25. Office- Office

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Hi! I'm back again! I know it's very unlikely for me to update this soon but I really want this season to be completed. Please keep showering your comments!!

As far as the story is concerned, I would like to clear somethings. Avni thinks they never really 'broke-up' while Neil too thought that they were in a relationship but something did happen along the way that made our super nice, playful hero into a bad-ass devil- and that something will be told in the story ;) Well now that Avni is back in Neil's life after 6 long years, things will either get better or worse! Let's see what's in their NASEEB!!

Please Vote and Comment!!


Avni-Neela's apartment, 7 in the evening:

"Chup Avni, Chup! You cannot cry forever. If he doesn't want to hear you, it's his fault, stop!" Avni consoled herself, slapping herself on her cheeks. But her tears knew no bounds. The man she was waiting for, longing for and loving for 6 long years, now hated her. She didn't know what happened along those years that made him hate her.

"He doesn't deserve my tears. He is no one to me, no-one, just my boss" Avni cried. She wiped her tears and goo with the napkin and threw it carelessly among the others lying on the ground.

Just then, she heard a ring on her cellphone. She looked at the screen and sighed, she picked up the call. "Maa! when are you coming back?"Avni said with a heavy voice.

"Well, hello to you too Avni, I'm fine, thanks for asking" Neela said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Avni huffed. "Okay Ms. Independent! How are you doing alone?"

"Maa, I miss you" Avni said with a tear-laden voice

"Aw, Baccha! I miss you too, is there something wrong?"Neela asked observing Avni's tone

"Yes maa, everything is wrong, you're gone!" Avni said to lighten the mood, she wasn't comfortable enough to share this with anyone, not even Neela.

"Baccha, I'm sorry but I've to go to London for a week, I've meet Aman and settle a few papers there. I called Prakash ji today, he told me about the interview you cleared. I just called to congratulate you my dear!" Neela said getting excited.

"Thanks Maa" Avni said and her thoughts rushed back to the encounter with Neil this morning.

"Maa, you won't be here for another week?" Avni said, panicking as she realized what Neela said.

"Leave that! Tell me how was your first day?" Neela asked, excitedly

"Well technically, it wasn't my first day. My job starts from tomorrow, I was just introduced to a few people today" Avni said, her voice getting heavier.

"Oh, whatever! did you meet Prakash ji's son? I've heard he's the best! what do you think?" Neela asked

"He is Maa, He's the best. I met him and I'm impressed" Avni said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She couldn't tell her mom that the guy she was praising was her ex-classmate whom she got expelled from school in grade 5, the same guy whom she fell in love with, the same guy whom she left and the same guy who treated her like shit today. As these thoughts came into her mind, a few tears dropped.

"I knew it! Is he single?" Neela asked over the phone, hoping Avni would be interested

"NO"Came Avni's answer. "He's my boss and a monster" Avni yelled

"Okay, okay baba, I get it! No need to yell, Uncle's calling me, I need to go. You please take care and call Aman, he was asking about you and eat on time! and sleep you've work tomorrow" Neela commanded on the phone

"Accha meri Maa!" Avni said and hung up. She called Aman next, had a chat with him. Told him about her new job and asked him to come to India for his vacations as she knew she's stuck here for an entire year! Soon Avni cooked some poha and went off to sleep.

"It's gonna be a loooong day tomorrow!"


Next Day, Khanna Empire, Head Office

Dressed in one of the mustard sarees she was given the previous day, Avni entered the huge building and greeted Suman with a fake smile. There was no escape. Neil hated her and she couldn't hate him. 'What have I landed myself into?' She wondered. Suman guided her to her cubicle, more like one of the three mini offices right beside Neil Khanna's actual cabin. Avni couldn't understand why he called her in his dad's office when he had one of his own? 'Well I think it was all in my destiny, sab NASEEB ka khel hai!' She thought to herself as she glanced at Neil's door which read, 'NEIL PRAKASH KHANNA, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, KHANNA EMPIRE' she was thinking about the carefree playboy whom she fell in love with. She wondered what happened that he turned into a demon.

"Good Morning Ms, I'm Jess, Neil sir's personal assistant." Avni looked at the lady in front of her, she was around Avni's age, wearing a mustard skirt with tight white uppers which left nothing to imagination. She wondered if Suman ever told her to wear something 'appropriate' as she did to her. She wondered why she wasn't in a saree when Avni had to wear it.

"Hi! Ananya here! The personal secretary" Avni faked a smile. Jess looked at her from head to toe with an amused expression and muttered 'thought so'

"Do you mind if I ask something?" Avni questioned

"Go on" Jess seemed to be a good but clumsy person

"You aren't wearing a saree?" Avni voiced her thoughts

"Um, actually it's a choice, western or indian" Jess cleared for her.

"Oh!" Avni muttered, kind of embarrassed to ask a question. Conversation with Jess was light and flowed easily. She helped Avni to set up her office and told her that she could call her whenever she needed help. Avni was glad to find a good colleague. Soon she was introduced to DD who called her Ananya ji instead of Ms. Verma. She noticed that he had a habit to add a 'ji' to everything. He introduced her to everyone on the floor and told her to report for the meeting with 'sirji'. Avni figured out that she had to face 'the Khanna' now.

Neil Khanna's cabin

Avni slightly knocked on the door, waiting for a reply.

"Come in" Came Neil's deep voice from inside.

"Go..Good Mmorning Sir" Avni stuttered looking at his red eyes as she entered.

"Ms. Verma, I would like you to know you schedule now, you better grab a paper and pencil and let you ears open." Avni rushed to find a paper, avoiding eye-contact with Neil.

Suddenly, Jess knocked and entered the cabin, panting.

"You are fired!" Neil said to her, casually. Papers dropped from her hands and her eyes shot up to look at Neil who was sipping on his cup of coffee, pretending he just greeted her instead of firing her.

"Sir?" Jess had a confused expression on her face and so did Avni. She just talked to her a few minutes before and now, well, she was fired.

"I SAID YOU... are FIRED" Neil yelled, scaring both ladies. Jess trembled.

"Whh..what dd..did I do... S..sir?" Jess asked

"Well the list is long, number one, you're stupid. Number two, you're clumsy. Number three, you're clingy. Number four, you try to seduce me. Do you want more reasons for me to fire you? We could meet outside you know? But office, it's just not the place for you." Neil finished with a smirk and looked at Avni who was shocked but soon her expression was replaced by disgust, disgusted by him. Neil smirked at that thought.

Jess left the cabin wiping her tears, while Avni stood there trying to block her own tears. Neil looked at her and smirked. Taking long strides, he approached her. He looked into her fear-filled eyes and smirked. She stepped back as he neared her. She realized there was no place to move as she was now leaning against the wall. He neared her, his breath fanning her cheeks, he leaned sideways and whispered, "Wanna play office-office?" She had no time to think as he slammed his lips against hers, she widened her eyes, shocked.


That's it for this one! I'll be back sooner than you expect!!!



P.S. Just changed my username :) It's Anandita_avneil 

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