Jealousy: Action and Reaction

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Dhawal watched as Natasha was having coffee with Shashank.   She looked like she was enjoying herself.   Dhawal quietly turned back and left the showroom, where Natasha was working, trying to get their outfits ready for the next day.    After finishing up her coffee, Natasha checked her phone and saw that she had multiple missed calls from Dhawal.  She  realized that she had ditched her dinner date with to work on the outfits.  She quickly gave out the girls and Shashank instructions and left.  Telling them that she had to meet up with Dhawal.  Shashank was realizing that he didn't have a chance with Natasha, but he thought to still try.

Natasha tried calling Dhawal but got no answer.   She went to the place where they were supposed to have dinner and noticed that it was empty.   She went to Katu's and asked him if he had seen Dhawal.  Katu had answered in the negative.

As she was leaving Katu's, she got a message from Dhawal, "Natasha, I know you are  busy.  I went by the storeroom.  You were busy working.  I've canceled dinner.   Don't worry, I won't bother you."  

Natasha was feeling restless in reading Dhawal's words.  Why did it seem like he was giving up.   She quickly messaged him, "I want to meet with you now."  

"Sorry, I went for a ride to clear my head.  Will meet with you tomorrow."   Now Natasha was getting nervous.  But she couldn't do anything yet, so she decided to go home to Pandya Niwas.  Where Mithu filled her in the underhanded dealings that Chiku and Bhavin were planning.   She didn't know what to do.   But realized that she needed to speak to Dhawal in trying to stop Chiku and Bhavin.   She told Mithu to keep quiet about this new development, and she will try to figure out a way out of this.

The next day, Natasha was waiting for Dhawal to finish his duties so she could talk to him.  When Dhawal came into the green room, where the Makwana Bahu's were.  Dhawal noticed that Pranali Bhabi was very nervous, and he asked her, "Pranali Bhabi, what's wrong?"

"Dhawal, how will we participate in this round.  It's the partner round.  Bhavin will never agree, and Natasha isn't married anymore.  We will get eliminated."  She was worried.

"Don't worry, Bhabi.  I will get Bhavin here."  Dhawal said to her.  And then he looked towards Natasha when Shashank replied that he could be Natasha's partner for the round.   When Dhawal heard Shashank's words, he tensed, then smiled and left the green room without hearing Natasha's response.    What he didn't know was that Natasha had denied Shashank and was looking at the direction that Dhawal had left.

Pranali didn't know what Dhawal had done, but Bhavin had shown up.  When she went up to Dhawal to thank him, she was shocked at what Dhawal had said.  "Bhabi, I didn't do anything.  Bhavin Bhai was already here talking to Chiku when I called him."   Natasha had overheard Dhawal and Pranali as they were talking.   Natasha was trying to talk to Dhawal, but it seemed that he was avoiding being alone with her.

Finally, the round had started, and Natasha still wasn't able to talk to Dhawal.   Dhawal was sitting with Mithu and Sheesh in front of the ramp walk.   Each of the ladies walked the ramp alone and then introduced their husbands/partners from the audience.   They introduced their partners with a little bio on the husband and walked back down the ramp.  Natasha walked the ramp and just stood looking at the audience.

The judges asked, "Natasha, where is your partner.?"  

"He's here.     This round, the judges are to judge my husband.  My husband has no need to be judged.  He is already a winner in my eyes.    My husband has always pushed me to succeed.  He's happy when I have accomplished my goal, even if he has been defeated.  He's fought everyone for me. He even gave me up to make sure I would succeed.   He watches and supports me every time, whether I want his help or not.  He's protected me every time I needed him.  My husband is the best version for me."  As she walked up to Dhawal, she held out her hand for him to grab.  Dhawal was surprised at Natasha's words, but he grabbed her hand as she pulled him towards her.   She finished the ramp walk with Dhawal at her side.  Shocking Amba, Amrish, and Bhavin, whereas Daama seemed accepting.

"Mr. Dhawal.  You are Natasha's husband.?"  asked one of the judges

"Yes.  I am her husband, "  stated Dhawal

"Your wife has sang praises of you right now.  What do you say about her?"  asked the judge

"My wife is the best part of me.  She is fighting for me,  she has even fought death for me.  A month ago, I was declared dead by the doctors, and she brought me back.   My wife is my love, my life.  I am nothing without her.  I will fight the world for her.  Her one smile brings peace to my heart. She makes me want to be better for her.  I want to experience the whole world with her at my side.  I want all her dreams to come true."  Dhawal responded with his answer.  Amba and Amrish didn't know what to say.

