His wife

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"Dolly Bhabi, please bring Natasha outside."  asked Dhawal on the phone with Dolly

"Why don't you come inside Dhawal?"  asked Dolly

"No, Bhabi.  I won't come in.  Please bring Natasha outside."  Repeated Dhawal

Fifteen minutes later, Dhawal saw his Bhabi's carrying something wrapped in a white blanket.  He realized that it was Natasha that was wrapped in the blanket.  He smiled at his Bhabi's.   They always showed themselves as weak in front of their husbands, but they always pulled through and came through for him.   Ingenious idea of wrapping her in the blanket.  He quickly grabbed her from them.  

"Thank you, Bhabi." as he turned to leave.

"Wait, Dhawal, where are you taking Natasha."  asked Dolly

"Bhabi, Natasha wants Amrish Bhai and I to re-unite, but we can't.    We wanted you three to be independent, yet Ma, Amrish Bhai, and Bhavin Bhai will never allow that.   The plan was to prove to Bhai that I knew that he had hired that girl to say that Natasha kidnapped Golu.   But when I found out about Shashank, the plan went off the grid.  Natasha was suspicious, but I was so angry that Amrish Bhai was the one to send him over to Daama's that I didn't tell her anything about my plan.    Then I got stuck in jail and left the Makwana Mansion.   So she carried through the original plan of getting Pranali Bhabi's clinic in order to bring us together.  But now I realize that she is right, that the fake drugs weren't Amrish Bhai's doing.  It is someone else's.  And I have to figure out who.  But I won't let Natasha stay in Makwana Mansion without my protection anymore.  So I am taking her with me.  The only way she is allowed back in Makwana Mansion is if she is married to me.   Cause whoever brought in the fake drugs will think twice, hurting my wife." stated Dhawal

"Dhawal?  Are you saying what I think you are saying?"  asked Hetal

"Are you going to marry Natasha now.  In her nightwear?"  asked Pranali

"Bhabi, yes.  And yes.  Once we fix the issues in the family, then we will have a proper wedding.  But for now, this is it.    Besides, she may not agree.   But she won't be allowed to come back to Makwana Mansion if she is not married.  Now, you guys should go back in.  Natasha will either see you tomorrow or she will call you."  Dhawal left with Natasha in his arms.

He took her with him to the temple and waited for her to wake up.  

Early the next morning, Natasha woke up, but she was being held in someone's arms.  When she looked up, she noticed it was Dhawal, who was holding her tightly.  She smiled and then realised that she wasn't at Dhawal's house, nor Daama's.  When she looked around, she saw that they were in a temple.   When she started to figet in Dhawal's arms, he started to wake up.

"Dhawal, what's going on?  Why are we in the temple?  When did we come here?"  asked Natasha

"Slow down.  I brought you here last night.  And we are at the temple because I couldn't take you anywhere else."  said Dhawal

"What's going on, Dhawal?"

"You were right.  Amrish Bhai did not bring the drugs into the clinic.  But someone did.  And we need to find out who.  But you can't stay in Makwana Mansion without the protection of my name.   So either you marry me,  or I will leave Somnath, "  said Dhawal

"Dhawal,are you crazy?  We broke up.  Our marriage was annuled."  said Natasha, smacking his arm.

"Yes, we were annuled.  Only because Amrish Bhai manipulated me.  But no longer.  If you don't want to marry me, fine.  But you can't stay in Makwana Mansion.  After we find out the truth about the drugs, I will walk away.   But I won't stay in Somnath.  I will be moving away.  Away from you and your memories.   I will never come in front of you ever again."  stated Dhawal.

"Dhawal, you're scaring me.  Why are you doing this?"  asked Natasha

"I'm tired, Natasha.  I know I broke your heart.  I broke mine as well.   I always thought my brother was a God. But he turned out to be human.  We all make mistakes.  But I learned from my mistakes.  That day at the Farm House was one of my happiest.   After all the issues we were having, we were finally learning to trust each other.  Then, the next day was one of the worst days of my life.  You were so far from me.  You were broken, and it was my fault.  Amrish Bhai used me to hurt my life.   Then he asked me to divorce you.  I did.  Just so I could return Pandya Store.  I just wanted you to be happy.  But I didn't realize that my happiness was you.    I was always angry, but I couldn't do anything.   After the college trip,  I told Bhai that I was going back to you.  But then I got angry when I thought you had gotten Isha and Chiku married.  Then Suhani's chapter was brought in.  And that Sundip.   I was very jealous.  I was angry.  You were my wife!" exclaimed Dhawal

"Well, you were my husband.  And you were getting married to that Suhani."  responded Natasha.

