( OS-F _ Timothy McGee _ Over Board )

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The death of a sailor had an NCIS team on board a ship, that was still out at sea. Gibbs team was that team and they had just boarded the ship. McGee and Tony were at the crime scene taking pictures and collecting evidence, they were almost done when a nervous man rounded the corner. He froze and stared frantically at the two agents before bolting away, McGee jumped up and ran after him, leaving Tony there calling for backup.

McGee chased this guy all over the ship, until they made it to the deck. The man ran to the side of the deck hesitating to pull his arm out of his jacket pocket, McGee ran up to him slightly out of breath and asked him not to jump.

When the man didn't move McGee stepped closer to pull him away but the man grabbed him, dragging McGee to the edge the man held a gun to his chest. McGees eyes widened in terror as them man harshly pushed him over the side of the ship, into the ocean below.

The strong currents created by the ships propellers, quickly pulled him down and pushed him behind the ship. Once McGee was finally able to break the surface he gasped desperately for air, coughing up sea water and trying to stay afloat. Finally getting his breathing back to an almost normal pace, McGee looked for the ship, he spun in a circle and started to panic. It was gone!

Arms and legs growing tired, McGee calmed himself down the best he could and settled on floating for a while. There was no point in swimming, it would be impossible to catch up with the ship and there was no land for miles, so he would just have to wait for help to find him.

(Fun Fact: You can float on your back in the ocean for three days before you pass out from exhaustion.)

McGee had been trying to keep floating for a few hours but he was heavy, not him physical but from what he was carrying. Sighing McGee held his breath, sinking under very little he took off his shoes, badge, gun, and jacket letting them sink to the bottom, he didn't want to do it but it was much easier to float now.

Unbeknown to him though, several thousand feet below him, his gun and badge landed right in front of two bright (E/C) eyes. Their hands reached out grabbing the strange objects, a smile graced their face as they quickly swam for the surface to see if they could find the owner of such treasures. A floating thing peaked their interest so with a cautious movement, their soft hand made its way towards the thing, softly poking it.

Startled McGee went into a vertical position to look around, another poke in the leg and McGee was praying it was a school of fish. A shriek came from him when he was suddenly pulled under, the salt water burned his eyes that were frenziedly glimpsing around. Hands gripped his shoulders and forced him back up, McGee gasped for air again for the second time today.

One of the same hands from before came up to rub his back, McGee turned his head to see the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"H-hi." He said spinning around to face her, she smiled and got a little closer.

"Hello." Her voice was that of an angle, McGee was sure of it. "Are you lost?" She asked.

"Umm.... y-yeah, I am." McGee stuttered making her giggle,

"Don't worry, I will take you back where the sea meets the dry sand." She smiled brightly wrapping her arm around his waist, giving her tail a swift swish they started in a direction she declared was the way.

McGee felt the unusual way her body moved through the water and let his eye travel down her body, going into a bit of shock when he found she was not human, but a.... mermaid.

"You have a tail?" It was supposed to be a statement but came out more of a question, she smiled at him while she swam.

"Yeah, all merfolk have them." She said laughing lightly when she saw McGee pinch himself. "What is your name?"

"McGee, Timothy McGee."

"Pleasure to meet you Timothy, I am (Y/N)."

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