Love Wins ❤️

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Dhawal dropped Natasha at the Pandya Niwas after the date, as she requested.  As she walked in, she heard Daama repriminding Chiku.   Chiku was going ahead in his revenge, whereas Daama was trying to talk him out of it  and Sheesh and Mithu were also giving their opionion.    It was a good thing that Esha was spending the night at the Makwana Mansion.  Natasha made some noise as she walked into Pandya Niwas.

"Daama!  I'm here to spend the night.    Since Esha Bhabi is spending the night as the Makwana Mansion, I figured I would spend time with my family here in Pandya Niwas."   Natasha said as she walked into the room, smiling at everyone.

"Wow!  My daughter has come to visit.  You did well.  And flowers?  They are beautiful, "  said Daama

"Yes, Daama.  The flowers are from Dhawal."  said Natasha, smiling.

Chiku made a pissed off look on his face when she mentioned Dhawal, which Natasha noticed.  And then he walked off towards his room.

"Daama, what's wrong with Chiku."  asked Natasha

"I will explain later.  What would you like?  Should we have a cup like we used to?"  asked Daama

"A cup of chai would be great!" exclaimed Natasha.  "I will make it and bring it to our room." as Sheesh and Mithu had also made excuses and left shortly after Chiku.

A little while later, Natasha and Daama were drinking tea in their room.  

"Daama, I had a reason for coming over."  Natasha said

"Chutki, what is it?"

"First, is I'm confused.   I love Dhawal a lot.  But he questioned my character.  But he's changed a lot since then.   He's becoming my Dhawal, but is he?  He wants to marry me.  He pushes me to be better. He left his family for me.  He's become independent for me.  He fought for me?  Am I doing wrong with him? By denying to forgive him?"  Natasha asked.

"Chutki,  that's a decision you must make.  Have you forgiven him?  Has he proven himself worthy of you?  You see, your Shiva Chachu did the same thing with your Raavi Chachi.   They got divorced.   I was even trying to get Shiva married to Disha, as I thought she would be better for him.   But your Raavi Chachi, she had forgiven him.   She loved him.  She didn't want him to live without him.   They worked on their issues together.  Now the thing is for you, can you live without Dhawal in your life.   There are many obstacles that come into our lives, but matter is who stays and helps you that matter."  said Daama

"Daama, Dhawal has always protected me, whether he was there or not.  I was ready to quit the Pageant.  He made sure that I didn't quit.  He stood by me, even when I refused to accept him."  said Natasha

"Well, then think about what you want and what is good for you.  I know you were mad at him.  And I know you are not mad at him anymore.  But think back and make a decision without any force.   Now, what is the other thing? "  Daama asked.

"Fine.  I will.  Daama, why do I have a feeling that Chiku is planning something bad?"  asked Natasha

"Because he probably is.  He is being single-minded about his revenge of the hurt you have been through.   He knows that Dhawal wasn't at much fault as Amrish and his mother are.  But he loves Esha, but he's also very driven in his revenge."

Natasha was very pensive when she heard this.    She needed to do something, but she wasn't sure what.    She then messaged Dhawal to meet her in the morning.  

In the morning, when Natasha got ready, she felt happy.  Relieved.  She had made her decision.  She had tea with her family in the morning, and then she went to visit with Dhawal.

Dhawal was surprised to see her message last night, and he was wondering what was going on.  Natasha arrived at Katu's by mid-morning.   He greeted her with a hug and said, "Let's go to the coffee shop.  You can tell me what's wrong."  

"How do you know it's wrong? It could be right, you know?" asked Natasha."Ok, ok.  Get on the bike.  You can tell me at the coffee shop."  said Dhawal, as he asked her to sit on the bike.

As they were sitting at a table at the coffee shop, drinking their coffees, Dhawal asked, "Ok, now tell me."

"Dhawal, um, Dhawal." Natasha stammered.

