Married you again

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'Stay away from me!"  yelled Natasha as she pushed Dhawal away from her.

"I'm sorry, Natasha!   Please forgive me!"  cried Dhawal

"I'm done.  I am finally done!  After all this, you didn't even have a second of trust in me.   Maybe that is why our relationship broke."  stated Natasha

"Please don't say that!"  cried Dhawal

"After today, we don't have any relationship.  And you know what, I am done with you and your family.  Do you know what, the Makwana's are the reason for most of my miseries in my life.  Fifteen years ago, my family gave up their lives trying to save one man.  Arvind Makwana.  At the bank, during the earthquake.  Then Amrish Makwana comes into my life.   He wanted my store, and I was deceived into marriage.  All because Dhawal wanted to get Pandya Store for his brother.  Then I find out the truth of our marriage, and the result is my Daama in the hospital.  I go back to the Makwana's, and slowly, I am starting to trust Dhawal.  But that is broken pretty quickly. After all, Esha kidnaps Golu, but Amrish hired a girl to say it was me.  Why, so the family would hate me.  Dhawal was angry with me.  Then, slowly, we start to trust each other.  I bring Esha back into the Makwana house.  My gift in doing that was Amrish's demolition of Pandya Store, along with stealing the property papers.  My annulment.  The return of the demolished Pandya Store.  Why did Sundip come into my life.  Your brother!  Amrish was the reason.  He demolished Pandya Store.  If he had left it alone, that rapist would never come into my life.  You know the sad part of all of this, I still love you.  I trusted you.  But you have finally cured me of that thought.  We are done." pushing him away from her.   

Natasha staggered away and started to walk away.

"Natasha, you are forgetting one thing," responded Dhawal

"What?" yelled Natasha, turning back towards him.

"We just got married again."  said Dhawal, with everyone watching in shock.

"No, we didn't!"  responded Natasha

"Panditji, did we get married or not." asked Dhawal of the priest who married them.

"I said the sacred vows, and you had the pheras. Technically, you did get married.  All is needed is the sindoor and mangalsutra."  said the priest who had the tray with the said things. 

Dhawal grabbed Natasha and pulled her over towards the priest.  Dhawal quickly filled Natasha's hairline with sindoor and tied the mangalsutra around her neck. 

"Now we are married.  And we will stay married.  You were mine, you are mine, and you will always be mine.  Just as I was yours, I am yours and will always be yours.  You're mine.  Not just for this lifetime, for all our future lifetimes.  There's no Dhawal without Natasha."

"Papa!  Dhawal married that Natasha!"  cried Suhani as her father dragged her away as he left the venue.   Amrish looked shocked at what just happened.  A veiled Natasha and Dhawal taking the wedding rounds.  Natasha is being discovered.  Dhawal's jealousy saying words he now regrets.  Natasha leaving.  Natasha, being drugged, was able to beat Sundip to a pulp.  Sundip being arrested.   Natasha is trying to break her relationship with Dhawal again.  Dhawal reveals that he married Natasha again.  Then Dhawal makes sure that Natasha accepts it by putting sindoor and the mangalsutra on her.

Chiku tried to pull Natasha away from Dhawal.  "Don't!"  yelled Dhawal

"Get away from my sister!" said Chiku

"No!  She's my wife.  I will protect her now!" yelled Dhawal

"I can protect my sister!"

"Where the hell were you when she needed protecting against Sundip.  I warned her multiple times against him.  But she didn't listen to me, as we were separated.  But you, why didn't you protect her.   You needed to be one dealing with him, not her.  Even the night of the sangeet, nobody noticed that she was missing, that she was with that Sundip.    I waited up for her to come back.  Luckily, she was able to protect herself.  But I was jealous.  She's my wife, and she was so naive about Sundip.  She wasn't listening to me.    But you were too busy wooing Esha for your revenge.  Not anymore.  I will protect her.   From strangers, my family and hers, if needed.  The only reason we got the annulment was so I could give back Pandya Store.  I had promised her that night I would do anything to keep her happy.  You see, when Natasha found the truth the reason I had married her, I saw devastion in her eyes.  It took me a long time for me to gain her trust again.  I promised myself that I would not do anything to break that trust.   But when Amrish Bhai slipped in those papers, everything was destroyed.  My brother broke my marriage.  But I agreed to it for Natasha's happiness.  I knew that Pandya Store was her happiness."  stated Dhawal, shocking a few people, including Amba and Amrish.

