The Beginning of Humanity's Extinction

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It was the sounds of a battle, and the sound of the human race, screaming.

Nobody was prepared for what was going to happen. In the future, aliens have began to attack and invade the world that everyone had lived atop of. Many people were dying, and many of the scientists are doing whatever they can to preserve the life of humans, and making sure that the human race is not extinct. But the situation has become so dire, that so many of the children are dying.

This one in particular is a human child. He has long, brown hair, is wearing a red T-Shirt, black pants, and has emerald eyes.

This boy's name is Rock. He is the 14-year old son of 2 scientists, both of whom were made to try and extend the life of humanity, and try to save what remains of the human race. But he had been hurt from one of the alien's blasting him, injuring him badly.

Because of this, when the parents realize what is happening, they picked him up, and ran to a advanced laboratory. The labratory was very far, so they went by far first, which made it half a mile. But than one of the aliens hit the car, causing it to nearly kill the family driving it. But thankfully, the husband got her and their child out of the car, who is unconscious in the entire thing. The wife than got up, picked up her son in her arms, and both her and the husband ran away, and are avoiding the humans that are running in fear.

"H-Honey!! We have to do something!! Our son...he's going to die from the attack!"

The mother shouted to her husband, who is running alongside with his beautiful wife. As they ran, many buildings were going down. Humans are running...screaming from fear, as the aliens go to kill, and half of the humans are in armor, and are trying to fight back from the aliens that have invaded their home. Many humans are to sad to move, as they are beside their loved one, who have died from the attack that had transpired minutes earlier. The husband, who was watching this, than spoke back to her.

"I know that, honey. And yet, this is why I have a body for our son to inhabit in the lab, so that he can live, without being in a very vulnerable human body."

The husband than went to the door, typed a few keys, and the door than opened. The husband and the wife rushed inside of the labratory, closed the door again, and than ran very deep underground. The sounds of the aliens are than heard, as they try to enter the laboratory. But the doors are closed for the time being.

Both the husband and the wife continued, as their son began to open his eyes, but very briefly. But he can only see them as blurs, and their shouts are muffled, as his hearing is very, very weak right now, due to the effect of that energy blast from before.

The mother and the father are than stood another door. The mother pulled out a type of card, slid it open, and revealed what's inside.

It is a cloning room, and it has a test tube. There is a chair with a metal helmet hanged on top of the char. But right next to the chair, is a pod of some sort.

Inside that pod, however, is a being that resemble their son. The hair and eyes are the same, but the body is different. The body has blue armor inside of it, and it is mostly made of metal. The only one organic still is the head and torso.

This thing is called a Carbon. The carbon are basically cyborg made from both human flesh, and the metal machinery. The purpose of the Carbons is to ensure the remaining human race to survive. The husband than turns to the wife, as he spoke out to her.

"Get Rock into the chair. I will open the program to activate the mind transfer. He must live."

The mother nodded, and brought her son to their chair. The mother than puts the metal helmet over Rock's head, as the father prepares to activate the Mind Transfer Machine. As that is happening, Rock than became awake and spoke.


The mother turned around, and saw that he is very awake, but is seen both afraid and tired. The mother than breaths out.


Than, a banging was heard, as the mother ran realized what it is. She than goes in and locks the door, sliding the car in, and the door closes again. She than ran back to her son, as he so confused and scared at what is happening outside right now.

"M-Mom?! What's happening?! I-"

Before he can speak further, the mother grabbed her son's head, and calms him down. The son looked, very terrified. But the mother's smile calmed him down. Than, he saw how sad the smile is. Before he can speak of her mite be about if something is wrong, the mother than spoke out to Rock.

" son. Listen to me. Your father and I...we don't have much time to see you right now. Something bad will happen to us...and...we need to make sure that you live for us."

Rock, now very scared, was unsure what is happening to his only parents.

"Mom...Dad? What...What's happening?!"

The mother than rubbed her thumb, as she spoke out to her son.

"We won't be able to see you again, but, I have a photo of us...when you wake up...I want to make sure won't be killed by sharks coming. Rock...your father and I..."

The father than cane and faced his son as well, who is looking very sad. Despite this...he's also smiling in a similar sad manner.

"...we'll miss you very much."

Than, the father came in and spoke to him.

" meant the world to us. It is because it lead to you...we finally gain happiness. And son...if we die...promise us this."

