Holi Explosions

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It was holi, and Chiku and Dhawal were both looking for Natasha and couldn't find her. Both of them separately went towards Makwana house, looking for Natasha, when they saw Dolly hiding behind a wall listening to what was being said in the front room.

Dhawal hid behind one pillar when he heard the voices, while Chiku hid against another. Dhawal couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mother was blackmailing Natasha to misbehave with the family. She was telling Natasha to confront Amrish regarding the raw material needed for Pandya Store. In one way, Dhawal felt relieved that his trust in his wife wasn't broken, but his trust in his mother was broken. Chiku was getting angry at his mother in law for blackmailing his sister.

Natasha agreed while in tears, quickly ran into her room, while Amba shouted at her that she needed to confront Amrish quickly. Otherwise, she would send Chiku to video.

Amba walked outside where the Holi party was being held, not noticing Dolly, Dhawal, and Chiku.

"Chiku, Dolly Bhabi. Can you get the Bhabis, Chirag, and Esha together. I want to be able to confront Ma in front of everyone. Otherwise, Ma is going to fake some tears, and everything will be quieted down. Chiku, you also grab Sheesh and Mithu. Natasha will need as many people on her side in this fight. Natasha will confront Ma in front of everyone. Otherwise, Ma will keep on blackmailing her."

Dhawal quickly went upstairs to see Natasha, while Chiku and Dolly quickly went outside, with an unspoken agreement between them not to confront Amba just yet.

Dhawal walked into the room, not saying anything, and just hugged Natasha tightly.

"Dhawal, what happened? Is everyone ok?" Natasha asked worriedly. Dhawal was quiet, and it was scaring her.

"Yes, something happened. Something happened to my wife. And she thought to carry the burden alone. But no longer." said Dhawal

"Dhawal, what are you talking about?" said Natasha

"We were downstairs when we heard your conversation with Ma." said Dhawal

"What do you mean we?" asked a scared Natasha when she realized that Dhawal knew

"Dolly, Chiku and I. We know that Ma is blackmailing you into misbehaving with the family." said Dhawal

Natasha is starting to cry. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I can't lose you, nor can I lose Chiku."

"Ssshh. You are not going to lose either one of us. Now, this is what you are going to do. You are going to act just as Ma wants, but in the end, we will finish this. We are going outside. I want you to go to Daama and bring with her. I will be talking to Chirag and Chiku. If Ma was able to do this, I wonder what issues she has created for her children." Natasha agreed to Dhawal's decision

"But first, I need to know what's on that video." asked Dhawal

"Maa has the video of me with Esha thanking her for helping me get the property papers for you. Chiku will never forgive me. She knows that if Chiku finds out that I betrayed him, he would never forgive me." she hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry. I even hurt you. I ruined our new start to our marriage." she cried even harder.

"Ssshh. You did nothing. It was all, Maa. And don't worry, our new start will have another new start. Now wipe your eyes, and it is going be time to confront Maa. You go get Daama and meet us near the fountain. That is where you are going to argue with Amrish Bhai, and I will support you there. And we'll get the Bhabi's and Chirag to also support you. And that's when Chiku and you are going to confront Maa. Now smile. We are going to start our new life after this." Dhawal wiped Natasha's tears, and Natasha smiled at Dhawal.

Natasha left the room, while Dhawal waited a few minutes, and then went outside. He noticed that the Bhabi's and Chirag were together. He knew that Dolly Bhabi must have told them by now. He also noticed that Esha and Chiku were walking towards them, with serious expressions also.

He rushed over towards them, and he smiled at everyone and quickly explained the plan. He asked, "Chiku, can you confront Amrish while he will be arguing with Natasha?" Not too much, just enough to make Maa happy. Then Natasha will confront Maa with blackmailing scheme."

"I can do that. I assume that the blackmail is about the papers stolen." asked Chiku

"Yes. You know about it?" asked Dhawal

"Yes. That is the reason Esha and I will be moving away. I need to get back to my old life. I know I am one of Natasha's weak spots. Sasu Ma will always use me to hurt her. I figured out the truth while we were in jail. But I will always put her happiness over mine. And that is because I was the reason for all her hurts in our childhood." Chiku responded, confusing everyone.

