A new beginning

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She had enough. She was done. No more, she wasn't going to be anyone's scapegoat. She tried to help people, and she always got stabbed in the back.

So when it was discovered that during the Sangeet, Arvind had sneakily got Amrish's signature of his property. Shocking the whole Makwana Family.

The Pandya family watched not knowing what to say when Natasha started to laugh. She was laughing so hard that she had tears coming down her face.

"Karma!" she was laughing.

"What?" Sheesh asked

"Makwana family did as they pleased. The destroyed Pandya Store got my signatures for demolition. Destroyed me. And now look, the same thing happened to them." as she was walking around them.

"Shut up, Natasha!" yelled Dhawal. Amrish was yelling at Arvind. What they didn't realize was that as she was walking around, laughing at the Makwana Family, while Amrish was yelling, she was able to grab the papers and saw that they were the originals. So, while everyone was distracted, she grabbed the lighed candle centerpiece from the table. She whistled, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Hello, everyone!" she yelled. "Is someone missing anything?" as she brought the candle to the edge of the paper. Arvind noticed that the property papers were in Natasha's hands.

"No!" yelled Arvind, Rohan, and Suhani.

"Opps!" and the papers were lite into ashes.

"No!!" said the trio again.

Rohan tried to attack Natasha when Chiku and Dhawal grabbed and started to beat him, while the rest of the families were blocking both Arvind and Suhani. The police were called, and as they arrived, Arvind and his children were arrested.

Amrish and Amba tried to thank Natasha, but she ignored them and walked away.

"Insolent girl," stated Amba.

"Excuse me! Me! Maybe I should have let Arvind have your property. I am just following your family's rules. Strangers. I do not know you. So why should I talk to you. I only interferred in this situation, is because, for humanity sake, I didn't want someone else's family to suffer as I did." and she walked away. Dhawal looked upset at her words.

"My sister is right. Stay away from her. This family has hurt her enough. You know what, I am glad. She has finally given up on this family. I am personally so very happy! She will never become weak for this family." said Chiku

"Chiku," said Isha

"You are not them. You didn't break my sister. They have done it over and over. You didn't. You see, she found out about the games that were played against her in the Makwana Mansion. She found out about the girl who kidnapped Golu. She knew about the payment to the girl who accused her. She got her testimony and a signed afdivat. She even got the info on the person who brought the fake Chiku into Pandya Niwas. But she asked the police to quietly deal with it and not involve the Makwana family since it was the members of the Makwana family who instigated the problems for her. But now that she has given up on this family, I am the happiest." stated Chiku

Dhawal was looking more and more upset at the news. He looked towards the entrance that Natasha had left. "Who?" asked Dhawal

"Dhawal, we can sort this out later?" said Amrish

"Now! Or you will never see me again, " yelled Dhawal

"I paid the girl to blamed Natasha for Golu's kidnapping, so the family would be angry with her."

"And I brought the liquor into the party and paid one of the waiters to make sure that Natasha would drink. I wanted to you to break the marriage." responded, Amba

Dhawal grabbed a glass from the table and threw it on the ground.

"You destroyed my life, all because of what? Your pride and hatred! I love Natasha! Yet you two claim to love me! You wouldn't have done that if you loved me!" cried Dhawal

"You two must be the happiest to see me destroyed. She will never forgive me. Even if she finds out that the only reason I gave her the annulment was so I could give her back Pandya Store."

Surprising the rest of Makwana and the Pandya's. Even Chiku looked amazed, and he looked at Dhawal with respect.

Both families gave Amrish and Amba disgusting looks.

"Oye, Chiku. We need to go. Natasha needs us. I don't want to take a step in anger, and she is angry right now." said Suman

"Mithu, bring Daama. I will quickly go and stop Natasha." Chiku said as he rushed out of the house.

"I'm coming too!" yelled Dhawal

Next thing, everyone rushed out to the Pandya Niwas, leaving Amrish and Amba behind.

"We screwed up, Ma!" cried Amrish.

When everyone arrived at Pandya Niwas, they discovered that Natasha was packing to leave.

Chiku stood to the side and asked, "What do you think you are doing?"