"Natasha, what's wrong?"  Dhawal was getting nervous

"Nothing bad.  I was going to say that every time that I needed someone, you've been there for me.  Whether I wanted it or not.  Whether you were around me or not.  You have always been there for me even when I said I hated you!  Even when we annuled our marriage.  The only time I will say you let me down was when you questioned my character.   When you disappeared from the hotel, and we found a body in the middle of the road, I felt my heart break.   The relief  that I felt when we realized that it wasn't you was happiness.   You were alive."  Natasha had said, confusing Dhawal, as he wasn't sure if she was forgiving him or not.

"You left Makwana Mansion, and I felt guilty.  I had promised that I would bring you back, and fine, you don't want to go back.  I have taken back my promise.  I will not try to make you go back to Makwana Mansion.  But maybe we can work on a compromise. Chirag Bhai had told me that Amrish Bhai and Ma had planned for one of the Bhabi's to get hurt enough that they would have to drop out of the Pageant.  So I am glad that you locked them in that room.  I never wanted to be the cause of the family to break up.    I was raised to save relationships even if it looks like there is nothing to save.  So Mr. Dhawal Makwana, I want to figure out a way that we can save these relationships.  The Bhabi's and your relationship is safe.  I don't have to worry about that one.  What about Chirag Bhai and Bhavin Bhai?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about my relationship with Chirag.   He was the one who texted me about Amrish Bhai.   Once the pageant is over, Chirag is moving out to the Farmhouse, and I will be joining him.  We will look for other jobs, and we might have a hard time with the scandal with Amrish Bhai.  Otherwise, Chirag and I will open our own business, most likely construction."  said Dhawal

"What about Bhavin Bhai?"  asked Natasha

"We'll be working on that.  Bhavin spent most of his time with Amrish Bhai growing up, as he helped Bhai with his business.  So, trying to break years of conditioning will take a while.   We will be taking the Bhabi's with us when we transfer over to the farmhouse.  Chirag is making sure nobody hurts them, and then after the Pageant, we will leave.  Maybe with Bhabi's leaving the Makwana Mansion, maybe will shock them.    Between all of us, we will make it work.  Don't worry.  And your promise, take it back.   Go back to Pandya Niwas."  said Dhawal

Natasha smiled and was thinking.  "Ok.  Now that we figured out the equation for the Makwana Family.  How about we talk about us?  Natasha and Dhawal."  Natasha said, surprising Dhawal but also scaring him.   He gripped his cup tightly.

"Where would you like to start?"  Dhawal asked.

"Let's start from the beginning."  asked Natasha

Dhawal looked down at his hands and said, "Ok.  I can do that."

Dhawal looked up and started to talk, "Amrish Bhai really wanted the control of Pandya Store, and you and Daama were the only ones that he couldn't control.   You didn't sell.  At the time, I didn't understand, but I am glad you didn't.   I was supposed to convince you, but all my plans failed.  Until Pranali Bhabi had told him about Daama's condition of giving it to you in your dowry.   Then Amrish Bhai was single-minded about our marriage.    I didn't love you, but I figured that love would come afterward.   I figured we would have a marriage like Amrish Bhai and Hetal Bhabi.   Then we got married and I was starting to get to know you.   I liked you.  Maybe I've already started to love you.   At Dahi Handi, you won, and I was happy.  Didn't know why I was  happy,  then your dress ripped.  I needed to protect you.  I know you can protect  yourself, but I needed to help you, too.  Your family was mine too.  But I knew I couldn't show it, as it went against Ma and Amrish Bhai's thinking.   Then you saved us from the employees at the site, and I was so proud of you, but then you found out the truth, and I saw the devastation in your eyes.  Your love.  It was destroyed.  I went after you when you left Makwana Mansion.  But I didn't catch up.   I lost you, and it was destroying me.  Then Daama ended up in the hospital, and I hoped that we could resolve our differences while working together, but you asked me what right I had.  That hurt.   You were my wife, and you were so far away from me.  You didn't believe me.  And you were right in your place.  So, I begged Amrish Bhai to bring in the cardiologist for Daama."   

