Chapter 4

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The scene shifts back once more to the chaos realm, its twisted and chaotic nature a stark contrast to the ORC club. Y/N is now fully unconscious, his once-strong body pale and battered, his eyes closed in an almost lifeless way.

His wrists and ankles are shackled to the stone floor, the chains holding him in place taut but not quite cutting into his skin. His breathing is shallow, a sign of deep unconsciousness or drugged sleep. Titan Havik stepped into the makeshift cell, flanked by several of his clones. His gaze wandered over Y/N's chained form, a smile playing at the edges of his lips.

Titan Havik: Oh look at you, all chained up and helpless. How fitting for a little devil like you.

Titan Havik walked over to Y/N, stopping just before his limp form. He knelt down, grabbing Y/N's chin and lifting his head to look at him better.

Titan Havik: Look at you...weak, defenseless, at my mercy. Just as things should be.

As Titan Havik lifted his head, Y/N's eyes flickered open, the heavy lids slowly revealing his vacant gaze. His consciousness seemed foggy, his mind likely still reeling from the previous torture and drug-induced stupor.

Titan Havik smirked, noticing the small signs of consciousness. He chuckled, relishing the helplessness of his captive.

Titan Havik: Look who's awake. Sleeping beauty finally decided to join us.

Despite his groggy state, Y/N tried to pull away from Titan Havik's grip, a silent yet futile struggle. His muscles, weakened from the torture and drugs, failed to respond as they should, creating an image of helplessness that seemed to please Titan Havik.

Titan Havik: That's cute, you trying to resist. But don't waste your energy, little devil. You're not going anywhere.

Titan Havik, clearly enjoying his power over Y/N, slowly released his chin and stood back up, towering over him. Y/N's weak breaths were the only sign of life, a pitiful display compared to his former strength.

Titan Havik: Look at you now. Weak, pathetic, broken. A perfect little pawn for me to control.

He gestured to the clones behind him, instructing them without words.

Titan Havik: Hold him up. I want a better look at him.

The clones obeyed instantly, their hands grabbing Y/N roughly and pulling him up to a sitting position, his back propped up against the stone wall. As the clones lifted Y/N up, he tried to protest, a weak and slurred sound leaving his lips. It was a far cry from the strong, clear voice he once had. It was clear that the physical and mental toll of the captivity was weighing heavily on him.

Titan Havik watched this, his smirk widening.

Titan Havik: Trying to speak, are you? Go on, let's hear what you have to say.

Y/N struggled to form words, his tongue feeling heavy and clumsy in his mouth. But despite this, he managed to speak, his voice still weak but clear enough to understand.

Y/N(slurred): Just...... just do it...... k-kill.... m-me....

The request caught Titan Havik off guard. He had not expected Y/N to be so...resigned to his fate. A flash of confusion crossed his face before quickly hardening into a cold glare.

Titan Havik: Kill you? Oh no, little devil. That would be too easy. Too quick. You don't get to take the easy way out.

He walked closer to Y/N, towering over him menacingly.

Titan Havik: You will serve me as my loyal follower, and you will give me what I desire. Whether you like it or not.

The clones were quick and efficient in their task, the chains wrapped around Y/N's wrists and ankles pulling taut, tethering him to the cold stone wall. Even then, he tried to stay awake, his head drooping forward before he snapped it back up again.

Titan Havik watched with a dark, almost gleeful gaze. He enjoyed seeing his victim so close to breaking point.

Titan Havik: Look at you, struggling to stay awake. It's pitiful, really. But it's about to get worse.

Titan havik slowly laughed as needles suddenly started floating towards Y/N. The moment Y/N laid eyes on the floating needles, his eyes widened in realization and fear. Even in his drugged and battered state, he recognized the instruments of further torment.

Titan Havik chuckled sinisterly as the needles slowly floated towards the weakened Y/N. The intent was clear, the torment about to get even more intense.

