( DS _ Gibbs _ Coffee Wrong )

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Agent (Y/L/N) walked into the bullpin carrying a file in her left hand and two cups of coffee in her right. She walked up to Gibbs desk and set one down,then walked over to her desk and sat down,waiting for the rest of her team to arrive.

Taking a sip of her coffee (Y/N) realized she had accidentally swapped Gibbs drink for hers. She quickly stood up and ran for the bathroom,not being able to stand the terrible taste of black coffee.(sorry if you like your coffee black).

After brushing her teeth twice and three breath mints,(Y/N) could barely taste the disgusting drink on her tongue. Walking back to her desk (Y/N) remembered she left her drink on Gibbs desk,she glanced at her watch and took off like a bullet,hoping her boss would be late just this once. But fate said other wise. Right as she rounded the corner Gibbs was bringing the hot beverage to his lips,


(Scenario A _ Gibbs doesn't drink the coffee)

The sudden outburst stopped him in his tracks,also scared the crap out of Tim,Tony was Laughing his butt off because of the noise Tim made when he jumped,and Ziva had a hand on her holster. Gibbs looked at her with his brow raised,


"That's not your coffee,boss."

Gibbs lowered the cup down and pulled the lid off,sure enough the cup was full of (favorite coffee or hot beverage),not his heavenly black drink. He put the lid back on and held it out in her direction,(Y/N) quickly grabbed his cup from her desk before walking over and taking her cup from his hand. When Gibbs reached for his (Y/N) pulled back,

"I can go get you a new one,if you want."

"What's wrong with that one?"

"I drank from it."


Gibbs stood up and took the cup from her hand,leaning forward he lightly kissed her cheek before whispering,

"Thank you (Y/N)."

(Scenario B _ Gibbs drinks the coffee)

The sudden outburst scared the crap out of Tim,Tony was Laughing his butt off because of the noise Tim made when he jumped,and Ziva had a hand on her holster. But Gibbs continued to raise the cup up...to his lips....and...he drank it...ah oh.

One sip,and he pulled the cup back down. Gibbs licked his lips and made a little face,

"That isn't mine." He mumbled then set the cup on the edge of his desk but stopped when he saw something written on the side of the cup. He held the cup up in the light and read,

call me xxx-xxx-xxxx

Gibbs felt jealousy burn in his chest,how dare this person even think about going after her! Yes (Y/N) is very beautiful and smart and amazing,but their still not allowed to mess with his-

"Boss?" Gibbs thoughts were interrupted by (Y/N) handing him his coffee cup and reaching over to get hers back from him. He couldn't let her see the number on the cup,he had to think quick,he had to-

Before he knew what he was doing,he had one hand on her cheek and his lips were lightly touching hers. After a few seconds more he pulled away and gave her the cup she was after,with the number now marked out.

(Y/N) didn't know what to think,but knew she was definitely going to be stopping by her bosses house tonight.

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