Finally the truth comes out

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An annoymous package came to the house, with a note on it. Stating the package needed to be opened in front of the whole family. Dhawal called everyone into the sitting room.

As he opened the package, the inside the package said, 'Now my revenge is complete. You have lost your eldest son, Amrish. You all blamed Natasha, which is funny because she was trying her hardest to save him. Then you all lost Natasha, which you all deserve. I can't decide whether I feel sorry for you or justified. Actually, I feel sorry for you Dhawal, you lost the two most important people in your life. Do you know that you have trusted the wrong people in your life. Your mother has been trying to kick Natasha out of your life since Natasha came into your life. Do you know the reason Amrish went into jail the first time, during your diasterous engagement was your own mother. Then, the fake Chiku who had kidnapped Natasha was also organized by your mother. But let's not forget Dahi Handi, which Natasha's top had ripped, which was also caused by your mother. I believe if your mother minded her business, everyone's lives would have been a lot happier. Either that, or send her to an old folks home, where she's too far to cause any problems. She loves causing problems between the couples, whether it was Hetal and Amrish or Pranali and Bhavin, or Natasha and Dhawal. She must be very happy now. Natasha is in Mumbai, where the poor girl doesn't even know her name, who she is, heck, she's living as four year old child. She has lost all mental capabilities." said the voice. The voice then continued.

"Do you know that Dhawal being hired by Shalini Dave was a way for Shalini to get close to Amrish. Your mother had asked Shalini to try to break Natasha and Dhawal up, and she succeeded. You see, Shalini Dave was in love with Amrish. Had been for years. She was his fiance. They were supposed to get married, but she received an assignment, and she left just before the wedding, thinking that she would get married after she came back, but Amrish then married Hetal. Then, when the goons attacked Makwana house, Shalini faked her injury so she could stay in Makwana house. Shalini always recorded everything. She recorded everything that happened in the guest room, too. Then, when Amrish had asked Dhawal to send Shalini away, she got angry. So she was the one who put the idea of the Safarai trip in Golu's head. You see, the night before, Shalini had tricked Amrish, and he fell on top of her. She filmed the encounter. She was there in the Safarai as she had bribed the guides to take you where she wanted. She had pulled Amrish away and blackmailed him. She said that she wanted to be recognized as Amrish's second wife. Otherwise, she was going to show Hetal the videos and pictures. The funny thing is that Natasha found the pictures after Shalini had fallen over the cliff. Amrish went to grab the rope. When he encountered Natasha looking at the pictures, he tried to explain, but she told him that she trusted him, which shocked him. Then, when they went to pull Shalini up, they saw that Mithu had fallen over as he was trying to save Shalini. They pulled Mithu up first, then tried pulling Shalini up when Amrish slipped. You see, Dhawal, you didn't see the fallen phone that was recording the conversations. And where Natasha and Amrish had their conversation, there was also another camera, as Shalini ordered cameras all over the jungle to record their conversations. When she died, I was able to grab all the cameras and saw all the happenings around the jungle. It's amazing what money can buy." stated the voice.

Dhawal looked through the pictures before handing them over to everyone else. Pictures of Amrish and Shalini, shocking Hetal. Pictures of Natasha are in poor condition.

Next a video of Natasha was playing, where she it looked like she was getting engaged, when she heard the cries of a baby, and she had an attacked, where she attacked her groom and ran off. Then the next scene was of Naveli and Natasha, where Naveli calmed Natasha down, and then Natasha protected Naveli from the groom and another woman.

"I believe Natasha was going to get engaged at this time, but didn't as she had an attack. Every time she hears a baby crying, she reacts this way. Otherwise, she is a happy child, a little stubborn, but a child none the less." stated the voice. "So I was saying my revenge is complete now. The Makwana family is finished. The family may look together, but everyone is separate. I am very happy. Everyone is unhappy but Hetal, I am very happy with you. You caused all this separation. Your revenge against Dhawal and Natasha is very good. You separated Natasha and Dhawal by dragging Natasha out of the house and taking her to the train station. So, thank you for making things a lot easier for me."

