(OS _ McGee _ Memories)

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Darkness. Thats all I could see,I knew I was being held against my will, I don't know who it is or why they are doing this, nor do I remember my past,not even my name. Who am I? Why am I here? All I want is for someone to get me out of here.

"Your awake,good." I jumped as the voice echoed through the room followed by foot steps coming up from behind my.

"Who are you? Who am I? Where are we? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Slow down,I'll explain everything,trust me." I didn't know any better,so I did.

The Voice told me that someone from NCIS had killed my family and I was all alone so he took me in. He said I needed to get revenge on the man who murdered my family,I needed to kill him...I needed to kill Timothy McGee.

So here I am,standing at the gates of NCIS with one of the guards at gun point,threatening to kill him unless they bring 'Him' to me. About five minutes later a brown haired man came out with his hands raised,he slowly came towards me until I pointed my gun at him. He stopped and spun around slowly,showing me that he was unarmed.

"What are you doing (Y/N)?"

"Thats not my name,my name is Alice Rosegrace Summers and I am here to give McGee what he deserves." My voice shook in what I thought was anger but was actually fear.

"What does he deserve and why." I rolled my eyes,the voice had told me that they would try and play stupid to waste time.

"He deserves to die for killing my family!" My hands shook my as tears started running down my cheeks,why is killing him so hard?

"Well I'm McGee so go ahead,shoot me." The man looked me dead in the eye,he looked so familiar,my hand lowered a little,

"Who are you?"

"I told you,I'm McGee."

"No your not."

"How do you know?"

"I...I don't know." I lowered my gun a little more and looked back into his eyes,I saw...worry,sadness,and love? He took a step forward,but I didn't move,I wanted to know who this man was. No I needed to know who this man was!

"If I give you this gun,will you tell me who you really are and help me remember?" He nodded and took another step forward and held out his hand. I slowly let the guard go and stepped in front of the man,I handed him the gun and he pulled me into a hug. Then I knew who he was,I knew who I was,I remembered everything! He was McGee,he was my McGee. And I held a gun on him! I started sobbing into his shirt.

"I'm sorry Tim, I'm so sorry!" He rubbed his hands up and down my back,whispering calm nothings in my ear until my sobs dried and my breathing evened out. He pulled away and held my face in his hands,wiping away the left over tears from my cheeks.

"It's okay." Suddenly I had a wave of courage,I pulled him a little closer and placed a soft kiss on his lips. When I went to pull away I was pulled right back into a longer more passionate kiss. I pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes,

"I love you." He pecked my lips one more time before whispering,

"I love you too."

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