"I am fulfilling my destiny. Pandya's have a tradition of leaving. Mumma, Papa left, along with Bade Papa, Dhara Ma, Chachu, Chachi, Kaka, and Kaki. You left. So now I will leave."

"Our parents didn't have a choice. They died in the earthquake, saving other people. I came back." answered Chiku.

Dhawal ran into the room and saw Natasha packing. "No! Not again. You are not leaving me!" grabbing her hands, trying to stop her from packing.

"Who do you think you are?" yelled Natasha

"Your husband yelled in her face.

Natasha laughed. "You forgot that we got an annulment. You were 5 minutes away from marrying Suhani. The only reason that was stopped was because they tried to steal your property. So back off, mister!

"I had to give you the annulment. That was the agreement. I gave you the annulment so I could get back the property papers of Pandya Store to give back to you."

Natasha looked surprised but then continued grabbing her clothes. Soon, the room was being croweded with the Pandya's and Makwana's.

"I don't care anymore. I promised myself was done. I'm done being your family's scapegoat." responded Natasha, wiping her eyes.

"No problem. I'm ok with that. Just don't leave me." said Dhawal

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Dhawal, it's too late. We couldn't make it work. Our time was until now. Now we go our separate ways, " responded Natasha stubbornly.

"Stubborn girl," muttered Suman.

"Fine!" yelled Dhawal, smacking his hand against the window shelf. Dhawal saw that his hand was bleeding, and he went towards Natasha, turned her around, and filled her hairline with his blood.

"Now you're my wife again." stated Dhawal

Natasha looked at Dhawal in shock, touching her hairline, while the family smiled.

"Very good, Dhawal. You've married my Chutki again." said Suman

"Daama, that is not right!" said Chiku

"Why not? Isn't that what you did with Isha." asked Suman

Natasha looked around and then covered her eyes.

She looked at everyone's smiley faces, and Isha's tensed one, she made a decision.

She walked out of the room and into the kitchen, where the Daama had followed.

"Daama, please go and sit with everyone. I will bring tea. We can figure out this later." said Natasha. As she started to make tea, and got snacks ready for everyone. Daama left the kitchen, and shortly Hetal Bhabi came in to help Natasha.

"Bhabi, you should go back, I will bring the stuff." said Natasha

"No. Natasha. I haven't been with you. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know what I have become. I used to have a voice, but since I've been married, I've slowly lost myself. I promise that I will be a better sister to you. YOU'VE always protected us, and now it's our turn." stated Hetal Bhabi

"We agree. We will protect each other, just as you have protected us." said Pranali, with Dolly nodding her head.

"Now let's feed our family," said Dolly, grabbing a tray to take out.

Each of the girls grabbed an item and brought it out.

As they were starting to relax with each other, Suman said, "Let's do the wedding functions all over. We can have a small function with close family and friends. Let's not have a holi style haldi, but a simple haldi for both Natasha and Isha, along with Dhawal and Chiku. Without any tricks or issues."

Everyone was in agreement when Amrish and Amba walked into Pandya Niwas, holding their hands in apology. "We are so sorry! We didn't recognize the diamond that was in our home. Instead, we ran after the pearl that was disguised at a diamond." stated Amba.

Suman greeted them politely while nobody else said anything.

"I know we have destroyed everything, but we like to start working on forgiveness. Please. I have destroyed everything with my own two hands, and in my ego, I thought I was protecting my family. My family is everything to me. I know it can never make up what we have done, but I like to try." said Amrish, holding his hands in an apology.

"We hold family over everything. As long as we stick together as a family, nothing can break up apart. But if your own family members try to break you, then the family is broken. When families are destroyed, it's hard to come back from that. You tried your best to destroy your own brother without thinking of the consequences. But now, you realize what you have done. Trust is a fragile thing. It is broken very easily, but it takes hard work to regain it." Suman said.

Dhawal moved closer to Natasha, putting his hand out for her. She gave him a look, and he gave her a look and motioned for her hand. Slowly, she put her hand in his, showing Amba and Amrish their solidarity. The other three couples did the same, except for Hetal. She stayed beside her family. Her sisters. Her brothers.

Amrish and Amba look pensive. Amrish looked sad that his brothers were together, but he was now alone. All due to his actions. Amba knew she had lost her children, and she didn't know what to do.