Everyone looked at Hetal, shocked that Hetal was the reason for the separation. Dhawal was angry, but he wasn't going to separate a mother from her child, but Hetal Bhabi had no qualms about it.

"Since my revenge is almost complete as Natasha will be getting married tomorrow, I am the happiest today." As the voice revealed themselves to the Makwana family. It was Suhani. "Finally, after 7 years, I am going to move on. I am glad the Makwana family is destroyed from the inside out. From Amba to Hetal, when you have family members like that, you don't need enemies." Suhani said as the video blacked out.

Dhawal fell down on the sofa. He destroyed his own life with his own hands. He destroyed his relationship with his daughter with his hatred. Naveli walked up to the table where the pictures were and saw Natasha's picture.

"Hey, Mummy, that is my new friend, Bittu. But why do you have her picture" shocking everyone that Naveli met her own mother, and neither knew.

"Naveli, that's your friend, Bittu?" asked Dhawal.

"Yes, Makar Makwana. She is my friend. She has a store too, Pandya Store. She gave me candy from there. You didn't let me say goodbye to her." pointed out Naveli.

Dhawal smiled and pulled out his phone. "Commissioner Sharma. This is Dhawal Makwana. I need help. I have finally located my wife. Natasha Pandya Makwana, otherwise known as Chutki. My wife, who is mentally unstable since our daughter was born, has been located in Mumbai. She has a grocery store called Pandya Store. Supposedly, a man is trying to marry her. I need you to stop the wedding. She is going by the name Bittu. I will be in Mumbai later today. Please."

"No problem, we will stop the wedding. I will have a couple of officers go to the Pandya store and find where your wife is." said the Commissioner.

Dhawal looked at his mother and shook his head. He headed out the door, stating he would be back with Natasha.

Chirag and Bhavin looked at their mother. "Ma, what did you do to this family? You and Hetal Bhabi have destroyed this family. Not Natasha, " said Chirag as he left the room. Slowly, everyone left, leaving Hetal and Amba alone.

Dhawal was worried about what if he was too late. He hoped he got there in time.

A few hours later, Dhawal met up with the Commissioner and found out that luckily, Natasha didn't get married. The groom was her doctor, who had fallen in love with her and taken advantage of his position in her life. So they brought Natasha back to the Commissioner's office, where she was coloring.

Dhawal walked into the room where Natasha was, and when she looked up, she looked confused.

"Natasha," said Dhawal softly.

"Bittu." said Natasha

"Do you want to see your friend?" he asked.

"Friend?" she looked around for Naveli.

Dhawal called Pranali on a video call. "Bhabi, can you pass the phone to Naveli, please?" Pranali was shocked. Dhawal said please. She smiled. Then, he went to Naveli's room to hand over the phone. "Naveli, Dhawal's on the phone," said Pranali

"Makar Makwana? For me, why? I don't want to talk. Please." said Naveli.

"Naveli, answer the call. I have someone who wants to meet you. Your friend." said Dhawal.

"Bittu?" Naveli quickly grabbed the phone. "Bittu! You're with Makar Makwana? Where are you? I will come?" Naveli started talking.

"Friend? Best friend." Natasha touched the screen.

"Do you want to come with me to see friend?" asked Dhawal

Natasha smiled at hearing this. "Friend?"

"Yes, we will go to Friend. Naveli, I will bring Bittu home." Dhawal held his hand out for Natasha, and Natasha looked at it before finally, grabbing it.

Before leaving, he thanked the Commissioner, with Natasha copying his actions. The Commissioner smiled.

Dhawal took Natasha straight to the airport, where Natasha got nervous. Dhawal held her hand and calmed her down.

