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Hey everyone. It's me, Weeksjmj29. The last Naruto fanfiction wasnt that great. I'll admit that. Hopefully, this one will be better. I'll update when able. I hope you like it.

Prologue: Dark Birthday

(3rd POV:)

October 10th. For your average person in the Shinobi World, October 10th would be just another normal day. For the people of Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it's a day of celebration and remembrance. That is because October 10 was the day that the Kyuubi, the Nine Tailed Fox, attacked the village and it was the day that the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze gave his life to defeat the beast and became a hero in Konoha. A hero they would never forget.

For a five year old boy named Naruto Uzumaki, October 10th was the one day of the year that he dreaded the most. October 10th was his birthday. It was also the day that some of the villagers do their annual fox hunts. For the past 2 years, ever since he was three and was kicked out of the orphanage, they would track young Naruto down and savagely beat and abuse poor Naruto.

Naruto never understood why they would do such bad things. When they don't beat him, they ignore him. When they think he'd not listening, they whisper bad things about. They even denied h service when he tried to get stuff from stores or restaurants. They even threw him out when he walks towards the store. He couldn't understand why they were so cruel.

But other knew. The ones that don't hurt him nor do they help him. For the exception of the Third Hokage and select Shinobi who knew the truth.  Naruto was considered a demon. The second coming of the Nine Tailed Fox. However, he was known as the host of the Kyuubi. The Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. And because of it, the villagers treat him as an outcast.

Naruto didn't deserve it. To be beaten and abused for something he couldn't control. For something that happen on his birthday. That's why he always did his best to remain hidden on his birthday. But it didn't matter
how well hidden he was. They always found him and beat him. And on his fifth birthday, that day was the worst. However, it was also they day that something emerged. Something that changed everything.

(Naruto, still 3rd POV:)

Young Naruto was running as fast as those little legs could take him, desperately trying to find a place, all the while crying his little eyes out. 'Why? Why do they keep doing this? Why do they hurt me?' He thought as he ran through an alley and onto another street. He stopped for a second to catch his breath and to find a place to hide. 'What did I do to deserve this? I didn't do anything today. I was a good kid. So why?!'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a commotion nearby behind him. He turned around as he heard a villager shout. "There's the demon. Let's get him." Naruto then turned back around ran off again with an angry mob of villagers and Shinobi behind him. Naruto made several turns in hopes of losing them, but every time, an angry villager or bad Shinobi caught sight of him.

It was almost sun down when he found himself in another alley way. Unfortunately for him, it was a dead end. In his desperation, he hid behind a dumpster inside s box that laid next to it. He tried to stifle his breathing and groans as the incoming mob of villagers closed in on his location. He prayed desperately that they wouldn't find him. However, that was also in vane as a Shinobi who could sense him grabbed the poor boy and threw him towards the crowd. "Look at what I have found. A little demon." A villager tool out a knife. "We'll finish what the Fourth Hokage started." Naruto was then kicked by another villager as another cut his leg, causing him scream. "It's the end Demon."

For the next half hour or so, Naruto had to endure cut after cut, punch after lunch and kick after kick. After they were done, he was riddled in bruises and cuts as well as stab wounds. All the while, he still cried, hoping that someone will save him. A lone chuunin stepped forward and took out a kunai. "And now it's time to put an end to this. Die, Demon!" The chuunin then rushed at him with the kunai raised. Naruto then closed his eyes and shouted. "No!" He then waited for the blade to pierce his body, to end his life.

But it never came. He felt nothing touch him. He opened his eyes and his eyes widen as he heard a shriek coming from a woman that was in the mob. In front of him, shrouded in a black aura that moved like fire stood a being in pitch black armor. In his hand was a pitch black sword that looked to be pulsing. At the armored figure's feet laid the body of the chuunin that was going to end Naruto's life. The figure then turned towards Naruto and Naruto let out a pained gasp. The figure had no eyes. The figure had a pitch black helmet on and what was supposed to be eyes were 2 red glowing balls that must've been it's eyes. To everyone else, they looked menacing. However, to Naruto, they looked to have a hint of worry. It was as if the figure was concerned for his wellbeing. He then flinched as the figure knelt and placed an armored hand on the boy's face.

