Chapter 5

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In the dimly lit club room, Asia was busily cleaning up, humming a soft tune to herself. She was the only one around at the moment, quietly working on tidying up the place.

The silence of the night engulfed her as she worked, leaving her blissfully unaware of the danger lurking outside. Suddenly, a loud knock on the door broke the tranquility, making Asia jump slightly in surprise. She quickly calmed herself and approached the door, curious about who it could be at this hour.

Asia opened the door cautiously, peering out into the night. However, no one was visible. Confused, Asia stepped outside, looking around for any signs of who could've knocked.

Asia: Hello? Is someone there?

Asia called out, looking left and right, but the silence remained unbroken. No one responded, no one showed themselves. It was as if whoever had knocked just vanished into thin air. Asia was confused, a slight frown on her face. She closed the door again, locking it. Maybe it was just her imagination? As she turned around, her heart suddenly leapt into her throat. Standing behind her was Noob Saibot, his imposing form filling the space. He had silently slipped into the club room.

Asia's eyes widened in fear as she took in the sight before her. She froze in terror, her heart hammering in her chest.

Noob: Hello.... Asia. Recognize my voice...?

As she heard him speak, Asia's mind raced as the memory clicked. That deep voice, it was familiar somehow... And then it hit her, her eyes widening in realization.

Asia: Y-you... I do recognize your voice... Y-Y/N....?

Noob seemed almost amused by her reaction. He chuckled, a chilling sound that echoed through the room.

Noob: Oh, you do remember me. That's good. I was wondering if you'd recall my voice after all this time. It's been quite a while, hasn't it, Asia?

Asia's fear was mixed with confusion and disbelief. She couldn't believe what was happening. But as she stared at him, there was no mistake, no denying the truth.

Asia: Y/N... no... it can't be.... You look so different....

Noob chuckled sinisterly while walking towards her.

Noob: Like my new look~? Titan havik perfected me into something better than my old weak self....

Asia backed away as Noob approached, her eyes fixed on him in a mix of terror and shock. She couldn't believe y/n had become this... being before her.

Asia: This isn't right... Y/N.... You're not yourself anymore....

Noob's lips curled into a cruel smile as he continued his approach, his every step filled with menace.

Noob: Oh, but I've never been more myself, dear Asia. I've just... evolved. I've shed my old, weak body for a new, more perfect form. I've found my true potential. Something more powerful than my bitch of a sister akeno could posses.

Asia trembled against the wall as Noob continued talking, his words like a dark, twisted gospel being preached to her.

Asia: B-but this isn't right! This isn't you, Y/N! The you I knew... you wouldn't do these things!

Noob: The me you knew- was a nobody!

Noob's words were like a dagger piercing Asia's heart. She couldn't believe the man she knew, the gentle person Y/N had been, could speak of himself in this way.

Asia: No... you were never a nobody! You always had so much potential! Everyone could see it, even Akeno!

Noob's scoff was filled with bitter resentment, his voice growing cold.

Noob: She was lying through her teeth! Telling me I have potential, that I could be something, just to manipulate me, keep me under her control! She's no different the any other devil, Asia. Power-hungry, selfish, liars!

Asia shook her head in shock and disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Asia: That's not true! Akeno always supported you, cared for you! She tried to help you unlock your potential!

Noob's anger flared as he slammed his hand through the table, splintering the wood. His actions were fueled by his pent-up rage and bitterness.

Noob: Don't talk about her as if she's some kind of saint! She doesn't care about me! Only what I could do for her, and that damnable Gremory clan! If she truly cared about me- she would've helped me if I got bullied! She would've cared if she helped our father stop him from abusing me every day! But what did she do....?

Asia's eyes widened in horror as she listened to Noob's outburst. The pain and anger in his voice were as clear as day. She tried to find words to respond, to deny his claims, but she was at a loss for what to say. Noob's shoulders heaved, his breath coming out in labored gasps. His anger began to subside somewhat, replaced by a weary resignation.

Noob: She does nothing! Even when I was being tormented, bullied by the kids at school, and our dad at home, she chose to focus on her own dreams and aspirations. She's never been there for me when I needed her.... Never...the only persons that ever loved me and cared for me....was our mother....but she's gone now because of our deadbeat father who's a god damn fallen angel!

Tears streamed down Asia's face as she listened to Noob's tragic past, the weight of his pain filling the room. Her heart ached for him, yet she also understood that her words wouldn't erase his pain. Noob's voice was raw with emotion, his anger giving way to a sadness that tugged at her heartstrings.

Noob let out a weary sigh, the intensity of his emotions having taken its toll on him. He leaned against the broken table, his shoulders slumping slightly.