"Then I made the biggest mistake of my life.  I didn't trust you.  And when I found out the truth, my world was shattered again. Then,  I tried to make things better, but I ended up  making things worse.   Then my accident.  Amrish Bhai blackmailing you.   Sundip tried  to kill you.  Trying to make things better for our Bhabi's.  Shashank came into our lives.  Finding out the truth.  And leaving home.  So yes, I am tired."  Dhawal explained.

"Dhawal.  You're scaring me."  said Natasha

"And you think I don't get scared.  You took fake drugs to prove to me that they weren't fake.  You fainted.  You could have gotten worse.  You only have one kidney.  And you don't take care of yourself.  You scared me on a weekly basis.  Whether it be electroquted.  Being kidnapped.  Being shot at.  A murder attempt.  And now being drugged.  Do you need that much adventure in your life."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, I'm fine.  Nothing happened.  You should take me back." said Natasha

"Natasha, you are not going back to the Makwana Mansion.  If you don't want to marry me.  Fine.  I will take you to Pandya Niwas, but you are not going back to Makwana Mansion.  At least if we are married, someone would hesitate before thinking of hurting you." stated Dhawal

"Dhawal, why are you thinking so negatively." asked Natasha.

"Natasha.  I am not thinking negatively.  I am thinking with a clear head.   I am looking at all the scenerios.  Trying to find out who ordered the fake drugs might get dangerous, and I will protect you whether you like or not.   I love you.  You may have stopped loving me, but I will not stop loving you.   Let's go.  I will drop you off at Pandya Store.  And if you move back in, I will leave town and never come back."  

"Dhawal!  Please.  Why are you saying this.   I am doing this for you.  I want you back with your family.  It was because of me that everything got destroyed."  said Natasha

"You are doing this for me.  Stop doing it for me.    Tell me, how did our happy married life get destroyed?"  asked Dhawal

"Pandya Store got destroyed."  said Natasha

"And who destroyed it?" asked Dhawal, folding his arms.

"Amrish Bhai," said Natasha, looking down towards the ground.

"Now get it in your head.  You are not at fault.  So you don't need to make amends in trying to get us back together.  Now, I will drop you off at Pandya Niwas."  said Dhawal

"I thought you wanted to get married?  To give me protection of your name.  Then we can find out who the culprits are ?"  asked Natasha

Dhawal looked surprised.  "You will marry me again?" 

"Yes, but after everything calms down.  I want a proper wedding.  With all the functions, dance, food, and enjoyment.  Our wedding was rushed.   And only things considered were Amrish Bhai's wishes."  stating Natasha showing Dhawal little bit of attitude.

"Yes.  We will get married."  smiled Dhawal as he pulled Natasha in for a hug. Then, he grabbed her hand and took her to the priest, who was getting ready to start the prayers for the day.  The priest quickly married them, and then Dhawal took Natasha for breakfast first.  

As they were having breakfast,  Dhawal and Natasha were discussing the issue of the Pranali's clinic.   They were looking at the pro's and con's of the whole situation.  In trying to figure out who would be happy if the clinic shuts down.   Dhawal decided that he would investigate more.  Natasha refused to keep back and stated that she was part of this.   

"Dhawal, we are doing this together.  We are partners.   We just got married.  We are not going to make the same mistakes as before." stated Natasha

"Fine!  We will do this together.  You stay at Makwana Mansion, be careful.   I don't know why, but it doesn't feel like it is a rival's doing."

"Let's not jump to conclusions.  Let's find the evidence and then figure out our next step." 

"Fine, now finish your food.  I have to drop you off at Makwana Mansion.  And for you, I am willing to step inside for a moment.   But you will not say anything.  Let me do the talking." said Dhawal

"What are you planning?" asked Natasha, finishing up her breakfast.

"Trust me. Please.  I won't do anything to hurt you."  stated Dhawal as he paid the bill.

Dhawal and Natasha returned to Makwana Mansion.  When Amrish saw Dhawal, he was so happy that he didn't notice that Natasha was wearing sindoor and a mangalsutra.   The Makwana daughter in laws did.  They started smiling.   

"Dhawal, you're back.  I'm so happy."  stated Amrish while Amba started crying.