Naruto flinched again when the figure spoke in a deep and menacing yet gentle tone. "Are you alright, young one?" Naruto let out a whine as the figure that looked like a black knight accidentally rubbed a cut on Naruto's face, which caused the knight to pull away. " It hurts." The knight then placed his armored hand on Naruto's little hand. "It'll be alright little one. They won't hurt you anymore. Close your eyes please and rest. It'll be fine." Naruto then closed and let himself fade into unconsciousness.

(3rd POV:)

The black knight waited to make sure Naruto was unconscious before he stood. He then faced the crowd, who looked slightly scared and shaken from seeing the dead Shinobi near the knight. The knight looked at them with fury coursing through those red glowing eyes. "Even though you call this little boy, a demon, you're the real demons for harming an innocent boy for reasons that weren't even his fault." A male villager just spit on the ground even though he looked as though he was about to pee himself. "Innocent? That demon isn't innocent. It attacked the village. It killed my family. It needs to pay."

Before the man could say anything else, a piece of the glowing aura around the black knight lashed forward. In the span of a second, the man's head fell from his body, causing a woman to scream. Another man then screamed. "You just killed an innocent man." A second later, hid head fell as well. The knight stepped forward. "An innocent man would never harm a child. None of you are innocent. And for the fact that you harmed the prince, all of you will suffer." He then stabbed his sword into the ground. The shadows and dark spaces the began to shroud the whole alley. Then the screams started.

A few minutes later, dark knight walked away from the alley while also gently carrying young Naruto. As the knight walked away, an anbu Shinobi landed near the alley to investigate the source of the commotion he heard earlier. But when he entered the alley, he jumped back out and removed his mask. As he did, he threw up as he thought about what he saw.

Dozens of bodies as well as dozens of body parts littered the alley as blood still pooled from the severed parts. He decided to use a fire style jutsu to burn the bodies and then report to the Hokage. He then did the handsigns and spoke. "Fire style: Fireball jutsu!." A fireballs burst from his mouth and hit the bodies, setting them aflame. He then left to go tell the Hokage about  he has seen. But one thing stayed on his mind. 'What kind of monster caused that scene in the alley?'

Meanwhile, the black knight continued his way to the Hokage Tower while still carrying s sleeping naruto. The knight looked down at the sleeping Naruto and saw that several of his wounds were already healing. The knight looked up continued on walking. As the knight continued his way towards the Hokage Tower, several villagers spotted the knight and fled when they sensed his aura. Several chuunin and a few jonin followed from a distance. As the black knight appeared in front of the Hokage Tower, an anbu shinobi appeared in front of the knight. "Halt. Identify yourself and state your business."

The knight stopped in front of the anbu. "Who I am is none of your concern, mortal. Take me to your Hokage. Now." The knight then radiated his aura that made the air around the anbu and the hidden Shinobi difficult to breathe. "Y-yes sir. Follow me." The aura disappeared as the knight stepped forward. As the knight passed, the anbu noticed a little blonde boy was in the Knight's arms. A familiar boy, which made the anbu's eye widen. 'Naruto.' the anbu thought as he followed the knight.

The anbu led the way through the tower. When the knight and the anbu pass the reception desk, the lady nearly fainted because of the Knight's aura. After a few minutes of walking, the pair arrived at the foot to the Hokage's office. The anbu knocked on the door and spoke. "Hokage-sama, permission to enter." A few seconds later, a reply was heard.

"Granted." The anbu nodded as he then reached for the door handle and turned it. He opened the door and walked in with the knight following after him. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, turned around from the window to see the new arrival. What he saw caused him to raise an eyebrow.

Following kakashi, the anbu, was a knight looking person with black armor and what seem to be a glowing aura floated around the knight. His eyes widen when he saw the Knight's eyes. They were glowing a blood red color. Hiruzen noticed that the knight was carrying something. He gasped in surprised when he realized that it was a familiar blonde. He then had a serious expression on his face. "Naruto." The knight nodded as he walked to the couch and placed the blonde boy gently on it. The knight then turned and stood in front of the Hokage.

"Who are you and what happened?" He said in a stern tone. The knight then bowed to the Hokage before speaking. "I don't have a name, sir. My Lord hasn't given me a name yet. As to what happened, I stopped your villagers from murdering the little Lord here for what happened on the day of his birth that he had no control of. You, more than anyone, should know what I'm talking about."