"Childhood?" questioned Dhawal

"We don't have time to get into detail, but we will explain afterward." said Chiku as he headed towards the fountain, as Natasha was walking towards Amrish, and Amba was watching Natasha with a cunning smile.

"Amrish Bhai, I'm glad I found you. I need you to supply raw material for Pandya Store." asked Natasha

"No!"yelled, Amrish

"Then I will leave Makwana house with Dhawal," said Natasha

"And we will leave with her," said Chirag

"What are you saying, Chirag? How could you side with this disgusting girl?" said Amba

"Maa, I am siding with who's right. And Natasha is right. So Dolly and I will leave with Natasha and Dhawal, " said Chirag

"I will leave with them too," said Pranali, shocking Amba, Amrish, and Bhavin. Natasha looked at Dhawal, and he nodded at her to continue.

"Actually, Amrish Bhai, I didn't want to even ask you. I was forced to argue with you to look bad. Actually, everything that I have done to hurt everyone was an act. I didn't even want to do it." said Natasha, shocking Amba into silence. Amba glared at Natasha, but Natasha ignored her.

"The truth is that Maa has been blackmailing me with a video of me. She would send this video to my brother Chiku. In this video, I was thanking Esha in helping me get the Makwana property papers. I didn't want to hurt my brother, but I didn't agree with his methods of revenge. So I went against my brother in getting the papers. Yes, I agree that the Makwana family hurt me, but I love Dhawal enough to forget the past. But Maa wouldn't let me. The day that you guys came home, Maa started to blackmail me. Everyone was angry with me. Maa was the one who gave me the paper for everyone to sign. And I couldn't say a word. Otherwise, she would send the video to Chiku. And I would lose my brother. The brother, I had spent years yearning for, wishing he was back with us." cried Natasha.

"Sasu Maa, you made a big mistake in hurting my sister. Well, you must have forgotten your deeds against your own family?" asked Chiku

"What do you mean?" asked Amba

"Bhavin Bhai, overall, he's a good person. But he does follow Amrish Bhai and you blindly. He's a good brother and son, but not a good husband. He's not a leader. So it was when he supplied the expired medicines through Pranali Bhabi's clinic that I did wonder why. Found out that you, my dear Sasu Maa, was the one that ordered him to get them. All because you didn't want Pranali Bhabi to work in the clinic, and you wanted her license to be canceled. And because you are my Sasu Maa, I didn't report you. Nobody got hurt." Chiku said, shocking everyone.

"Maa, you. How could you!" Dhawal yelled. "I blamed Amrish Bhai to this. He could have gone to jail. "

"Actually, I was the one to tip the reporters. I knew the Natasha with the Bhabi's were resourceful, and they would figure a way out." said Chiku

Amrish was getting angry at what he was hearing. His mother and brother were the reason for his downfall in business. His mother was the reason that his youngest brother, his lifeline's unhappiness. His mother put her hand on his arm to manipulate him, but he pushed her hand away from him. Amba was shocked. It was the first time that Amrish pushed her away from him. They were all getting out of her control. She was getting angry, and in her anger, she spilled out a few secrets.

"Yes, I did it. I did other things, too. It was always my plan that my daughter in laws, stay under my feet. Never gainsaying me. I wanted them to be meek. So if I say jump, they asked me how high. But this Natasha screwed everything. I was the one that brought the alcohol in the engagement party, so Natasha would get drunk, and Dhawal would break the marriage. And that happened, I was so happy! But then, you, Amrish, brought her back. And the marriage was back on. Then I hired a man to pretend to be Chiku, and I got double crossed again. He was supposed to get Pandya Store property papers and put them under the Makwana family, and then I was going to kick Natasha out of this family. And he decided to kidnap her. Luckily, he disappeared. Otherwise, I would have been found out. I was the one that organised Natasha's shirt to be ripped during Dahi Handi, so I would have control over her. I even faked falls that were blamed on the girls, whether it was Hetal or Natasha. Finally, Amrish was able to demolish Pandya Store, and Natasha was finally kicked out of the family. But then Esha married that Chiku, and then Dhawal went after Natasha again. I finally had control over her. So what if I blackmailed her. I would do it again to gain control of the family." yelled Amba, not realizing what she had said in her anger.

