Battling the Giant Machine

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The robot than attacked as it swipe the rooftop. Volnutt, thanks to his jumping shoes, was able to get over the buzzsaw, jumped on top of a rooftop higher than the one he stood on. Volnutt than aimed his weapon and fires his Spread Buster at the very large robot, who than stepped back at the attack that Volnutt did.

He than fired the spread gun at it more, as debris than suddenly cane out of nowhere and is preparing to hit him. Volnutt than turns and aimed at them. The spread gun was actually quite useful, as it was able to get many of the debris coming his way. But all this did distract him to keep Volnutt at bay for the robot to do a attack of his own to try killing him.

The robot than went forward again, and positioned the arms over the head or torso, as it prepares to strike.

The robot slammed his arms into the roof, which damaged it to the point it was going to collapse. Volnutt, who was able to avoid the robot's arms, realize what was about to happen, and began to run as fast as he could. He was able to see a building, and although it was half the size the robot, it was still tall enough to at least aim at the head. He ran to it as fast as he can, and than jumped onto it.

As that happens, he put the Spread Buster into his backpack after he detaches it, and pulled out a Machine Gun. He attaches the arm, and is ready fight again. But as that happens, he noticed the robot starting to come to him. Volnutt than ran away, and began to jump on buildings, each of them higher than the first. He even had to change direction in order to try and get as far away from it as he can run, as it's slow when it comes to turning around.

Than, he reached to the end, which is a building that is even taller than the giant robot Volnutt's fighting. Turning back to the robot, he is now more prepared, now that he it at more higher ground than before.

Volnutt took position, aimed his weapon, and than opened fire.

The bullets were able to hit the exposed and vulnerable parts of the giant robot, but had little effect on the parts that is very strong and also very, very durable. But he does not stop on this attack just yet. As it begins to step back, he than fired is weapon at the face, which was able to hit the eyes, and seemingly made the eyes blind, as he shattered, and later turns to the debris coming that is circling around him. He than fired at the debris, which only pierced it, but nothing more.

He than took off his Machine Gun Arm, and used the Scatter Buster once more, and began to shoot at the desires that's circling him. The debris than clears up a bit. Volnutt, who couldn't see, pumped his fist, victoriously. But he is still far from being done with it. When the robot notice him, it's eyes began to glow. Rock noticed what is happening, and had one thing to say to himself.

"Oh no."

He than began to run, and it was a good thing that he did get a good head start here. Because the robot fired a powerful laser from its eye, and it was extremely devastating!

The robot destroyed a part the building, but it was enough to make it start to fall apart really fast. Volnutt began to run as fast as he can run, and in his panicked state, he than decided to do one dumb thing, but was a perfect and lucky one:he jumped off a building without looking he is heading. The good thing was that he landed on a building. The bad thing about's shorter than the robot. The robot was able to notice him, and is coming towards him. Volnutt than realized one thing.

"If I am going to counter the laser that it has, than I am going to need my strongest weapon that I have. I need the Shining Laser."

He than crouched down, took his Scatter Buster off, and puts it inside of his bag, and than later brings out his Shining Laser. But as he is doing this, the robot took the initiative to try and attack. Volnutt, however, quickly noticed and dodged, as it than swiped the ground, and even rammed it onto the rooftop when it strikes upwards. The robot than looked at the rooftop once more, only to see that Volnutt had suddenly vanished, somehow.

Volnutt, however, was inside of the stairway, with only his hair slightly visible. He is thinking of a plan to hit the robot without wasting to much power than the Shining Laser can use. The Shining Laser can only cool down for a minute, but it is still to long against an enemy like this. Thankfully, it is not used, and is ready to take the robot on once more.

"I just hope that he shining laser had enough power to fight against that giant of a construction building robot."

He than stands up, and fired his weapon at the giagantic machine, who didn't realize what's happening until it's too late for it to counter.

"Get out of my city!!!"

The laser was powerful enough to damage the left arm of the robot, which than fell down to the ground, and some part of the arm to be melted to. The robot was, unfortunately for Volnutt and his luck, go so severely enraged at being damaged, unexpectedly. The giant machine than turned and fired its gigantic laser at Volnutt again. But Volnutt than counters with his Shining Laser, with locks them both in their place. Despite the Shining Laser being small compared to the one the giant machine is making, it is still immensely powerful, and can even instantly destroy any lesser robots he sees, in case he needs to get his work done quickly.