A few hours later, Natasha was in Makwana house smiling as she was going to see her friend. Natasha was happy. She was playing with Naveli. But when Pranali and Dolly saw her, they got tears in their eyes. They couldn't believe that the strong Natasha was this Natasha. This Natasha didn't know who they were, let alone who she was. Hetal was shocked at what she saw. She hated Natasha for the past 7 years, but now that she knows that she was innocent, she felt guilty. For everything for separating them, for destroying the family. But now, she wanted her family back. She wanted Natasha back.

Natasha looked up and saw Hetal. She backed away from Hetal, walking backward away from her. She almost hit the table when Dhawal held her before she hurt herself.

"Naveli, why don't you take Natasha to your room." said Dhawal

"Natasha? Her name is Bittu." said Naveli

"No, her name is Natasha. Her Daama and brothers called her Chutki." stated Dhawal firmly

Naveli nodded and took Natasha to her room.

"Dhawal, what happened to Natasha?" asked Pranali, while everyone was shocked at what has become of Natasha.

"Natasha was about to marry her doctor. He fell in love with her and took advantage of his position in her life. So now, we need to find her a doctor who can help her.

A little while later, they heard a song coming from Naveli's room.

They went to her room and saw that Naveli was in Natasha's arms. Natasha was singing her a lori, and Naveli was falling asleep in Natasha's arms.

"She couldn't speak properly, but she sang a lori and put her daughter to sleep. It's like she unconsciously knows that Naveli is her daughter." said Pranali.

Dhawal was looking at Natasha. He looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, go. We can figure out things later. This day has been shocking enough. From finding out the truth and stopping Natasha's wedding and bringing her back to Somnath. Let's take a step back and slowly figure out how to proceed, with the first step being finding a doctor for Natasha."

Dhawal walked into Naveli's room, and he saw that both Natasha and Naveli had fallen asleep. He made them comfortable and put the comforter on the them, when Natasha grabbed his hand and held it close to her face. Dhawal then got comfortable beside Natasha. He was feeling happy for the first time in 7 years. He didn't know what would happen when Natsha's memories returned, but for now, she was accepting his comfort in her sleep.

A couple of weeks of around Dhawal and Naveli, and Natasha was acting almost like her old self. She stayed away from the family, spending all her time with Naveli. Dhawal was happy that Naveli was getting her mother's love, but he was getting frustrated as Natasha was keeping a distance from him. He knew it was his fault. He wished he could change the last 7 years. The doctor had suggested that he re-create their old memories to trigger her. He wasn't sure, but he thought to take her by Pandya Store. Hopefully, it could trigger her memories.

Dhawal took her along with Naveli to Pandya Store, which was being managed as Sheesh and Mithu left Somnath after Daama's death. But Natasha had no reaction. So Dhawal brought them back home. He then took Natasha to the roof and recreated their first water fight, and some of the old Natasha was peeking out. "Dhawal, what are you doing? I am getting wet!" he remembered that Natasha said those same words all those years ago. He was so happy that he dropped the hose and swung her in happiness. He quickly stopped the water and pulled her along with him to their room. It was the first in years that she was going to step in it, as she has been staying in Naveli's room since her return.

"Here." Dhawal said, handing her clothes to change into. "Go take a hot shower and get dressed."

Dhawal was lying on the bed, when Natasha came out wearing Dhawal's clothes, he could have given her her clothes, but he wanted to see her in his clothes, like he did all those years ago. Natasha walked up to the bed and got in beside him, surprising him, as he thought she would go to Naveli's room. Dhawal put his arm around her securely and stoked her hair as she slowly fell asleep. As she was sleeping on his chest, Dhawal finally felt happy. His world was back in his arms.

The next morning, Natasha woke up and smiled. She pushed him, "Dhawal, wake up."