"Sasu Maa, you called me low, scum, dirt under your feet. But you were just describing yourself. You see, you never saw below the surface, did you. Your family never did. You see, I kept tabs on my family, wanting to make sure they were ok. I found out about Chutki getting married, so I came down undercover to make sure that she was happy." said Chiku

"Undercover?" asked Chirag

"ACP Yash Pandya."

"But if you are police officer, you know about the expired drugs." said a shocked Bhavin

"Yes, I did. I was looking for the supplier, not the buyer. Luckily, it worked in my favor. In regards to the expired drugs, we were able to catch the suppliers. My main reason was Chutki. I needed to know she was happy with her inlaws. I came to town undercover a construction worker. Then I met Esha. I liked her a lot. I married her. But that doesn't mean that I wasn't human. I couldn't take law in my hands, so I did other things. The Makwana's is all about their reputation, so I tarnished it a little. It's not against the law, and I got my revenge. And yes, the papers were taken, but all I wanted was for you to learn your lesson before giving back your property. And still, Sasu Maa has not learned her lesson." Chiku had explained shocking a few people again.

"Chiku, you are an ACP?" asked Natasha

"Yes, Chutki. I am an ACP in Mumbai. First, I was undercover trying to figure out where the expired medicines were being supplied from, and I also wanted to make sure Chutki was happy before I needed to go back to Mumbai. So Esha and I are moving back home." shocking the Pandya family.

Amrish realized that they were being watched by everyone, and he stated, "Let's take this inside." As he dragged Amba along with him. Everyone else followed him quietly. Dhawal had Natasha's hand in his as he pulled her along with him.

As everyone got settled in the Makwana house, Natasha went over to Chiku, "I am sorry, Chiku. Please don't leave me. I just wanted everything to be back to normal. I didn't want to go against you. But I thought you were wrong. And our family stood for what was right. I thought you had lost your way. I knew that you loved me enough to fight the world, including family, for me."

"Chutki, you are my sister. I wasn't here to protect you, but I will make sure you are protected." said Chiku.

Dhawal pulled Natasha in his arms and told Chiku, "I will protect her now. She's mine to protect."

"I know. After all, you were the one that said Natasha was mine, is mine, and will always be mine. But I am her brother, I will always protect her too. Just as you would Esha." said Chiku.

Dhawal smiled.

"Another thing, Sasu Maa. You should be grateful to my family instead of playing games. Do you even know that the Pandya family was the one who lost their lives in trying to save your husband 15 years ago. So enough is enough, no more games. That stops here. Otherwise, I will be putting you in jail for the mental cruelty that you have shown your daughter in laws, and your sons won't be able to stop me." stated Chiku, scaring Amba.

"Maa, I know I promised that I would never leave you, but all your actions showed me that I should stay as far as possible from you. I was starting to act like you, and I don't like it. I was taunting Natasha all because I thought she got what I deserved. But the reality is nobody should be treated like you have treated your daughter in laws. So I will be keeping my distance when I move with Yash."

"Chiku, one question, you mentioned your childhood a few moments ago. You said you would explain." asked Dhawal when he felt Natasha's fingers tighten against his arms.

"Well, the reason I am so overprotective of Natasha is that my birth mother kidnapped Natasha when she was 2 months old. She stayed missing for 7 years. Then she was found and came back. She was sick, and the reason is my birth mother. Then the earthquake happened, and I was missing for 15 years. I wasn't really missing, I lived with Shweta Ma. I became a police officer because I wanted to protect children like Natasha who were away from their families. Chutki, I promise you, you will never lose me as your brother. Whether I live in Mumbai or Somnath, I will always be your brother. Now, I am going to take Daama home, you come over tomorrow, and we can spend the day together before we leave. Since Esha is leaving with me, you are all welcome, too." said Chiku before giving Natasha a hug.

Dhawal stopped him and asked, "Can we start over." Chiku nodded and received a hug from Dhawal surprising him. Then Chirag came to him. "I am sorry. Can we start over too," asked Chirag. Chiku just nodded and shook his hand.

"Esha, Daama, ready to go. Sheesh, Mithu, I know it's holi, but come home soon." The Pandya's had left, leaving the Makwana's alone.

Natasha looked at everyone and quietly decided to go to her bedroom when Amrish spoke up.

