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It was Esha's and Chiku's mendhi, everyone had arrived.   The Pandya's greeted the Makwana's when Golu, Amrish's son ran towards her and gave her a hug.  "Chachi, I missed you."

"Chachi, sorry beta.  I am not your Chachi.  But since your Bhua is getting married to my brother, I can be your Bhua or Masi.  Otherwise, Di works, too." shocking the Makwana, especially Dhawal, as it hurt hearing that she wasn't Golu's Chachi.   She even looked at him as a stranger.  

"Listen, Bacha.  Enjoy and have fun.   Daama, I will be back." Natasha left, leaving the Makwana's confused. 

"Again, welcome."stated Suman.   Then she rolled her wheelchair around.  The boys nodded their heads towards the Makwana's.  "Welcome, Bhabi," Sheesh and Mithu said to Esha, which made her smile.

"Thank you!" stated Esha.  

Chiku led Esha towards their table, while Mithu and Sheesh led the Makwana's toward the tables.  

After a while, Natasha took the mic and introduced herself.  "Good evening, everyone.  Welcome to Mendhi Nite!  Please enjoy, and have fun!   Sheesh, Mithu... Let's get the party started!!"

They started to dance when she noticed one of the guests arriving.  "Yash!  You came!"  as she ran towards him.   Dhawal was getting jealous looking at him,  Natasha greeted him warmly, brought him over, and introduced him to Chiku and Daama.   

"Who's this new slug?  Why is he sticking to Natasha.  He needs to stay away from her?" said Chirag and Kataria (Dhawal's friend)

"Why do you care?  You are moving on with Suhani.  Today is your Mendhi Night, too?"  responded Chirag

"Dhawal, Natasha will  be with someone else too.  If you can't see her with someone else, how do you think she feels that you are getting married to someone else."  asked Kataria

The boys were watching Esha getting her mendhi done, whereas Suhani was sitting with her but waiting for her artist.

Dhawal started to think and have second thoughts.  He noticed that Rohan's was watching Natasha with a nasty look in his eyes. 

"I want my wife back!" realized Dhawal

"That's my boy!  Finally, you got your senses back!" Chirag slapped Dhawal on his back in agreement.

"Though if you look at it, you already started the functions with Natasha instead of Suhani," stated Chirag

"What do you mean?" asked Dhawal

"Well, the Haldi Holi that was done yesterday, both you and Natasha christened each other first. And if you can get Natasha to get her mendhi done and get yours done, as long as you touch the mendhi, you can have that function done too."   said Chirag

"What about Suhani's mendhi?" asked Dhawal

"Let's get the Bhabi's involved, and we can get that resolved."  said Kataria

"Perfect!" Dhawal stated

Chirag and Kataria got up and pulled the ladies to the side.   Amba noticed  but was enjoying Suhani.

Soon, it was the ladies' turn. They were able to pay the Pandya's mendhi artist to add Dhawal's name to Natasha's mendhi.   Finally, the mendhi artist arrived for Suhani.  While they were waiting, Dhawal was able to get mendhi done with Natasha's name on his arm, which he covered.   

Finally, the Mendhi was done without an incident.   Natasha smiled and thanked god that everything went well.    She was sitting with Yash, who happened to be an ACP, whom she had asked help from.  ACP Yash Chauhan and his fiance, Inspector Chikki Sharma.  She wanted to get to the bottom of the poaching issue.  She was certain that Rohan was involved.   As they were sitting talking, Yash received a call from Chikki, who was investigating Rohan and his father, Arvind.  Chikki had found a lot of details.   Chikki had hacked into their server.  They needed a warrant asap if they wanted to get the information before they deleted it.  Chikki had made a copy of the information, but they wouldn't be able to present it in court unless it was through a warrant.    Natasha added a thought, "Yash, what about help from an MLA?" 

"That would be perfect!  Who who?" asked Yash

"MLA Janardhan Dwivedi.  My grandfather.  We haven't spoken in years, but that was because after mum passed away, they cut themselves away from us, as we didn't want to live with them, as we wanted to live with Daama." explained Natasha.

Yash smiled like he had won the lottery.  "Perfect!  Let's get this started.  The faster we resolved this, the faster Chikki and I can go on vacation." 

While Dhawal, Chirag, and Kataria were watching Yash and Natasha.  Dhawal was getting more irritated seeing her laugh with that Yash.   It was the end of the night, and all everyone had called it a night.   Dhawal smiled at seeing Natasha, whereas the Hetal Bhabi wasn't shy to ask Natasha

"Natasha, who's this young man?" Everyone seemed to quiet down, wanting to know the answer.

