Aftermath of Holi part 2

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The next morning, Chirag, along with the Makwana daughter in laws had decided that enough was enough. Things needed to change, and if they didn't like it, they would be moving out.

Hetal, Pranali, and Dolly made breakfast together and brought it to the table. Hetal asked Chirag to call everyone for breakfast.

Once breakfast was served, the ladies sat down, surprising Amrish, Bhavin, and a subdued Amba.

"Hetal, what's going on?" asked Amrish, shocked.

"Amrish, what is going on? Change. This house needs change. Otherwise, we will move out. You have been blindly following your mother. You said you wanted a family that is joined with love. But what was your mother doing, slowly breaking us so she could have control. No longer." said Hetal

"Hetal Bhen, how dare you!" said Amba

"Enough Maa, haven't you done enough. She can dare. That is her husband. She is his equal partner. You couldn't be happy knowing your children were happy in their lives. You needed cause problems. Your thinking. Your control. Your games. It ends now. We have already decided. We are with Dhawal and Natasha. They need our support. And if things don't change here, Pranali Bhabi, Golu, and Hetal Bhabi will leave Makwana house with us." said Chirag

"Chirag, what are you saying?" said Amrish

"I am sorry, Bhai. But Dhawal was right. We are not your puppets nor Maa's. And we've been Maa's puppets for years. She has been pulling our strings, making decisions, making us think they were our decisions. We are going to be independent. We will work for you in Makwana group but if you don't want that, fine we will find other jobs. If the ladies want to do jobs, they will. If they want to be a housewife, they can. It should be their decision. Not force upon them. They are our wives, our partners, our loves, then why can't we work together. Make compromises. Why is it just that the wives are making compromises to the point that they can't even enjoy life. The women couldn't dance, but men were. They couldn't play daniya, but the men could. Well, I don't want that life. I know Dhawal doesn't either. He fought for Natasha, and he won. He was so happy. And Maa, what did you do. You blackmailed Natasha to hurt us. This is what a family should be? If that is what you want. Then fine, we don't want any part of it." Chirag said.

Meanwhile, Dhawal and Chiku have seen Rama Kaka's house, and it was perfect for him and Natasha. He was able to rent it from Rama Kaka. He was moving shortly to move in with his son. Dhawal was happy that he could do this for his Natasha. Dhawal thanked Chiku for helping them.

Dhawal and Chiku headed back to Pandya Niwas. Natasha was sitting having a cup of tea with everyone around her. Sheesh was trying to talk to her, but Natasha was ignoring him.

Dhawal and Chiku walked in Sheesh, trying to apologize to Natasha. Finally, Natasha yelled. "I don't care! I'm done. Every time you are annoyed, you taunt me. Now, it's all yours. I want nothing to do with Pandya store. It's yours. I will sign my shares back to the family. Don't worry, I won't ask for it back. I am planning to leave Somnath. So you won't have to deal with me ever again." cried Natasha while Sheesh cried as he couldn't through to Natasha

"Natasha!" yelled Dhawal

"Why are you here still? I thought you would have gone back to Makwana house." asked Natasha

"I rented Rama Kaka's house for us. We will be moving there shortly." Dhawal surprised Natasha, making her thoughtful.

"Really?" whispered Natasha

"Yes. Why do you want to leave Somnath?" asked Dhawal

"Because I was asked not to come here, only to come during Raksha Bandan. Well, I will make it easier for everyone. I won't come even then. Yesterday, I was emotional. That I forgot the conversation from earlier. I forgot myself and called Daama for advice. I wanted to confront Maa, and I needed her help in bringing Esha. I was hurt yesterday. And now, I will leave as soon as I sign the papers over to Daama."

"Natasha, please don't leave. I'm sorry. This is all my fault and Maa's." cried Esha

"You should be happy, Esha. I won't be here to be an imaginary rival. Something that I never was? You know, all I ever wanted was my family, my whole family." said Natasha, surprising Esha, as she always called her Di or Bhabi never just Esha.

