( OS _ Tony DiNozzo _ Murderous Worry)

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Based off of season 2 episode 10

You knew Tony was going undercover and would not be back for a few days, but what you didn't expect was getting a call from McGee saying, your husband was missing, and chained to a murder. Worry, didn't even come close to what you were feeling. The information hit you like thirty-ton truck, dropping the phone you raced to the navel base for answers.

McGee wasn't at his desk so you went down to Abby's lab, where the goth girl and desk nerd were talking to Gibbs on the screen.

"Where's my husband?" You asked loudly and concerned. Abby and McGee glanced at you before going back to work.

"We're working on it." Abby reassured you not looking away from her screen, Gibbs must have heard you because he started yelling back.

"Who told her about DiNozzo?" Tim gulped and admitted to it. Gibbs sighed and kept driving, following Abby's directions, you had tears in your eyes, you were so scared for Tony. Time went on slowly as Gibbs drove towards what they hoped was Tony, Abby's next words though shook your world.

"I lost the signal!" A sob caught in your throat, staying quite or calm were almost impossible, the team kept working while you curled up in Abby's office chair praying you could have Tony in your arms again before dinner. The rest of the time was a blur, even when Abby tried to tell you they had found him, you wouldn't listen until you saw him. Abby had given you Bert to hug while you waited, eventually crying yourself to sleep.

A knock at the door woke you up, you blinked and rubbed your eyes trying to make them focus on the blurry figure in the door way. Screaming his name, you ran over to the figure hugging him, your husband happily hugged you back and comforted you as you cried into his chest.

"I'm okay, (Y/n)." He soothed softly petting your hair, letting you finally calm down.

"I was so worried about you! What happ-" Tony cut you off with a kiss, he held you close and tried to show you how sorry he was for making you fret over him, though it meant a lot to him knowing you cared so much.

"How about I drive us home and I'll make you something good for dinner." He suggested caressing your cheeks lovingly, you nodded pecking his lips once more.

Before you left you made sure to thank all of the team for bring your love, right back to your arms. Gibbs even gave you a hug for comfort, you smiled and kissed his and McGees cheek, then you hugged Kate and Abbys necks as tight as you could without suffocating them.

Tony made good on his promise for dinner and gave you lots of love and cuddles before bed, you were almost asleep in his arms when he kissed your cheek and murmured, "I love you (Y/n), so very much."

"I love you too, Tony. Forever and always."

As you fell asleep in his arms he recalled a poem he had read in high school, he now finally understood how much it actually meant.

'I don't think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give,
and I'm sure you never realized
you've been my will to live.'

- Stephanie Schiavone

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