Titan Havik: Oh, look at that. Do you recognize those, little devil? They're here to cause you even more... 'fun'.

Y/N tried to struggle again, his body instinctively trying to avoid the impending pain. But the chains held him tightly, leaving him at the mercy of the needles and their sharp points.

Titan Havik took a step closer, his gaze fixed on Y/N's wide, fearful eyes.

Titan Havik: But they also have another purpose. You'll see soon enough...

As the needles got closer, the fear and realization of what was coming caused Y/N to struggle fiercely against the restraints. His gasps and breaths were panicked, his body shaking with the effort to break free.

Titan Havik just smiled, enjoying the display of fear and helplessness.

Titan Havik: Oh, that's not going to do you any good. You might as well give in...the pain is coming.

The scene then shifted outside of Titan Havik's fortress, the surroundings dark and foreboding. The camera was distant enough that the scene wasn't visible, but the tortured screams of Y/N were very audible.

The screams pierced the air, a gut-wrenching sound of pure suffering that would send chills down the spine of anyone who heard it. Despite the screams, there was no sign of any help approaching.

The scene transitioned to the towering fallen angel church, its imposing form visible even at night. Inside, Reynare, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek stood amidst a group of fallen angels, all of them looking sheepish and ashamed.

Reynare, the de facto leader of the fallen angels present, crossed her arms and gave the gathered group a stern look.

Reynare: to explain why you all failed so miserably?

The fallen angels under her gaze shuffled uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. Kalawarner and Dohnaseek watched silently, the tension in the room palpable.

Finally, one of the fallen angels, a male with downcast eyes, spoke up.

Fallen Angel(shamefully): We... we thought it would be an easy mission. We saw Y/N, his power was nowhere near what it should be...we thought we could take him easily.

Reynare's eyes narrowed.

Reynare: You thought you could take him easily? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

The fallen angel looked down, his shame evident. Kalawarner sneered, shaking her head.

Kalawarner: You all should know better. Y/N may be weakened, but he's still apart of that Gremory peerage. You can't underestimate someone from that clan.

Reynare nodded in agreement.

Reynare: Exactly. You all have seen the Gremory's power firsthand. Even if Y/N is separated from them, he would still possess that same potential. Why in the world did you think he would be easy to capture?

The fallen angels remained silent, their collective shame increasing under Reynare's questions. Dohnaseek, who up until this point had been relatively quiet, finally spoke.

Dohnaseek: What's more, you should've known that the other Devils would come looking for him.

The fallen angels looked even more ashamed. They clearly hadn't thought of that. Reynare's glare softened slightly, but her disappointment was evident.

Reynare: Yes, on top of everything, there's also that. You really didn't think things through, did you?

The fallen angels stayed silent, their collective shame and regret palpable. Reynare sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Reynare: I can't even look at all of you. Pathetic! Leave! And watch for any intruders outside if that's the only thing you're good at!

The fallen angels, now feeling more humiliated and ashamed than ever before, quickly filed out of the room. Their departure left Reynare, Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek alone in the room.

Kalawarner spoke up once the last fallen angel was gone.

Kalawarner: They're completely useless...

Reynare nodded in agreement.

Reynare: It's no wonder they failed. Too arrogant for their own good.

Dohnaseek leaned back against a wall, his usually carefree demeanor absent.

Dohnaseek: They clearly underestimated Y/N... and the Devils that are surely out looking for him. It's a miracle he hasn't been found yet.

Reynare walked over to a nearby desk, her gaze fixed on the dark night outside.

Reynare: Yes, it is.... But it's only a matter of time, especially with a big idiot like Rias Gremory on the case.

Kalawarner chuckled at Reynare's insult.

Kalawarner: Even I can't deny that's true. Rias Gremory is a good Devil, but she's also stupidly emotional...

Dohnaseek nodded in agreement.

Dohnaseek: Yeah, her affection for Y/N is going to cloud her judgement, no matter how smart she is. Especially that Himejima woman... there's no doubt she's looking for her brother Y/N.