"How is this your fault Esha? The truth" ordered Dhawal, while Chiku just watched.

"I was the reason that customer was upset. With the faulty merchandise. I added something to it so it would break, and the customer would get angry. I thought that then everyone would blame Natasha, as Maa said they would. When everyone critised her, and then Daama told her to stay away from family issues. Only come once a year. I was happy. I felt that this was finally my house. Otherwise, everyone was always saying Natasha Natasha." said Esha.

"Do you even know Natasha's history before you started blaming her for everything?" asked Chiku

"What do you mean?" asked Esha

"Natasha is the first born of the Pandya family. I am adopted. When Natasha was 2 months old, she was kidnapped from our family by my birth mother, Shweta Ma. Krish Chachu saved me instead of her, and she was stolen from our family. Our family broke in four different pieces. Do you know how hard it is to bring a family back together after trust is broken. Though it wasn't Chachu's fault, he was blamed for it. Everyone left. My father became a drunk. My mother, she was everything for me. Then, 7 years later, our family came together. Daama was sick, and everyone came home. Shweta Ma came back with Natasha only because Natasha was sick. Do you want to know what Shweta Ma did to Natasha? She had her working up to 16 hours a day, going from one shoot to another. She had Natasha working as a child artiste. She was fed sugar and diet pills. Do you know the damage that did to her body. She was 7 years old, and she was very sick. Her kidneys weren't working. Shweta Maa had spent all of Natasha's money, so she didn't even have any money for her treatment. So she came back to Somnath to get Pandya Store. But unluckily for Shweta Maa, she was caught. Natasha was found. They investigated and found out that she was missing Pandya. Dhara Ma gave her kidney. And we were happy to a few months. Our family was finally together again. Shweta Maa also reformed and was building a relationship with Pandya's. Then the earthquake happened. And we lost everyone. Eight members of our family are gone in an instant. Then I ended up getting lost in the chaos. Natasha was the one who picked herself up. All the responsibilities fell on her shoulders. She made sure that the boys went to school, and she ran the store while going to school herself. She was taking care of the family. She is always taking care of her family and forgets to take care of herself. And you are jealous because we worry about her." Chiku explained.

"I'm sorry, Yash. I didn't know." cried Esha

"We worry about her health. We lost her once. We don't want to lose her again. You left your family on your own free will. Natasha did not." said Daama."Bacha, I am sorry too. I thought if we kept you away, that you may be happier, not so stressed. I didn't know about Amba's blackmail."

Esha was ashamed of her deeds. She listened to her mother and lost everyone's trust.

"I've made a few decisions. Esha and I will move out of Somnath. I think it may be better for us. I think some space might do everyone some good. We will be able to keep in contact with everyone. No Sasu Maa, Esha. Otherwise, you can go back to Makwana house." said Chiku

"No, I promise I won't. But is it necessary for us to leave. We need the family, Yash." cried Esha

"Esha, we need to leave. Because if we stay, you will end up in contact with your mother. And you will plan another trick against Natasha. And I refuse to let that happen. I love you. I married you. But you caused issues between me and my sister. If they had apologized and not thrown Natasha out of the house, it would have been fine. Yes, there would have been tension, but sooner or later, that would have disappeared. Yes, I took the property from Makwana's, but that was in response to them taking Pandya Store. If they had left Pandya Store alone, this would never have happened." stated Chiku.