"I'm not.  I just came to drop off my wife."  stated Dhawal

"Wife?" questioned Amrish and Amba.  They looked towards Natasha.

"You married her again.  Why are you trying to ruin your life.  She's no good for you.  Or this family."  cried Amba,

"She's perfect for me and my family.   You are lucky. She was willing to marry me today.  Otherwise, I would have left town this morning and would never come back."  Dhawal responded, shocking the Makwana family.

"What!  Dhawal, why are you doing this?  I am sorry.  Please don't leave this family.  Come home.   Whatever you want, we will do.    You want the ladies of our family to be independent.  Done.  You want to be independent.  Done.  Just come home.   if you don't want to speak to me, fine.  But the rest of the family is missing you.  They are incomplete without you.  Complete our family, "  cried Amrish, holding his hands in apology.

Dhawal looked at Natasha and his Bhabis',  he wonder if he stayed there, if it would be better for the ladies, or would it make it worse?   He looked at the pleading faces of his sisters in laws  and his wife.   He finally nodded.  When he was rushed into a hug by Natasha, his sister in laws, Chirag and Bhavin.    Amba was shocked at the events that just happened.   Amrish looked at them and smiled.  "Thank you."  

"We need to celebrate.   Dhawal and Natasha are married again."  Dolly said excitedly.

"Actually, Dolly Bhabi.  Not yet.  But we will celebrate properly."  stated Dhawal.

Natasha quietly went to her room to freshen up as she was still in clothes from last night.  

She quickly got ready and went to Dhawal's room to see if he was there.   He was.  "Dhawal, what are you thinking?   What's the next step?" 

Dhawal was leaning against the headboard, and he pulled out his hand for Natasha to hold.  She grabbed his hand, and he pulled her into his arms.   "Listen, I realize that I can help whether I am at home or outside.  The first thing we need to do is find out who the supplier is, who's the contact is, and find out who ordered the medicines."  said Dhawal

"Well, how are we going to do that?"  asked Natasha, fiddling with his fingers.

"Well, we know the name of the supplier.  We just have to make sure it is correct.  Then, we can figure out who their contact is.    If Amrish Bhai had ordered the first batch of medicines, we would start there.  If it is correct, the medicines must have been canceled, and the fake medicines were brought in.  Once we figure out that, we can figure out who called the media."  stated Dhawal. 

"Everything is be ok, right Dhawal?" asked Natasha

"Everything will be ok."  said Dhawal

Meanwhile, Daama was trying to fill Amrish's ears along with Bhavin. 

"Amrish, what is going on?  Natasha is married to Dhawal again.  We  need to do something.  She is not a good fit for our family."  she stated.

"Enough, Ma.  Natasha is the only reason Dhawal is back in this house.  If she leaves, so does he.   Natasha is the reason that the clinic's opening wasn't as worst as it was.   Whoever brought those fake medicines, I will find him!" said Amrish, scaring Bhavin and Amba.

"But Amrish, that Natasha" stammered Amba

"Ma, Enough.  Leave them alone.  They are happy.   Why were you so happy that we destroyed Dhawal's life.  He almost died.  He would be dead if it wasn't for Natasha.  He was right.  She is his lifeline.  If something happens to Natasha, it hurts Dhawal.   Just let them be happy.  No more playing games with their lives." Amrish ordered as he walked away.

A couple of weeks later, Natasha and Dhawal found out the truth about Bhavin and Amba.

They called everyone over into the sitting area.    The last couple weeks, Amrish and Dhawal, were having somewhat of a truce.  They greeted each other with tentative politeness.  Everyone was sitting down.  Both Dhawal and Natasha started.

"Ma, why do you consider women weak when you yourself are a woman?"  asked Natasha

"Because women are weak.  They need a man's support to do anything."  responded Amba

"Ma, do you know 4 women were among the brothers that lost their lives in trying to save your husband.  One of them happened to be pregnant.     They were wives of the  brothers who lost their lives in trying to save your husband.  8 members of one family lost their lives.   The elder grandmother had to rise up to raise her orphan grandchildren.  She wasn't weak, and neither were the 8 members that lost their lives."  stated Natasha, shocking the Makwana family

"How do you know that?"  asked Amrish

"Because I am one of those orphan grandchildren.  My whole world collapsed during that earthquake.   I lost 8 members of my family, including my parents. Chiku's parents, Mithu's parents, and my youngest Chachu and Chachi, who was pregnant at the time."  

The Makwana's were shocked at the news.

