Arc 5, Chapter 26

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The Arrival

“Lacertille, I...I've just been so emotional! It's so unsettling, I hate it!” Esper lamented, hanging his head.

He had awoken in a panic, finding Seraph and Victor gone. Lacertille found him stumbling around in the dark, calling their names, and he quickly took Esper back to his den to quell his fear. Esper eventually broke down, gushing out the events that had just transpired.

Lacertille’s scaly hand stroked Esper’s hair. “Child, do not worry yourself. We have all acted in way we are not proud of.”

“I just can't believe I showed them my memories! They know everything now!” Esper’s breath became rough. “And...And that means I must tell Mr. Umbra and Mr. Matthew. What if they think I'm a monster? What if they kick me out?”

“Esper, if these two men are as great as you make them seem, then I am sure they will understand your plight,” Lacertille said, frowning, “Aren't they your family?”

Esper blushed. “I believe so. I mean, Umbra always kisses me goodnight, and I really like that.” He bit his lip. “I really, really don't want to lose them… It’s been so nice to have so many people care for me.”

A demon lizard poked his head through the entrance of Lacertille’s den, his face heavy with concern.

“Alpha,” he said, “Spirit scouts have been spotted in the northern quadrant. They are of high power. I am afraid it is a war party.”

Esper’s face twisted in fear. “I'm running out of time!”

Pulling himself off of Lacertille, Esper stumbled out of the demon lizard camp, shouting for Victor and Seraph.


“There he is!” Victor said, pointing to the smoldering remains of their campfire. There Esper stood, waving his arms.

Seraph glided onto the the clearing, Victor leaping off his back. Seraph shifted back into his human form, clutching his forehead. He suddenly collapsed, Victor grabbing his arm last-minute.

“Ser!” Victor supported him with his shoulder, struggling under his weight. Seraph didn't respond, his head hanging limply.

“Kids!” Esper cried, rushing to them. His face was covered in sweat, body trembling, “What happened?! Are you alright?!”

Allowing Esper to lower Seraph’s unconscious form off his shoulder and onto the ground, Victor shuffled, panicky. Realization seeped through his body, heart pounding.

“S-Seraph started freaking out and, like, melting…” Victor murmured, cheeks going pale, “And-and then I said some stuff to him, and I think I saved him…”

Esper sighed, rubbing his head. “I was afraid this would happen. But...I'm surprised you were able to snap him out of his dysphoria. That's very impressive, Victor. I'm proud.”

Victor blushed, eyes traveling down to Seraph, who lay still on the grass. “Is Seraph gonna be okay?”

Esper smiled, “Although his condition was very serious, he's going to recover. But he needs to rest. His energy is drained.” Esper suddenly paused, taking a sharp breath.

“What's wrong?” Victor squeaked, attaching himself to Esper’s sleeve.

“This isn't right,” Esper whispered, expression haunted, “This can't be the magic I'm sensing.”

Arms around Esper’s chest, Victor looked up. “Who is it?!”

“I was so sure Gaea had sent spirits to come and kill me…” Victor felt Esper’s heart beating, “but this magic signature, its Celeste’s.”

Below them, Seraph stirred, jerking up, panting. “My mother, she's coming for me! I was supposed to be presented at the Gathering!” Seraph slurred, blinking away sleepiness, “She must have found out that I left!”

Esper knelt down, taking Seraph by the shoulders. He touched his lips to Seraph’s forehead, magic crackling between them. Seraph took a deep breath, color appearing in his cheeks. His energy spell had done its job.

“Seraph,” Esper said tenderly, brushing Seraph’s golden curls, “I'm afraid you must confront Celeste. It seems you've already made your decision on what you want to do.”

Seraph bit his lip, nodding.

Esper pulled Seraph up by the hand, gently steadying him. He kept a firm arm on his back, nose crinkling.

“We must meet her. I refuse to let her reach the demon lizard camp and terrorize its inhabitants. I don't want any casualties,” Esper stated, summoning a vine out of the earth. It ripped through the air, runes lingering in the darkness as magic surged through them. A portal open before him, the vortex’s power whipping his hair.

“Victor,” Esper commanded, “I wish for you to stay here with Lacertille. It's too dangerous to bring you.”

Victor frowned, mouth slipping open. Stay behind?! I can't do that! He thought, stomach churning. He was absolutely terrified of facing off with Celeste, of course, but he couldn't bear to leave Seraph in his time of need. It wasn't right.

“I'm sorry, Esper,” Victor said hoarsely, his voice shaky, “But I'm not staying here. I won't leave my friend.”

Seraph took him by the hand, smiling. “Thank you. But, please, you do not have to do this.”

“There's a lot of things I don't have to do, Seraph. But I want to be with you. You're my best friend. We're doing this together.”

Author's Note- just as an fyi: ive started school, but i dont think that will affect my chapter output. But im just putting that out just in case it does!

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