Your First Sleepover

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Your dad asked you what you wanted for your birthday, after thinking about it you asked for a sleep over.

Gibbs took you to pick out your cake and favorite ice cream, when you got back to the house there were cars in the driveway. You ran in the house and saw Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Palmer, and Ducky. They all shouted happy birthday when you walked in, you had cake and ice cream then opened a few presents before Ducky and Palmer had to leave. You asked if the others were leaving but they told you they were staying for the birthday sleepover party.

Everyone was in their sleeping bags on the living room floor ready to go when Gibbs came in and told everyone good night, turning the lights off Gibbs went his room, you crawled out of your bag and into Ziva's with her. She gladly made room for you and let you snuggle into her chest. Best Birthday Ever!


Tony had to go on a undercover mission and was looking for a babysitter for you. When he told Gibbs he couldn't find one last minute, Gibbs said you could stay with him. When your dad told you this you ran around the apartment cheering in excitement.

Tony dropped you off and kissed you on the head goodbye before leaving, Gibbs cooked you your favorite meal for dinner, then let you stay up late helping him sand his boat. He noticed it got really quite and looked over at you fast asleep, leaning against the boat. Gibbs carried you to his bed and let you sleep there while he slept on the couch.


At the mention of a sleepover McGee didn't know what to do, he asked who you wanted to stay the night and you drug him to Abby's lab. You walked back with a cheery goth girl and stuffed hippo,

"Are you sure you want to do this Abby?" McGee asked, Abby did a little bounce and told McGee everything was fine, you squealed and hugged Abby.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of him!" You promised Abby running out of the lab, McGee raised an eyebrow and looked to the goth girl for an answer.

"She wanted to know if Bert could spend the night." McGee sighed and shook his head, he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.


Unsurprising for your first sleepover you invited Tony. You begged him for hours before he finally told you it was up to your mother, Ziva was a little uneasy about the whole sleeping over thing until she found out who you invited, then she didn't care.

Tony watched your favorite movies while you were snuggling into his side, you ended up falling asleep on him and he carried you to bed.


Your best friend (B/F/N) asked if you could come stay the night at their house after school one day. You asked your dad and he said you could as long as you called before bed and in the morning to tell him when you wanted to come home.


You asked your mom what the coolest sleepover she ever had was, she said she had lots of cool sleep overs but one of her favorites was when she spent the night in autopsy. You asked if you could do that too and she told you she would ask Ducky.

Two nights later you you were setting up your sleeping bag on one of the autopsy tables, with Abby on the other. Ducky wished you sweet dreams in sign language before turning out the lights and going home for the night. And sweet dreams you had indeed.

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