Chapter 2

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Y/N is seen falling through the portal into a different world as he screams and lands hard on a shack destroying it. Y/N falls through the portal with a shout, landing heavily on a small shack. The impact is jarring, and the shack collapses beneath him with a loud crash.

Groaning from the pain, Y/N slowly gets up and looks around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Y/N sees that he's in a completely different world now. The air feels different, the sky is a mix of fire, the smell of blood, and chaos. Y/N staggers to his feet, the adrenaline and fear still coursing through his body. He looks down at his injured arm, now bleeding more profusely from the fall.

Groaning in pain, he takes a shaky step forward, his eyes darting around for any sign of where he is. Y/N's mind is a whirlwind of questions. Where is he? How did he get here? What happened to the fallen angels? He tries to steady himself against a wall of a nearby structure, his body and mind exhausted. Y/N limps through the strange world, his injured arm clutched against his chest. He's in pain and disoriented from the fall and the events that just transpired.

As he walks, he tries to take stock of his surroundings. The air smells of sulfur, the sky is a constant mix of fire and smoke, and the sound of distant screams and battle cries fills his ears. Y/N, weakened and disoriented, limps into an alley way. His eyes, still adjusting to the new surroundings, land upon a painting. Painted in bright, bold letters, it reads "ALL HAIL TITAN HAVIK."

Y/N stops, his mind trying to take in the meaning behind the words, but his exhaustion makes it hard to process. Y/N stares at the painting, the words echoing in his pain-filled mind. "Titan Havik"... Who or what is that? Y/N's curiosity is peaked, yet his body betrays him, and he has to lean against the wall to keep himself upright. Y/N, still clutching his wounded arm, staggers forward and suddenly finds himself in the middle of a crowded festival. The scene is bewildering - loud music, bright lights, and a sea of unfamiliar faces.

He can't help but be drawn to the spectacle, despite his exhaustion and pain.

Y/N: E-excuse me.... C-can.... Can someone help m-m-me....? I-I'm lost... and-

Y/N calls out for help, his voice cracking from exhaustion and fear. But as soon as he speaks, a chill runs down his spine. All the figures in the festival suddenly turn towards him. Their faces are a grotesque sight, twisted and mutilated. Their bodies are in various states of decay and disfigurement.

Y/N's eyes widen in horror, and a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. These are not human anymore. The Havik clones surround Y/N, their hideous features leering at him.

Havik clone 1: A human indeed! What a rare treat. We will take you to Titan Havik.

Havik clone 2: Yes, he will be pleased to have a human test subject.

The clones move closer, their decaying hands reaching out for Y/N. Y/N looks around, his heart racing in his chest. He's surrounded by the clones, their grotesque forms closing in. Their hands reach out, their decaying flesh a sickening sight.

Y/N's mind races for a solution, but his body is fatigued and weakened. He's outnumbered and out of options. The Havik clones show no mercy as they circle closer and closer.

Y/N: S-stay back! G-get away!!

The Havik clones chuckle, their twisted faces showing cruel joy at Y/N's fear.

Havik clone 1: Trying to defy us, little human?

Havik clone 2: You're in no position to make demands.

The clones move closer, their outstretched hands drawing closer. The air feels thick with malice as the Havik clones close in. Their rotted skin and twisted features make them a chilling sight.

Y/N, in his weakened and injured state, tries to put up a front of courage but his voice betrays him, cracking with fear.

Y/N: G-get back! I- I said... stay back!!

The Havik clones only laugh at his display.

Havik clone 1: We don't take orders from a fragile human.

Havik clone 2: You're just a toy for us to play with, nothing more.

Y/N's heart sinks as he finds himself blocked by another Havik figure. The sight is terrifying, the figure's rotting skin and twisted face a living nightmare.