Hiruzen nodded as he figured that some of the villagers and Shinobi would take action against Naruto because he is the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. That why he had anbu watching the boy's every move. He then bowed to the knight. "Thank you sir. But if I may ask, what did you do to the villagers who attacked him?" Before the Knight could reply to Hiruzen's question, an anbu shinobi appeared before the Hokage in a kneeling position. "Hokage-sama, I'm here to report something disturbing when I went to investigate a disturbance."

Piquing Hiruzen's interest, though he had a feeling he knew what the anbu is here to report, he motioned the anbu. "Report." The anbu nodded as he stood. "I went to investigate the sound of screaming when I came upon a disturbing sight. In an alley with a dead end, I found dozens and dozens of mutilated bodies with severed limbs all over the alley as blood poured from the bodies in stresms. It was a horrible sight. One that made even me throw up at the sight. What could've caused it?"

At that, Hiruzen looked at the black knight. "Did you have to make such a mess?" The knight looked at Naruto and then nodded. "Yes sir. As I said, they torturing and abusing the little prince. It was my duty to protect the young one." At that, the anbu looked at the armored figure with a shocked expression. 'He was the one that did. I know he did it to protect little Naruto, but that was gruesome.'

Hiruzen noticed that the knight called Naruto 'prince' multiple times. He decided to bring it up. "Why do you call Naruto prince?" The knight looked at Naruto before sighing. He then looked at the Hokage. "Send away the anbu that are hidden and activate your silent seals." Hiruzen nodded as he sent the other anbu away. He then activated the seals, silencing the room for privacy. "It's ok to speak now."

The Black Knight nodded as he moved his cloak and reached behind him to retrieve something. He pulled back and in his armored hand was decent size but thick book that looked aged. He opened it and the book began pulsing. He then spoke to hiruzen and said something that shocked everyone in the room. "What do you of history of the Namikaze Clan?" Hiruzen immediately went on guard as the shinobi did as well. "How do you know of the Namikaze Clan?"

The knight just waved his other hand that didn't hold the book. "Don't sound surprised, Third Hokage. I know Naruto's father was Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. I know because I could sense the Namikaze blood in young Naruto." Hiruzen nodded as he lowered his guard but still looked suspicious. "I guess that made sense. You know that is a S Class secret here in Konoha, yes?" The knight nodded. "Yes. However, you have failed to answer my question. What do you know of the Namikaze Clan?"

Hiruzen sat down. "Not much. We know that the clan wasn't big in the beginning. In fact, if it weren't for Minato, that clan wouldn't have been noticed at all in the village." The knight nodded. "Yes well, there's a reason for that. Not even Minato knee the real truth about his own clan. What I'm about to tell you is SSS to forbidden class level secret that only a select few in the  knew the truth behind the clan. One of them was Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage."

Hiruzen's eyes widen at that. 'What could be so important for to be forbidden level secret?' he thought as he motioned the knight to continue. The knight motioned his hand over the book. The book began showing images were so long since they  been seen. "Long has the history of the Sage of Six Paths has been told. The story of the Hagaromo Osutsuchi and his 2 sons. The tale that the Uchiha and the Senju clans we're descendants of the Sage of Six Paths. However, as this has been told, another one has been told that rivaled even the Sage himself. The Tale of Izanami and Izanagi: the Darkness and the Light. There were 2 clans that were long since lost to time that represented the light and the Dark. The Seroyuchi Clan that represented the Light, and the Reyukaze Clan that represented the Dark. The Reyukaze Clan were considered an evil clan because they represented the Darkness in the world and that they are connected to Lady Izanami, who is consider Brood mother of Darkness and is considered to be as evil Kaguya. But that is far from the truth." He stopped as the book began showing a woman who was love eternal and loved the land as well as a man who she thought loved her. Then it showed an image of the man betraying  the lady for another woman. Then it showed the lady with a broken heart jump into a deep crevasse where she stayed and let darkness take her.

"Lady Izanami loved the land and everyone in it, but her true love was the Lord of Light Izanami. She thought he loved her back. Little did she know that he betrayed time and time again for another goddess. The day she found out, her heart shattered. To spare herself of further pain, she went to the deepest depths she could go and casted herself off the crevasse and let darkness. To save himself from being considered a cheater, he made it as though he was evil. The Seroyuchi Clan are said to be descendants of Izanagi as the Reyukaze are descendants to Izanami. In the eyes of the Seroyuchi clan, the Reyukaze Clan are considered evil because they can control darkness as the Seroyuchi clan can control light."