Dhawal and Natasha impressed the judges quite a bit.   Dhawal was pleasantly surprised with the happenings in the last hour.  As they waited for the result, Dhawal had his arms around Natasha, giving her comfort, while she had her arms over his.  

After delibrations, the Makwana Bahu, Esha, and Natasha all advanced to the next round, with two contestants being eliminated.  Natasha turned around and hugged Dhawal tightly.    Then, she looked around for her sisters.  Then dragged Dhawal with her as she congratulated her sisters.

"We should go out and celebrate. How about dinner?"  asked Chirag. 

Amrish was making excuses, as he had to meet Ishaani.  Bhavin refused as he was annoyed with the whole situation.  So everyone, including Golu except for Amrish, Bhavin, and Amba, went out to dinner, not worrying about making dinner at home.  Everyone had fun, and when it was time, so go home, Dhawal offered to drop Natasha at home or if she wanted at Pandya Niwas.   Chiku interjected that he could take his sister, but Natasha shushed him.

"Dhawal, can we go for a ride before you drop me off."  asked Natasha.  Dhawal nodded as he got on his bike and handed Natasha a helmet to wear.  As they drove around for a bit, Natasha then signaled him to drive back to Pandya Niwas.  He slowed down as he got near Pandya Niwas, as he didn't want to drop her off yet, when Natasha pointed to the temple.   Dhawal parked the bike, and they got off to walk towards the temple.

Natasha and Dhawal prayed in front of the idol before walking to the side.  "Dhawal, why didn't you stay last night?"  asked Natasha

"I was scared.  I thought I had lost you forever.  I didn't want to be a barrier in your new life, "  stated Dhawal.

"Dhawal, I meant every word I said.  You are my husband.  I don't want any other."  said Natasha

"And I want to be your husband!   You're mine, and I am yours.  No one elses." As Dhawal touched his forehead with hers.

"I need to speak to you about something else.   I need your help to stop them, but I want to get married now.  I don't need a big wedding.  Just you and me.   I don't want to take a chance.   Our first wedding I got kidnapped.  Your almost second wedding, I got drugged.  I just want us to get married.  Will you marry me now?"  asked Natasha

Dhawal smiled and nodded.  "I will marry you now." 

Shortly after, Natasha and Dhawal were married.    Afterward, Natasha and Dhawal were sitting off to the side when Natasha explained to Dhawal that Chiku and Bhavin had joined together.   They are planning something  big, and she needed his help to stop it.  They were discussing the details of the issue when Natasha got a call from Hetal asking if she was coming back home tonight.   Natasha responded no as she was going to spend the night at Pandya Niwas.

"Dhawal, let's go to Pandya Niwas.  We need to tell them about our wedding."  said Natasha

Dhawal agreed, and then they started to walk towards Pandya Niwas.  What they didn't know was that Chirag and the rest of the Makwana Bahu's were at Pandya Niwas waiting for Natasha and Dhawal to return.

When they walked into Pandya Niwas, they saw everyone there, waiting for them.  The ladies noticed Natasha's partition filled with sindoor and her old mangalsutra around her neck.  They all motioned each other smiling.

"Woohoo!  Dhawal and Natasha are married again.  You are one again!"  yelled Dolly in excitment.    The rest of the family looked towards Natasha and Dhawal and saw that they were indeed married.  Natasha and Dhawal walked  to Daama and kneeled down.  "Daama, I am sorry.  I know I hurt Natasha earlier.  I promise I will never hurt her.  I rather hurt myself than her.   I've promised Natasha a new beginning."  promised Dhawal while Natasha nodded at his words.  Everyone was happy at this development except for Chiku.  

Natasha glanced at Chiku but didn't say anything.   Daama then looked at Natasha and Dhawal.

"I know you are staying with your friend, but until you are  able to take Natasha with you, you will stay here.   With us!  You are family again."  stated Daama

"Daama,  after the Pageant, we all will be moving to the farmhouse.  And Dhawal and Natasha will move in with us.   The farmhouse is Dhawal and mine together.    And we have earned it.  What you don't know is that Amrish bought shares in our names, and they had made a profit.  With the profits, we got the Farmhouse for built for the both of us as we wanted a getaway place, and Bhavin Bhai also received his share from the profits too.  I had just found out that Bhavin Bhai used his portion and bought shares in a company.   He never ever did mention which company, but he did receive his share."  said Chirag

The girls were shocked at all this new information.  

"Daama, I promise after the Pageant, I will find another job, and Natasha will finish her MBA.  I promise she will complete her dreams.  And this time, I won't give you any excuses for any complaints.  I will keep her happy.  Happier than she ever been."

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