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 G R I M H I L D R 



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"𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚'𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 

𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆 " 

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General Info





↳ naмe 


( sometimes goes by grim )

↳ pronυncιaтιon 

grim - hill - durr

↳ мeanιng

grimhildr is the name of a sorceress / witch from norse mytholo-

gy, and is rather powerful. described as "fierce-hearted woman".

 ↳ reaѕon 

being the strongest pup in her litter, and later to become a very

powerful wolf - dog, her mother thought that naming her after a 

powerful witch & sorceress figure, it would aid in her later life, and

help her to stay powerful & dominant. it fit her as a pup as well . 




 ↳ age 

around 4 wolf years, approx. 26 human years

↳ вιrтнday

october 31st, unknown year

 ↳ zodιac





 ↳ pнyѕιcal gender


 ↳ мenтal gender 


↳ pronoυnѕ 

she / her




 ↳ ѕeхυalιтy

heterosexual demiromantic

 ↳ ιdeal gender 


↳ ιdeal мaтe

loyal, protective, dominant, powerful




 ↳ ѕpecιeѕ 

canine , canis lupus familiaris

↳ вreed

czechoslovakian wolfdog

( half german shepherd, half wolf )


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 " 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒊 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 

𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 " 

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 deтaιled deѕcrιpтιon


↳ grimhildr is a very thick-furred, prominently white & brown wolfdog. her head has shades of grey, dark grey, brown, and a light cream color blended into eachother, which trails a bit down her head. her fur color from the top of her head to her shoulders is all cream-colored, which then falls into a dark grey & brown mix flushed throughout her back. her markings highly resemble that of a wolf, and her markings are mostly brown and grey mixed together. she is a bit bigger than average for her breed, standing around 25 inches, and weighing about 53 pounds.she appears slanted at first glance, her body and structure heavily resembling that of a wolf.

she appears as a silver-grey wolf dog, with more brown, grey, and cream fur throughout her pelt. her back is rather grey, and a black line runs from her high back towards the tip of her tail, which is a dark grey-black color. with amber eyes that are oblique, with a slightly narrowed yet rounded look, she holds a look of dominance. her ears are upright, and hold a prominent triangular shape. her muzzle is slim, and her head looks a bit slanted. her chest is large while her belly is slim, shaped inwards, and appears rather small. grim's tail is rather long and bushy. she has a slightly rectangular body, with long and powerful legs. grim's strides are long, light, and graceful, which make her appear to be walking on air. 


cerтaιn deѕcrιpтιonѕ 


↳ мaιn ғυr colorιng 

very light tan-white

↳ ѕecondary ғυr colorιng(ѕ) 

chestnut, black, cream, tan, white, grey, light burgundy

↳ eye color(ѕ) 

deep amber

↳ ѕcarѕ 

small nick on her flank

↳ deғorмιтιeѕ 

none , as of now

↳ acceѕѕorιeѕ 

none , as of now

↳ вody pнyѕιqυe

muscular, lithe, defined




 ↳ ѕιze coмpared тo вreed 

average, a bit bigger

↳ нeιgнт 

25 inches , shoulder-length

↳ weιgнт

briefly 52.5 pounds


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"𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆

 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆 " 

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◇ тraιт one ◇   ◇ тraιт тwo ◇

understanding     logical / intelligent

 ◇ тraιт тнree ◇   ◇ тraιт ғoυr ◇

authoritative              cunning

 ◇ тraιт ғιve ◇    ◇ тraιт ѕιх ◇

cold & calculating       unforgiving

 『 understanding 』

 ↳ grim is a very understanding wolfdog. even though she cannot show her feelings that well all the time, grim is very good at listening and understanding. she feels the sympathy that others inflict on her when they tell their stories, and she often gives good advice, and is a good listener. she copes with the  other's words, and is very understanding.

 she knows what the other could be dealing with, and acts as a very good counselor. she is not often lenient, but she can be if the other has a good  reason. grim is generally understanding, but can sometimes jump to conclusions earlier than she should. she always tries to listen to other's opinions, their statements, and why to try to break apart what they're saying to understand them better. she does not often show how good she is at listening and providing advice because she is seen as too mysterious. 

 『 logical / intelligent 』 

↳ grim is incredibly intelligent. she was born with a very good sense of logic, and when she speaks it can sometimes be a very articulate way of speaking. grim has the brains, and is always correcting others. she has lots of pet-peeves with the way others speak and act, and challenges herself almost all the time to try and increase her mental intelligence. 

she is a rather logical wolfdog, and tries to explain the mechanics and technical aspects of why someone did them, and tries to have a reason to explain something, constantly. she gets very in touch with psychological aspects, and digs deep to try and  understand the psychodynamic and psychological feelings of others by using logic. grim usually knows what she  is talk-ing about, and uses her intelligence to her advantage. she is often outsmarting others, and can remember things very well.

