Arc 5, Chapter 19

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The Retaliation

Acidia hugged his knees, watching through the roots of his tree. He had grown, his physical body now barely past puberty. Coming into adolescence had cemented just how different he was from his peers. Comparing their bodies to his made Acidia feel sick. The scowls and judgemental glares he recieved while he was trying to bathe only made him feel worse.

“Come on, hang in there, Delilah!” a voice cried, two spirits rushing by him. Supported across their shoulders was a trembling spirit, her skin covered in hives and vomit dripping from her lips. “Help us! Delilah got bitten by something, she's been poisoned!”

Acidia jumped back, the scene jarring him. That spirit needed help!

“We must find a medic,” one of the spirits said, laying Delilah on the ground. The two nature spirits rushed off deeper into the settlement, calling for help.

Acidia was eerily still, watching Delilah writhe in agony. He had to do something. He couldn't just watch her life flicker out.

Acidia took slow, nervous steps, crouching down before Delilah. Her eyes were wild, flicking back and forth. Acidia softly combed her messy hair, heart pounding. He examined her body, finding a bite on her upper wrist. The skin surrounding the wound was blackened, the devastating effects of necrosis obvious.

Acidia hovered his hand over the wound, biting his lip. Whatever venom was surging through her veins was deadly and fast working. Delilah didn't have long.

Acidia’s fingertips began to tingle, a unfamiliar feeling to him. Touch the wound, his body seemed to be screaming, touch it.

What was he thinking? He couldn't heal! At least, Acidia assumed he couldn't. He hadn't been close enough to touch another spirit for decades, nonetheless try to heal one.

Swallowing, Acidia gritted his teeth. How was healing magic even supposed to work? He remembered seeing it being used from a distance, but he wasn't sure if any incanting or materials had been used.

Deciding he had nothing to lose, Acidia pressed his hands onto Delilah’s wrist.

Magic shined under his fingers, runes appearing around him as Delilah’s skin was magically repaired. The dead, black flesh started to retreat, replaced by fresh, lively skin. Acidia couldn't quite explain it, but he could almost feel the venom being drawn from her veins.

Acidia let out a joyous cry, a wide smile appearing on his face. He had saved her life! He could heal!

“What are you doing?!”

Slam! A heavy blow shoved Acidia to the ground, his jaw bruising immediately.

Above him, Delilah’s friends stood, a shocked look on their faces.

“Get your dirty hands off her!” the spirit who had pushed him snapped, balling her fist.

“B-but I healed her! She's okay!” Acidia said, his grin making his jaw throb.

The spirit laughed dryly. “You cannot heal! You were created to harm! It is your nature!” She leaned down, staring Acidia in the eyes. “You were made to kill.”

Acidia’s euphoria faded, sparks of anger kindling in his chest. Tiny plants began to sprout out of the ground, digging into his back.

“Please, I can show you-” Acidia said through clenched teeth, holding out his palm.

Another slap. He fell to the ground once again, hard. The pain radiating from his cheek was unbearable. His sweat turned ice cold, fingers digging into the soil.



“Freak of nature!”

Acidia’s breathing was ragged as the world seemed to spin around him. The spirits’ voices hung in his ears, twisting through his mind and heart. He had heard those words so many times. Too many times.

I don't care about any of these people, Acidia realized, mind suddenly becoming clear. They all hate me. Why should I try to be nice to them? Was I even created with the capacity to love?

Like a switch being thrown, something snapped inside of Acidia. His pupils turned to pinpricks.

“Fine,” Acidia whispered, “if you want me to be a monster, I will.”

He stood, and his attackers staggered back.

Massive vines ripped from the ground, covered in wicked thorns. With a swift flick of the wrist, Acidia directed them to grab the spirits. Their feeble bodies struggled under the crushing power of Acidia’s plants. With ease, Acidia ripped into their bodies, tearing their flesh like it was fabric.

Dropping the shredded remains of their corpses, Acidia felt a rush of raw emotion. Blood splattered on his face and clothes, but he was smiling.

He had never felt so powerful.

Looking down, Acidia noticed Delilah was gone, a set of unsteady footprints leading to the main village in her place.

The village. That's where he needed to go. That's where they all lived, while he shivered and starved under a tree.

Acidia broke into a run, his blood-soaked vines following him. He arrived in the clearing within minutes, finding it filled with spirits.

“Acida, what are you doing here?!” Birch hissed, stomping her foot. She suddenly noticed the blood covering him. “W-what have you done?”

Acidia cackled in response, directing a vine to slice off her head.

When Birch’s head hit the ground, a wave of horrified silence passed over the village. All eyes were on Acidia, the spirits frozen in fear.

And then Acidia began his vengeance.

A blind fury came over him, his vines cutting into any familiar face.

Leafa, who repeatedly told him he should have never been born. He ripped her limbs off.

Karice, who had mercilessly beaten him. He sent vines down her eyesockets and throat.

Faera, who had attempted to drown him. He disemboweled her.

Countless others fell. Mangled bodies began to pile. Blood stained the forest floor. But Acidia wasn't finished.

Everything a blur. Acidia wasn't even sure who he was attacking. In the corner of his eye, he saw a spirit trying to flee. He grabbed her, violently sending her into the air and then slamming her down. With a wet snap, her bones shattered as she fell into a dead heap at Acidia’s feet.

Acidia’s heart skipped a beat when he saw her.

It was Delilah. He had killed her.

In that split second, everything become very real.

Acidia looked around in a panic, the bloody scene finally registering in his mind. He had murdered all these people. They were dead. Their blood was on his hands.

Acidia covered his mouth, vomiting leaking between his fingers. What had he done?!

He fell back, tripping over a mutilated carcass. Tears were streaming down his face. This couldn't be happening.

“No!” Acidia sobbed, “No!” His mind couldn't even process the grief that had taken hold of him.


Acidia gasped in horror. Gaea stood at the mouth of the village, her soldiers behind her. She looked sickened by the scene that met her.

“What have you done?” she screeched, and Acidia covered his head. He couldn't even bear to look at her.

He felt two soldiers drag his hands behind his back. He didn't bother to fight. There was no reason to.

He was a monster.

Author's Note- :^)

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