Reynare's gaze hardened, a hint of concern in her eyes.

Reynare: Yes, Rias and her peerage are definitely searching, and the Himejima girl won't sit by idly... we need to be prepared.

Dohnaseek pushed off the wall, his usual teasing demeanor back.

Dohnaseek: Oh, I bet it wouldn't take much to keep the Himejima girl at bay.

Kalawarner shot him a sharp look.

Kalawarner: Watch it, Dohnaseek. Akeno Himejima is not to be trifled with.

Dohnaseek raised his hands in mock surrender.

Dohnaseek: I know, I know! But come on, she's got emotions running high. Wouldn't take much to distract her, just saying.

The fallen angels, split up and patrolling the outside of the church, moved silently, their gazes scanning the surroundings. The night was cold and eerily still, the shadows under the dim streetlamps playing tricks on their eyes. One of the fallen angels, a female, stopped at the corner of the church facade. She glanced around, the shadows of the trees and bushes seeming to shift and stir. The fallen angel drew her spear, her muscles tensed in anticipation.

Just then, a green and black portal secretly opens up on the sky showing a shadow ninja figure landing in the woods unaware to the fallen angels. The figure's voice - deep and somewhat distorted - broke the silence of the night with a chilling declaration.

???: The Khaos... the words echoed through the darkness, leaving behind a subtle feeling of dread.

The fallen angel on guard, her back to the woods, heard the faint whispering. Her grip on her spear tightened, her heart beating faster. She slowly spun around, her eyes scanning the shadows, looking for the source of the voice. For a moment, nothing stirred, only silence and shadows all around her.

Fallen angel 2: What was that??

Fallen Angel 2's voice cut through the silence, his tone filled with a mixture of confusion and trepidation. The other two fallen angels, who were patrolling nearby, instinctively turned towards the source of the voice, their eyes darting around in the darkness. One of the angels, a male, responded in a shaky voice.

Fallen Angel: I...I don't know. Sounded like it came from those woods over there.

???: All must embrace it...

The portal flared into existence, and before the fallen angels could even react, a shadowy ninja-like figure stepped out. Their eyes were piercing white, their clothes seemingly made of shadows themselves, and their aura reeking of chaos and hatred. The ninja moved forward, their footsteps eerily quiet as they approached the fallen angels, who stood frozen in fear.

The figure stopped in front of the fallen angels, the shadows around their feet swirling slightly before settling. They raised their head, speaking to the angels with a chilling voice.

???: Fallen angels... I greet you.

The fallen angels exchanged nervous glances, their grips on their weapons tightening. One of them, a braver fallen angel, managed to find their voice.

Fallen Angel: W-Who are you?? What do you want?!

The fallen angel attempted to sound brave, but his voice trembled slightly, betraying his fear. The mysterious figure chuckled lowly, their white eyes narrowing.

???: I assume you've all been searching for me haven't you....?

The fallen angels listened to the figure's words, their confusion growing with each passing moment. The sounded strangely familiar. Almost like Y/N's, but different. Deeper, more powerful, and filled with a malice that sent chills down their spines.
One of the fallen angels, a female, managed to find her voice.

Fallen Angel: Y-Y/N? Is that you?

The mysterious figure, Y/N who is now in this shadowy deformed ninja like form, chuckled again, the sound low and threatening.

Y/N: Yes, I suppose I was once him. That weak, pitiful soul that you fallen angels were searching for. But now...I am so much more...

The fallen angels stared, unable to believe what they were hearing. This was no longer the Y/N they knew, but rather a shell of him twisted and deformed by a power they couldn't understand. Another fallen angel, a male this time, spoke up.

Fallen Angel: What...what have you done to yourself..?

Y/N, his once familiar features now distorted and twisted, chuckled darkly. The sound sent a shiver down the spines of the fallen angels.

Y/N: Done to myself? I've embraced my true form. I've embraced Khaos...