He stopped as the book showed a new scene that struck fear in the heart of the Hokage and the anbu in the room.  It showed member of the Reyukaze Clan being slaughter by light. The knight spoke again. "One fateful day, the Seroyuchi clan launched an all-out assault on the Reyukaze Clan, to wipe the clan off the face of the planet. The clan was slaughtered, with only a single woman the only survivor. Her name Nemu Reyukaze. She fled the village the day before the Seroyuchi clan attacked under orders of the Clan chief Oboro Reyukaze. The Seroyuchi believed that they cleansed the world of the darkness and retreated from the world in exile. What they didn't know that one Reyukaze survive the attack. What they also didn't know that she was pregnant at the time of the attack.

To protect herself as well as her unborn child, she locked her dark powers away and changed her last name. To one that is well known now to this day as Namikaze." Hiruzen's eyes widen as he let out a gasp at the revelation. He knew that this was indeed a secret worth being declared as a forbidden class secret. It would change the view of the world as bring forth several revelations. But one things didn't add up. So he decided to address it.

"This is deep but I still have a few things that doesn't add up. How do you know all of this and what does this have to do with Naruto here?" The dark knight turned the page of the book which brought up nee images. One tht showed a single being shrouded in darkness challenging the light. "There is a prophecy as old as the prophecy of the Sage of Six Paths. Before she cast herself off into darkness, Lady Izanami held a secret from Izanagi that he never knew about. Had he, he would've taken her life himself. She was pregnant with his child. When darkness took her, the darkness wrapped itself around the baby within her womb. The baby became the first Reyukaze of the clan by the name of Serata Reyukaze. She possess the Dark Heart that passed from lady Izanami herself to her and her descendants. The ones who possess the Dark Heart are the true descendants of Izanami and in the regard Izanagi. Nemu was the last Reyukaze that possessed the Dark Heart. The Namikaze Clan never revealed the Dark Heart because it awaited it's true heir. The Dark Heart would declare that the true heir is the Lost Prince of Darkness. The prophecy goes the Lost Prince of dark would bring peace and balance to the world. Which is why I'm here."

He closed the book and gave it to Hiruzen Sarutobi. Hiruzen looked at him confused. "Why do you mean?" The black knight looked at everyone before speaking. "I am a Shadow Knight. A creature born from darkness to protect the Lost heir. I am one many creatures that the prince can control and summon. I live only to protect the Lost heir." He then motioned towards the little blonde. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is the Lost Prince. The last true descendant of Lady Izanami.

At that, Hiruzen's eyes widen at tht revelation. He knew that Naruto was special, but to hear about the truth of his family was difficult to believe and yet he knew it was the truth. "I see. I don't know if all of this the truth, but we knew young Naruto was special. We were planning on telling him the truth about his inheritance when he became a chuunin."

The shadow knight shook his head. "That may be difficult. On his eighth birthday, his powers will awaken. When they do, the Seroyuchi clan will sense it. They will send someone to investigate. I will return to protect him. You must protect him until he can control it. You can wait till he becomes a chuunin, but when his powers awaken, I will tell him about his power and will help him train his power. However, if they arrive before I can when his power awakens, you must protect him."

Hiruzen nodded as he stood and bowed. "We will do what we can. I made a promise to his father that I would help show Konoha and the world how special Naruto is. One day, he'll surpass all of us." The shadow knight nodded. They heard a whimper and all turned to Naruto. The anbu, now known as Kakashi, spoke with a somber tone. "Poor Naruto. Must be having a nightmare." The other anbu took his mask off, his ever black hair lines on his face ever present, replied to him. "Naruto is still a child and yet he has to endure what most would think about in nightmares. Sad." Kakashi sighed at his words. "Still with cold tongue Itachi."

The shadow knight tore his cape and cover Naruto in it. "Things will get tougher little one. But they will get better. And for what it's worth, Happy Birthday, little prince." He turned to the Hokage. "When his powers awaken, I will return. For now, farewell." The shadow knight then melted into shadows. Hiruzen took out his pipe and lit it. As he smoked it, only one thing stayed on his mind.

'The future will be more interesting than I thought.' He dismissed the anbu and sat in his office as night took over.

Finally, this first chapter is done. Hopefully you guys like it. The next chapter will be up very soon. For now, farewell.:)-Weeksjmj29

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