 『 authoritative 』

 ↳ this wolfdog does not hesitate to speak her mind. she is very authoritative with almost every single thing that encounter her at any time, and she often tries to establish dominance. grim is a very dominant wolf. she had always been on top, even when she was in her previous pack, where she ruled alongside her mate as the luna, or alpha female. she does not allow others to boss her around, and will overtake any wolf or thing that tries to overthrow her power.

 she often comes off as snappy and arrogant, but she is just bold and confident. grim will confront any creature, no matter what they look like or how big they are, and speak her mind most of the time. she can come off as shy, but she is in fact very authoritative, and likes to have dominance over others. she does not care who she harms when she is trying to prove herself.

 『 cunning 』

 ↳ grim is an incredibly cunning wolf. she's clever, and thinks about every movement that she takes. often coming off as mysterious and very cunning in her works and the way she moves & talks, grim sometimes acts as a fox, with her extremely shady doings. grim's personality relies on her cunning-ness. she does things in the darkness, and keeps the secrets that happen when she does them. often coming off as extremely mysterious as previously stated, many other canines and creatures are often unsure about grim & her actions / lifestyle. she does not tell many about who she is or what she does, leaving them a tad bit scared. this can often work to her advantage, because she does not have many enemies, and most canines do not like speaking to her. 

a great charm-worker and speech manipulator, she knows how to manipulate others to do things for her, and knows how to mess with another canine. she works in the shade and black, and usually gives off weird vibes. although she is not a killer on instinct, a bad canine, or a psychopath or sadist; grim just knows what she's doing and how to do it. 

 『 cold & calculating 』

 ↳ this wolfdog is very cold and generally distant. because of past traumas from her owners and from her terrible experiences with her previous mates, grim molded herself and her traits to become more based on pushing herself out, and being cold towards others. grim can be very rude and snappy, and does not tend to think before she speaks. grim is merciless and sometimes becomes overpowered. when talking to others, she can become distant and the smallest word can set her off. while generally sarcastic and fiery-headed, grim is seen as cold and very un-thoughtful towards others.

grim is rather calculating when she talks to others, and often thinks about what could happen. she plans out her strikes and when she fights others, uses specific strategies. many dogs do not like her because she is good at battle and has a "cold heart", but in reality grim can be loving if she wants to be. 

 『 unforgiving 』 

↳ if there's one thing that another canine should not do to grim, it's backstab her or say something about her to offset her internally. grim is the best at holding grudges. she can hold grudges until she dies, and does not plan on forgiving others. she is not one to hold onto things in her life if they double cross her or say vile things about her. she will instantly cut them out of her life, and does not care. grim is honest and will tell someone off if they correct her or contradict her. grim is amazing at letting people leave her life, and has learned to not feel pain from it, but rather get more in touch with herself because of it.

grim can hold grudges and cut canine's out just with the snap of her paw. she does not care for liars or fake friends. one wrong-do and she's done. most others don't like this about her, which is why they avoid her and it's why she doesn't have any friends. 


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 " 𝒊'𝒎 𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍, 

𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 " 

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 мenтal нealтн 


↳ her mental health is stable 


 pнyѕιcal нealтн 


 ↳ her physical health is stable




 ↳ 7/10 




↳ 10/10  




 ↳ 7.5/10 


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 " 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, 

𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 " 

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↳ 5.5/10 




 ↳ 8/10 




 ↳ 6/10 




 ↳ 10/10 




 ↳ 6.5/10 




 ↳ 9/10 




↳ 9/10 




 ↳ 9/10 




↳ 7/10


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 " 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔 

𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒚 " 

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 ↳ naмe

❝ bella(my) ❞ . thick-furred, czechoslovakian wolfdog

with pale yellow eyes . 50 % wolf, 50% shepherd. 

 ↳ age 

around 6 years

↳ relaтιonѕнιp 

not very close. their relationship dwindled when grim

was still living with her mother. they then separated . 

↳ ѕтaтυѕ 





 ↳ naмe 

❝ anubis ❞ . large, hefty dark brown wolfdog with

amber eyes . 80 % wolf, 12% shepherd, 8% mix . 

↳ age

around 8 wolf years

 ↳ relaтιonѕнιp 

very close. when she still lived home, grim had a

very close relationship to her father. she relied on

him with everything, and loved him so much. 

↳ ѕтaтυѕ 



Lιттer Мaтeѕ


↳ naмe

❝ kingley ❞ . broad-built , czechoslovakian wolfdog,

 pale amber eyes . 65 % wolf, 31% shepherd, 4% mix.

↳ ѕтaтυѕ

deceased, drowned in a frozen river after he fell

through the ice, he could not have been saved. 