Y/N extended his hand, shadows dancing around his palms as he smirked. His shadow clone appeared by his side staring the fallen angels up and down.

Y/N: Titan havik.... perfected me!

The fallen angels looked at each other in disbelief and terror. Y/N, the person they were supposed to capture, was not only different but had mentioned something - or rather someone - they dreaded.

Fallen Angel: Titan Havik??

Y/N nodded, a cold smile playing on his lips.

Y/N: Titan Havik himself. He took me in, remade me, gave me access to powers beyond anything you could imagine.

The fallen angels looked around, fear and disbelief evident on their faces. The mere mention of Titan Havik had shaken them to their core.

Y/N: And now.... my only goal- is to turn this world into darkness and anarchy.

The fallen angels recoiled, the realization of what Y/N was saying sinking in. Their world, which they believed to be on the path of order and peace, was threatened by a power they couldn't comprehend.

Fallen Angel: Turning the world to darkness?? You can't be serious!

Y/N's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with a feral intensity. He took a step forward, his shadow clone mimicking his movements flawlessly.

Y/N: Oh, I'm deadly serious. With Titan Havik at my side, there's nothing that can stop me. I'll tear down this society, this illusion of peace, and rebuild the world from the ashes. And when I'm done.... my sister and that gremory bitch will all perish under my feet!

The fallen angels took a step back, their fear now bordering on terror. They had never seen such a drastic change in one person, especially not in Y/N.

Fallen Angel: Y-Your sister...Rias... and... Akeno... you'd do that to your own sibling??

Y/N chuckled coldly, his voice dripping with hatred.

Y/N: Yes, I would. She's weak, soft, bound by the chains of society and her own emotions. She doesn't understand the true power of Khaos. And I, her own brother, will show her. I'll make her suffer as I've suffered, trapped in this endless cycle of weakness.

Y/N gets into stance as his shadow clone appeared.

Y/N: Oh.... and my name is not Y/N anymore... please- call me.... Noob. Saibot.

With that said noob suddenly launches a ghost ball toward the first fallen angel. The first fallen angel, caught off guard by Noob's sudden attack, was hit by the ghost ball and sent flying through the air. The other fallen angels watched in horror as their comrade was knocked back.

Fallen Angel: GAH!!!

The fallen angel crashed into a nearby tree, his body hitting the trunk with a sickening thud. Noob and his shadow clone, both moving with supernatural speed and precision, seemed to dance in and out of combat as they attacked the fallen angels and avoided their light spears. The fallen angels, though experienced, were no match for Noob's sudden shift in strength. They tried to hit him, but he evaded their strikes with ease, moving as if he was a shadow himself.

Noob chuckled as he easily dodged another spear that barely missed his face. He seemed to be enjoying this, reveling in his newfound power and the fear he was inciting.

Noob: Pitiful. Your light spears are nothing against me now.

The fallen angels, their confidence shattered, desperately tried to form a counterattack. They knew they were outmatched, but they couldn't just give up without a fight.

Fallen Angel: Y-You bastard! We're not going to just roll over and surrender!

Noob sneered, his eyes narrowing.

Noob: Oh, I wouldn't expect you to. You fallen're all stubborn fools. But I assure you, your resistance is futile. You can't stop me, and you certainly can't withstand the power of Khaos!

The fallen angel, caught off guard by the clone behind them, was suddenly restrained. They tried to struggle, but it was too late. Noob capitalized on their distraction, charging straight at them and drop-kicking them with great force. The fallen angel crashed into the nearest wall, slumping to the ground, groaning in pain.

Noob stood over them, a smirk on his face. The other fallen angels watched in horror, their resolve wavering.

Fallen Angel: GAH! H-How are you so strong?!

Noob chuckled, his voice deep and menacing.

Noob: I told you, I've been remade. Improved. Enhanced. I am no longer the weakling you knew as Y/N. I am Noob Saibot, wielder of Khaos. And I will bring this world to its knees.

