Arc 5, Chapter 25

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The Struggle

Seraph’s form exploded into searing light, throwing Victor off his feet. He fell to the ground, clutching his eyes.

Seraph ripped out of the light as a dragon, taking to the air once again. Blinking spots out of his eyes, Victor realized Seraph was literally melting, his feathers and scales dripping off his body into thick globs of golden slime. He raced in circles frantically, flailing his mighty head.

He suddenly dropped to the ground, his form reducing to liquid. Victor screamed, his mouth agape as he crumbled before the puddle that was once his friend.

A hand bursted from the slime, barely formed and oozing. It reached towards Victor, a vaguely humanoid form following it. The figure shuddered, collapsing back into the pool. It rose up again, a strangled cry coming from its dripping lips.

“Seraph?!” Victor asked in horror, “Is that you?!”

The figure started to take more shape, almost resembling Seraph. His eyes were filled with fear, hands groping for Victor.

“W-What is happening to me?!” Seraph sobbed, “I do not know who I am anymore!”

Is he dying? Victor thought, his breath ragged. I've got to do something!

“Seraph, don't worry, I'm here!” Victor said urgently, touching his hand.

At that moment, Seraph’s form took a tangible shape, shifting into a white wolf. Claws ripped through Victor's arm, nauseating pain surging through him. He gasped in surprise, black spots dotting his vision.

Seraph reeled back, eyes widening as he realized what he had done.

“I-I am so sorry! I-I did not mean to…!” Seraph slurred, his form twisting and shifting. He shrunk into a small cat, dissolving into liquid seconds later. The wings of a swan struggled to rise from the puddle, but they quickly exploded into light.

“No, no, Ser! It's okay, you didn't hurt me that bad!” Victor cried, hot blood seeping through his fingers as he held his ripped sleeve. “Don't be upset!”

Seraph managed to turn human, his face drained and expression almost feral.

“W-Who am I?” Seraph asked, tears in his eyes, “I do not even have a purpose, or a meaning! I have failed!”

Seraph broke out into a sprint, his gait unsteady. Mid-step, he changed back into his dragon form, thrashing in the air with his sharp talons.

I can't let him get away again! Victor thought, pushing down all his panic. Shaking his head, he ran after Seraph,  leaping for the dragon’s tail. He climbed along the length of his back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Seraph screamed, snapping his jaws and arching his back. “Get away from me!” he shouted, his telepathic voice throbbing in Victor’s mind. “Leave me alone!”

“No, I won't!” Victor shouted, pressing his face into Seraph’s furry mane, “I won't leave you! I want to help you!”

I am nothing!” Seraph screeched, “You cannot help me!”

“Seraph, please listen to me!” Victor sniffled, tears running down his face, “You keep asking me what you are, and I know the answer! Seraph, you're my best friend! I love you! You're kind, and really weird but also really cool, and you always laugh at my jokes even if you don't understand them, and you talk really weird but that's why I like you! Seraph, you are not a failure! You're amazing and don't let your crazy mom tell you otherwise! Don't listen to her, listen to me when when tell you that I love you and you're great!”

You're always there for me whenever I need you…” Victor whimpered, hands trembling, “So let me be here for you, so I can help you!”

Seraph’s eyes grew wide, and his body stiffened. Under Victor, Seraph’s slimy and dripping feathers suddenly become solid and real.

Seraph gasped for breath, his body shifting back into a human. He wrapped his arms around Victor's waist, gazing at him with astonishment.

“T-Thank you, Victor…” Seraph whispered, his breath heavy.

Victor’s eye twitched, the wind whipping through his hair as they slipped closer and closer to the ground.

“Ser, we're falling,” Victor croaked, hugging Seraph close to him.

Seraph’s eyes darted to the side, sweat on his face. “Do not be concerned.”

Victor's vision blurred as the ground rushed forward, but Seraph was calm. He transformed back into a dragon, hoisting Victor onto his back and ripping through the air, the grass tickling his belly.

And,” Victor added with a smile, resting on Seraph’s neck, “I'll still be your friend no matter what you have to live as. Girl, guy...even a dragon. It'd be a little hard to have you in the house if you were a dragon, but I'd try!”

Seraph’s lips curled into a smile. “I...I cannot thank you enough. I think you saved me, Victor. My head is clear, I am not panicking anymore.” He paused, going quiet.

I am sorry you had to see me like that...Allow me to heal your arm, that was my fault.

Victor nodded, almost forgetting about the stinging pain in his arm. “How do I need to, um…”

Seraph nuzzled his injury, magic spreading over his shredded flesh. The grisly claw marks were sealed back together, the blood dissipating. His lost blood was even replenished, the lightheadedness that had started to creep up on him retreating.

Seraph winced, his flight becoming shaky.

“Are you gonna be okay?” Victor asked, touching his cheek.

I will be fine,” Seraph assured, “I do not feel like I being ripped apart anymore...but I am very tired.”

Let’s go find Esper. It’s not safe out here alone,” Victor said, a shudder running down his spine.

Author's Note- okay, question time! what's your favorite scene? like, a fight or a certain conversation. just what's your favorite nfh scene!

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