Annulment or Reconciliation

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"The Pandya Store papers?"  asked Natasha

"No.  They are annulment papers.  Our annulment." said Dhawal 

Everyone was looking at them.  Amrish and Amba were the happiest.

Natasha clapped her hands.  "Wow!  Dhawal.  Wow!  You couldn't even stand with your wife for even one day!  Nobody leaves.  I need to call a few people.  Let's make this equal."  stated Natasha, confusing everyone.   Natasha sat down on the chair and a few calls, asking for them to come to the Makwana house within  15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes later, the old bank manager, along with the current bank manager, had arrived.

Amrish and Amba looked surprised at their visit.

"Come in.  Please.  Now we can start.  We do have a few others to come, but we can start now."  Natasha stated, looking very angry.

"Now, you have annulment papers ready.  Well, guess what.  I'm not going to sign them.   You see, I had found a few things when I went looking for the real culprit of Golu's kidnapping.  I kept my mouth shut because to me, my family was everything.  And this was my family."  

The sister in laws looked ashamed and looked down on the ground along with Dhawal and Chirag, but the rest of the Makwana's looked proud.

"So Amrish Bhai, actually, Amrish."  making everyone shocked at the disrespect.

"So you want Dhawal and I to separate, correct?   And Ma has given her blessings, am I right." asked Natasha

"Yes." admitted Amrish

"Fine, I want all your property under my name or at least under the Pandya's name,"  shocking everyone.

"No!"  yelled, everyone

"Are you crazy?" yelled, Amrish

"Why, if you can do it deceivingly, and I can ask for it straightforward.  After all, the Pandya's lost quite a lot due to Makwana's"

"Unbelievable.  Lies, "  yelled Amba

"Fifteen years ago, I lost my whole world due to your husband.  My family sacrificed their lives trying to save your husband.  And then, you married off your youngest son to their daughter, all to steal her store.  Disgusting!"

"What?" shocked Dhawal yelled.

"I know you wouldn't believe me, so I asked the old manager and the current manager of the bank here.

The old manager started talking.  "I spoke to Gautam Pandya and Arvind Makwana on the phone on the day of the earthquake.  Actually, we had spoken moments before.  You see, Arvind's partner stole everything.  The business, the properties, even the house they were living in.  Gautam, along with his family, met Arvind outside of the bank, as Arvind was in distress as the bank wasn't able to help him.   Gautam called me as I had a day off and was home that day.  I had promised Gautam to help Arvind.  And that was the last time I spoke to them.  But when the bank collasped, we had rebuilt.  I remembered my promise, and I was able to return the business, property, and house back to Arvind's family due to the earthquake. The bank had frozen all their accounts.  The partner, who had also perished during the earthquake, had no dependents to refute the claim, so all your property was returned to you."

Dhawal looked sick.  He looked at Amrish, who was looking shocked.

"Did you know?  Is that why you had asked me to leave Natasha even knowing that I love her.  That the only way I can give her back her family, her Pandya Store, is to leave her?" Dhawal asked Amrish, shocking everyone again with this piece of news.

"Dhawal, I promise, I didn't know." stammered Amrish.

"Thank  you, thank you for telling the truth."  said Natasha to the managers.

"Urmi, you can come in." called out Natasha.

Dhawal was confused.

"Urmi, you basically know everyone here.  Dhawal and his family."  said Natasha

"Yes."  replied Urmi.

"In all the years that we have known each other, did I ever treated you unfairly." asked Natasha

"No.  You were always straightforward and truthful." replied Urmi

"You were the reason for my prospective groom to leave after that night in the library, correct?" asked Natasha

"Yes.  Dhawal had told me that you two were stuck in the library that night, and then, I came to you to confront you." stated Urmi

"Well, thank  you in that regards, since I didn't get married to that man.  But I ended up marrying Dhawal, which you didn't want."  stated Natasha

"I'm sorry."

"I don't care.  You know, I didn't even want to get married.  He proposed, and I rejected him.  He had saved my life, the life of my Daama.  And I thought maybe that I misjudged him.  Then we get married.  And I was having a hard time, then Dahi Handi happened.   Do you know how my clothes were ripped?" asked Natasha

"I'm sorry, Natasha.  In my misguided actions,  I was the one that  cut your top.  I was jealous.  Everyone loved you.   You could do nothing wrong.   Your mother in law asked me to do it, and I happily agreed.  She reminded me that you had deceived me and married Dhawal.  And you were not respecting her family and their rules.  She wanted to be humbled.   And I agreed without any doubt.   But I didn't realize that when I hurt you, that you would drop our friendship, and I would lose my popularity at school and our friends would drop me as a friend.  I didn't realize that they were only friends with me because you were friends with me.  I am sorry.  I was jealous of you.  Everyone likes you, loved you.  My family loved you." revealed Urmi, shocking everyone with Amba's deeds.