The fallen angel tried to get up, their body bruised and battered. They stared at Noob with a mixture of fear and anger.

Fallen Angel: can't do this! We have to stop you!

Noob smirked, his shadow clone surrounding the other fallen angels.

Noob: Oh, you can try. But you'll fail. You're all too weak, too bound by your morals and emotions. You can't even BEGIN to fathom the power I possess now.

The fallen angel, still on the floor, didn't have time to react. Noob's shadow clone moved with terrifying speed, slamming into the angel and sending them through a portal. The angel disappeared for a moment, and then a skeleton, blood dripping from its bones, was thrown back through the portal.

The other fallen angels watched in horror, their eyes wide in disbelief. The sudden display of such brutal power left them speechless. The final 2 fallen angels, caught completely off guard, let out horrified screams as shadowy arms erupted from portals behind them. They tried to fight back, but they were no match for Noob's power.

One of the angels had their wings ripped off, while the other was torn in half. The shadow arms disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared, leaving the shattered bodies of the angels behind.

Noob stood silently, watching the carnage he had wrought, his face a stoic mask.

Noob: Now... for the final three.

Noob's shadow clone walked towards the church door and punched it open before disappearing as noob walked inside where he sees Dohnaseek, Kalawarner and Reynare. Dohnaseek, Kalawarner, and Reynare stood in the nave of the church, their eyes wide with disbelief. They had heard the noise outside, the screams and the sounds of combat. But the sight of Noob walking into the church, his form shrouded in shadows and power, was something they hadn't prepared for.

Dohnaseek, the most arrogant among them, stepped forward first, his spear in his hands.

Dohnaseek: What...what the hell have you done to yourself?

Noob smirked, his footsteps echoing in the cavernous space of the church.

Noob: I've undergone a transformation, you fool. I am no longer the Y/N you knew. I am Noob Saibot, and I am a vessel for Khaos.

The three fallen angels exchanged glances, uncertain of what to do. Noob's newfound power was undeniable, and they weren't sure they could handle him.

Reynare, her voice tentative, spoke up next.

Reynare: Y/N...I mean, don't have to do this. This isn't the path you should be taking.
Noob glanced at her, his eyes cold and distant.

Noob: Oh? And what path should I be taking? The path of weakness and morality? I've seen your world, I've seen the flaws and the hypocrisies. I reject it all.

Kalawarner, the most level-headed of the three, stepped forward, her eyes fixed on noobs.

Kalawarner: You've changed, yes. But you still have a choice. We all have a choice. You don't need to go down this path of darkness.

Noob's low, chilling laughter echoed in the church, sending shivers down the spines of the fallen angels.

Noob: Choice? Oh, sweet, naive Kalawarner. You still don't understand, do you? There is no choice. Only power. Only Khaos.

The church darkened as Noob raised his hands, opening a black portal. Three shadowy clones crept from the portal, their forms taking shape and standing by Noob's side.

Noob chuckled, the sound echoing ominously.

Noob: Three against three. Quite the fair fight, wouldn't you say? Kill those two my children. But leave raynare alive....

Kalawarner and Dohnaseek looked at each other, their faces showing just how much trouble they were in. While they were skilled, they were nowhere near the level of Noob and his clones.

Dohnaseek steadied his spear.

Dohnaseek: We'll make you regret this, Noob. I swear it.

Noob chuckled again, a cruel smirk on his face.

Noob: Oh, I doubt that very much. But go ahead. Try and prove me wrong.

Noob's shadow clones began to advance, their forms gliding silently across the nave. The church suddenly seemed smaller, darker.

Kalawarner took a deep breath, summoning her courage.

Kalawarner: Dohnaseek, take care of the clones. I'll handle Noob.

Dohnaseek nodded, his eyes narrowing.

Dohnaseek: Got it. You can count on me.

