Love Overcomes

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It had been 3 months since the ill-fated Sangeet of Yash and Esha alongside Dhawal and Suhani.  It's also been six weeks since Natasha was released from the hospital.    

It all started when Sundip arrived at the wedding with his cousin Neetu,  and was hanging around Natasha.    Finally, Dhawal's patience left him, and he got up from near the mandap as the ceremony hadn't started yet and went towards Natasha.  

"Last chance, will you marry me today?"  Natasha looked at him, surprised.  

"I thought you had moved on.  You're marrying Suhani."  cried Natasha

"I can't.  Again, last chance.  We can marry now or suffer the consequences for a lifetime." stated Dhawal, holding out his hand.

Natasha was crying now, nodding her head while putting her hand in his.  Dhawal tightened his hand and started walking towards the mandap.    As they stood before the priest, he told the priest to start the wedding.    Suhani was watching everything from the entrance and realized that Dhawal could never be hers.  He was always Natasha's.  Whereas Arvind and Rohan were angry, that all their plans were down the drain.

Amrish held Amba's arm and motioned her not to say anything.  Most of the Makwana family was happy with the switch, as was Suman.  She knew that Natasha would never be happy without Dhawal.  The wedding happened, and then it was Esha's and Chiku's.  Chiku was a little angry now that he couldn't take revenge as his sister was married to Dhawal. 

As the families were being congraluated, Rohan and Arvind walked closer, and as they were close enough, Rohan brought his gun to shoot Dhawal, when Natasha pushed Dhawal  out of the way, and got shot in the shoulder.

"What did you do?" yelled Dhawal at Rohan, grabbing Natasha as she slowly sank towards the ground.

"What did I do? I got my revenge.  The funny thing is that now both of you have been shot by me!"

When Arvind saw that Rohan admitted that he shot both Dhawal and Natasha, he yelled at Rohan.   "Rohan, Ieave now!  Before the police get here!"  At his words, the Pandya brothers and Makwana Brothers shot to their feet and grabbed Rohan before he could make an escape.    Suhani also tried to free him.  "Let him go!  So what Natasha got hurt.  People get hurt every day.  No big deal.   Rohan shot Dhawal, too, and nothing is will happen to Rohan.  Let him go!"  shocking the Makwana's.   Arvind yelled, "Shut up, Suhani,"  making the Makwana realize that Arvind knew everything.     

Dhawal left Natasha in Hetal Bhabi's arms and got up.  He walked over to Suhani, "What did you say about Natasha?" in controlled anger.

"Natasha, Natasha.  YOU'RE marrying me, not her."  yelled Suhani

"Actually, we are NOT marrying.  You were just my friend.   I told you that I will never love you or give the right of a wife.  That was given to Natasha.  She will always have it!"   and grabbed a glass from the table and threw on the ground in anger.

 Shortly, the police and ambulance came.  The police had taken Arvind and his children away, while the ambulance was ready to take Natasha away. 

 "She's my wife!  And nobody's going to keep her away from me."  Yelled Dhawal as he walked along side her towards the ambulance.   He got into the ambulance with her, holding her hand.  "Don't you dare give up."  he kept on telling her over again.

The rest of the family quickly left to follow the ambulance to the hospital.   

Amrish, for the first time, felt guilty.  He had brought Arvind and his family into their lives.   He was insistance of the marriages, not knowing that Rohan had shot Dhawal the first time, and now he shot Natasha.  He made a huge mistake.    He saw that the Pandya's were on one side  while the Makwana's were on the other side.   Dhawal was standing in front of the operating room.  He was pacing back and forth.    Hetal, Pranali, Esha, and Dolly were comforting Suman.   

After a few hours, the doctors came out with some good news.   They had taken the bullet out, and she was out of danger.   They were going to shift her to her room shortly.

A couple of days later, Natasha was feeling better but still very weak.  She was glad to see everyone, but she was reserved with the Amrish, Bhavin, and Amba.   

As for Arvind and his children, they didn't realize who they were up against.   When they spent the night in jail, in the morning, they tried getting a hold of their lawyer, and he refused to take the case.  They tried with their friends, and nobody was willing to help them.   As a last resort, they called Amrish.  When he answered the call, he had put the call on speaker, as he wanted Dhawal to hear the conversation.  "Amrish, please call them off.  I need to be able to hire a lawyer. "

"Arvind, I don't know what you are talking about.  I shouldn't even talk to you.  I am so angry at you.   Your son shot at my Dhawal twice, and twice his wife saved.  I haven't even had time to block your efforts since we've been in the hospital since the wedding."

