28. Shopping with Her

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"Avn.. err... Ms. Verma, I hope that you finished with the report editing" Neil said as he entered Avni's cubicle. It was six in the evening and Avni was still working on the never-ending tasks. She had had 6 cups of coffee but nothing seemed to help. She was hell exhausted, ready to pass out any moment, but Neil seemed to be oblivious to all this.

"Um.. Yes sir, I just finished it, it's on your table" Avni managed to say.

"Okay, I guess it's enough for today, sweetie. Now we should go and select gifts for my friends, okay?" Neil said. He had noticed how Avni had been working since morning. He wanted to show some sympathy but then remembered how he has worked all these years. He used to show up to office at 7 in the morning and leave at 10 at night. But at last, his concern for Avni won against his ego. He wanted to make her stay up the night, but as soon as he saw her tired face, he decided to give his revenge a break for today. Moreover, he had no idea what to get for his friends so he decided that he would leave it on Avni.

"Yes sir!" Avni breathed, finally he was done with his tasks! It was her first day and she had seen so much. First, the kiss, then the meeting, then the overwhelming schedule, the presentations, then his doses of coffee and his lunch, then the reports and now finally, his personal work. She wondered if she would be done after this or not. Kahan phas gayi?Avni wondered. Nonetheless, she got up and left with Neil to the mall.

"Um sir, how many gifts do you want?" Avni asked.

"Well, it's Ali, Rhea, Mitali, Juhi, KK, So five." Neil counted on his fingers. Avni smiled sadly at him. "Wait, Juhi is coming with her boyfriend, so buy some couple thing for them, okay?" Neil said and Avni nodded. They went over a few things and Avni decided on the assorted chocolates for Mitali and Rhea.

"Are you sure? I mean would they eat these? I bet they are weight conscious." Neil asked with uncertainity.

"Well, Rhea loves chocolates as far as I know, and Mitali.. is she the same or has she gained some weight?" Avni asked excitedly. The last time she had met Mitali, Ali had joked on her tiny frame. Avni smiled fondly remembering those days.

"Nah, still the same. Ali still does the same. She hasn't gained a bit." Neil answered with the same enthusiasm, forgetting all about his revenge. They were talking like long lost friends. Both Avni and Neil shared a laugh on MitAli's expense.

"Everything's the same. Ali still tries to impress Rhea whenever he gets a chance, KK still hates Juhi and Ali still dislikes Mitali. Everything is the same, everything, except us." Neil smiled sadly. Their eyes met. Avni's eyes turned watery. She looked away. They together walked in a gift shop to select gifts for the rest. The gift shop was not populated much, given to the fact that everyone had already shopped. It was 7:30 in the evening and Neil had an hour to show up for the get together. There was slight music playing in the store and Avni was looking for the gifts.

Fairy-lights were shining in the store and Avni's eyes glistened with excitement looking at the different items. Neil admired Avni, looking at her excited form, swiftly moving through the aisle in her mustard saree. Her pale skin shining in the yellow lights, her eyes twinkling. Neil felt as if they were teens all over again. He felt the emotions he went through when they were classmates. Her eyes had the same twinkle as when they were trekking in Mahabaleshwar. Neil felt as if he was falling in love, with the same girl, all over again.

"Neil! see these mugs, Ali loves these, we'll buy them for Ali and KK. What's say?" Avni asked Neil excitedly, while Neil grinned at her foolishly and she suddenly realized that she called him Neil instead of Sir. Avni's nervous expression brought Neil back to reality.

"Yeah, I guess, they're fine. Buy them." Neil said and Avni put them in the basket. Avni mentally checked the gifts and thought of something for Juhi.

"Um, sir, what does Juhi like?" Avni questioned.

"I don't know. Just buy whatever, like you did for others."Neil said.

"But sir I knew about Rhea and Ali so I bought them." Avni said.

"Let's just buy chocolates for Juhi as well" Neil said with an expression that clearly showed that he was so done with shopping.

"But sir, you said that you want to buy something special for her and her friend." Avni said, awkwardly. Neil noticed this.

"I never knew shopping for gifts would be so stressful.Making decisions for the company are way easier, I tell you. You do whatever you want, yaar." Neil said, annoyed. Avni smiled, she could see the old Neil, carefree and happy, coming out. She nodded and resumed her task. Neil followed her like a puppy. He wanted to get done with this shopping as soon as possible but he wanted their shopping trip to last forever as he could spend time with Avni. But he shook his thoughts away, looking for an ideal gift.

"Sir! what about this picture frame?" Avni showed Neil the picture frame lying on the shelf. It was one with two hearts, especially for couples. Avni looked at. She wondered how her and Neil's pictures would look in it. She imagined and let out a small giggle. Neil looked at her. She looked so happy. He wondered if he was right in judging her but then thought about the things that happened long ago. His mom could never be wrong.

He let that thought go, picked the frame and proceeded to the counter for billing. Once done, he picked up the bags and looked around only to find her missing. He looked over the counter and found Avni leaving the store with a small bag. He wondered what was in there but thought if it was appropriate to ask. He let that go but was curious to find out.

Avni, on the other hand was lost in thoughts. She did not know what happened in the past that turned Neil bitter. She looked at him and thought about the times they had been together. Suddenly, her eyes fell on a cute photo pendant. [Picture above]She instantly fell in love with it. She waited for Neil to get out and proceeded to pay. She did not want Neil to know about it. Not yet. She had to wait for him. Find out certain things, find the solution for his behavior and then she could probably convince him and confess to him that she had always been in love with him.

She saw Neil waiting and rushed to him. She looked at him and saw his eyes questioning. She had to come up with an excuse. He knew she had no friends. Should she make up someone? Nah, he'll ask too much. A boyfriend? She could tell him that she bought it for the one she loved but wouldn't tell him that it was him. But that would create misunderstanding. She came up with the best excuse she could make.

"Ah, just saw a cute pendant, thought to buy it for myself" She told him with a fake smile. He nodded and seemed to buy it. It was true after all. She sighed and they moved out. He asked her for the directions to her home as getting an auto at this time was hard. It was eight. Shopping with her wasn't bad after all- he said to himself. She guided him and they reached her flat. Neil thought that it was familiar. But anyways, he dropped her and registered the address- he wasn't going to forget it. He felt that everything was happening all over again. He wondered what next? He was again going to fall for her? and she was again going to play with him? With bloodshot eyes, he started the car and zoomed away without giving her a chance to talk to him.


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