The son, now on the verge of crying, spoke out.

"Wh...What is it?"

The mother than spoke out to Rock, the only child that she has ever given birth.

"Don't find happiness simply inside of us. Find one elsewhere, and...even if we are dead. We will always live inside of you."

The mother and father than hugged their son, as they spoke out to him.

"We love you, son."

The father than typed in the last part of the password, as the machine activated. The mother than looked with tears in her eyez, as she spoke.

"Take care, my son. I love you."

She than kissed her son in the check, as her son spoke out to them.

"Mom?! Dad?!"

Than, the machine fully activates, and Rock began to feel pain. He feels like he will black out at any second. But before he did, he than shouted out loud to the last family members that he is still with now.


As he shouted, there was a blinding light, and than...there was complete...utter...silence.

Thousands of Years jump timeskip...

The's been purged. Purged entirely of human life. Everything that humans had achieved...everything that humans had cared about...has gone to ruins.

The entire city had been abandoned. The Carbons are on a hidden island. The androids are still existing to fight. all but gone. There is one still remaining. It was the boy...Rock.

Rock, after seeing what happened, cried into despair at seeing his own family dying. He has kept of photo of them, as he does not want to forget about them. But remembering his father and mother's words, and their kindness, he decided to take the words he has heard by heart. But first, he decided to think of a better name for himself. He is now called 'Volnutt.'

Volnutt has been running around the landscape, seeing the buildings that humans has lived in completely destroyed. Volnutt has been saddened by this, as he spoke out.

"It's been a thousand years since this happened. Why would something like this come here?! I didn't want this, no one on Earth wants this. And here, I am unsure what to do. I wash and dad are still here. There is still so much I haven't learn."

As he walked across the wasteland that was once a city, he than heard a noise coming from behind him.






Volnutt than began to look around.

"What was that?"

He than took off his backpack that was on him, detached his right arm, and puts it in here. He than takes out another one with a cannon, and attaches it. He than turns around, and began to aim right, slightly.

"Whatever it can't be good."

As he began to look around, the ground shakes...and the stomping is growing louder than ever before.






Now Rock is really worried. As he turns around from what is possibly behind him...he than saw the thing that was making the noises.

The thing behind him looks like it is made of construction material. There is smoke from the pipes on the shoulder of the giant machine. A buzzsaw on both arms, and a face with red eyes that are always glowing. Rock was very shocked at the sheer size of the thing that is before him.

" are really tall."

The being looked down, and roared a loud mechanical roar. Rock activated the wheel shoes, and began to get out of here, and very fast. The machine than tried to get its arm in front of Volnutt, and tired to slice him by making him roll into the buzzsaw while he tries to get away. But Rock stopped using the jet skates, and simply ran.

He than turns to a corner, and the robot is to big to go into the corner.

"Well...if it is to big, than might as well prepare for it."

He than took off his feet, put it in the backpack, and brought out a similar looking pair of feet, and put that pair on. He than looked, but saw someone that is completely unexpecting. The robot, while it is well aware that it can't fit inside of the alleyway, it can at least crash into it, so that either he crushes the robot, or the rubble buried him under. So it does the next best thing it can do. It than goes forward, and began to crash into the walls of the building, but it does not stop going. Volnutt, realizing what it is trying to do, than runs. He ran away as fast as he can go. Being transferred into a Carbon body, he is much faster than the average human, as well as being much stronger than even the most fit humans. But even he can not outrun this. So he does another thing. The turns his head if there are any buildings that are short enough for him to jump to. When he saw that there are not any, he than panicked and began to run much more faster than before, due to the fact he's afraid.

"This isn't good!!! If I don't find a way to get out of this...than I'm nothing more but dead meat and scrap metal!!"

He than got out of the alleyway and turns around. But when he turns, he sees a building that is short enough to get on. He smiled, and after a minute of running, he jumped!

He jumped high enough to reach it. He grabbed onto the ledge, and stood on the rooftop. He looks and sees the machine is still coming. So he ran again, and jumped on another buildings, which, although 10 feet taller than the one he's in, he can still jump high enough to reach the roof.

After a little while, he was on a building as tall as the giant machine. He looks, as the machine is preparing to come close. Thinking quickly, he took off the Mega Buster, and attached a spread buster to help him out on this situation.

He looks, as the machine than comes in. He aims at the machine, and spoke to him.

"Bring it on."

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