Natasha looked at Dhawal's confession.  She didn't know that he was the one to bring the cardiologist for Daama.  She smiled tearfully at Dhawal and nodded for him to continue.

"Then afterward, Amrish Bhai must have another trick because he wanted to get our divorce ready.   I didn't want that.  But then you came back with the papers in your name.   Amrish Bhai was shocked that they were your name, and I was glad.  You were back, and I had a chance for forgiveness.  I wanted my wife back.  You scared me when I saw that snake in front of you.   Then, Golu went missing, and you hurt yourself.  You didn't care about yourself, and I could have lost you.  Then Amrish Bhai said that you kidnapped Golu, and I was so angry with you.  Then you brought Esha Di back, and I realized that you always try to help the family.   And I finally felt that we were finally getting to trust each other, and we could start our marriage life together.  Start building that foundation.  But Amrish Bhai played his trick and destroyed Pandya Store.  That fragile trust was destroyed again.   Amrish Bhai promised to give back Pandya Store back to you if I divorced you.  And I said yes.  I needed to return Pandya Store to  you.  I need to return your family to you.   So I made you hate me even more.  You agreed to divorce me or annul the marriage.  Then Amrish Bhai brought Suhani and Rohan into our lives, and then we went to the college trip.  You saved my life, and I changed my mind about the annulment.  But then Esha and Chiku got married, and Ma blamed you, and you agreed.  In my anger, I decided to marry Suhani.   All those wedding functions, I did them with you, but I was jealous of Sundip.  He was always sniffing around you.  In my jealousy, I said the words that I would regret to my dying day.  I wasn't thinking straight.  I thought you had moved on."  

  Dhawal took a break from his confession and looked around, trying to regain his composure.

"Then truth came out, and I tried to apologize.  You rejected it.  Amrish Bhai still tried to get me married to Suhani, but I refused.  I needed your forgiveness, I realized your value.  I love you.  You were my life.  But you couldn't forgive me.  You left, and I had my accident.  Then you came back because you were blackmailed.   You were distant, but I was so happy that you returned that I didn't even notice.   Then Sundip tried to kill you, and I thought that I could have lost you.  But then you told me the truth.  In my excitement, I forgot that our annulment went through, and you were correct.  I may not have thought at the time, but you were correct.  Then I found out Amrish Bhai's truth.  The manipulations, the games he played.  And I realized the truth.  I left.  I knew that I needed to grow up.  Be responsible.  Be successful.   I know you have said that there is no chance, but you told me that if there is love in the relationship, there is always hope.   You may not love me, but you did love me once.  I was hoping that maybe you would love me again." Dhawal finished his confession.  Dhawal smiled at Natasha, finishing up his coffee.

"Dhawal, if we look at all the issues with had, there wasn't much that was between us.  It mostly issues from others.  Yes, Amrish Bhai decided to marry you off to me.  You agreed to the marriage.  You still treated me with respect.  You could have been a drunk, a wife beater or rapist.  But you didn't.  Yes, you got mad, but so did I.  You protected me.  Many times.  Yes, the issue with Golu was because of others.  You help get me independent.  Your support was the biggest protection I needed.  Then the destruction of Pandya Store, and things went bad.  Your remarriage.  Sundip.  Your words.  Your accident.  Sundip trying to kill me.  You found out Amrish's truth.  You leaving Makwana Mansion.  Your independence.  In all that, it was your words that hurt me.  They are hard to forget."  said Natasha

"I know Natasha.  I wish I had never said them.  Like I said, I will regret that to my dying day, "  said Dhawal

"I forgive you, Dhawal."  said Natasha

"What?  You do?"  Dhawal was so relieved.  Dhawal grabbed Natasha's hands.  "Thank you." 