As Dohnaseek prepared to intercept the shadows, Noob just watched with bored interest, his eyes focused on Kalawarner.

Noob: So, you've chosen to take me on yourself, hm? Brave, but foolish.

Kalawarner steeled herself, her light spear gripped tightly in her hands.

Kalawarner: I won't let you do what you're planning. I may not beat you, but I'll sure as hell hinder you.

Noob chuckled again, his amusement growing. He stepped forward, his movements lazy and confident.

Noob: Hinder me, you say? You think you can even touch me, let alone hinder me? You're out of your league, little angel.

The ghost ball, hurled by Noob, was sliced in two by Kalawarner's light spear as she rushed at him. Noob sidestepped her attack almost casually, his movement fluid and easy.

Noob: Impressive. You have some skill, at least. But not enough to defeat me.

Kalawarner stumbled as her charge passed Noob by. She quickly regained her balance and turned to face him, her light spear ready.

Kalawarner: I may not beat you in a straight fight, but you're underestimating me.

Noob, despite being pushed back, displayed impressive agility as he regained his footing and charged at Kalawarner again. She hurled her light spear at him, but Noob moved in slow motion, dodging the spear with grace. Suddenly, his shadow clone appeared, intercepting the spear with its own body.

Noob smirked, his clone returning to his side.

Noob: How predictable.

Kalawarner's second spear attack was again dodged, but this time by noob's shadow clone. The clone vanished, and Y/N suddenly appeared in front of her, delivering a powerful punch.

Kalawarner coughed, the unexpected blow taking her off guard. She stumbled back, her light spear slipping from her hand as she tried to regain her bearings. Noob smiled and teleported disappearing. Noob's sudden teleportation left Kalawarner disoriented. She looked around, trying to locate him, her heart hammering in her chest.

Kalawarner: Where- where did he go?!

Noob appeared behind Kalawarner, his sudden attack catching her off guard. He followed up with a flurry of punches and kicks, his movements swift and brutal. A shadow clone materialized, joining in the assault, the two working in concert to overwhelm her.

Suddenly, Noob grabbed the fallen angel's light spear, and with a cruel, heartless action, plunged it into her stomach. Kalawarner let out a ragged scream as the spear plunged into her body, her hands instinctively going to the wound. She stumbled back, her eyes wide with pain and shock.

Kalawarner: N-no....this can't be happening....

Noob watched silently, his face a mask of cold indifference, as Kalawarner slumped to the ground, blood spilling out of her wound. She tried to crawl away, her movements weak and futile.


Kalawarner's struggling form slowly faded away, her life ebbing away. Soon, she was gone, the last vestiges of her existence fading like smoke. Noob just stood there, coldly watching the spot where she had been a moment ago.

Noob: Another one gone.

Noob turned his gaze to where Raynare had been watching, only to find her knocked out. He then noticed Dohnaseek locked in combat with his two shadow clones. The air was filled with the clanging sounds of battle, Dohnaseek struggling to keep up. Noob's sudden charge caught Dohnaseek off guard, his first blow sending the fallen angel reeling. Noob's shadow clones quickly appeared to assist, wrestling Dohnaseek to the ground. The fallen angel let out a cry as his knees were forced open, the sound of cracking bones filling the air. A final, powerful kick by Noob sealed Dohnaseek's fate, the impact sending his head flying from his body in a gory display.

Noob watched dispassionately as Dohnaseek's body hit the ground with a thud.

Noob's shadow clones vanished as quickly as they had appeared, leaving only Noob standing in the nave. He walked towards Raynare, who was groaning in pain, struggling to get up.

Noob looked down at her, a cruel smirk on his face.

Raynare tried to stand but found her legs too weak to support her. She was disoriented, dizzy, barely able to focus. As Noob approached her, she looked up at him, her eyes widening with fear.

Raynare: N-no....stay away from me....
Noob's laugh echoed through the church, sinister and dark. He stood over Raynare, his form casting a dark, menacing shadow.