Noob: Life hasn't spared me any kindness. I've been pushed around, belittled, used, hurt... by everyone around me. Even the people who were supposed to love me the most....but I've come to see now....

Asia's heart broke as she saw the toll Noob's life had taken on him. She wanted to reach out, to hug him, to comfort him, but she knew it wasn't that simple.

Noob: I don't believe in kindness, or caring, or love anymore. All I power. And now, with Titan Havik's guidance, I've found it. I've found my strength.

Noob's voice was laced with determination, his eyes now filled with a cold, steely resolve.

Noob: And now that I posses the power I're going to be my bait.~

Noob gave a malicious chuckle, a cruel smirk crossing his face. With a wave of his hand, a shadow clone materialized beside him. The clone was identical in appearance to Noob, though its eyes held a more sinister gleam.

Noob: Stay still, Asia.~

The clone moved with lightning speed, grabbing Asia with inhuman strength. It pinned her against the wall, securing her in place. She struggled, her attempts to break free were futile. Asia's heart pounded in her chest as she found herself immobilized by the shadow clone, its grip unyielding and strong. She tried to squirm and wriggle free, but she couldn't dislodge herself from its hold.

Noob chuckled darkly, enjoying seeing his former friend in such a vulnerable state. Noob stepped closer to Asia, his eyes roaming over her form. A sick satisfaction filled him as he saw her struggle in vain against the shadow clone's grip.

Noob: You've always been the caring and compassionate one, Asia....always believing in the good in people, no matter what happened to you... but I've learned a valuable lesson in life. Kindness gets you nowhere, compassion and trust only leads to betrayal.

He leaned closer to her, his voice dropping to a dark whisper.

Noob: And now..... your little boyfriend, issei. I'll get his attention by using you as bait.~

Noob opens a portal behind them.

Noob's sick satisfaction grew as he spoke, his voice filled with a twisted pleasure at the thought of using Asia as bait against Issei. He glanced at the portal he had opened behind them, the gateway to his plans.

Noob: That little bastard always had a thing for you, doesn't he? Seeing his precious Asia under my control will only drive him over the edge. He won't be able to resist saving you, I know it.~

Asia's heart filled with fear and panic as she listened to Noob's words, the realization hitting her of what he intended to do.

Asia: Y/N, please no.... Don't do this! You don't have to do this!

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, Noob was too far gone, too consumed by his own malicious intentions. He chuckled darkly as he stood next to the portal, looking at her with an evil grin.

Noob: Oh, I do have to do this, Asia. But don't worry... I'll make sure to let him get a good look at you. He'll see and hear you, but he won't be able to reach you.~

A cruel gleam entered his eyes as he reached out and patted her head patronisingly.

Noob: You're just the key I need to lure him right into my trap. And then I'll crush that little bastard.... and after that- hehehehahahaha!!! My sister Akeno and that Rias bitch will be fools to fall for it~!!

A shiver ran down Asia's spine as she heard Noob's sinister plan and the cruel glee in his voice. She was trapped, forced to be a pawn in his twisted game against Issei and the others. But despite her fear and hopelessness, a flicker of determination flared in her eyes. She would not let herself be a mere tool in his hands. She tried to speak, but her words were cut off as the shadow clone tightened its grip on her, silencing her protests. Noob's cruel smile widened as he stepped through the portal, followed by the shadow clone holding Asia. The portal closed behind them vanishing instantly.

And just like that, the room was quiet again, the absence of their presence leaving an eerie silence in the air. And somewhere out there, Issei was blissfully unaware of the trap being laid out before him.

The scene shifted to Issei's room where he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Despite it being late, his snores echoed throughout the room, a sure sign of how deep he was sleeping.

Suddenly, Issei's eyes fluttered as a knocking sound echoed from the door of his room. Issei groaned as he slowly woke up, his eyes still heavy with sleep. But the knocking continued, growing more insistent and louder. Issei yawned and stretched.

Issei: Who could be knocking this late at night....?

He fumbled in the dark, trying to untangle himself from the blankets and sit up. His mind was still foggy and groggy, not quite fully awake yet. Issei finally managed to get out of bed and stumbled towards the door. As he approached it, the knocking continued, becoming more intense and urgent. Issei grumbled and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

Issei: Alright, alright, I'm coming....give me a second will ya?

He fumbled for the light switch and turned it on, the sudden brightness momentarily blinding him. After blinking a few times to adjust to the light, Issei finally reached the door. He took a deep breath and opened it, prepared to see who would be disturbing him at this hour. Issei rubbed his eyes again, trying to focus his blurry vision. As the door opened, he was met with kiba who had a concerned and serious expression on his face.

Issei: Kiba...? Is everything ok...? And why did you-

Kiba: Asia's Missing!