"You idiot!!!"  My happiness wasn't the store. It was you!  Our families!  Yes, I was angry.  But I would have gotten over my anger.  You broke our marriage!" yelled Natasha, hitting him.

"I'm sorry.  I am sorry.  I will take any punishment you give me, but don't keep me away from you."  begged Dhawal

"Fine!"   Natasha stepped back and walked back to the resort.  

"Chiku, Esha Bhabi.  We need to finish your wedding."  stated Natasha.  "We can't bring her to Pandya Niwas without a wedding, right Daama?"  

Suman nodded.  "Fine.  Let's get them married.  I need to go home soon.  My head is pounding, " said Natasha, holding her head.

"What?"  yelled everyone.  "Are you ok?"

"Let me check.  You guys carry on with the wedding.  Natasha, you come with me."  ordered Pranali.

"But Pranali Bhabi, I'm fine."  argued Natasha

"No.  You are going to get checked out.  Whether by Bhabi or at the hospital.  Your choice."

"Fine.  Bhabi can check me out.  You go, " said Natasha

"Bhabi, let's go."  Dhawal said, picking Natasha in his arms.  "Everyone, start the wedding.  We will be back as soon Pranali Bhabi checks Natasha.  Bhabi, let's go to my room." 

Dhawal led Pranali towards his room.   Dhawal paced while Pranali checked Natasha.

Shortly after, Pranali pronounced Natasha to be fine.  She just needs the drugs to be flushed out of her system.   Pranali told Dhawal that they needed to keep Natasha hydrated.  That her body has started to flush out the drugs.   She should be fine by the morning.

"Now, can we go.  I can at least see some of my brother's wedding." said a frustrated Natasha, getting up from the bed.

As she was about to walk out the door, Dhawal grabbed her.  "Bhabi, you go.  We will be in a few minutes."  Pranali nodded and left.

"Dhawal, what is your problem?  I want to go to the wedding." said Natasha.

"Natasha, I want to go to the wedding too.  It's my sister's wedding too.  I just need to make sure you are ok.  I know you are angry with me.  But I won't let you take chances with your health.  I love you.  And I will do anything to make sure you are ok.  That you are healthy."

"Fine. Whatever." muttered Natasha

"Not whatever.  I plan to live the rest of my life with you and only you.  So you need to be healthy.  Healthy to fight with me.  Healthy, so you can see our grandchildren grow up." said Dhawal, making Natasha blush.

"Fine. I will take care of you and me.  Happy.  Now, can we go.  The wedding will be over if we don't go." Agreed Natasha

Dhawal finally agreed, putting his arm around her. He guided her back to the hall.

When they arrived at the hall, they saw that everyone was still waiting for them, they were waiting for them to arrive so they could start the wedding.  Natasha smiled and hugged Chiku and Isha.   "Thank you!  I didn't want to miss my brother and Bhabi's wedding."

"Let's get this wedding started."  said Amrish

Finally, Isha and Chiku got married.  

"Chiku, Isha.  I am sorry because of me, things almost got ruined.  It wasn't my intention." said Natasha

"Chutki, it's not your fault.  It's only that bastard, Sundip's fault.  And don't worry, I will be going to the police station and making sure he doesn't get out."  stated Chiku

"You're talking like you have some say at the police station." scoffed Armish

"Well, I do.  I like to introduce myself properly.  I am ACP Yashodhan Pandya, uff Chiku.  My transfer has come through.  So, I am the new ACP of Somnath." said Chiku, introducing himself

