Arc 5, Chapter 20

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The Branding

Acidia found himself at the highest point of Gaea’s temple, crouched before an alter. The hot sun beat down on his back, the protective cover of the trees gone. Despite the heat, chillbumps covered his arms and legs.

He felt drained, emotionally and physically. Images from the hours before played endlessly in his mind, every blood-tinged memory still fresh. His entire body ached from over using his magic. Acidia desperately wanted to fall over, to sleep, but he knew that wasn't an option.

Gaea had called an audience of her fellow sisters, the Mothers of the spirits. However, only two had arrived in such short notice.

“It grieves me to say that my experiment with counterbalance was a failure. I am afraid that I was no help to the chaotic state of our universe,” Gaea murmured, hands behind her back.

“Gaea, that is not our concern. The imbalance in our universe is solely the fault of the Überdragons. Perfect creatures such as we had no part in ruining the harmony,” Celeste replied curtly, a small smile on her plump lips.

Acidia blushed, aware of Myrkr’s emotionless gaze. The spirit Mother was incredibly tall, over six feet. Her skin was like ivory, and her hair was dark purple, nearly black. She wore a long, encompassing robe that obscured all but her face.

“Gaea, my love, may I inquire what happened? This child is covered in blood,” Myrkr asked, her grey eyes never leaving Acidia.

Gaea’s wings wrapped around her body. “It was horrendous, my sisters. This creature lost all control of itself and slaughtered over one hundred of my children! My heart is still aching.”

Acidia flinched at her recounting. Gaea didn't mention how her children had  assaulted him for years.

“So, I remember you had confided in us that you were going to make an antithesis of yourself, correct? It would be villainous while you were pure, right?” Myrkr said slowly, continuing after Gaea nodded, “Then isn't this exactly what you made it to do? To harm and bring suffering? Why are you angry with it, my dear? It was only following the nature you gave it.”

Gaea blinked, Myrkr’s cold analysis taking her off guard. “I...I…” she started, her magenta eyes racing, “This thing was a mistake from its very beginning! Celeste was correct, we are spirits, not Überdragons! We do not need checks and balances for our magic! We, my sisters, are supreme rulers!”

Acidia’s heart was thumping, waiting for Gaea to announce his method of execution. It was only a matter of time.

“Although it pains me to slay one of my own,” Gaea sighed, “I am afraid that this creature must pay for its actions. My fallen children must have their vengeance.”

“Wait,” Celeste said sharply, holding up her slender palm, “I do not believe that is a proper fate for such a monster.”

“Celeste,” Myrkr growled, taking a step towards the dark skinned spirit, “This is not your business.”

Celeste’s smile didn't waver, almost taking on a malicious air. “Myrkr, as the most powerful of the Mothers, I believe it is my business. This creature has committed atrocious crimes, and death is much too easy of a punishment. It needs to suffer, my dear Gaea.”

Acidia gasped, the first noise he had uttered the entire meeting. His body trembled violently, tears streaming down his face. No, no, no!

“Gaea, please,” Myrkr urged, “This child is broken, just put it out of its misery! End its life, please!”

“Celeste, what are you considering?” Gaea asked, ignoring Myrkr.

“I suggest that you banish it, my dear. Banish it, and brand it. Make sure it will remember its sins.”

Gaea stared down at her sobbing child, no sympathy registering in her expression. “I believe that would suffice.”

“This is barbaric, sisters!” Myrkr cried, magic flashing in her eyes. “It's only a child!”
Celeste placed her arm around Gaea. “Your heart has already experienced so much anguish. Allow me to inflict this creature’s brand. Your children will not go unforgotten. Mourn while I perform vengeance.”

Gaea wiped a tear from her eye, accepting a soft peck on the cheek from Celeste. “Thank you, my sister.”

Acidia’s vision was blurred, panic distorting his senses. Celeste walked towards him, her barefeet padding on the wood floor. Acidia stumbled back, shouting at her.

“No!” he bawled, “No!”

Celeste grabbed his chin, pulling him close. “Silence, creature.”

Myrkr bit her lip, turning away. Gaea watched with a ruthless glare.

Celeste slapped her hand over Acidia’s eyes.

Acidia screamed and kicked at her, but it was no use. His exhausted body couldn't even muster a spell.

He felt her hand growing hot. What was she doing?!

Bright white ripped through his obscured vision, and Acidia’s shoulders dropped. He knew what she was doing now. She was using her light magic.

The heat was unbearable. His skin was blistering. His tears had evaporated off his cheeks.

“Enjoy your life of solitude, murderer.”

Her spell was done charging.

She fired.

Author's Note- :)))))))

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