Issei's eyes widened in shock and alarm at Kiba's words. He was still somewhat groggy from sleep, but when he heard that Asia was missing, he immediately snapped fully awake.

Issei: Wait- what?!? What do you mean Asia's missing??

Kiba stepped closer, his expression serious and grave.

Kiba: I mean exactly what I said, Issei. Asia's gone missing. We checked her room and the club room and she's nowhere to be found. We called to see if she's at the church, but the Priest told us he hasn't seen her either. And the club room... it was destroyed. Someone or something had intentions to kidnap her...

Issei felt a cold dread wash over him as he listened to Kiba. The fact Asia was missing, and the club room was destroyed... was making a bad feeling settle in his gut.

Issei: Damnit... do you have any idea where she could be? Or who could've taken her?

Kiba shook his head with a frustrated sigh.

Kiba: We've gone over every scenario and every possibility, but right now we're at a loss. And whoever took her was smart enough not to leave any traces behind other than that broken up clubroom.

His eyes darted around, a sense of unease in them.

Kiba: And the worst part.... Is that we have no idea if she's been harmed or not...

Issei clenched his fists, his worry for Asia growing with every passing second. The fact that they didn't know if she was injured or not only added to his dread.

Issei: God damn it.... We've gotta find her, Kiba. We can't just sit around doing nothing while she's out there who knows where...

Kiba: I know! We will! The hell's going on....? First Y/N- now Asia.....

Issei felt a pang of guilt as Kiba's words hit him. He knew the events surrounding y/n's disappearance had affected Kiba greatly, and now that Asia was missing too... things looked even direr.

Issei: Yeah, I know man. But we've gotta keep our heads up. We'll find Asia, and once we do... we'll find Y/N too. But for right now, let's focus on Asia, alright?

Kiba nodded, his expression a mix of determination and worry.

Kiba: Yeah, you're right. We need to focus on finding Asia for now. But, Issei....  there is one more thing we found.

Issei looked at him with a raised eyebrow, a frown on his face.

Issei: What? What else did you find?

Kiba's frown deepened, his eyes darkening slightly.

Kiba: There was a message.... Etched into the walls of the club room.  It was... pretty messed up.

Issei's heart skipped a beat as Kiba's words sunk in. A message? Etched into the walls of the club room? That didn't seem good... at all.

Issei: What exactly did the message say, Kiba?

Kiba's tone was grim as he relayed the contents of the message to Ishsei, each word making the pit in his stomach grow deeper.

Kiba: The message read 'Issei, your precious Asia is at my mercy now. If you want to see her alive again, come alone to the abandoned building on the outskirts of town. You have 1 hour.'

Issei felt a chill run down his spine. The message was clear- someone had Asia, and they wanted him to come alone. Issei felt a mix of anger, fear, and doubt well up inside him. Someone had the audacity to kidnap Asia, and was now making demands.... It made his blood boil. But at the same time, he was afraid. Whoever had Asia held her life in their hands, and they were using her as bait to lure him into a trap. And he would bet that trap was well-laid out and dangerous.

Issei clenched his fists, trying to steady his trembling hands. He looked at Kiba, worry in his eyes.

Issei: I have to go, Kiba. I can't leave Asia in the hands of whoever took her. I know it's a trap, but I don't have a choice.

Kiba nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Kiba: I know. And I'm not going to stop you. But, Issei.... Don't go in there alone. Let me and the others come with you.

Issei: No. I have to do this.

Kiba frowned deeply, protest clearly written on his face.

Kiba: Are you crazy, man? You can't just walk into a trap alone like that! We don't even know who has Asia or what they want with you!

Issei's eyes hardened with determination.

Issei: I know it's a risk, but if I want to save Asia, I have no choice. Whoever took her wants me alone, and I'll be damned if I let them hurt her.

Kiba sighed, his expression a mixture of resignation and worry.

Kiba: You're an idiot. But I know there's no talking you out if it. Just...promise me one thing: be careful, okay?

Issei gave a small, reassuring smile.

Issei: I'll be as careful as I can, I promise. Don't worry, man. I'll be back before you know it. And I'll bring Asia back with me.

Kiba nodded, his face betraying his worry.

Kiba: You better come back, you hear me? I'm not about to lose another friend.

Issei patted his shoulder reassuringly.

Issei: Don't worry, man. I'll kick ass and get back safe. Just look after the others while I'm gone, alright?

Kiba let out a sigh, resigned to the fact that Issei was going to do what he was going to do regardless.

Kiba: Yeah, yeah, I'll look after the others. Just be careful out there, alright?

Issei grinned, his usual bravado back in full swing.

Issei: You know me, I'm always careful. See you soon, man!

To be continued....

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