino walked slowely as she went to the park. As she did, she remembered the first day he had met Naruto. Her first day at the academy. The day that made her change her opinion of Naruto.


Six year old Ino and her father Inoichi Yamanaka were walking side by side on there way to the academy. She was kinda nervous, so she held her father's hand as they walked. As they got close to the academy, they could several kids and parents walking towards the school. As they got to the door to the school, they stopped and her father placed his hand on her shoulder. "I hope you have a good day Ino." She shook a little before looking up. "I'm a little nervous dad. What if I mess up?"

He shook his head and smiled. "You'll be fine. Now run along. Don't want you to be late for your first day." He backed up and watched as she walked inside. When she walked inside the academy she was shown the way. When she got to the classroom, she walked inside. She looked around and saw all clan heirs as well many other students either talking or just hanging out.

She looked up and saw her crush Sasuke and a of other fan girls going crazy about him. She then saw Sakura hanging all over him. She was about to go and pull her off of him, when she saw a student sitting all by himself. She walked to her friends and said hi to them. She then spoke to Chouji. "Hey Chouji, who is that blonde boy sitting by himself?"

He looked over to the boy she specified and sighed. "That boy is Naruto Uzumaki. He's is the boy that everyone civilian and other people say to avoid. I heard a man call him a demon when he walked by a store I was in with dad. I think it's bologna and my dad does too. Still, everyone avoids him."

She looked at Naruto and saw the solemn look hidden behind a smile. She sensed that he is suffering. She decided to walk up to him. As she walked up to him, Sakura looked at where she was walking and scoffed. "Why are you about to talk to the baka. He's nothing but a freak." Ino saw how his face went down at Sakura's comment. Ino, having enough, turned and looked at Sakura. "Shut up Forehead. You don't have to be mean. He's just like us. A regular kid." She then turned her back to Sakura and looked Naruto. She held out her hand. "Hello Naruto. My name is Ino Yamanaka. Nice to meet you." He hesitantly took her hand and shake it. "Hello. I'm Naruto Uzumaki." She smiled. "Nice to meet you. I hope well be good friends."

~Flashback Ends~

Ever since that day Ino and Naruto became close friends. And ever since that day, if anyone were to say anything bad about him, she would defend him. She was glad that he became friends with Chouji and Shikamaru. She was also glad that there was some happiness in her hyperactive blond friend.

It took her a couple of minutes before she finally arrived at the park. She looked around for her blond friend. She saw a bunch of kids playing and a few elderly couples sitting on benches. However the one she looked for seem to have escaped her vision."He must not be here yet." She just shrugged and decided to go sit on his swing.

She sat there for what felt like a few minutes before she heard a sound like someone running. She looked up and saw tht it was Naruto. She was about to call for him when she saw an expression that made her heart tear: fear. She left the swing and ran up to him. "What's wrong Naruto? Are you alright?"

Before he could answer, they heard a voice that screamed something that made them both freeze. "There it is! The Demon! Let's get him!" Ino looked up and saw that a mob of people were rushing towards them holding a variety of weapons. Naruto, hearing this turned and yelled to her. "Get away Ino. They're after me." He then took off running, the mob chasing after him.

She knew that some of the villagers dislike Naruto, but to see them chase him with malice in their eyes, it broke her heart. "Naruto." She then nodded to herself. "I will help you with all I can." With her mind set, she chased after the mob in hopes of stopping them from hurting Naruto.

(Naruto's POV, still 3rd POV)

Naruto ran as long as his feet could take him in hopes of getting away from the mob. This always happens this time of year on this particular day. October 10th, the day of the Kyuubi Festival. It is also the day of his birth. It's also the day that he gets beaten abused by the mob of people that accuse of something he has no knowledge of.

He ducked from one road and into an alley and hid behind a dumpster. He waited for them to run pass, so he could take off in the other direction. As he waited, his thoughts went towards Ino, who he was supposed to meet when he ran into the mob. When saw the look on her face as he ran, it terrified him. 'I hope she doesn't fear me either. She's one of the only true people I care about. I don't want to lose her.' He thought as paid close attention to the alley way entrance. The thought of losing her is truly terrifying.

He then saw the mob run pass the alley and went down the street. As he stepped from around the dumpster, he looked towards the direction that the mob was running. As  he saw them disappear, he ran the other way and made a turn in another alley. He realized quickly that it was a dead end. He decided to stay until it got dark before heading home, so he hid behind another dumpster.

He made the mistake of not looking down the alley. That mistake cost him as he felt arms around his neck and body and lifted him up. "Got you now, demon." He looked up and saw, to his horror, was a Shinobi. He forgot that some of the Shinobi despised him as well. He resisted as much as he could as the shinobi pulled him from the alley.