↳ naмe

❝ iphigenia ❞ . thin - furred, czechoslovakian wolfdog,

 pale hazel eyes . 65 % wolf, 31% shepherd, 4% mix.

↳ ѕтaтυѕ


↳ naмe

❝ blossom ❞ . lithe, sleek  czechoslovakian wolfdog,

 pale yellow eyes . 65 % wolf, 31% shepherd, 4% mix. 






 ↳ aмoυnт oғ paѕт lιттerѕ 

only 2 previous litters

↳ naмe

❝ pipsqueak ❞ . very tiny czechoslovakian wolfdog,

blind blue eyes . 75 % wolf, 25% czecho wolfdog.


deceased, died of starvation due to his genetic

disorders and real terrible physical health. 

❝ echo ❞ . lithe, greasy  czechoslovakian wolfdog,

vivid hazel eyes . 75 % wolf, 25% czecho wolfdog.


deceased, died drowning when her mother tried

to cross the river with her pups to escape the 

clutches of an angry, hungry grizzly bear. 

❝ hickory ❞ . large, thick czechoslovakian wolfdog with

pale yellow eyes . 75 % wolf, 25% czecho wolfdog.


deceased, died drowning when her mother tried

to cross the river with her pups to escape the

clutches of an angry, hungry grizzly bear. 

❝ scallop ❞ . small, sleek wolfdog-cane corso mix with

round, brown eyes . 25 % wolf, 25% czechoslovakian

wolfdog, & 50% cane corso. 


deceased, was a stillborn pup. 

❝ hathor ❞ .  big, tall  wolfdog-cane corso mix with

round green eyes . 25 % wolf, 25% czechoslovakian

wolfdog, & 50% cane corso.


deceased, was a stillborn pup. 

❝ bojovník ❞ . big, tall wolfdog-cane corso mix with

round amber eyes . 25 % wolf, 25% czechoslovakian

wolfdog, & 50% cane corso.


alive, the only pup of hers that had survived.

 ↳ pнoтoѕ oғ oneѕ wιтн yoυ  

❝ bojovník ❞




none as of now


Paѕт Мaтe (s)


↳ naмe 


↳ lιттle ιnғo 

a  rather tall, thick-furred pure black wolf. he has yellow eyes, with scars across his body. her first actual mate, kaleki was there for her and she even had joined his wolf pack, ruling with him as the luna for a short period of time. when she was pregnant with his pups, she had found out that kaleki had been seeing a rogue dog, an australian cattle dog, who was also pregnant with his pups. the time that she was with him, grim had a wonderful time, before the news broke, and she then left the pack. 

kaleki was protective, dominant, and loyal, but there was always something off about him. he didn't like the wolves of his pack, and rather dogs, wishing he was one of  them himself. this strayed him away from his mate, who he became hostile towards. 

↳ wнy yoυ aren'т тogeтнer anyмore 

he cheated on grim and got another full dog pregnant with his pups as well. he treated her hostily after this and she left the pack, having his pups who soon died once they were almost a few months, still being small and crossing a frozen river to escape a bear attack, grim not being able to carry and help all of them at once. 

↳ naмe


↳ lιттle ιnғo 

dominick was a cane corso dog, who was purebred and trained to be a guard, and fighting dog. he had been a good friend to grim after her previous mate left her, and made grim feel safe. she soon fell in love with him, and part of her only did it to try and grieve with her loss of pups and of her previous mate. grim found herself then becoming his mate, and soon enough found out that she was pregnant with his pups. during this pregnancy, she had discovered that dominick was a house dog. he had a whole separate life, and lied about being a street dog.  he even had pups of his own, who were almost full grown,and a mate living with him and his owners.

 this same day, she accused him, and dominick shot back saying that he had never loved her at all, and only wanted to make her feel more. after this, they parted, and grim vowed to never allow herself to be tricked or dominated. she wants full control. 




 ↳ naмe

she has never been owned, except for once when she

was just a small pup. her owner hit and abused her, so

she was forced out onto the streets. she hates humans

now, and spends her life in the forest / streets. 

 ↳ pιcтυre or ғc

n / a




↳ naмe 


↳ ιnғo

violet is grim's golden retriever friend that she had

previously met on the street when she was looking 

for food. violet is owned, and she doesn't see grim as

much as she used to because she roams near the forests

now, and violet is an owned, and especially loved dog. 

↳ naмe


↳ ιnғo

daniel is grim's doberman friend. she has stuck by him

for all years of her life, and when he travels with her and 

sees her son, he is his father figure. daniel met grim before

she had bojovnik, and had helped care for grim ever since.

he is very protective of her, and since he is a street dog,

he often travels with her and helps her when she needs it. 