"But what? You are an ACP?  Why didn't you say anything before?" asked Natasha

"My transfer hadn't gone through when I first arrived in Somnath.  I just got the news that my transfer has been approved.  I was undercover, also. You see, there are subquality materials being used at the construction sites, and I was trying to figure out who the sellers were.  And we have a suspect.  We didn't want my cover to blown, since originally, we thought you, Amrish, were the suspect.   My wife didn't agree.  So she came to town with me and helped me solve the case.  The suspect has been arrested.  But we ended up helping her eldest brother in ruining my sister's marriage unintentionally, so we tried to get them back together.   We decided to get married again, and her mother decided to get her brother married again.   We figured  with all the wedding functions that my sister and her husband would finally realize that they are happier together rather than separated.  Luckily, that work.  You two are married, and I don't have pretend that to bring situations to get you two together."

"I'm confused,"  said Dhawal, with everyone agreeing.

"Well, Isha and I have been married for about two years.  And we have a daughter, Saanchi, named after her aunt." shocking everyone.  Amba was crying.  Her baby has a baby.

"What?  You named my niece after me?"  Natasha cried.

"Your name is Natasha, not Saanchi." said Dolly

"Actually, she was born Saanchi Dev Pandya.  She was kidnapped when she was two months old by my birth mother.  My birth mother was not fit to be a parent.  But Chutki lived with her for seven years.  Shweta is the reason Chutki got sick and lost her kidneys." stated Chiku

"But Dhara Ma is your mother, and she is the reason that I am here today.  She gave me her kidney.  And don't call Shweta, your mother.  Dhara Ma is your mother.   I was named Natasha by Shweta.  When I was returned to my family, I had a hard time adjusting.   I didn't see myself as a Saanchi.  I was Natasha Pandya.  I am Natasha Pandya."  stated Natasha

"Natasha Pandya Makwana,"  said a few voices. Dolly, Pranali, Chirag, and Dhawal

Natasha looked up and smiled. "Natasha Pandya Makwana,"  she repeated, making everyone smile.

"Now, Daama, let's go home.  We need to get things ready for Bhabi's welcoming  Chiku. Go bring Saanchi home.  I know she must be close."  stated Natasha

"Natasha, we will go to Pandya Niwas and welcome Chiku, Isha, and Saanch.  And I mean all of us.   Then you and I will go to a hotel.  Until we figure out where we are going to live." said Dhawal

"No!  We will be doing your welcoming at Makwana house.  Natasha will be coming home to Makwana house." stated Amrish, surprising everyone.

Natasha looked at Dhawal, then at the Makwana's.   

"Fine.  Let's go.  Natasha needs to rest.  Chirag, can you grab us stuff from our rooms.  We will meet with you at Pandya Niwas.  Daama, can you come with us."  asked Dhawal, picking up Natasha.   Daama agreed.  "Sheesh, you come with Chiku and your Bhabi.  Mithu, come with me." 

"Dhawal, we will come to help too."  stated Hetal, surprising Amrish, as it was the first time she went against Amrish.  

"Hetal, you and Pranali, grab the luggage out of the rooms.  I will settle the bill.  Then we will head out to Pandya Niwas.   Chhabali, you go home and get the stuff ready for Natasha's arrival." stated Amrish.   Amba was happy. She would be able to see her granddaughter.

Natasha was looking at Dhawal as he held her.  She was confused at how quickly things changed.  She was married to Dhawal again.  Chiku and Isha were parents.  And Isha and Chiku got married again.  Sundip was arrested.   Chiku is an ACP.  Her head was pounding, trying to figure out things.  Dhawal leaned his forehead on hers and whispered.  "Stop overthinking.  Trust in us.  Somnath.  We need to trust the signs.  The haldi, mendhi, sangeet and wedding.  We did them together.  You and me.  Together.   Now, we are going to Makwana house afterward, but if anyone tries anything to separate us, I will pack our stuff and move out.  And you will not say anything.  We are one.  We need to trust each other. We need to fight for each other." 

Natasha smiled and nodded.   She put her hand on his cheek and said, "Ok."

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