A New Start

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"Under the innocent faces, I know their true colors.  I won't let you sacrifice yourself.  You can't maintain relationships if they are burdening you, " yelled Chiku

"Chiku, you think I don't know.  Me - who's been craving for a family.  I wanted my parents' love for so long.  I felt this family was mine.  I thought finally, I would have a proper family.   Since the day I was born, my life has been a roller coaster.  I was only 2 months old when I was kidnapped.  It took 7 years for me to meet my family.  And then I was happy for a few months.  Everyone was happy.  Then that earthquake took them all.  You know what I wished, that our parents never even went to that damn bank.  At least they would have  been alive.   You disappeared.  We lost it all.  All it was left was Daama, Sheesh, Mithu, and I.   Then we grew up.  And I get married into the Great Makwana Family.  And all they wanted was Pandya Store.  And the funny thing is that I got married into the same family that my family lost their lives for.  But, Chiku, I would sacrifice my life for Daama.  So if I have to pretend to be happy with my inlaws.  I will.  As long as Daama is alive, I will sacrifice my life for her.  So you go.  Make sure Daama is stress free.  I promise I will be over tomorrow." Natasha said to Chiku as she pushed him out of Makwana House. 

As she turned around, she saw the Makwana family looking at her.  "What did you mean your family lost their lives."  asked Dhawal

"Dolly, you remember when I discovered the truth about the Makwana family, you had said, why I was making a rackus over a small shop.  How can I sell the store that my family souls reside in?  You see, I could have said, fine.    You want the shop, you can have it.  But in return, I want my family to return to me!  "  

"What do you do mean Choti Beheni?" asked Amba

"15 years ago, there was an earthquake.  There was a family of 4 brothers, along with their wives, that lost their lives trying to save a man, Arvind Makwana.  Those 4 brothers and their wives were my parents, my aunts, and uncles.  You see, it had only been months since I was returned to the Pandya family.   And then, in trying to save your husband, my family lost their lives.   And now, 15 years later, you are trying to take their home away from them.   So I will give Pandya Store, no questions asked.  But in return, I want my parents, aunts and uncles back.  Can you do that!    No!  Heck, if I had known what kind of family is this, I would have run the other way.  Too bad I didn't get married into another decent family."  as she started to walk away.

As she was about to climb the stairs, Golu rushed into her, almost tripping her.  He got scared.  "Golu, why are you crying?  Ssh."  She picked him up and took him towards the upstairs.

When Natasha and Golu disappeared from their sight, everyone looked at Amba and Amrish.  "Mots, did you know?  Did you know that Natasha's family was the ones to sacrifice their lives for Papa.   Is that why you targeted Pandya Store." asked Dhawal

"No, no.  I had no idea.  Do you think I would have gone after Pandya Store if I knew the history." said Amrish

"That girl will destroy us.  She needs to leave -" Amba had started to say.

"Never!  If she leaves, I will leave with her.  She's my wife.  I will never leave her, nor will I let her leave me.  I am going to get her to forgive me.  And we will have our new beginning."  stated Dhawal as he followed Natasha and Golu.

"This Dhawal has become crazy for him.  Don't know what black magic she did on him, " said Amba in anger

"Enough, Ma!  Enough!  Let him live in peace." said Amrish

"Amrish!" Amba was shocked.

"It's late.  Why doesn't everyone just go to bed and we will talk in the morning? "  said Amrish, walking towards his room.   Hetal walked into the room and saw that Amrish was lying on the bed with his arm covering his eyes.  "Amrishji, what are you thinking?" 

"Hetal, sit.  Talk to me.  Was I really about to break my brother's marriage?"  asked Amrish

"Yes.  You were.  He has a long way to go to get her to forgive him.  As of now, she is only staying here to keep her Daama happy.  Her Daama thinks Natasha is happy in her inlaws.   She is old, and all she would want is that her grandchildren are settled before she can leave this earth.    But Dhawal is also strong-willed.  And he loves Natasha.  He may not know it yet, but he loves her.  He had refused to eat while Daama was in hospital until he knew that she had eaten.  He does things for her.  He asked you to call the cardiologist, just so her Daama could get better.   He loves her very much.   And now, with the news that she lost her whole family trying to save your father.   He will do anything to get her forgiveness."

"I have to change my mall structuring, don't I?  Otherwise, I will lose my  brother, won't I?"  asked Amrish

"Yes, why don't you change it, so Pandya Store is part of the mall but separate.  Try to keep everyone happy, not just yourself."  replied Hetal, a little scared of his reaction.   Amrish didn't say anything, just was thinking.

Meanwhile, Natasha and Golu were in her room sleeping on the bed.  And Dhawal was lying on the sofa watching over them.    He was thinking about how to get forgiveness from Natasha.   He needed to do something.  As he was thinking about the issue, he fell asleep.  The next morning, Natasha tried to wake up, and Dhawal was unresponsive.    Natasha touched his forehead and felt that he had a fever.  She quickly moved him to the bed and quickly called Hetal Bhabi to call the doctor, while she quickly got a bowl with water and a towel to lower his fever.  

Shortly, everyone arrived in Natasha and Dhawal's room, Amba quickly rushed over, grabbed the wet towel from Natasha, pushed her out of the way, and started to wipe Dhawal down.   Chirag picked Natasha from the ground where she fell, and Amrish quietly grabbed the wet towel from Amba and handed it back to Natasha.  "Natasha, Ma was just worried.  She didn't mean to push you out of the way.    We just wanted to check on him.   The doctor is on his way.  If you need anything, just call us.  Hetal, make tea for Natasha, and the homemake connoction for Dhawal."  and gently horded everyone else out of the room, shocking Natasha, as that didn't sound like Amrish.     A little while later, the doctor came and checked on him.    He had prescribed some medicine for Dhawal.    After the doctor left, Amrish grabbed the prescription and said, "Don't worry, Natasha.  I will grab the medicines.  I will be back shortly."  

She nodded and kept on wiping him down.   Dhawal was awake now and was trying to get out of bed.  "Dhawal, stop it.   You are not well.  You need to stay in bed for a little bit longer."  Dhawal stopped and smiled at Natasha.  There was a knock on the door, and Hetal Bhabi had come through with a tea and breakfast for Natasha and the homemade concoction for Dhawal.  When Dhawal saw the homemade concoction, he made a face, "Bhabi, no!  It tastes awful.  That makes a person sick just by drinking it."

"Dhawal, stop acting like a child.  Bhabi has made it with love and care.  Just shup up and drink it!  And no complaints!"  ordered Natasha.  Dhawal smiled at Natasha, realizing that she was asserting her rights on him, even though she was angry at him, angry enough to break their relationship.  But he was stubborn. He was going to get his forgiveness from his Natasha.   They would start over with a clean slate.  He was happy that she was staying with him and not at Pandya Niwas.

A few months later, Makwana Mansion was full of laughter and smiles.  Amba was now used to it. Her two younger sons, along with their wives, were always joking and laughing, and they would always include everyone.   Amrish was smiling nowadays, along with Hetal.   Her only worry now was her son, Bhavin.  He was stubborn, and it was showing in the cracks of his marriage.  She knew that it was her fault that her teachings were not helpful.    Natasha had forgiven Dhawal, and shortly, the whole family.  Then Amrish and Hetal relationship improved to the point that Hetal just announced her second pregnancy.   

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