They Meet Your First Boyfriend

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For any boyfriend scenarios you will be at least 15 or older!


He was okay with it, because he trusted your judge in character. But he gave the boy several warning glares, while your back was turned of corse.


Your dad played the tuff guy approach, tried to intimidate him as much as possible. Unfortunately for Tony though, you had already told the boy how much of a teddy bear he really was. Your boyfriend assured him that he would take good care of you and have you back well before your curfew.

To Tony's surprise, he actually kept his word.


Freaked out.

Was all your father did the first time you brought up the boyfriend subject, once he met the guy though, the melt downs became less, but he was still worried.


She congratulated you and told you she was proud of you for catching your first boy, she had had many talks about dating with you already, making sure you knew not to rush anything. She trusted you to chose a good one and stay clear of the bad ones, the one you had brought home didn't seem to bad, but time will tell.


Ducky lectured you about dating until your date arrived, once the boy came in he started ranting random historical facts and gained the attention of your date. So you had your first date in your kitchen, with your father giving a history lesson.


You weren't interested in boys at all, until one day, one tapped your shoulder. He kept asking questions, even after you told him you were deaf. He was persistent. Then he slipped you a piece of paper with a question on it,

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

When your mom found out, she had to go buy more cafpows.

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