( OS _ Gibbs _ Sick )

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The flu.

That's what you had and you hadn't been to work in over a week, it was killing you. You longed to go out side for fresh air, to take an early morning jog, or even go to the grocery store, which you hated. But this stupid sickness wouldn't go away!

Sighing you rolled over trying to get comfortable, pulling you blank over only one leg, because on both legs was too hot and off both was too cold. Being sick sucked. Head pounding like a drum, throat soar and raw, you hated it so much, just kill me now!

There was a knock on the door and you looked at you clock 8:30 pm, who was at you house this late. You shakingly got up and wobbled to the door, looking through the little peep hole thingy you blushed. Gibbs was standing there was a pot in his hands, you slowly opened the door and gave a tired grin.

"Hi Agent Gibbs." He smiled and asked to come in, you warned him that you were sick but he insisted. He walked straight to your kitchen and put the pot on the stove, he turned it on to heat the pot back up.

Gibbs walked back over to you and placed a hand on your head, taking your temperature then stuck his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a bottle of medication. He went and grabbed a glass filling it with water he gave it to you along with two pills, you took them and he went back to the kitchen. You sat down on the couch when he came back with two bowls of soup, handing you one and seating himself on a different chair.

You both ate in silence, other then an occasional cough from you. Gibbs made you eat the whole bowl full before he gave some more medicine and let you rest.

Waking up the next morning you felt a million times better, you got up, took a shower, and got ready for work. You weren't one hundred percent but you could definitely work with this. The men at the NCIS gates greeted and welcomed you back, you went to your desk and sat down getting ready to start your day.

On your first break you went to Gibbs area to see if he was there, looking around you spotted his silver hair over at his desk. You walked over and stood in front of his desk hugging a folder to your chest. Not wanting to embarrass him or yourself, you had written a note and hide it in one of his folders.

Gibbs looked up and almost grinned when he saw you.

"How are you feeling miss (Y/L/N)?" He asked very professionally, you smiled and handed him his folder,

"Very well thank you, it must have been the medication or soup I had last night, I feel much better now." You could have sworn you saw him blush as you walked away, Tony perked up at the mentioning of food and tried asking you were you had gotten it from. You smiled and through over your shoulder,

"Someone special dropped by and gave it to me." Tony whined while Gibbs smiled, opening his folder to keep working when a small envelope fell out. He picked it up and opened it, all that it said was,

Thank you, special Agent Gibbs

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