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 "𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚

 𝒂𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 " 

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 ↳ grimhildr was born to a fairly middle-young pair of parents that loved eachother dearly. they had both wanted pups for a while, and they finally had some. grim was born alongside her siblings, her sisters iphigenia and blossom, and her only brother kingley. her father anubis was very strict with his pups, but held so much love for them all. anubis had a stronger connection to grim and kingley than he did with his other two pups, but loved them all equally. her mother, bellamy, (bella), picked on grim sometimes. though she did love her pups, she did not get along with grim. she would pick fights with her and punish her. when grim was around the age of a little before a year, she and her siblings were playing outside, in one of the forests closest to the town's streets, kingley fell through the frozen ice on a lake. grim frantically tried to save him, but it was no use, and he drowned. grim was devastated. kingley was her closest sibling, who she loved dearly.

her mother and father began to fall out and argue after this, making grim and her sisters uncomfortable. shortly after this, blossom left. after this, her other sister left. and then grim said goodbye to her separated parents, missing her dad ever since. she had ventured to the city, still a pup, and was taken in by a young man; and alcoholic addicted to drugs. he would hit and slap grim, and things got very worse one night. grim ran away, scared for her life and looking for protection. here she met violet, who strolled along with grim and helped her to recover, before they parted ways for a bit before she stumbled along kaleki in the woods. kaleki, alpha of the sundance crow pack of the forest, became interested in the wolfdog. he had always fancied dogs over wolves, and some called him a weak leader because of this. around a year later, kaleki's pups were born, loved and cared for; before grimhildr found out he was cheating on her. the dog he had gotten pregnant went at grim, who injured her, and then fret the pack and her mate, who had pups of his own besides hers. 

when grim was fleeing with her young pups, she caught the scent of a grizzly bear. the bear, looking for an easy meal, chased grim and her pups along the forest, and lead them towards a rushing stream - river, with flowing water. her two pups besides pipsqueak, who died of starvation, drowned in the water because she could not carry all of them, and the grizzly  bear almost got her. grim, now grieving, was living on her own for a while in the forest, broken and alone. feeling broken down and weary, with no friends to rely on that were near her, she then met dominick when she wandered back into the town to seek help and shelter. she thought initially that he was a street dog, even though he looked well groomed and tidied. after a few months, grim fell in love with him, although part of her thought that it was because she needed a source to grieve about the loss of her mate and pups to.

grim found herself pregnant... again. before her pups were born, she was living with dominick in an abandoned house, with warm beds, food, and entertainment. she found herself hitting a corner when she realized that dominick was seeing another dog.. and had a home when she went looking for him one day. she confronted him the next day, and he stated he never loved her. she was broken... and hurt; and revengeful. thirsty for revenge. the broken dog was now stronger, learning how to cope with pain and becoming grudge holding. this is when she met daniel. daniel was her rock. her source of life. and when her pups, all of them but one, were born stillborn, daniel comforted her. surprisingly, her one pup that lived, whom she named a strong name for being alive, did not resemble dominick. he looked more like daniel, which perplexed both of them. maybe it was a sign. though grim never felt affection towards him, she was always thankful for him and how well he treated her. daniel accompanied her when she traveled with her pup to the forest, to settle down and make a new life, and roams around, meeting her every now and then to talk and be happy best friends. 




 ↳ her theme songs would be :

     ↝ " fall " , by eminem

     ↝ " hollow " , by cloudeater

     ↝ " trndsttr " , by black coast, lucian remix

     ↝ " young god " , by halsey

↳ she is allergic to specific types of flowers and grasses, which give her an allergic reaction. she is also partially paranoid at certain things, and can become a worrywort. 

form is from hajo1006 

made for hajo1006 's roleplay


 Roleplay Eхaмple 


the forest was buzzing with life, trees bearing leaves, as the snow started to fade from the ground ever so slowly. arising from the leaf-covered den, full of sticks and food for the winter, came a large wolfdog. her pelt was full of dirt and grit, as she padded outside of the den. from her right, hear ear flicked as she heard a small noise, her nose twitching. she smelled.. dog? her eyes narrowed, before she fell to the ground, an 'oof' coming from her mouth. grim was tackled by her only pup, bojovnik, who came up behind her laughing as he licked his mother's face.

"get off of me!" she growled playfully, her tail twitching. her pup shifted and rolled his eyes, smiling as he helped his mother up.

all was well and good before the she-wolf heard a noise, a rustle within the great pines, which made her uneasy. grim growled, twitching and then swirling around as a figure appeared behind them. "get to the den!" grimhildr barked at her pup, who flattened his ears. "o-" he stopped, and then turned, running towards the figure and toppling them over. grim's face dropped. what was this pup doing! he couldn't get killed ! he was her only pup!

grim's pelt rose, about to face the predator, before she relaxed, shaking her pelt out, still startled.

"daniel. don't scare me like that." 

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