Giving Up - Version 2

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It had been a month since Esha married Chiku, and Dhawal forced Natasha into marriage again.

Natasha was so angry with Dhawal that she refused to live in the Makwana Mansion. Besides, Amba had Suhani visit so often that it seemed that she lived at Makwana Mansion.

It had been a month since the weddings, when Dhawal found out that Arvind and Rahul were arrested by the Police for multiple offenses.

He came home and called everyone down. Then, he explained what he had found out. Both Arvind and Rahul were in lockup. Suhani and her mother left town before they could be questioned by the police. Amba looked shocked. "If Esha had married Rahul, her life would have been destroyed."

"Yes, Ma. We were saved from making a mistake. It seems that we always make mistakes when it comes to Natasha and her family. They always save us from some problems even after destroying them. I destroyed our relationship because I listened to you, Mots. I should have never listened to you. I don't want a life like yours. I want Natasha as my wife. Then, due to your tricks, she hated me. So, I filed for an annulment. I was hoping until the last minute that she wouldn't sign the agreement. Then, when we were having the wedding functions, I couldn't see myself getting married to Suhani, and I forced her to get married to me, citing Esha and Dhawal wedding as a cause. But I did it for myself. I can't see myself without her, nor can I see anyone with her." stated Dhawal

"Who did I trust? I trusted them with my family, my business?" stated Amrish

"What? What do you mean business?" asked Bhavin

"They invested in the mall. Bhavin, I need you to go through all the transactions and return all investments back to them. Chirag, I need you to write up a statement stating that we have nothing to do with the Malhotra family and their legal battles. Dhawal, let's go to Pandya Niwas and apologise to the family. And bring Natasha home." stated Amrish.

Amrish, Amba, and Dhawal left to go to Pandya Niwas. When they arrived there, they were shocked to see that Natasha and Chiku were hurt, bandaged, and bruised up. Suman let them thru as they were still their inlaws, but she was very reluncted.

"What happened to the both of you?" asked Dhawal as soon as he saw them.

"Your friends, Arvind Malhotra and his son, Rahul. I guess they weren't too pleased that we found out about the poaching and illegal sales of exotic animals. People don't like it too much. If they are caught doing illegal things, they like to eliminate the problem. I guess we were the problem. But I guess that's bad luck for you. If we had died, your problem would have been eliminated-" explained Natasha

"How dare you say those things! I would never wish that on you or Chiku. You are my wife, damn it!" yelled Dhawal in her face.

"Step away from Chutki!" yelled Chiku.

"Everyone, let's calm down. We didn't come here to fight." stated Amrish

"That's surprising." whispered Sheesh, though everyone heard.

"Fine. Why are you here? We haven't heard from you since the wedding. Why now?" asked Suman.

"I'm sorry, Suman Bhen. I never had treated Natasha right since she first got married to Dhawal. I didn't want her as my daughter in law. I knew if she came into my family, she would unite the girls, and I would be left out. My rule would be over." stated Amba

Suman shook her head. "If I had known that this family is so orthodox, I would have never married my Chutki in this family. Parivaar is strong when everyone is united. You can control the family thru fear, but that only lasts so long. Family is strong when there is love to glue it together. And what I see is not that. I feel sorry for you and your family. If that is it, thank you for coming by-" said Suman

"We are here to bring Natasha home," yelled Amba

"No!" yelled Natasha, Chiku, and Esha. Dhawal looked at Esha in surprise.

"Please, Natasha. I'm sorry about everything. Except for our marriage. I won't be sorry for that! I couldn't stop the annulment, but I did my best to get us married again. It felt wrong to be getting married to someone else. You are my wife, nobody's else!" said Dhawal

"No! You said I was a two-bit worker. That couldn't support Esha. Well, I have the same question - I don't trust you to support my sister. If you don't work, how are you going to support? And are you depending on your brother to support you and your family?" replied Chiku

Dhawal looked shocked at the question. He never had to justify that he was being supported by Amrish. He looked at Amba and Amrish. He took a deep breath and said, "I will get a job independently from Mots. I will show you that I can support Natasha in all ways. I will make her dreams come true."