"Esha, I agree with Chiku. Natasha and I will be moving into Rama Kaka's home. I know Maa will pretend to be remorseful for a little while before playing her tricks again. So, it is better that Natasha and I live away from her. Natasha is my first priority. Esha, you need to realize that in a relationship, there is always compromise. Your priority should be Chiku, not yourself or the family. When I lost Natasha the first time, it wasn't because the love wasn't there. It was trust. Maa and Amrish played so many tricks in destroying our marriage. But when I opened my eyes, my marriage was destroyed. I tried to regain her love, her trust back. But she was hurt, and she hardened herself to me. Then she sided against her brother. Not because she didn't love him, but she thought he had taken the wrong way. Just like I did, when I found out Amrish Bhai had used me, manipulated me. I left Makwana's house to be independent. For myself, for Natasha. And finally, we got married. And Maa played her trick, and Natasha distanced herself. I trusted Natasha. But I knew she was hiding something from me. I wished she could have told me. But I had hurt her alot, it takes a lot to regain that trust." said Dhawal

"I agree with both Chiku and Dhawal. Give yourselves space. No rash decisions. Chutki, I don't want to hear you signing papers or leaving town. And Chiku, calm down and talk to your wife. Go take her to your room, " said Daama.

Dhawal took the hint, too, so when Chiku grabbed Esha's and pulled her along. He decided to do the same, grabbed Natasha's hand, and pulled her towards her room.

"Dhawal, what are you doing?" as her pulled into her room.

"What were you thinking? Were you seriously thinking of leaving town?" asked Dhawal as her grabbed her close.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to break your family. I figured with me gone, things would slowly go back to the way things were." said Natasha

"You are my family! You are my first choice. I will always pick you over, everyone. I know I made the decision to move into Rama Kaka's house, with out your imput, but it was necessary. You need space. You have been so stressed since our wedding, but no longer. We will concentrate on our family. You and me." said Dhawal

Natasha smiled and started tearing up. She quickly hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry, Dhawal. I didn't want to hurt you. She is your mother. I've already lost my parents. How could I destroy your relationship with your mother."

"Sssh. Stop crying, Natasha. It's ok. I am just glad things are in the open." Dhawal tried to get her to stop crying when he just picked her up and went to bed. He sat on the bed, lying against the wall, with Natasha in his lap, just whispering comforting words to her, and slowly, she fell asleep. He laid her down properly and watched her sleep for a while.

As he was watching her sleep, he messaged Chirag to see what was happening at the Makwana house. In response, he got a call from Chirag, and he quickly picked up, not wanting to wake up Natasha. He quietly got up and left the room.

"Chirag, how are things there." asked Dhawal

"Good. Subdued. Maa, Amrish Bhai, and Bhavin Bhai are quiet. The girls made a statement this morning. They sat down to dine right away the first serving, and Amrish Bhai was shocked. Hetal Bhabi stated they needed change. Then Maa tried to threaten them, I spoke up and stated either we change. Otherwise, we all will leave. They were shocked into silence." said Chirag

"Great Chirag. Keep up the good work. We will change this household. The change is needed. The women in our family are not second-class citizens. Do you know that I've never realized that Maa, being a woman, wasn't treated as a second-class citizen yet, our wives who we are spending our lives with were treated horribly. So we will change the thinking of this family. Natasha and I will live separately, as Maa has treated her horribly. Natasha needs to mentally recover. Then slowly I will bring her around to be with the family. She is feeling a lot of guilt towards us, and I need to help her get over it as it wasn't her fault. She was being blackmailed." said Dhawal

"You do what you need to do. We need Natasha to be happy. She's our family. We will come by later this afternoon. And let me know what you need for your house, and I can have it delivered. I don't want Natasha to worry about anything."

"I was going to go grab them. I need to grab furniture. Bedroom and living room. And dishes. Rama Kaku is taking his furniture with him, and the stuff isn't taking, I don't want. So if you want, come with me, and bring Dolly Bhabi. I will bring Natasha. Maybe it distracts her, and she can spend some time with Dolly Bhabi. She is very hurt about how she was forced to treat everyone." said Dhawal

"Not a problem. I will bring Dolly. You bring Natasha. Finally, they can talk and be free. No more tension. Let's meet in an hour." said Chirag

Finally, Dhawal felt that his marriage was starting. He was to move in their own place in 4 days' time. Until then, he had to make sure that Natasha wasn't alone with Esha.

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