Noob: You're weak. Pathetic. Look at you, on your knees, scared and helpless. How the mighty have fallen. Though... it's a shame it has to end this way. You could've been part of a new world.

Noob turned as a loud roar filled the church. A massive Khaos portal opened behind him, and a multitude of demons poured forth. At the front of the horde was Titan Havik, his twisted form towering over the rest.

Noob: Ah, right on time.

The demons and minions filed into the church, filling it with their presence. Titan Havik, the harbinger of disorder and chaos, took the center stage, a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

Titan Havik: Well met, Noob Saibot. I see the battle went as planned.

Noob nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on Titan Havik.

Noob: As promised, the church and its inhabitants are ours. Two of the leaders have been eliminated, and the rest are on the ropes.

Titan havik; And I see you saved me a specimen for last.~ he stares down raynare

Noob chuckled, his eyes narrowing.

Noob: Yes, I thought you might like that. This one is Raynare. Though she's not in much condition to fight now.

Raynare whimpered, her eyes wide and fearful as she stared up at the towering form of Titan Havik. She was too weak and disoriented to form a coherent plea, but her fear was palpable.

Titan Havik's lips curled into a wicked smile as he looked down at her. He took a step closer, his footsteps heavy and ominous.

Titan Havik: Ah, the last fallen angel. She should serve quite nicely for our experiments. Hehehehehahahaha! Minions! Chain her up! She could be a feisty one.~

Noob watched with cold satisfaction as the minions moved forward, their hands outstretched as they wrapped chains around Raynare's wrists. The poor fallen angel struggled weakly, but she was too weak to put up much resistance. She shot Noob a pleading look, her eyes full of fear and desperation.

Noob regarded her for a moment, unphased by her pleading look. He had no qualms about handing her over to the forces of Khaos. After all, it further secured his deal with Titan Havik, and that was all that mattered.

Noob: Take her. She's yours.

The minions nodded and began dragging Raynare away, her protests and cries falling on deaf ears.

Titan Havik chuckled as he watched them take her away, a sinister gleam in his eyes.

Titan Havik: Oh, this is gonna be good. I have so many ideas for her!~

Noob watched silently as Raynare was dragged away, struggling against the minions. He felt no regret, no sympathy for the fallen angel. She was just a tool to further his gains, a sacrifice to secure his position.

Noob: She's all yours, Havik. Have your fun. I'm going to kuoh to pay someone an old visit.

Titan Havik chuckled darkly, his gaze fixed eagerly on the struggling Raynare.

Titan Havik: Oh, I will. I'll enjoy breaking her spirit and molding her to my desires. She'll be a fine toy for my twisted games.

Noob's mention of Kuoh caught his attention, however.

Titan Havik: Kuoh, you say? Who exactly are you going to visit there?

Noob smirked, a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

Noob: Issei Hyoudou. I've got a score to settle with the little devil.

Titan Havik's red eyes flicked to Noob, his interest piqued. He chuckled darkly.

Titan Havik: Issei Hyoudou? The human born devil? He's not going to be easy to take down. Especially with the Gremory family backing him.

Noob: Don't worry... I have my ways to break their spirits.

Noob's words echoed with confidence, his voice betraying no hint of fear or remorse. He was certain in his ability to break his enemies' spirits, no matter their affiliation.

Titan Havik nodded, his twisted smile widening.

Titan Havik: I have no doubt you'll figure out a way to crush them. Their little harem won't know what hit them.

Titan havik: Take all the time you want! I'll be having fun with the new specimen.

He laughed and walked off into the portal back to khaos realm.

Noob watched as Titan Havik and his minions withdrew back through the portal, taking Raynare with them into the realms of Khaos. He felt no pity or remorse for her fate; in fact, he felt a sense of satisfaction. One major obstacle out of the way, another one remaining.

Noob's eyes narrowed as he turned and walked out of the church, his mind fixed on his next destination.

Kuoh Academy.

To be continued....

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