Meeting of Machine

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Volnutt has been running to his house for a full hour. He was able to get rid of a giant robotic monstrosity that cane from nowhere. Now, he needs a break from all that fighting. But what is truly worrying him is the strange feeling that he has been realizing when he was running for half an hour. He is feeling like he's being followed. He has no idea why, but he is sure that there is in fact someone following where he is going. Which is why he plans to hide from them until he is sure they're gone.

"Whoever is following me must be very wanting to try and see me. I have no idea where they are. Guess I'll have to find a way to force them to come out to make then appear."

As he kept on moving, than sees a type of abandoned building of some sorts. He than had a crazy idea to use.

"Okay, this idea might be a bit stupid, but it is with a shot here."

he is now under what seems to he some sort of an abandoned building. He than crouches down, grabbed onto his Blade Arm, detached it, and puts it in his backpack. He than takes out his Buster Cannon, and attached it.

He than looks at one of the walls that is seen before his eyes. He than takes a deep breath, and spoke to himself, worried.

"I'm still a bit nervous of doing this. Will it really force the people who are following me to show themselves? I have no idea. is worth the shot of trying to do it."

Talking a strong type of stance, he aimed the cannon and spoke out.


Back with 2B and 9S...

2B and 9S have been following the Android. They are rather very curious about what this thing that they are seeing. One of the pods than analyses the person that they are fighting, determining it to be organic, and nonorganic at the same time. So the machine they are chasing is both human and machine, which is very surprising. They reported command about this, and even they have no idea what type of machine would be both organic and inorganic at the same time. They immediately ordered both 2B and 9S to bring that strange machine back to base. Both 2B and 9S obeyed that order that is brought up, and both the combat androids than began following it.

They are seen at the top of the building, and sees that he is entering one of the abandoned structures. Obviously, they are both so curious to find out what that being they're following is.

"What the hell's he doing?"

9S spoke to his partner. 2B said nothing, as there is obviously it is going in there for a reason.

"Let's go to where it's heading into."

2B than jumped and went to the building it is on. 9S followed behind and jumps after her.

They than went to the top of the building, and they both look down curiously.

"Why would it come here?"

2B spoke to herself quietly. 9S than spoke to her.

"Do you think that Android is a threat to us?"

9S questioned to his partner. 2B than spoke out to him.

"I have no idea. If he is...that I will have to kill him."

As they began to discuss, the building began to suddenly shake from something. And also...


This caught both 2B and 9S by surprise.

"What the...why the hell is the building shaking."

9S spoke to 2B. Before she could answer, the pod than spoke.

"Alert. Target is damaging building. Resulting damage may force building to collapse."

Back with Volnutt...

Volnutt is using his weapon to attack the building that he is hiding inside of.

He is using this to try and make the people that are following him to show their presence to him. While it is a bit of an extremely risky move, it is the best move that he could think of. 

"Okay, I have no idea if I can just bring like a madman who does this, or I can completely insane, but it is worth shooting the entire building down!!!"

He fired at the wall, and than fired at the parts of the structure that are the reason that the building is being completely stable, despite the damage that's present.

Than, the building has begun to shake. It is obvious that the structure that has stabilized it is now collapsing. He than activated the wheels on his shoes, and rolled out of the building, quick.

As soon as he gets out of the building, the entire structure was falling down, and luckily not to where Volnutt had used the entrance. He than takes off the Buster Cannon, and reuses the Blade Arm for this one.

But as that is happening, 2 people than fell down behind where Volnutt is positioned.

"I knew it. I was being followed."

Volnutt, now really angry, than turned and aimed his Blade Arm at them, as the energy blade appears

"Who are you people?!"

In 2B and 9S' side...

Well...they got caught, big time. They were hoping that sneaking up on him would work. But it looks like he caught on, and now they have been spotted by him. They than see him pointing his entry blade at them, while speaking to them very angrily.

"Who are you people?!"

2B, rather than giving out an answer, pulls her sword out from her back, floating.

