Arrange or Love

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Amrish Makwana had just found out that the family that lost their lives in saving their father was the Pandya family.  The Pandya family that lost so much that day yet didn't complain.  He also found out that it was the same family whose Pandya Store was blocking the making of his mall.  He decided to change the design of the mall, so he didn't include them in his mall.  His father survived the earthquake due to the actions of the Pandya family. He couldn't do enough.   He was asking around about the family, when he found out that Pandya matriarch, Suman Pandya, was looking for a groom for her granddaughter, as she wanted her granddaughter to be settled in life before passes on, as she wasn't keeping in the greatest health.

Amrish thought to talk to his mother, as he thought that his youngest brother could marry Suman's granddaughter.  As he was talking to his mother, Amba, explaining the situation, Dhawal had overheard.  

"Do you mean Natasha Pandya?"  Dhawal asked.

"Yes, do you know her?"  asked Amrish

"Yes.  We go to school together.  She's beautiful.  She's the topper of our class.  She's very serious.  But when she's with her friends, she smiles.  She looks carefree."  said Dhawal

"You just go to school, correct?"  asked Amrish

"Um.."  Dhawal stammered.

"Answer your brother, Dhawal,"  ordered Amba

"I like her.  I like her a lot.  But she is oblivious to guys liking her."  said Dhawal

"Well, her family lost their lives when they saved Papa.  Her grandmother isn't keeping the  best of health.  I don't want to force you, but if you are agreeable.  I was thinking of marriage between the two of you.  Only agree if you can see yourself living with her for the rest of your life.   Is she someone that you can love.  Will you be able to protect her? "  asked Amrish

"Mots, Ma. I really like her.  I don't know if it is love or not.  But there is something about her that keeps me around her.  She pretends not to know me, but I know.  She knows who I am."  said Dhawal

"So if I take the rishta for marriage between you and Natasha, you have no objections."  said Amrish

"I have no objections,"  said a bashful Dhawal.

The next day, Amrish and Amba went over to Pandya Niwas to meet with Suman.

Amrish did not want to start on the wrong front, explained about the mall, and how they were going to change the design to exclude Pandya Store. Then he explained how her children were the ones to save his father. His father survived that earthquake but had passed away a couple of years after the earthquake.  They were very grateful to the pandya family.  

Suman was confused as they could have been discussed over the phone.  

"Amrish Beta, I'm sorry.  I'm a little confused.  This conversation could have taken place with a phone call."  said Suman

"Kaki.   I know this conversation could have taken place during a phone call.  I wanted you to meet us.  I heard you were looking for a groom for your granddaughter, Natasha.  I would like you to consider my youngest brother, Dhawal.   Dhawal and Natasha go to the same college."  said Amrish

"Suman Bhen, I would be very happy if you considered my youngest son, Dhawal, to be your son in law."  said Amba

"First of all, I don't want to marry my granddaughter in pity.   I want my granddaughter to marry into a family where she will be loved, not tolerated."  said Suman

"Kaki, I promised that won't happen.  Before we made the decision to come her in asking for Natasha's hand in marriage.   We spoke to Dhawal.   He has great respect for your granddaughter.  He, actually, likes her.  I have introduced a few girls to Dhawal, and he's always said no, that he's not ready for marriage.   But with Natasha, he has agreed."  said Amrish

"He's agreed.  First, I need to meet with your brother before I even talk to Chutki."  said Suman

"No problem.  I can call him over now.  He's at the office right now, he can come now."  said Amrish

"But if he's working, I don't want to disturb him," said Suman

"Suman Bhen, don't worry.  Dhawal helps out in the office, learning the business while going to college.   He can come here , and you can meet him.  And then decide if you want to go ahead,  with Dhawal meeting Natasha."  said Amba

Suman nodded her head, and Amrish made a quick call, asking Dhawal to come.  

Shortly later, Dhawal met up with Suman, and he had impressed her.  She liked what she saw.    She requested that they give her a few days.  She needed to talk to her family.  She requested that they come by in two days for tea.

Two days later, Amba came by with Amrish with his wife, Hetal, and Dhawal.

Suman greeted them with a smile.  Natasha was getting ready, with her bhabi helping her.   She came down with her Bhabi, she was looking down towards the floor, as she was nervous.  Her Daama told her that a guy was coming down to see her.  

When she looked up, she saw a guy from her college.  She was surprised, but she quickly greeted everyone and sat down.  

Amrish smiled.  Natasha looked a perfect fit for his family.  He looked at Dhawal and saw his smile.  He was happy.  Amrish felt this was the correct decision.

"Natasha, I am Amrish Makwana.  This is my mother, Amba, my wife, Hetal, and of course, my youngest brother, Dhawal." 

"Namaste,"  she greeted everyone again.

"Natasha, I have spoken to your grandmother.  We are the same Makwana group that was trying to buy Pandya store out so I could build my mall here." said Amrish

"What! I am sorry, but Pandya Store is not on sale."  Natasha stood up.

