( OS _ Gibbs _ No Show )

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(Y/N) nervously sat in a booth at the local diner, waiting for her blind date to show. She hadn't been on a date in years, since her mid thirty's to be more specific.

Abby told her she needed to get out there and find a man before it was too late, but (Y/N) wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, she hadn't really been with anyone thus far, so why change that now.

Looking at her watch (Y/N) sighed again, forty-seven minutes late and counting. This was so embarrassing, having everyone judge her or look at her with pity, the waitress even asked if she was doing okay.

A man sat down across from her, interrupting the answer she was about to make up. (Y/N) blushed, even more embarrassed when she saw her boss sitting in front of her smiling.

"Sorry for taking so long, the traffic was terrible." Gibbs expertly confessed, the waitress smiled and took their orders before heading back to the kitchen to give it to the cook. (Y/N) gave her boss a confused expression while slightly leaning in.

"What are you doing here?" The silver haired man smiled, leaning in as well so their faces were rather close.

"Came to have dinner and you were looking a little.... lonely." Leaning back into her chair (Y/N) smiled at her boss, Abby must have relaid her message to Gibbs about the no show.

"Thank you G-"

"Jethro." (Y/N) was going to protest but her 'date' gave her the 'go along with it' look, nodding she quietly corrected herself face flushing when calling him by his name.

The waitress brought out your meal, making sure to comment about him having his date wait so long. Gibbs chuckled and apologized again for his tardiness, he was apologizing, Gibbs was apologizing, to make her feeling better.

They ate their meal with some small talk, (Y/N)s face flushing every time she had to call him 'Jethro', internally she was loving it. I mean how many people get to do that, then have him smile afterwards, not many!

After the meal G-, Jethro paid the bill and offered to take her home, seeing as she had taken a cab to the diner, so she accepted. The car ride was silent giving her time to think, did she just gain feelings for her boss over a fake date, was any of it real or did she fall for a fantasy.

Her door opened with a hand appearing to assist her out of the car, smiling softly she appreciated the gesture. Standing up she lifted her gaze to his with a smile still present,

"You don't have to keep pretending, we're not in the diner anymore." Those words tasted bitter coming from her mouth, she turned to face him once they had reached the front door of her small house. Her breath hitched when he leaned down to place a small kiss to her cheek, his breath lingering at her ear for a moment longer.

"I wasn't pretending." He whispered before he turned around heading back to his car,
"Night (Y/N)." Jethro casually called out over his shoulder. Gaining an unknown source of courage (Y/N) called back,

"Good night Jethro." There was a trifling faltered in his movements as he got into his car, a genuine smile graced his face as he drove away. Yep, they had it, they had it BAD.

"Falling in love is meant to be a two-sided story, it's incomplete if it's just one sided, you can't stop until you find the complete piece of the story."

- Unknown

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