"I wonder if Ma was able to organize someone to rip my clothes during Dahi Handi. What else has she done.  But what is done is done.  Now it is my turn."  Natasha stated, and Urmi quietly left.  Amrish looked angry at Amba.

"I've lost a lot due to the Makwana's.  But no longer.  Fifteen years ago, I lost my whole world.  My parents, aunts, and uncles.  My brother, Chiku, went missing.   Yes, you lost someone during the earthquake, but that was one person.  You all lost one person, and you were all lost.  Imagine losing nine people.  Nine people that were supposed to come home and didn't.  We grew up and adjusted.  I was fine, I took care of my family and Pandya Store.  Then you decided to barge into my life, got Dhawal married to me.  Made me think that Dhawal loves me.  Which was a lie.  But this family is based on lies.  Why marry an educated women, if think women are second class citizens that they can't think for themselves, that they only deserve to be in the kitchen." stated Natasha

"Natasha, I'm sorry."  cried Dhawal, kneeling in front of her. "Please forgive me.  I didn't want to give you the annulment.  I love you.  But I had no choice.  I needed to return Pandya Store to you."  

"It's true, Natasha.  I'm sorry.  It's my fault.  You brought Esha back, and my family went against me, all because of you.  I had to do something.  I tricked Dolly into tricking Dhawal.   I told Dolly where to sign.  But the file for you had the demolition papers and property papers in the file.  She told Dhawal where to sign.   You signed.  Then Chiku came looking for you, and I found out where Dhawal had taken you.  I got my men to kidnap you two so that when Pandya Store was demolished, you two would be out of the way.   When Dhawal found out, he was angry.  Angry enough to leave home, so to stop him from leaving, I pretended to leave and handed over the business.   Faked an accident.  Manipulated him into asking you for the annulment papers.  Ma was part of this plan."  revealed Amrish shocking everyone.

Natasha looked at everyone.  "You know what, I feel sorry for this family.  Love doesn't connect you all.  Manipulations does.  Lies does.  I am glad I will not be a part of this."  stated Natasha, shocking everyone.

"No!"  yelled everyone except Amrish, Amba, and Bhavin.

"Now, you wanted the annulment.  I will give you two choices:  Since you can't give me back MY family back, I either take Dhawal and leave Makwana house or you give me your property.   Simple.  I want compensation.  I've lost a lot in this relationship.  I was supposed to gain everything. All I ever wanted was a family.  A new family to replace the family I lost.   Brothers, sisters, a mother, and a husband.  But I got nothing.  Brothers - nope.  Sisters - somewhat.  A mother - nope.  A husband - somewhat.  Overall, I got nothing.  I've lost alot too.  My parents, aunts and uncles.  So I will grab my things and leave."   Natasha looked around at everyone and went upstairs to their room to pack her stuff.

Dhawal rushed after Natasha, trying to stop her.  When Natasha wouldn't stop packing, he started to pack his clothes in her bag, making her confused.

"What are you doing, Dhawal?" asked Natasha

"I am going with you.  If you are not staying in Makwana house, then we will go to Pandya Niwas." said Dhawal, hugging Natasha

"We can't go to Pandya Niwas.  They hate me.  They blame me for the demolition of Pandya Store."  cried Natasha, hitting his chest.

"Sshh.  I'm sorry.  I promise I will fix it.  We will go to Pandya Niwas.  I will explain to everyone. I promise I will get your family back, if not today, then tomorrow.  But I promise you, our family will be together.  I am not leaving you.  Not now, not tomorrow.  You are my wife for the next seven lifetimes.  You can fight and argue with me as much as you want, but we are married, and we will stay married." stated Dhawal firmly.

"You brought annulment papers." cried Natasha

"I had to.  I needed to get back Pandya Store back to you.  Now, that is a mute point.  We will get Pandya Store back.  But we are not breaking up.  I married you, I love you, and I am staying married to you." stated Dhawal, shocking Natasha.  Finally, Natasha nodded, and Dhawal finished packing their clothes.  

When they came back down, Amrish noticed that Dhawal's bags with them along with Natasha's bags. 

"What's going on?  Where are you two going?"  asked Amrish, shocked that Dhawal was leaving with Natasha

"Natasha and I are going to Pandya Niwas.   We have to try to convince Daama and her brothers of the truth.  They have disowned Natasha, and I won't let her lose any more family.  So I will try to convince them of the truth, and if they don't listen, I will try again and again." stated Dhawal

"Dhawal, you can't leave."  cried Amba.