"Natasha, calm down.   I didn't want our relationship to start on lies.  Yes, we wanted Pandya Store, but we have changed the design of the mall to exclude the Pandya store.  We just found out that your family was the ones that lost their lives in saving my father.   Please don't think of this as pity.  If that was the case, we could have offered your grandmother compensation, and that would be the end.  But, when you had refused the sale, I was surprised.  Then I heard a lot of good things about you.  You impressed me.  Then I heard that your grandmother was looking for alliances for you.   I spoke to my brother, Dhawal.   And he also had good things to say about you."  Surprising Natasha.  Natasha didn't even know that Dhawal knew of her.

"Chutki, why don't you take Dhawal up to the terrace.  Talk to him.  No rush in making a decision."  said Suman

Natasha led Dhawal upstairs to the terrace.   As they sat down on patio chairs, Natasha asked, "How do you know me?  I know we go to college.  But I have never spoken to you before."  

"We actually had class together.  And my friend, Katu, is good friends with your friend, Neetu."  explained Dhawal

"Why me?"  asked Natasha

"Don't know."  answered Dhawal

"What are your future plans after college?"  asked Natasha

"Well, I work at Makwana group right now learning the business.  What about you?"  asked Dhawal

"The same.  I work at Pandya store.  I want to get my MBA." stated Natasha

"That's great!" smiled Dhawal  "You will get your MBA, "

Natasha smiled.  "My grandmother is very ill.  And she wants me settled before she meets her maker.  And I will do anything to keep her happy.  I have met a few prospective grooms, but you have impressed my grandmother."  

"Thank you, I guess.  Yes, Mots told me that your grandmother is unwell.  He also told me that she was looking for alliances for you.  He told me that he was very impressed with you, and asked my opinion about you.  I said I liked you.  Mots was surprised, as you were the only girl that I said that about.  I've also had alliances brought for me, and all of them have been rejected."  said Dhawal

"What kind of girl are you looking for?"  asked Natasha

"There's no list.  I want my marriage to be a give and take.  A partnership of equals.  I want understanding in my marriage.  I have faults. I want my wife to accept me the way I am.  Faults and all.  What about you?" asked Dhawal

"I like to think that my thoughts are similar.  I want to marry someone who will accept my family as his, as I will accept his family as mine.  And yes, someone that will accept me, all of me." said Natasha

Dhawal smiled.  "Do you need to ask anything else.  Otherwise, shall we?" 

"I'm good."  said Natasha.  

Dhawal got up and followed Natasha down to the sitting room where their family was.

Suman glanced at Natasha, and Natasha smiled back at her.

"Amrish Beta, Amba Bhen.  How about we let the children think about their future.  And they can let us know later their decision.  This is an important decision.  They should take their time to make it."  said Suman

After a couple of days, Natasha and Dhawal made their decision and let their families know. It was yes from both sides, making both families happy. 

Natasha had arrived at the college when Dhawal walked up to her.  "Natasha."  Surprising her.

"Dhawal, you.   Um. Hi."  said Natasha

"Are you nervous?"  asked Dhawal

"No." said Natasha.

"So you said yes." smiled Dhawal

"So did you."  responded Natasha.

"Natasha, I wanted to get your phone number and give you mine.  If you have any concerns or questions, you can text me or call me."  said Dhawal

Natasha quickly agreed and exchanged numbers  and went to class.

Within a couple of days, Dhawal and Natasha got engaged with the wedding to be next month.

In the next couple of weeks, Natasha was realizing that though Dhawal was easy fun loving kind of guy, underneath, he was a serious, down to earth one too.   He was protective when he needed it to be, and he was supportive when it warranted.  She was realizing that she was falling for her fiance, and she was happy about it.

Dhawal had taken her out for coffee.   They had been speaking about some random things when Dhawal seriously asked, "Natasha, I want to ask you a question." 

Natasha answered, "Sure.  Ask away. "

"What do you feel for me?" asked Dhawal, surprising Natasha

"I like you a lot.  You are fun, kind, loving.  You have an easygoing nature.  You are always smiling.  But you also have a serious side to you.   You let me be.  I know I can  be strong in front of you.  Independent.  But I feel I can be weak, too.  That if needed you will be my strength.  I don't know if this is love.  But I like being with you."  said Natasha, making him smile.

"Well, the reason I was asking the question is.  That I know I am in love with you.  I love all sides of you.  Even the sides that you have tried to hide.  I love that you are independent.  Yet, you will ask for help if needed.  Having said that, I was wondering, instead of waiting a year for our marriage, that we can get married earlier.  I have a trip to take, and I wanted to take you with me.  I know Daama isn't in the greatest health.  But I don't want her to stress too much about the wedding.  The trip is a work trip, but I think you will learn a lot.  And then we can take a few days to enjoy the city."  said Dhawal

Natasha smiled.  "How about you talk to Mumma and Amrish Bhai, and I will talk to Daama and Yash."  

Dhawal smiled and agreed.    

After talking with the elders, it was decided that Natasha and Dhawal would get married next month and then go on the trip together.

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