In a burst of fear, Y/N screams and shoves the figure, hoping to break free. He dashes away, the adrenaline pumping through his veins despite the pain in his arm. The Havik figures are taken aback by Y/N's sudden outburst. They expected him to be weaker, more disoriented. Y/N takes advantage of their surprise and dashes away, his injured arm throbbing in pain. The Havik clones quickly regain their composure and start a pursuit, their bodies moving faster than their rotten appearance suggests. Y/N dashes through the twisted landscape, trying to maintain distance from his pursuers. The pain in his arm is getting worse and the adrenaline is starting to wear off. The Havik clones, although appearing rotten, move with an alarming speed, staying close on his heels.

Y/N looks over his shoulder, his heart pounding, and sees the rotting figures gaining on him. Y/N's legs burn as he runs, his breath coming in labored gasps. He looks over his shoulder and sees that the Havik clones are gaining on him, their bodies moving with an unnatural speed.

His heart hammers in his chest as he looks around for an escape, anything to shake off his pursuers. But the landscape of this world is twisted and unfamiliar, offering no obvious hiding spots. Y/N spots a discarded machete nearby. He seizes it, his only weapon against the monstrous figures chasing him.

Y/N brandishes the machete, holding it like a lifeline.

Y/N: Back off! I said, back OFF!

The Havik clones see the weapon in Y/N's hand and slow their pursuit, surprised by his sudden show of bravery.

Havik clone 1: A measly human who can hold his own. How amusing.

Havik clone 2: And with such a pitiful weapon.


The Havik clones pause, their rotted faces showing mock concern.

Havik clone 1: Oh, we're so scared. A human with a machete. So dangerous.

Havik clone 2: We'd be trembling if we could still shiver.

Y/N grips the machete tighter, a wild look in his eyes. His arm is still bleeding and painful, but he refuses to back down.

Y/N: I said, BACK OFF! I'll cut you if I have to!

The tension in the air is palpable. The Havik clones, their twisted features contorted in various expressions, prepare to pounce. Suddenly, something catches their attention and they look up behind Y/N. All conversation ceases, the air now filled with a thick silence. Y/N, sensing the shift in atmosphere, slowly turns, wincing slightly from pain. He looks up to see a towering figure, a shadow-like silhouette with a helmet.

The figure's presence is ominous, emanating a sense of dread and power. There's an otherworldly aura about them, making Y/N's blood run cold. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as the towering figure, who he presumed to be Titan Havik, jumped down with a cat-like grace. The resemblance to the smaller clones was there, but the aura of power and malevolence set him apart.

Titan Havik stood tall, his body a mass of muscular bulk, with pale pupils in his eyes and blood staining his mouth and chest. His green helmet adorned with a blue jewel, while the yellow sash around his waist gave him an almost regal appearance. Titan Havik's creepy smile sent chills down Y/N's spine. The air around the figure seemed to crackle with a supernatural energy, and Y/N was frozen in place, his mind reeling. The monstrous figure took a step closer, his eyes fixed on Y/N, studying him with a mix of curiosity and malice. The Havik clones, sensing Titan Havik's presence, immediately dropped to their knees, their heads low in submission. Their once confident and mocking attitudes replaced by a submissive fear.

Titan Havik continued to smile as he took another step towards Y/N, his eyes glued on the terrified devil.

Y/N stood there, his eyes wide, his mind racing a million miles a minute. The fear was palpable as the Havik clones prostrated themselves before Titan Havik, displaying a deep reverence.

Titan Havik took another stride forward, his footsteps slow and measured, his eyes never leaving Y/N's face. He drew closer to Y/N, the smile still on his rotted lips. The distance between Y/N and Titan Havik was now minimal, the closeness sending Y/N's heartbeat into overdrive. The imposing figure was so close, he could almost smell the blood that stained his teeth.

Y/N took a step back instinctively, his hands shaking as he clutched the machete. Titan Havik seemed amused by this, his smile widening slightly.

Titan Havik let out a guttural chuckle, the sound sending more chills down Y/N's spine.

Titan Havik: So you're the devil, eh? The one my underlings couldn't handle.