But this is mostly making the battle he's in longer. And even he does not know why the gigantic robot's laser is not failing when it is fighting Volnutt. But as he thinks this, he than sees that hid is about to be drained, as it is getting smaller and smaller, and the gigantic laser is starting to draw closer. Realizing this, he immediately runs away, while the laser is still locked into the enemies, until it dies, and the laser than fired at the building, making it extremely damaged.

"Oh no! Who does it like to collapse any building that it like to find?!"

Volnutt shouted at the top of his lungs, annoyed that he had to go to another one. But Volnutt decided one thing it hasn't tried.

"You know what?! Scrap this!! I am tired of jumping from building to building!! It is time to go into the top of this gigantic robot and attack above it!!"

He than runs towards the robot. The robot than fired his laser at him again. But Rock decided that he was done running away from how it attacks him. He than jumps above the laser, and lands atop its head. He than jumped again, and is now on the torso it is strangely fused with, as it is usually at the neck, not like that.

He is now at the top of the giant robot, and is now prepared to use the shining laser, and all of a sudden, as soon as he fired...


The laser had caused a really gigantic and very loud shockwave. But before the robot began to truly be destroyed, Volnutt than rushed as fast as he can, and jumped. He was able to get onto a building, and run away from the giant robot. He was able to get enough distance and jumped off of the building, just as soon as it explodes.

At another part of the City...

At another part of the city, there is a battle going on, the people that are battling re 2 androids from the group YoRHa.

These are 2B and 9S. They are both assigned to destroy a giant robot that is somewhere in the city. But now, they are into some serious annoyances that's trying to prevent them from going to where they must approach.

She than approached one of the enemies, and readies her blade, known as Virtuous Treaty.

2B suddenly sprints and than attack the enemies that are around the both of them. She strikes one of the enemies greatly, taking the arm off, and later backflips, resulting in he cutting one of the enemies in half.

She than summoned 2 Spears, and attacked the other 2 robots that are seeing trying to attack her directly. She than sees that one of them's about to self-destruct. She than runs forward, and kicks the robot away, and making it explode to where it's buddies are at

9S is seen cutting many of them apart, although he is way more comfortable hacking than going into physical combat. Which is why he hacked into many of the enemies and turned them against each other. The enemies than fought for their side once hacked, and it was all before they had been destroyed by the last remaining 2 enemies. But 2B and 9S finishes drone off with little difficulty.

As they turn around, one of the pods sought something. 2B and 9S turn around, only to see something unpleasant. They than ran down, as a machine came out of nowhere, and began to chase them to try killing them.

The duo are than chased by a machine that had a drill for a head, but moves like a snake. The pod is seen shooting the machine to slow it down.

Finally, 2B than turns around, and goes to the machine. She took out her sword, and cuts the middle part. After that, she than struck down, and decapitated the machine.

After she was done, 9S than approached her and spoke out.

"We did a great job."

9S was very glad about that. 2B just looked indifferent. Alll 2B did was simply speaking this out to 9S.

"Let's just go to the-"


2B and 9S were caught by surprise, when they saw that a explosion had occurred. They looked and saw smoke coming from another part of the city. 9S than realized what part of the city it is coming from.

"Hold on...That's from where the Engel is located at!"

Both 2B and 9S looked at each other, before going to the area to check out what is going on.

3 minutes of running later...

When both 2B and 9S reached the area, they are in with a surprise. They saw the giant robot, all completely crumbled down to nothing more than laying down scrap.

"What that the Engel?!"

9S spoke out in surprise. Even 2B was surprised at that.

"How did that happen?"

As 2B had spoke out, they heard a rattle, coming from behind one of the buildings. They ran to it, only to see someone blue crouching down, and taking a detached robotic arm from the ground, before attaching what seems to be a cannon arm. When he stood up, they get a clear look of what he looks like.

"What the...who is that?"

9S questioned. 2B has no answer to that. The person than spoke out.

"Wow...I am not using the Shining Laser on such a gigantic robot like this ever again. I need to get back to my house."

9S was surprised at that, as he spoke out.

"Wait a minute, was he the one that destroyed the Engel?"

2B than spoke to him.

"I don't know. He doesn't look that strong. But considering that he has said something about encountering the Engel, it's most likely, he is that."

They than resumed watching what the robot was gonna do. It than turned and walked towards a pile of rubble. Than, it did something that 2B and 9S did not expect. It turns out it is not a cannon, but an energy sword of some sort.

He than swung and destroyed the debris that had blocked the path that he is taking. He than activated the wheels on the feet, and begun to roll away from here. 2B and 9S than looked at each other.

"Should we follow whatever that person is?"

2B nodded, and they both began to follow him silently.

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