"Natasha, don't leave yet. Please. Come back. I need to say something." shocking everyone when he said please.

"Natasha, I am sorry. When you got married to Dhawal a week ago, I accepted you. All these tricks that Maa has played against the family, I had no idea about. And it stops now. I know your first instinct is probably to move out. Please don't. Give us another chance to be a family. All these years, we have been blinded. And we have hurt everyone, but give us a chance. I promise you that Maa will never have a chance to hurt you again. Otherwise, we will all leave. If you leave the Makwana house, we will leave with you leaving Maa behind." Amrish said, shocking Amba

"Amrish, what are you saying?" cried Amba

"Enough Maa, you have done enough. You have destroyed your own family over control. And I was doing the same, but I had learned my lesson when Dhawal left the family. He was ready to do it again, but you couldn't see that. So now look at you, you have lost your children, they may never be able to trust you again. Was it worth it?" asked Amrish

"Amrish, you are my children-" said Amba

"And we are someone's husbands, brothers, and father along with being your sons. We need to work on our other relationships that you have tried to destroy with your games." interjected Dhawal

"I agree with Dhawal. You and Amrish tried destroying our relationships with Natasha, but no longer. No more games. Otherwise, we will leave." stated Chirag, leaving Bhavin and Amrish a lot to think about.

"Maa, I was raised to keep the family together, but this family seemed to be always sabatogizing each other. So now, I have given up. You blackmailed me for something I was doing for this family, in returned, you threatened me. I was going to lose my brother, the brother, that I yearned for 15 years. I promised that I would be Dhawal's strength, that I wouldn't let him down. I know what it feels like to lose my family. I don't want that for him. So my decision is that I will agree with whatever Dhawal decides, and if he decides to stay here, I am ok with it, but I will be staying away from you." Natasha decided before rushing upstairs towards her room.

Dhawal looked at his mother and shook his head. "Maa, where you even thinking? We are not 5 years old, that we needed told what to do, how to behave, who to talk to. We are adults with wives that we love. But you couldn't be happy for us, could you. You need control. You had control with Hetal Bhabi, Pranali Bhabi, and Dolly Bhabi. But you couldn't control Natasha, but listen to me once. If you do something that Natasha leaves Makwana house, I will leave with her. You know the funny thing is that she spent all this time reuniting me with the family, and you were trying to destroy her relationships with all the members of this family. Disgusting." Dhawal said before he too left to go their room. Slowly, everyone left, leaving Amba alone.

Natasha rushed into the washroom, where she stood under the shower, trying to figure out what had just happened. After a while, Dhawal started knocking on the door, after awhile Natasha finally came out of the washroom. She smiled tiredly and headed over to the sofa when Dhawal tried to pull her in his arms.

"Dhawal, please. I am tired. I have had enough." said Natasha

"I know. But please, I just need to hold you in my arms, " said Dhawal

"Fine, but go take a shower. You have color on you." said Natasha as she pushed him towards the washroom.

She went towards the bed and sat down, thinking about everything that had happened in the last couple of hours. Shortly after, Dhawal came out of the shower, rushing into the bedroom, stopping when he saw that Natasha was still there. He smiled in relief. He sat by her and grabbed her hand. "I am sorry for everything. This is my fault. My mother did this because of me."

"No, Dhawal, it's not your fault. Maa made a choice. I made a choice. We made a choice together. I promise I will never keep anything from you. I just didn't want to hurt you or Chiku, but I seemed to hurt both of you." Natasha cried.

Dhawal grabbed Natasha face in his hand and touched her forehead with his. "You didn't do anything. You were stuck between your brother and your husband. I was worried about you. I didn't know how to help you. Luckily, I had overhead Maa threatening you, and we got you out of this situation. I want to take you to the temple in the morning. I want to get married again. Just us. This time, with a proper new start with only good wishes. Maa has ruined that for us. I am going to take you away on a honeymoon after Chiku and Esha leave for Mumbai."

"Honneymmoonn." Natasha said nervously

"You're not scared, are you? You will be alone with me." teased Dhawal

"I'm not scared. Why would I be scared." Natasha bravely said.

"Fine, then. It's a date. I will book our honeymoon." smiled Dhawal

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