His deep, sinister voice echoed in the air, sending goosebumps over Y/N's body.

Y/N swallowed hard, his mind racing to process the realization. He was the "devil" in this world, according to this monstrous figure. What did that mean? He had no answers, only questions and growing fear. Y/N's grip on the machete tightened as he stared at the imposing Titan Havik before him, trying hard to keep from shaking in terror.

Titan Havik chuckled again, the sound was sinister and mocking.

Titan Havik: You look scared, little one. But I suppose that's natural, given the circumstances.

He took another step towards Y/N, the gap between them getting smaller with each step.

Y/N: H-hey...! G-get back!

Titan Havik smirked at Y/N's feeble attempt to threaten him. His approach was slow and calculated, a predator closing in on its prey.

Titan Havik: Oh, you're going to make this fun, aren't you?

His eyes gleamed with a mix of malice and amusement, fixated on Y/N's trembling form.

Y/N gripped the machete tighter, summoning all his courage. He tried to sound authoritative, but the fear in his voice betrayed him.

Y/N: I said...stay back!

He brandished the machete, trying to make it look like a real threat, but the pain in his wounded arm was making it harder to hold the weapon steadily.
Titan Havik's smirk widened as he casually batted the machete away from Y/N's hand, his strength and speed catching Y/N off guard. The machete flew a few paces away, leaving Y/N more defenseless than before.

Titan Havik: Oh, you're a feisty one, aren't you?  It's been a while since I've had such an entertaining plaything.

Y/N, driven by desperation, lunged forward and swung at Titan Havik with all his might. He managed to land a slash right on Titan Havik's eye, but instead of a reaction of pain, Titan Havik merely chuckled in amusement. Y/N watched, horrified, as the wound instantly healed. It was as if the strike had never happened, the damage mending within seconds.

Titan Havik chuckled again, his healed eye gleaming with a sinister light.

Titan Havik: You think that hurt? I'll give you credit for the boldness... but you're going to need more than a sharp piece of metal to damage me.

Y/N, reeling from his failed attack, was caught completely off guard when Titan Havik casually ripped his own head off and used it like a club. The impact sent Y/N sprawling, his vision swimming from the force of the blow. Y/N clutched his bruised cheek, pain and shock flooding his system. He couldn't understand how this was even possible - how could a decapitated head still be animated, moving and attacking?

Titan havik: NOW!!!!

The Havik clones, taking their cue from Titan Havik, rushed forward all at once. Y/N didn't have time to react as he was overwhelmed by the sudden attack. The clones' rotting fists and feet connected with Y/N's body in a barrage of blows that left him winded and disoriented. He tried to defend himself, but the sheer number of attackers, combined with his own fatigue and injury, made it impossible to fight back effectively. The beats and kicks continued to rain down on Y/N, each impact more painful than the last. He tried to shield himself with his arms, but the clones were unyielding, their attacks growing more brutal with each blow. Y/N's world was a whirlwind of pain, his senses reeling from the unexpected assault. The only coherent thought in his mind was the desperate need to get away, to find a way to escape.

Titan Havik put his head back on, his creepy smile never leaving his face as he walked towards the group. Two of the clones, obeying his unspoken command, grabbed a heavily beaten Y/N by the arms.

Y/N hung limply from their grasp, too battered and beaten to put up any real resistance. The pain in his body was intense, and the world seemed to spin from the blows he'd endured. Titan Havik's eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and sadistic pleasure as he looked at the battered mess of Y/N. His smile widened, showing teeth stained in blood.

Titan Havik: Well, well, well... look at you. You're not looking so good, are you, devil?

The clones holding Y/N held him up like a rag doll, making no effort to soften their grip even as they saw his condition. Y/N weakly tried to raise his head, his vision blurry. His face was covered in cuts, his shirt torn, blood staining the fabric. The pain and exhaustion combined made it hard to form any coherent thought. His breaths were ragged and labored, each cough bringing up fresh blood. He looked like he had been through hell and back.