"What do you mean?  All my efforts have been blocked.  If not you, then who?". asked Arvind

"I can answer that!  Daama called Natasha and Sheesh's grandfather.  I believe you may know him.   MLA Janardhan Dwivedi"  yelled out Chiku

The Makwana's looked at the Pandya's in shock.   Dhawal asked Sheesh, "The MLA is your grandfather."

"Yeah.  Our mother's father."  answered Sheesh. 

"You got your answer, Mr. Arvind Suri."  and Amrish hung up before Arvind could say anything.

The Pandya's looked at the Makwana's in surprise.  "Kaki, I did't know that you were related to the MLA," Amrish said to Suman

"Janardhan is Chutki and Sheesh's grandfather.  He's is my daughter in law, Rishita's father.   I knew him before he was an MLA."   answered Suman.

Dhawal stayed with Natasha in the hospital. He never left her.  Everyone came down, visited but Dhawal wouldn't leave, finally, after six weeks, Natasha was released, but she was confused as they didn't talk about anything serious while she was recovering, but she didn't know if she was going to Makwana Mansion or Pandya Niwas.   As she was wondering this, she noticed that both Chiku and Amrish had come to the hospital. She looked towards Dhawal, and he nodded and motioned her to let him handle it.

Both brothers had come to pick them up,  Finally, Dhawal said, "We'll go to Pandya Niwas.  Both Esha and Natasha haven't left their homes yet due to the shooting.   How about we go to Pandya Niwas, we can get Natasha's things, and then we could come by Makwana Mansion.  But we will only stay a night.   Natasha and I will stay at the Farm House for a few weeks, and then we will come back home.   Natasha looked at Dhawal in surprise.  He nodded his head and motioned her to stay calm, as her moved towards her, and wrapped his arms around her.   He asked if she was ok, he was ready to pick her up in his arms, when she shook her head, nodded towards their brothers.    He then guided her out of the room, and then Amrish said, "I have my car in the front.  I will take you to Kaki's.   What about you, Yash?" 

Chiku looked surprised.  "I got a taxi, but since we are going to the same place, I guess it's fine.  If you don't mind."  Natasha was surprised. Her brother was very polite.

"We're family.  Let's go, "  responded Amrish

Everyone arrived at Pandya Niwas, and both families had gathered to welcome her home.  She smiled gratefully. 

Now that she had recovered,  she was given a few minutes of grace, as once she had settled in, everyone started to lecture her on her safety.   She was smiling, with tears in her eyes.

"I couldn't let him hurt Dhawal.  But I promise that I will be more careful.   Besides, tell Dhawal to stop attracting Danger.  I've only been in danger when he's in danger.  So clearly, it's his fault."  stated Natasha

"Oye, Madam.   I wasn't in danger." replied Dhawal.

"Kids, calm down.  Let's agree to disagree.   How about both of you? Try to be careful."  interjected Hetal Bhabi.  

"By the way, what ever happened to them?"  asked Natasha

"They are in jail.  Awaiting trial, "  answered Dhawal  

They both nodded and smiled.   Then Amba and Suman started to discuss finishing the wedding functions.    

The Makwana's and Pandya's finished all the wedding functions remaining for Natasha and Esha within the next couple of days, then Dhawal and Natasha moved into the Farm House to a few weeks, then they had moved back to Makwana Mansion approximately 6 weeks after she was released from the hospital.    She had asked Dhawal why they were moving to the Farm House when Dhawal answered that he wanted to work on their issues before moving back home.    He knows that the trust issues were very fragile.  But they needed to work on it, so they would become a joint unit.   That no one would try to break, whether it was family or strangers.   They had promised each other trust, and if they got angry,  to step away, and calm down, before talking to each other.    As they were living at the Farm House, they would visit both families regularly.

One day, they were visiting the Makwana Mansion when Amba was being nostalgic and was going thru their old albums, which Natasha was excited to see.  After going through some of the albums, Natasha noticed herself and her brothers in one of the albums, which shocked her.   When asking about the little girl in the picture, Dhawal blushed.   Chirag laughingly mentioned that the little girl was the first girl Dhawal had a crush on.

Natasha started giggling, then was laughing.  The family was confused, Dhawal was confused but waited patiencely while she calmed down.  "Do you know who that little girl is, along with the boys in this picture.?" 

Everyone shook their heads, "That's me, Sheesh, Chiku, and Mithu,"  pointing out her brothers in the picture, shocking everyone.

When Chirag laughed out loud.  Everyone looked at him. Dhawal asked him, "What?"

"You've been in love with the same girl for over  15 years.  She was the girl you asked to marry you at 7 years old, and as an adult, you made good on your promise and married her.  You didn't even know that was Natasha, but you still ended up with her.  God works in mysterious way, my friend" clapping Dhawal on his back.

Dhawal looked at Natasha and smiled.

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