( OS _ Tony DiNozzo _ poisonous Love )

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Based off of season 2 episode 22

Also you are Tony's partner - Kate dose not exist in this story -!!

You walked into the bullpen just like every other day and sat down at you desk across from Tony's. McGee was going through the mail and found a letter to 'Special Agent', Tony was the first to snatch it and look it over, claiming it as his. But You snatched it from him and told Tony you'd open it for him just to be sure, he whined but let you have it. Smirking you opened it and white powder flew out, you froze and stopped breathing.

Tony, Gibbs, and McGee slowly stood up and looked at your demeanor and the powder covering you. Gibbs stood up on his desk and announced the situation, Tony tossed you a water bottle and watched you worriedly. Grabbing your trash can you started washing your hands, face, and hair. Gibbs made McGee recite protocol and you all headed to the showers, McGee started naming all of the possibilities of what the mystery dust could be and Tony went quite. You made Tim change the subject sensing Tony's discomfort, once in autopsy you all had your blood tested and Tony was sending you sympathetic looks.

Since you were the one to open it they were going to take you to the hospital, Tony randomly coughed so they decided to take him as well.

At the hospital you were introduced to Dr. Brad and nurse Emma, Tony flirted with Emma a bit and it made you slightly jealous. But Dr. Brad sweet talked you and made you feel a little better, Tony noticed and got mad though he tried to hide it. You were told that you were only staying the night until your test results came in, stepping into a small room with four beds you laid down on the first one and tony sat on the second one. Dr. Brad took your vitals and smoothly told you to call him Brad, you just nodded and thanked him. Once Brad and nurse Emma left Tony spoke up,

"How are you holding up?" You wipes some sweat off your fore head and looked over at Tony,

"A little warm, but good. How are you?" Tony smiled and told you he felt fine, then he got serious,

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you open that letter." You just smiled and reached out to hold his hand, Tony held your hand and sadly looked into your eyes.

"We are going to be fine Tony." You tried to comfort him, it didn't seem to work much but he gave your hand a squeeze,

"I sure hope your right." You both let go and laid down to get some rest.

A few hours later the doctors came back in and started hooking you up with ivies, you were swearing like crazy and Dr. Brad told you that you have Bubonic plague. You worriedly asked if Tony was going to be okay, when they didn't say anything and left, you started crying and looked over at Tony,

"I'm so sorry Tony, I didn't mean to get you sick." You rolled over and cried into your pillow away from Tony, he didn't know what to do, you didn't even worry about yourself in a situation like this. All you cared about was him, he laid down on his bed and listened to you sniffle and weakly start to cough. Sleep finally took you over for a few more hours, but Tony couldn't sleep, only watch your sleeping form and fear for your future. He didn't tell you but, you were the only one sick he was completely fine and so were the others, but nurse Emma had told him your chances weren't looking good.

You woke up coughing and sat up, when you moved your hand from your mouth it was covered in blood. Tony asked you if you were alright, you hid the blood and told him you were fine and that he should keep resting so he could get better, he laid back down but you coughed again and this time he saw the blood . Franticly he called for nurse Emma and got up, he wasn't supposed to touch you but he couldn't help but to reach forward and wipe away the blood from your mouth. Dr. Brad came in and took you to do an x-ray while Emma talked to Tony, she told him he needed to leave but he begged her to let him stay just a little longer, she agreed but for only a little longer you were getting too sick for him to stay.

After Brad finished with you Tony sat down on his bed with a mask over his face and looked down at you, your lips and fingers were tuning blue and you looked like you were almost dead,

"Hey (Y/N), can you do me a favor?" He held back his tears as you choked out a 'sure'. "When we get out of here, wanna come over to my place for dinner and a movie?" You barley smiled and coughed again,

"T-thou-ght...you'd-d n-neve-r-r.....a-ask-k." You gave a deathly cough and started choking really bad, nurse Emma told Tony he had to leave now and pushed him out. Ducky was waiting for him on the outside, but Tony walked around to watch you as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Not too long after Gibbs showed up and went into you room and knelt down by your head,

"(Y/L/N), can you hear me?" You choked and took shallow breaths but managed a 'yes boss',

"You will not die. You hear me, you will not die." Your eyes opened and looked into his,

"W-wha-t.....ab-ou-t-t....To-ony-y?" Gibbs looked in DiNozzos direction and saw his agent in tears, then looked back to you,

"DiNozzo is fine, his test results were negative." You closed your eyes and sighed as best you could,

"B-bas-terd-d." Gibbs chuckled and told you to get better while leaving, Tony asked if he could stay with you through the night, when they said yes he went straight to his old bed and laid down watching you. You knew he was there and mumbled,

"This reminds me of the end of alien." Tony chuckled and got up to kiss your head before laying back down for some sleep.

*time skip*

You were finally released from the hospital and Tony drove you home, getting a shower and putting on your favorite pjs you walked back to your kitchen. Tony was already in there cooking you dinner so you went go pick a movie. During the movie you Scooted closer to Tony cuddling into his side, after the movie was over you asked him to stay with you, of corse he said yes and carried you to bed. He tucked you in and turned to leave, you caught him by the rist and asked where he was going.

"To sleep on the couch." You smiled and just patted the empty side of your bed, "You sure?" Nodding your head he climbed in and laid down on his side, you wiggled closer and kissed the tip of his nose before cuddling into his chest. Tony was glad it was dark so you couldn't see his red face as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Love you Tony." You mumbled sleepily, Tony's felt tears of happiness sting his eyes and hugged you tighter, he remembered when he thought he may never even get the chance to hear you say that and promised never to take it for granted.

"Love you too, (nickname)."

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