His horror intensified as the shinobi shouted out to the mob that were making their way back to them. "I have the demon." He then pushed Naruto harshly onto the ground began kicking him. The mob surrounded Naruto and began his beatings.  He was cut, stabbed, punched as well as kicked, all the while being cursed by the villagers. One women shrieked as she three a bottle at him. "You took my son demon." A man grabbed his arm and twisted it, breaking it. "I lost my family because of you demon." The Shinobi who caught him grabbed his leg and threw him at a wall, which caused him to grunt in pain as the jolt went through his body.

With hazy eyes he watched as the shinobi drew a long sword and swung down. "Now, to finish what the Fourth Hokage started." As he said that, heard a girl's voice call out as Naruto sees a blonde girl step in front of him. "Leave Naruto alone. He's not a demon." A man behind the shinobi spat at her comment. "He is a demon. He's the one that attacked the village." Ino shook her head fiercely. "No he's not. He's my friend. You shouldn't even hurt a child in the first place." At that, a man lift her up. "That's not a child. It's a monster."

They stopped when they heard a sigh. The man dropped Ino and looked at the source of the sigh, which was from the sword drawn Shinobi. He then stepped towards Ino and lifted his arm. Naruto watched as Ino's head snapped to the side. She fell and grabbed the side of her face as she looked at the shinobi who just struck her. "It seems that the demon has infected the poor girl." He raised his sword and and slashed at her, opening up a cut on her arm. Naruto yelled as she screamed.

"Leave her alone. I'm the one you want." His response was a kick to the stomach. "Enough demon. You infected the girl with your evilness. She's spoiled. A witch." At that, the mob began chanting 'witch'. One of the women said something that made Naruto flinch in terror. "Burn her. Burn the witch and make the demon watch." The Shinobi nodded as he began to do hand signs for a fire jutsu.

Naruto tried to get up and stop them. "No! Don't hurt her. Leave her alone. Please." The Shinobi grinned as he spoke. "Too late. Fire Style, Incineration." A spinning fire jutsu flew from his mouth and flew towards. She looked at him and whispered to him. "I'm sorry Naruto I'll always be here for you." He reached out and yelled as flames were about touch her.


The flames never touched her. Everyone was surprised at what they saw. Even Naruto was surprised. The flames when repelled and disappeared as dark energy enveloped itself around Ino. Ino opened her eyes. When she saw darkness, she thought the flames took her life. She figured out quickly that she was still alive when she heard the shinobi shout. "Impossible!" She saw darkness and was confused. She then saw the darkness fade away and realized that the energy was dark energy. She then heard a gasp coming from a woman in the background. "Look at it. The demon is glowing."

Ino looked at Naruto and gasped. Naruto was surround by a black aura that seemed to move like fire.(like Ichigo's hollow form from bleach.) She the saw a look that she has never seen on his face before: determination. She then heard him speak. "I will not allow you to harm her. Never!"

(Play song at the top.)

He did handsigns he never about nor have the shinobi has seen before. The Shinobi jumped out of the way in the nick of time as Naruto yelled out loud. "Darkness Release: Abyssal Spears". Coming from under the mob's feet, hundred of long spikes made of dark energy shot upward, impaling each and every villager caught in range. The Shinobi then threw several kunai and shurikens at Naruto, who deflected them with the dark energy. Then, from Naruto, Spears of dark energy shot at the shinobi who dodged most of them, where some have penetrated his body. He did more handsigns and fired a fire ball Naruto who blocked it with the dark energy. Naruto then did some handsigns that again he never knew about and spoke in a serious tone.

"Darkness Release: Shadow Severance." Suddenly the man screamed loudly as he fell to ground. Ino gasped when she saw that the man's legs were cut off. The man then when through several handsigns. "You will pay for that. FIRE STYLE!!! "FIRE DRAGON JUTSU!!!" From his mouth, a large dragon made of flames appeared and flew towards him and Ino. As the dragon approached them, Naruto did a few single handed handsigns. "Darkness Release: Dark Reflection." A portal made of dark energy appeared and sucked the fire dragon in and then sent the dragon back to the shinobi.

(Stop song)

Ino covered her ears as the man screamed as he was burned alive. A few seconds later, there was nothing left but ashes. Ino then turned to Naruto only to see him fall. "Naruto!" She yelled as she rushed to him. When she got to him, she saw that the energy was fading away. "Please be alright." She felt for a pulse and was relieved to hear it. She started to feel dizzy and passed out next to Naruto.

A few minutes later, two anbu shinobi appeared and examined the scene. They were shocked to see the dozens of bodies as a pile of ashes near 2 twitching legs. One of the anbu then saw Naruto and Ino. He appeared them and checked their vitals. "They're still alive." The other anbu nodded as he looked at the scene again. "Get them to the hospital. I'll alert the Hokage." The anbu nodded as lifted Naruto and Ino gently and shushined to the hospital as the other anbu looked at the scene before speaking. "His powers has awakened. They will be coming soon. We must be ready when they do." He then shushined away, heading towards the Hokage Tower.

And that my friends, is the end of a long chapter. I hope you guys like it. Comment or vote if you want. The next chapter will be up as soon as possible. But for now, adios for now.😄-Weeksjmj29

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