"Dhawal, I have something to say."  

"Go ahead.  I'm listening."  replied Dhawal

"Dhawal, what I am going to say.  I need you not to react."  asked Natasha

"Natasha, I promise."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, Chiku loves Esha.  Esha loves Chiku.  But Chiku also wants revenge against Amrish Bhai.  He blames Amrish Bhai for my tears, my hurt.  Pandya Store."  said Natasha

"Well, it's true.  It is Amrish Bhai's doing."  responded Dhawal  "I don't care about that.  As long as he treats Esha well.  I don't care about the war between Amrish and Chiku.  As long as it doesn't hurt my family, I am happy.   If they keep each other busy, Amrish will have less time to interfere in our lives.  I want my Bhabi's to be happy.  I want them to be independent.   And I want to marry you and spend my life with you."  said Dhawal

"I will marry you." said Natasha

"I promise that I will not make the same mistakes again.  I know that you won't marry me.  But please don't marry that, Shashank.  I will make you proud of me.  I will."  Dhawall spoke

"Dhawal, Dhawal!  Listen to me!  I said I will marry you!""  Natasha yelled

"What?  You will.  You promise.  You, actually, said you will marry me?  Truly."  asked a confused Dhawal

"Yes. I will.  But it will be different this time.  Let's have a court marriage, then a simple wedding at the temple.  Our first wedding, I got kidnapped.  The Fake Chiku.  The second wedding, you were marrying Suhani.  Sundip.  Him drugging me.  Me becoming your bride.   The mix-up brides got discovered. Our argument. And then the truth.  Maybe it will be better to have the court marriage, then just the simple wedding at the temple."  said Natasha

Dhawal had a huge smile on his face, and he agreed.  "When?" Dhawal asked.

"Today.  Now.   Once we get married, we start with a clean slate.  No bringing baggage from before.   We will never bring up the issues from before.  We have dealt with it now.  And now it will be stored away.   I promise never to bring anything up."  

"And I promise never to hurt you.  Never bring up old issues.   Any decisions we make together.  Any discussions we do it with each other first before talking to others.    We never keep anything away from each other.   We will be each other's support.  We trust each other before listening to others, "  said Dhawal

Natasha smiled at Dhawal's words.  She held out her hand, "I promise."  

Dhawal put his hand in hers and said, "I promise."

"Let's go."  Natasha stood up.

"Natasha, why don't I take you back to Pandya Niwas.  You can explain to Daama.  You change.  Then I will take you to the court house.  Then we can meet Daama at the temple."  said Dhawal, with happiness

"Dhawal, why don't you call Chirag and have him bring the Bhabi's to the temple."  Dhawal agreed as he paid the bill, and they left to go to Pandya Niwas.  They quickly explained to Daama everything.  And she agreed, as Mithu and Sheesh were out, and Chiku went to pick up Esha.    Natasha quickly changed and gave him an outfit that she borrowed from Sheesh.   And left for the courthouse and later for the temple where Daama and the Chirag were there with their sister in laws.  "Daama, we can do everything again with the family later.  When everything is ok."  said Natasha.

"I am so happy for you. You are finally one again!"  yelled out an excited Dolly with Hetal and Pranali nodding in agreement.    Everyone smiled.

"Dhawal,"  Daama called.

"Yes, Daama,"  responded  Dhawal

"Dhawal, I know you are a proud, independent person, and I would never try to hurt you. I know you have been living with your friend, Katu, for a while.  But now you are married again.  Until you find something, how about you live at Pandya Niwas."  shocking Dhawal

"Daama,  let me discuss this with Natasha, and then we can let you know, I promised Natasha that any decisions we will make together after we discuss that matter.  No matter what the issue is."  said Dhawal, surprising everyone.    Daama smiled and agreed, feeling proud of Dhawal.  She thought that she made the correct decision.  Dhawal and Natasha were made for each other.  

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