Dhawal woke up and smiled at Natasha. Then he realized that Natasha was acting like the old Natasha. He asked her a few questions and realized that her memory had returned. He was happy yet sad as Natasha would distance herself from him once she remembered that he had told her in anger that his biggest mistake was loving her. His biggest mistake was saying those words to her. His words caused this. Hetal Bhabi kicked her out, and he didn't even know, thinking that she left on her own. After she left, he became cold and unfeeling, which came across to his daughter. His daughter was starving for love. And now he was giving her love, she didn't know what to think.

"Natasha, get dressed. We need to go to the doctors first." Dhawal had taken Natasha to the doctors, and it seemed that Natasha was finally better.

When they arrived home, Dhawal called out for Naveli. "Naveli, come down."

Naveli arrived. "Naveli, sit down. I have to tell you something along with Natasha." Natasha looked at him in surprise.

"Naveli, you are Naveli Dhawal Makwana." Dhawal said.

"But Dhawal is your name." said a confused Naveli.

"You are my daughter. Mine and Natasha's daughter. Natasha is your Mumma, and I am your Papa.

"Bittu's my mumma." Naveli smiled at Natasha.

After a few days, Natasha started to remember more things, and she remembered what had happened after Amrish died. She was ready to leave Makwana house with Naveli. She had their bags and was taking Naveli out of Makwana house, when Pranali saw and told Dolly to call Dhawal and let him know.

Pranali tried to stop Natasha, but Natasha wasn't listening.

Natasha grabbed their bags and held out her hand to Naveli to grab, which she did, but Pranali grabbed her other hand, "No Naveli, you can't leave." cried Pranali

"Sorry, Mummy, but I want to go with Mumma." said Naveli, shocking Pranali into letting go.

When Natasha opened the door, there stood Dhawal shocking Natasha. Dhawal looked at Natasha, then the suitcases and Naveli. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked.

"Leaving." stated Natasha

"You're not leaving, let alone with Naveli. Now take your luggage back to our room." stated Dhawal.

"No. I am leaving with Naveli. Why would I stay with the person who thinks that falling in love with me was the biggest mistake of his life." said Natasha.

"I'm sorry. I said that in anger. I regreted it as soon as I said it. I had left to calm myself. But when I came back to apologise to you, you weren't there. We both have said things in anger that we regretted. When you found out the truth about the first wedding. When you broke our relationship when Pandya Store got demolished. I said things when I was jealous when I saw you with Sundip. And when I said you were my biggest regret." stated Dhawal.

"I don't care. We are not living here, where my daughter was abused. Hetal and Golu abused my daughter, and nobody had the guts to say anything to her or him. So, since they are not accountable for their actions, I would rather live with my daughter elsewhere. At least, I would know she would be safe." said Natasha

"What do you mean abuse?" asked a shocked Dhawal

"Whenever she felt like Naveli needed to be punished, Naveli would go to bed hungry. If there are other things, I'm sure that Pranali and Dolly can tell you." said Natasha, surprising both Dhawal and Pranali at her omittance of Bhabi.

"And how is it Naveli's fault that Golu ended up in jail. Naveli is a six year old girl. Did she go out and buy alcohol and forced a group of teenage boys to drink? How stupid are you guys? Even I knew that was a bunch of crock, I was mentally 5-6 years old. Where did your brain cells go." vented out Natasha

"They left with you. You are my center. I only lived in your memories. But you are right, they got no accountability. Hetal Bhabi, Golu! Come down now!" as Dhawal yelled.

Everyone else came out of their rooms, too. Amba noticed that Natasha had her bags with her. "What's going on? Where's Natasha going? Dhawal, stop her!' panicked Amba

"Ma, stop. Let me deal with this."

"Chachu, why are you yelling. Did Naveli do something again?" asked Golu.

"First of all, how are old are you?" asked Dhawal

"16" answered Golu

"So a 6 year old went out and bought alcohol. Then, forced you and your friends to drink?" asked Dhawal, shocking Golu.