"Ma, I want to know everything you done against your daughter in laws, then I will think about it." stated Dhawal

"Fine." cried Amba

"Natasha, please sit down." Natasha first hesitated, then nodded as Dhawal led her to a seat.

"I'm sorry.  When it was just Hetal or Pranali, I would cause fights between them or between Hetal and Amrish or Pranali and Bhavin.  I needed to be entertained, and that is how I entertained myself.  Then Dolly came into Chirag's life, and she was also easily controlled.  But when I met Natasha, I knew I couldn't control her.  She was smart.  She wasn't easily controlled or bowed down.  She couldn't be blackmailed.   So, I tried breaking the engagement.  I was the one who had brought the alcohol into the party, and it worked. The engagement was broken.  But Amrish ended up going to jail.  Then Natasha and Dhawal were able to free him, and the engagement was back on.  Then I hired a man to  be Chiku Pandya to steal the Pandya Store papers from Pandya Niwas, but he kidnapped Natasha during the wedding.  Then you saved her and got married to her.  The bad omens were my doing.  The falls were my doing.  I blamed them on either Hetal or Natasha.  Even Natasha's fall was my doing.  I didn't want her to go for her interview.  Even this annulment was my wish, I have been filling Amrish's ears that we need to kick Natasha out.  I didn't know that it was the Pandya family that lost their lives in saving your father, nor did I know that our wealth was returned to us due to the Pandya family.  I am so sorry.  Please don't leave.  Our family will be destroyed if you two leave.  Please don't leave me or our family."  cried Amba

Everyone looked at her in disgust.  Natasha just shook her head.  She looked at everyone and knew she had to make a decision.

"Dhawal, take your bags back to your room.  I won't be accused of breaking a family." stated Natasha

"No!"  yelled Dhawal.  "Look at Natasha, Ma.  Bhai, you thought she was going to break your family!   Look at her!  She is still trying to protect this family.  But you had no qualms in breaking my family!  She's my love, my life!  I will not let her go.  If she leaves, I will leave with her!  You two have manipulated me enough.  No longer!  Let's go, Natasha. "

"But Dhawal," Natasha stammered.

"Natasha, I am not letting you go.  You are my wife.  I know that I agreed to the annulment because I needed to get Pandya Store back to you.  Now, I know the truth, I won't let you lose any more family.  I am your family.  We will convince Daama and your brothers.  You will have your family back." stated Dhawal

"We are your family too.  We promise to be the family you want.  We will be your sisters!"  stated Pranali with Hetal and Dolly agreeing with her.

"And I will be your brother," stated Chirag, making Dhawal smile.

"Listen, I know, that tempers are high.  Things have come out in the open.  And decisions are being made in haste.   I know that Natasha and Dhawal don't want to stay here tonight.  But it is late, and the Pandya family are still reeling from the demolition, and they probably won't be open to listening to what the two of you have to say.  I can promise you this, Natasha, the renovation of Pandya Store will be my responsibility and at my cost."  appealed Amrish.

Shocked, Natasha looked up at Amrish and then Dhawal.  Natasha opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, not knowing what to say.

"Dhawal, why don't you take Natasha back to the farmhouse.  Just until you feel that it is ok to come back to Makwana house.  I don't want our family to break.  Natasha is part of our family. It just took us too long for us to accept it.   Please give our family another chance.   I promise you,  Natasha, that will have you to get your family.  Both the Makwana and Pandya families together.  I will go to Kaki myself and explain everything.   I will make the changes in our family.  Just don't leave our family.  Please."  begged Amrish

Dhawal looked at Natasha, who looked confused at the turn of events.  She was going to leave the Makwana family.  And now things have changed where Dhawal was leaving with her and the family accepting her.  She didn't know what to think now.  She was confused.  She saw a hand in front of her.  She looked up and saw it was Dhawal who held out his hand for Natasha to grab.  Finally, she nodded and grabbed his hand.   Dhawal then grabbed their bags and started to walk out.

"Dhawal, wait up.    You won't be able to take everything on your bike.  I will take you  in the car and bring the bike tomorrow morning.  Or take my car, and I will bring your bike in the morning."  stated Chirag.

"Fine.  Give me your keys, and bring my bike in the morning."  stated Dhawal

"Dhawal, Natasha.  I am sorry for everything.  This is very hard for me.  I was about to destroy my brother's life, the same  brother I would give up my life for.  All for my ego.  I am sorry, Natasha.  I've played many manipulations in my business dealings, and I am realizing that I have started to treat our family in the same regard.  I am sorry." 


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