"Bhabi, this is my friend, Yash Chauhan.  He's my friend, Chikki's fiance.  She couldn't make it today as she had to work in town.  They will be at the wedding tomorrow."  

Everyone had a relieved smile at the news.  He wasn't a suitor for Natasha. He was her friend who was also engaged.

"Well, see you tomorrow," said Natasha.  

"Yash, let's go.  Chikki must be waiting.  Daama, I will be home shortly."  

And Yash and Natasha left, leaving the Makwana's go quiet.   "Natasha -" Amrish started

"No.  No questions on Natasha.  You guys lost all rights to my daughter.   The wedding is tomorrow.  Let's rest up and meet at the venue." stated Suman

 And everyone left to go to their respective homes.   Whereas; Natasha, Chikki, and Yash were able to get the warrant after talking to Natasha's grandfather.   They organized a raid Rohan's home, the business, and their club.   They was a lot of evidence collected, but the family had already left for the wedding venue as they were sure that nothing would be found as Rohan had deleted the files.  What they didn't know was that Chikki was able to recover the files and restore them.  Chikki left for the wedding destination so she could arrest them there.

When Chikki arrived at the wedding, they had just started Chiku and Esha's wedding.   Rohan had noticed that Chikki was the person who directed the raid at their place and knew time had run out for him.  As soon as the Chiku and Esha wedding was over, Chikki and Yash started to walk over to Arvind and Rohan.   

Rohan had noticed and pulled out a gun, aiming for Natasha.  "Leave. Otherwise, I will shoot her.  And trust me, I am an excellent shot." 

"So am I," said Yash as he pulled out his gun.

Dhawal, who was close to Natasha, quickly covered her protectively as Rohan had pulled the trigger.  Dhawal got shot in the arm. 

Yash and Chikki quickly arrested both Arvind and Rohan.  As Suhani was protesting, she let it slip that she knew it was Rohan that shot Dhawal when he was on the class trip.  Shocking Amba and Amrish, who canceled the wedding immediately.  

"Dhawal, why?  Sheesh, call the ambulance right away.  Dhawal, you need to go to the hospital."  yelled Natasha.

"Wait!" cried Dhawal

Everyone was crowding him, trying to see the damage.  Finally, Dhawal got up and said, "I'm not going anywhere.  No hospital.  No doctors."

"Are you stupid?  You need a doctor!  Sheesh quickly call the ambulance!"  yelled Natasha.

"First, you have to marry me!  I'm not leaving unless we are married." cried Dhawal.

"We literally got annuled last week, and you want to get married again.  Are you crazy?" yelled Natasha.

"We've already gone through the functions, just the wedding is remaining." said Dhawal, holding his arm.

The Pandya's looked confused along with Amba and Amrish.

"Natasha, during the haldi holi, you and Dhawal put the haldi on each other first.  Dhawal actually put the haldi that was on him, on you.  And yesterday, during the mendhi, you got Dhawal name hidden in your mendhi, and Dhawal got your name done on his arm.  All is left is the wedding pheras." explained Chirag

"Why are you being stubborn.  You need to go to the hospital."  muttered Natasha.

"I want my wife back.   I won't go to the hospital until after we get married."  replied Dhawal

"Fine, let's get this over with.  Hospital, the minute the pheras are done." said Natasha.

They all let a sign of relief when Natasha finally agreed with Amba and Amrish, being resigned to the fact.

They quickly got married, with Natasha keeping an eye on Dhawal's arm, which was wrapped in a chunni.  Finally, the wedding was over, and Natasha dragged Dhawal to the ambulance so he could be taken to the hospital.  Yash and Chikki left for the police station to make sure everything was by the book.

Everyone met at the hospital to see how Dhawal was.  Dhawal was released as soon as his treatment was done.   Natasha shook her head at his stubborness.  "Daama, let's go.  We need to prepare for Esha Bhabi's welcome." stated Natasha.

"Natasha, we'll go to Daama's first, but then you are coming with me," stated Dhawal

"But" she looked annoyed at him.

Suman looked at them both and motioned Natasha to be quiet.   "Let's quickly go.  We need to get everything ready.  And once we are home, we can figure out what just happened." 

Natasha looked at everyone confused and shook her head.  Everyone, all headed out, all going over to Pandya Niwas.

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