"Chachu, Naveli," stuttered Golu

"Enough of your lies. I felt bad because I thought because of Natasha and I, you had lost your father, but the truth is that your father lost his life because of his ex-fiance. And your father didn't trust us enough to help him. The truth, otherwise, the life that Natasha saved all those years ago, will be hers to punish." Dhawal stated. Golu looked up at Natasha, and he saw that she had anger in her eyes.

"Naveli did nothing. She never had done anything. We used her as our scrapegoat and blamed for everything." stated Golu.

"Fine, Hetal. Since you kept me from my child for 6 years, now it's your turn. You separated a child from their mother. I should do that, shouldn't I. But I am not like you. I will not hurt a child, which you had no qualms about. So I will leave with Naveli, I don't want my child to suffer anymore." stated Natasha

"No, Natasha. Please. I am sorry. In my grief, I took it out on you. I turned my grief into hatred and turned Golu against you and Naveli. I promised it would never happen again. I will be Naveli's Bade Ma. I just want my family back." cried Hetal.

"No. You are not my daughter's Bade Ma. Pranali is her Badi Ma. Dolly is her Choti Ma. But you are not. We will leave and we will be happier away from you and this house. This house has only taken from me. Never gave me any lasting happiness. You had your husband, family, and a happy pregnancy, didn't you. What did I have. Nothing. Neither husband nor family. I hated my pregnancy. Do you know how many times I wished for my death. Maybe it would have been better!" cried Natasha

"Natasha! yelled multiple voices. Hetal was crying at Natasha's words.

"Natasha!" Dhawal pulled Natasha back to face him. "Don't you ever say that again. Never again. I am sorry I was a bad husband and father during your pregnancy and afterward. I will never do that again. Please give me another chance. I know you have given me many chances. I will be the best husband and father from now on. You are my priority, never anyone else. I have been frozen since you left my life. I lived in a cold, unfeeling world. I need you in my life and our daughter. I couldn't even come close to our daughter. She reminded me of you, and I missed you. I wanted you back. I didn't even know where you were. I even had investigators look for you. But I couldn't find you. I was so glad that Naveli told us that you were Bittu." Dhawal hugged her tightly.

"Dhawal-" Natasha started to say something, but Dhawal interrupted again.

"I don't care if we move out. I just want our family together. Finally. You, me, and our daughter." said Dhawal, shocking everyone.

"Fine. We can move out together. But you are on probation." said Natasha

"Thank you!" said a relieved Dhawal.

"No!" cried everyone else.

"Natasha, please forgive me," cried Hetal

"Who am I to forgive you? I just want to leave this house please." said Natasha

"Natasha Beta, please don't leave us," cried Amba.

"Stop it, everyone! We will move out. I need to focus on my family. Natasha and Naveli. Pranali Bhabi, I know that you love Naveli as your daughter, but the truth is Naveli in the last few years has been neglected. Not just by me but you too. Ronit is your first priority. Naveli needs to be ours. And now I will do anything to make that happen. So if we need to move out. We will. Natasha, let me arrange something for us. Until then, please take your luggage back to our room. I promise I will arrange something within a few days."

"Fine." Natasha grabbed her bags and held her hand towards Naveli, who grabbed her hand and went upstairs to their room.

"Pranali Bhabi, I promise you, I will bring Naveli to meet you often." said Dhawal

"What about Natasha? Will you bring her over too please." asked Hetal.

"I don't know. Why do you want her to come? Do you want to throw out of the house again? Or insult her?" Dhawal asked her

"No, Dhawal. I wasn't going to do that. I just wanted my family back, and Natasha is my family, too!" said Hetal

"Natasha paid a heavy price for being in this family. I won't let her pay anymore. If she doesn't want to come, I will not force her, nor will I bring her. I am only bringing Naveli to see Pranali, as she is the only one that Naveli would want to visit. Now, I need to see to my family." Dhawal rushed upstairs to his room.

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