(P _ New Orleans _ marriage)

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Dwayne Pride

After a long day at work you made your why home to cook dinner for your loving husband and do a little bit of cleaning before bed. Pulling into the driveway you noticed Dwayne's car already in it's usual spot, thinking he just got off a little bit early you went inside. You walked into the kitchen and saw Dwayne standing by the stove stirring a pot, he noticed your presences and set his spoon down on the counter, walking over to you he placed a sweet kiss on your lips and took your things,

"Welcome home dear, how was work?" He asked walking back over to his boiling pot on the stove, you stood by the counter smiling,

"It was okay. What are you doing?" Dwayne looked at you with a goofy smile,

"I'm cooking my lovely wife dinner for her birthday." You automaticity looked down at your phone confirming the date, it was indeed your birthday and you completely forgot. Dwayne gave you a look, he knew you had forgotten and that it made surprising you all the more fun. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist hugging him,

"Thank you, love. I love you so so so much." He chuckled and kept cooking with your arms around him. When the food was almost done he told you to go get a shower and just relax while he finished, you went to your shared bedroom and found a bag on the bed with card. Picking up the card that had your name on it, you read it. It was so sweet and cheesy, then you looked in the bag and pulled out a small box, you carefully opened the little box and saw a beautiful necklace. You placed it on your dresser while you took your shower, once you were clean and comfy, you went back to the kitchen and kissed your wonderful husband, thanking him for the beautiful gift.

You had a delicious dinner with a little wine, Dwayne cleaned kitchen and all the dishes by himself while you watched tv. When he finished he joined you on the couch until bed time, then he took you to bed and kissed you good night, promising to bring you breakfast in bed in the morning.

Christopher LaSalla

You were at the store buying what you needed to make you and Chris dinner tonight when a gun shot rang out through the building. Pushing down your fear, you quietly led people through the back doors to safety, but on your last run the gunmen grabbed you and used you as hostage to get themselves out of there. Unbeknownst to your captors, you had given a civilian your husbands card Incase the worst happened, unfortunately the worst happened.

Christopher was working on some paperwork when his work phone rang, answering it his hole world came crashing down. He grabbed his badge and gun and left to the crime scene, processing the scene, talking to the witnesses, and watching the footage Christopher new what he had to do to get you back before your time line ran out.

You were being kept in a basement,chained to a wall like an animal, it had only been three days or so give or take. The gunmen hadn't hurt you too badly since they took you, only a few cuts and bruises here or there. You could tell they were rookies, this was probably their first kidnapping and they still didn't know what to do with you. But they won't have too worry about that too much longer because either Christopher was going to save you or you were going to die of dehydration, you don't know were your at but it was over a hundred degrees down here and they haven't given you any food or water. You could already feel the lack of water making you dizzy and weak, your body temperature rising too high and your heart beat getting stronger trying to get the blood moving in your body.

Christopher was so close to finding you but needed help from his coworkers, he wanted to keep you a secret to make sure you stayed safe. But you weren't safe and he had to find you, all his coworkers were shocked to find out he was actually married. The happiness quickly wore off though when Christopher explained the situation, everyone jumped into action, making finding and getting you back their main priority.

They finally found you and Christopher was the first into the house, he took down all four shooters and looked for you. Dwayne called up from the basement saying he had found you, Christopher took three steps at a time going down, he ran to you and fell to his knees caressing your face in his hands. They cut the chains and Christopher held your motionless body in his arms.

"Sweetheart I'm right here, we found you, your all right.....please just....open your eyes." He begged, the team had never seen this man beg, and never ever thought they would ever see him cry. Seconds felt like years, everyone held there breath waiting for a sign that you would wake up. Their wait was soon over when your eye lids lazily fluttered open, Christopher was speechless and touched your face as if it were made of porcelain.

"Bout time you got here." You said weakly and smiled, Christopher laughed while hugging you to his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Sebastian Lund

Being sick sucked, you had been throwing up every morning for the past two weeks. Sebastian was worried and begged you to go to the doctor for a check up, finally to stop his whining you went. The nurses did tests, took blood, and everything else under the sun, then left you in a room waiting for the results. A doctor came in with a folder that had your name on it, Mrs. Lund.

"Well Mrs. Lund, I have good news and very good news."

"Okay what's the good news?" He smiled and opened the folder,

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, your as healthy as a horse." You smiled and asked for the very good news, he turned the page with bright eyes,

"Your expecting." Your jaw fell,

"Like as in.....a baby?" He nodded,

"Yes, you are four weeks pregnant, congratulations Mrs. Lund." You were so happy tears of joy fell from your eyes, you thanked the doctor and quickly left the building. Getting in your car you drive straight for your husband, security seemed to take forever but finally you ran into Sebastian's office. He was surprised to see you and walked up to you worried and asked why you were crying. You told him the doc said you were fine, he was confused, people don't get sick for no reason. You grabbed his hand and placed it on you tummy smiling up at him,

"Someone was just making me feel a little queazy." It took a few seconds but his eyes soon lit up, he yelled and laughed in excitement. Sebastian's hoots and haulers alerted his coworkers, they came running in one by one asking if y'all were alright. Sebastian started crying tears of joy as he explained that he was a soon to be father. Everyone congratulated you both and wished you the best of luck.

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