(OS-F _ Gibbs _ Fins)

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Based off of (season 5 episode 7)

Your POV

Gibbs had gotten to Maddie Tyler house, signed for the letter, and disappeared to the location. Tony, Jenny and I were now in Abby's lab trying to figure out where he was headed, I was worried about him. I could tell Maddie meant something important to him, but just running off like that scares me. It doesn't help that I like him, like really really like him, but I can't tell him cause that would break Rule #12, never date a coworker. We just have to find him, then I'll stop worrying so much.

Abby got a hit on a marine that he may have went to, Jenny told me and Tony to go ahead and that ziva and McGee wouldn't be far behind. Tony drove while I anxiously fiddled with my fingers, Tony noticed but didn't say anything thankfully.

We pulled up to a gate and got out of the car, looking around there was no one in sight. I could hear voices coming from the building because of my enhanced hearing ability, I could tell one of them was gibbs. Then guns shots rang out, Tony and I pulled our guns readying ourselves, a car sped backwards from the building straight into the harbor. We both ran around and through the building towards the water, Tony shouted that he would go help them. I stayed on the pier waiting, everyone one i work with thinks I'm deathly afraid of water, even too scared to wash my hands, so I stood there keeping my secret exactly what it was, a secret.

Tony surfaced with Maddie and started CPR, waiting for gibbs to come up as well. After a few seconds there was still no gibbs, I looked into Tony's eyes before running to the edge and diving in. As soon as my body was fully submerged I could fell it starting to change, my legs became a long beautiful tail, gills opened on my neck, and i could see everything was clearly. A few whips of my tail and I was at the car on the bottom of the ocean floor. Gibbs was still in the driver seat letting out his last breath, I panicked and ripped the door off the car. He was going to inhale water and I couldn't get him out of the water in time, so I pulled him close and placed my lips over his, pushing fresh oxygen into his lungs.

After a few deep breaths he became aware that we were under water and I was giving him my 'air'. He pushes me away and realized it was me, he also thought I was scared of water so he point up and told me to go. Shaking my head I tried asking him why he couldn't get out, Gibbs pulled on the steering wheel trying to move it. He was almost out of air again and was getting weak, I moved his hands away and ripped the wheel off, tossing it aside like nothing. Gibbs then noticed my tail when I did this and just sat there, I held my hand out for him to take. He looked at me then took my hand, I wrapped my arms around his waist and swam as fast as I could to the top.

When Gibbs surfaced he gasped for air, I held on to him leading him to the lander. He held onto the ladder but hesitated before climbed out and turned toward me,

"Thought you were afraid of water?" I giggled,

"I couldn't blow my cover." Gibbs smiled a little and really looked at me,

"So uh.... how do we get you back to normal?" He asked, I blushed and looked down,

"W-well usually I would just dry off, but since Tony's up there I uh....n-need your help." Gibbs raised a brow and waited for an answer,

"I need a um...a.....a kiss." My face was a tomato and Gibbs face actually turned pink, "and your jacket....cause I ripped my pants." He chuckled and pulled me closer, wearing a smirk he leaned forward and kissed me. Getting caught up in the moment I reached up and ran my hand through his wet hair, I pulled away,

"I'm sorry I-" he pulled me back and kissed me again, he didn't stop until tony found us,

"Oh thank god your okay boss.....um what are you doing?" Gibbs had his boss face back on and took of his jacket, handing it to me,

"Just probably thanking my hero." He winked at me when tony went back to check on Maddie. Gibbs climb out first while I tied his coat around my waist, then he helped me out. I stumbled forward and Gibbs caught me, he looked down at me with concern, I looked up at him and whispered,

"I'm sorry my legs hurt after not swimming for so long." He just nodded his head and picked me up carrying me to the ambulance that had arrived. Gibbs made sure no one tried to put any liquids on me and got me some dry clothes. He only left for a minute to go change and check on Maddie, the EMTs were ready to go and told me I was free. So I stood up wincing a little and walked over to one of the NCIS cars, Tony appeared and opened the door for me with a smirk on his face.

"So you faced your fears and got to kiss your Prince Charming." I blushed and hopped in the car gaping at what he said, "I knew you fancied him for forever and I could tell he always had a soft spot for you." I gave him a look, "You even have the same 'you better shut you mouth Tony' look. Don't worry my lips are sealed, I'm not gonna be the one to tell boss -"

"Tell me what DiNozzo?"

"Nothing Boss!" He said and walked away, Gibbs smirked and walked around the car to get in beside me. I didn't know if I was getting talked to or fired, hopefully it was the former. Gibbs sat there looking out the windshield for a few seconds,

"Why did you risk your secret to save me?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Because I don't want to live in a world, without Leroy Jethro Gibbs." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him, he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I blushed and hugged him tighter,

"Ya know if you have any questions, you could come to my house and I'll answer them over dinner tonight." He smiled and rested his head on on mine,

"I'd like that."

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