Titan Havik approached Y/N, his footsteps heavy and deliberate. He chuckled at the state Y/N was in, clearly enjoying the sight of the weakened devil.

Titan Havik: Look at you... you're a wreck. You put up a good fight, I'll give you that. But you're no real match for me.

Y/N tried to focus through the pain and the swimming of his vision. His mouth tasted of blood and his body throbbed and ached. He struggled to say something, wanting to show some defiance, but all he could manage was another cough, more blood seeping out his lips. Titan Havik knelt down so that he was eye-level with Y/N. His eyes glimmered with cruel amusement.

Titan Havik: You look like you're at the end of your rope. But let's not finish this just yet. There's still so much fun to be had.

Titan Havik brings out his giant mace like bat and suddenly knocked Y/N out with it. Y/N's world faded into darkness as the heavy, spiked head of Titan Havik's bat connected with his skull. The pain flared once more before being swept away by the unconsciousness that enveloped him. He went limp in the clutches of the clones, his battered body hanging in their grip.

Back at Kuoh

The streets of Kuoh were quiet, the usual peaceful atmosphere undisturbed. The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the picturesque town. Kiba and Tsubaki were enjoying a romantic meal together, the soft candlelight casting a warm glow over their features. They spoke in hushed tones, sharing quiet laughs and glances filled with affection. The meal was a simple but lovingly prepared one, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the air. Tsubaki's hand rested on Kiba's, their fingers intertwined as they ate and conversed. It was a moment of intimacy and connection, a brief break from the chaos and battles that often characterized their lives. As the evening deepened, the two of them continued their quiet conversation, occasionally sharing a tender moment. Kiba would occasionally reach out and tuck a strand of hair behind Tsubaki's ear, or brush his fingertips against her cheek.

Kiba's phone suddenly rings as he answered it.

Kiba: Hello?

Akeno: Hey Kiba- sorry... is now a good time...?

Kiba was caught slightly off-guard by the unexpected call, but he recovered quickly.

Kiba: Hey Akeno. Yeah, now's fine. Is everything alright?

Akeno's voice on the other end was slightly worried, a tone Kiba rarely heard from her.

Akeno: I'm not sure. I've tried calling Y/N for a while, but he's not answering my calls. I was wondering if maybe he was with you? Have you heard from him recently?

Kiba's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of Y/N. It wasn't like Y/N to ignore calls, especially from someone like Akeno. He glanced at Tsubaki who mirrored his expression of concern.

Kiba: No, he's not with me. And he hasn't been responding to my texts either. I thought maybe he was out late or something.

There was a brief pause on the other end, Akeno's silence suggesting she was just as confused and concerned as he was.

Akeno: That's strange... I have this weird feeling that something isn't right. I tried using my powers to feel his presence, but there's nothing there. It's like he's just vanished...

Her words hung in the air, the worry in her tone palpable through the phone.

Akeno: Do you think.... do you think it had something to do with me being a terrible sister...?

Kiba listened to Akeno's words, his concern deepening. He knew Akeno's powers, and it was highly unusual for them to fail to detect Y/N's presence, especially since he's the devil.

Kiba: No, I don't think it's your fault. Y/N wouldn't suddenly go off the grid like this. There has to be another explanation. We should check around and see if we can find him.

Akeno sighed softly on the other end, her worry still evident.

Akeno: Alright... I'll start searching from my end. Let me know if you hear anything, okay?

Kiba promised to keep her informed before ending the call. He turned to Tsubaki, her eyes reflecting the same worry he felt.

Tsubaki spoke, her lips pursed in anxiety.

Tsubaki: Do you think he's in trouble, Kiba? It's unlike him to suddenly disappear without a word.

Kiba nodded, his expression serious.

Kiba: I don't have a good feeling about this. Akeno can't sense him, and he's not answering our calls. Something's definitely off. We need to find him, and fast.

To be continued.....

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