"So Ma, a woman is weak in your opinion.  Can I say that you are weak? You needed help, but instead of asking for help from family, you emotionally blackmailed your elders' sons to think like that.  Well, that stops now.   I know you like to be in control, which is fine, but up to a point.  When your meddling is destroying lives, it's enough.    And if your sons won't stop it, I will."  stated Natasha.  Amba looked towards her sons, and she saw no support from them.  Dhawal was smiling in agreement.   She was pissed.

"Now, we know that you brought the alcohol in our engagement party.  Fine.  You brought the Fake Chiku in our lives.  Fine.  Those ploys of yours didn't work.  In fact, Amrish Bhai ended up in jail.  You should have learned your lesson.  But you didn't.  And I am sorry if you think I am attacking you.  But I am not one to take attacks and not respond.  My grandmother raised a strong woman who can handle anything that life has thrown at me."  said Natasha

"What do you know about life.  You haven't even lived."  scoffed Amba

"Do you know I was only 2 months old when I was kidnapped.  I didn't return to my family till I was 7.   I was 7 years old when I learned what family was.  What a mother's love was.   I was lucky.   In those few months, I got to experience love from 4 mothers, 4 fathers, 3 brothers, and Daama.  Then the earthquake happened, and I lost it all.  Then I grew up and got married.  I thought finally I would get my family back.  Only it was a bloody deal.   Then that same family decided to break my marriage.   Tell me, Ma, if your mother in law or brother in law decided that after a couple of months of marriage, that divorce would be the better  option.  How would you feel?" Natasha asked.

Amba stumbled over her words, couldn't say anything.  

" You guys did everything to break me, and all I wanted was a family.  Where everyone loved each other.  Supported each other.  But this family put women down like they were second class cititzens.  Why did you get your sons married if their wives' lives are not equal to their husbands? "  stated Natasha

"Because they don't have the equality to my sons."  stated Amba

"What did they do that is so special.  If you say that your son supports his family.  Then, no, every family goes through that.  My family gave up their lives for a stranger.  Now, what is special about your family and your sons.  Your two youngest are willing to give up their lives for their wives, but the eldests not so much.  Heck, they are known to throw obstacles in their wives' lives.   Amrish uses his words, but Bhavin, you, along with your mother, exchanged the medicine Amrish brought for Pranali.  All so her license would get cancelled, and the clinic would close."  

Everyone looked towards Bhavin and Amba.   "Ma, you did this."  said Chirag 

"Why are you blaming me?  I didn't do anything!"  said Amba, surprising Bhavin, as he ordered everything as per Amba's orders.

"Ma, we know that Bhavin doesn't do anything like that.  He will follow orders.  And he was following your orders."  stated Amrish, who wasn't even angry at the deception.  The last few weeks had shown him that  Natasha and Dhawal were correct.  Things in their family needed to change.  And he needed to start with himself and how he treated his wife and people around him.

"Ma, your son is married to a smart and intelligent woman that you and your son want to suffocate through your backward thinking and rules.   Pranali Bhabi is a doctor, and why can't she practice.  Then why did she go to school, if she could utilize her talents.  Why can she use her talents to help people. If everyone had the same thoughts as you did, my family wouldn't have lost their lives trying to save your husband."  stated Natasha.

"Ma accept the changes. Otherwise, you will lose your family.  I will be the first one to leave with Natasha, and no matter how much you try to emotional blackmail Natasha, I will never let her become your victim.  I will move so far that the only time you will see me is in your dreams."  stated Dhawal.

"Ma, we will go with Dhawal.  I will not try to stop him next time."  stated Chirag.

"Ma, see what you have done. I realized my mistakes when Dhawal left home.   We destroyed his life.    I was trying to fix my mistakes when you and Bhavin made things worse.  You couldn't leave anything alone, could you?"  Amrish interjected.

"This is that Dukaan wali Behen."  stated Amba

"Ma, enough of blaming Natasha.  YOU always blamed someone.  When Natasha and I went to puja at the maternal house, you faked your fall, and Hetal Bhabi got blamed.  Shortly after, she had an injury on her arm.  Your actions, ideas, and thoughts are the reason for this, not Natasha."  

"Bhavin Bhai, if you follow the route you are on, you will lose everything.   So evaluate your life,  and ask yourself.  It this worth it?" said Chirag.

Dhawal looked around and saw that everyone had a lot to think about.  He grabbed Natasha's hand and took her to their room.  Letting everyone with their thoughts.

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