Amrish and Amba looked at Dhawal in shock.

"Why, Ma, you never wanted Natasha as your daughter in law. You always stated that women are weak. Look at your daughter in law. She fought multiple times to save your family, and as a reward, you threw her out of her home. You know what, I should have married Chiku before I came back into Makwana Mansion. But Chiku said no. He said the family's very important. We needed both families to welcome us. And when I came back, as a gift, you guys threw Natasha out. Then you tried to get Dhawal and me married into a family of criminals. But that was ok, since they are rich. Right Bhai?" asked Esha

Amrish and Amba looked down in shame.

"Look, I will do everything you ask before Natasha can come home with me." asked Dhawal

"Why do you want me to come back? I was the one that cause problems in your household. I am happy where I am, "stated Natasha

"Fine, I can find a place nearby. Happy?" stated Dhawal, shocking Amrish and Amba

"I didn't ask you to leave your family. You never understood me in all this time. I never wanted a separation from the Makwana Family. I love being a part of a big family." Amrish and Amba looked towards Natasha hearing her.

"I know. And I want to live with you. Even if it is without the family at first. We need to learn from our mistakes. We had no trust. And how will we gain trust in our relationship if we don't live together." said Dhawal.

"She doesn't want to live-" answered Chiku

"Chiku, quiet. You need to back off. Sooner or later, she will be back with Dhawal. They remind me of your Shiva Chachu and Raavi Chachi. They had one of kind love. There was a lot of fighting and making up. But they always ended back together. These two are similar. They fight, separate but can't see the other with another. I saw Natasha when Dhawal was around Suhani, and I saw Dhawal at the hospital when Neetu's brother was around." responded Suman

Both Dhawal and Natasha glanced at each other and then looked at the ground.

"Suman Bhen, can we work together so we can come to a conclusion that everyone is happy with. I don't want to lose my son. I want him to be happy. And I realize that Natasha is his happiness. No one else can make him happy." asked Amba

"I agree. My ego has caused a lot of problems. Problems with my sister and brother. If their marriages had gone through as I wanted, they would have been destroyed. Dhawal would have been liable in all of Malhotra's dealings as they wanted Dhawal to take over the business, and Esha would have been included as she would have been married to Rohan."

Dhawal looked at Amrish as he didn't know about this aspect of the deal. He thought they just wanted him to marry Suhani as a way to get over Natasha. He just shook his head. He looked towards Natasha and noticed that she was getting tired. He went towards her and picked her up. Took her to her room, laying her down on the bed. She tried to get up when Dhawal said, "Enough. You are tired. You've been hurt. You need to rest. "

"But -" Natasha started to say

"No buts. Rest up. I will be back tomorrow. We can talk, sort our differences later. But we will sort them out. Divorce is not an option, so take it out of your dictionary. I don't want to hear that word coming from your mouth again. I don't want to go thru this again. Since the day you went into the hospital, I have not had a peaceful sleep in the day before our date. You get angry with me, fine. But never again to this point." said Dhawal

Natasha nodded. "If wife and husband are finished with their conversation, can we interrupt?" interrupted Esha "Sorry Bhabi" said Natasha.

"No worries. I was teasing. Dhawal, Ma, and Amrish Bhai are waiting for you." said Esha.

As Dhawal and Esha walked back into the living room, he noticed that Daama's eye weren't as cold as they had been.

"Thank you for noticing that she was getting tired." said Suman

"Daama, no need. She is my wife." said Dhawal

"Dhawal, we will leave. Let me know when you want to come home, and I will send the driver back. Until spend some time here. Let us know what you and Natasha have decided." said Amrish and Amba as they got up to leave.

"Once everything is settled, let's organize your PagPhera along with Natasha's." Amba has said as they left.

Esha was surprised at their behavior and questioned, "Was that Amrish Bhai and Ma?"

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