Suman started to feel sorry for Amrish and Amba. So she decided to include them in the wedding plans. When Chiku started to protest, "Chiku, Isha is their only daughter. No mother should miss her daughter's wedding."

The Makwana family was surprised at Suman's statement, as they would have not invited them, but Suman did. Dhawal was starting to realize that Natasha had inherited her grandmother's love of family. As Natasha had forgiven for multiple offenses, he was ashamed to ask for forgiveness as his offenses were a lot. She always forgave him. She would be angry with him, and they slowly worked their way back. But he screwed up big time. He needed to sort out their issues soon. As soon as he was able to get Natasha alone, he was going to beg for forgiveness. He squeezed her hand, and she looked up. He motioned her towards her room, and she shook her head. He could wait. He would ask Daama for permission.

Suman continues talking. "We will do Natasha-Dhawal's haldi and Isha-Chiku again. Properly without any problems. Then, I will have the Sangeet the day after tomorrow. We can have the wedding in three days. It will be small since it seems that every wedding that there is always that goes wrong."

Everyone agreed. Soon the Makwana's went home without Dhawal as he wanted to talk to Natasha. When the Makwana arrived, Amrish and Amba tried to talk to everyone, but everyone just went to their rooms. Their household was split. Amrish didn't know what to do, but he did decide to help Dhawal out. He called his manager and got things started with Natasha's renovations. He quietly got things started that when his manager called and stated that Natasha had taken a loan to pay for the renovations and told his manager to get it cleared. And have his company start the renovations. He hoped that this was a small step in the right direction. He looked towards his room. He knew that Hetal was angry with him. It felt weird. It is usually him that his angry with her. He wasn't sure what to do.

Meanwhile, Dhawal had pulled Natasha in her bedroom, as she was ignoring him since his brothers left. He wanted to start working on their issues, but it was hard as Natasha was ignoring him. Finally, he pulled her into her room, with her protesting.

"What are you doing? Let go, Dhawal!" whispered Natasha as she didn't anyone hear them fight.

"No. I'm sorry. I need to talk to you!" Dhawal spoke quietly

She smacked in the arm! "You annuled our marriage. Granted, you had a reason. But you did it! Then you almost got married to Suhani. The same family that shot you and stole from your family! I tried to tell you about Rohan, but you got mad at me! Wanted me to stay away from your family matters. Fine. Then Haldi happened. Your mother and fiance yelled at me, called me names, yet you did nothing. So no, I don't want to talk to you right now." Natasha pulled away from him.

"Natasha, I'm sorry. I was jealous. Neetu's brother was always around you. I was angry at you, and when I made stupid decisions. I listened to my brother and mother. I love you! But it seemed that you didn't care. I thought if I gave back Pandya Store, and you came back to your family, that at least you would be happy, but I wasn't. I was angry that all I had left of you were the memories. I wanted you back, but I had promised Amrish that if he gave back Pandya Store, I would make you hate me and leave my life. But I couldn't. That is why I chased you during Haldi. I put haldi on you. I wanted you as my wife, not Suhani. You're my wife. That is not going to change. Not now, not ever." Dhawal said as he went down to his knees, apologizing to her.

"Fine. We are getting married in a couple of days. We can talk after." said Natasha, pulling Dhawal to his feet.

Dhawal pulled Natasha in a tight hug, afraid that she was going to disappear if he wasn't holding on to her. He touched her forehead with his. "I promise I learn from my mistakes. I've made so many. I never wanted to hurt you ever, but it seemed that I was the reason for your tears."

Natasha nodded in agreement. "How about you go home now. Rest up. Tomorrow is Haldi Version 2 or for us Version 3. And we can talk later and trust me, we will talk or I will yell." said Natasha.

Dhawal nodded in agreement. He kissed her on cheek and walked out to say his goodbyes.

Natasha was shocked, holding her cheek. When she heard Daama yell, "Chutki, Dhawal is leaving. Say your goodbyes."

Natasha walked out of her room, blushing and thinking of his kiss. As she walked him out, she smiled and said, "Message me when you get home." He smiled and kissed her forehead.

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