Both sides...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

2B than rushes fast to Volnutt, who than does the same thing, and the both of them locked blades, causing a clashing and some sparks to fly from the sword, due to the blade of the sword arm made of nothing but energy. 

She than kicks him back and tried to aim at the head. But Volnutt jumped from that, and tried to slash her at the neck.

2B, however, blocked the attack, but Volnutt kicked her too. She than ran at her and attacked her with energy slashes.

2B was sent back by the attack, with gave him enough time to bring out the Shield Arm for the left one to defend himself. 2B than stood up, and charged at him. Volnut than activates the shield quickly, and stopped the attack from coming towards him any further.

The shield was able to force hurt back very fast, and Volnutt is still unharmed. Volnutt than charged at her quickly with both Shield and Sword Arms. He is a like the future version of a Knight in Shining Armor.

He than slashed at her at the right, and than too, and than the left. 2B than tried to hit him. But than hits the shield at the side, making it knock away from the front of Volnutt's body. Taking this chance, she than attacked.

She swung horizontally, which send him off of his feet, and than swung upwards, which made him launch into the air. He fell down, but later stood back up. He than struck her again, and this time, he kicked her and bashed her with the shield. 2B than jumped in the air, and tried to strike downwards, but Volnutt struck upwards, and the Energy blade extended. This caused 2B to be knocked back from the strike of the extended Energy Blade.

"He's resourceful. I'll give him that."

2B has whispered to herself, seeing at how tough Volnutt is compared to the other units she fought against.

As that happened, her pod than came out of nowhere, and began to shoot him. He than puts up his shield, but the pod goes behind him and shoots him at the back. The shield was only functional to protect the front of Volnutt, and not at the back. But he does have an idea.

He crouched down, took of the blade arm, and utilize the Machine Gun Arm. He than turned around, and attacked the drone, countering the rapid bullets with his own.

The drone's bullets were hit by Volnutt's bullets, and some of the bullets were even able to hit the Pod, making it fall down. But that is the distraction that 2B needed to strike Volnutt.

2B than rushed at Volnutt, and hits him at the back. She than stabs him in the leg, and than at the arm, before swinging him far and into a pile of rubble made from when the Engel was destroyed.

After finishing off against Volnutt, 2B than pats the head of Pod 042.

"Good Pod."

But as soon as she said that, when she turns around, Volnutt is running away. She than chased after him, and brings her sword out. Volnutt than turns around, and than saw what is happening. He than activated the Jet Skates and began rolling away. He than turns around, and charges at her, but as that was happening, he turns, and saw that a robot was about to come out. Acting on instinct, he pushed 2B back a bit, and jumped back, as the robot than jumped down and went between the 2.

The robot than turn around to Volnutt, and than spoke out one word.


All of a sudden, 3 more of them robots began to appear. One of the robot began to walk to Volnutt. Volnutt than took out his Powered Buster to fight it.

He than fired at one of the robots, and it caused it to become damage. But Volnutt should have watched his back, because one of  then attack him from behind. He than got on his butt, and saw that it was about to strike again. He raised the weapon and prepared to strike. But before he can shoot his weapon...


2B has suddenly came out of nowhere and attacked it. When she attacked, she turned to Volnutt and extends her hand to help him up. Hesitant, he than does so, and she genuinely helped. 9S than came with the group, and everyone than looked at what is about to happen. Volnutt detached his Powered Buster, and re-enacted the use of the Blade Arm. He than replaced the Shield Arm with the Hunter Seeker.

"After dismantling them, introduction, Right?"

Volnutt spoke to them in wonder. 9S than turns and spoke out to him.


After that, all 3 attacked.

2B attacked and struck one of them at the chest. She than was able to cut the arms off of the robot, before finishing it off by knocking the head off of the entire body.

Another one than came out of nowhere and attacks. Looks like there are more than they initially thought had appeared. 2B than charged at the robot, and brought out a spear. She than pierced the robot with it, and swung the spear, making the robot fly far from him. She than stabbed the spear into the ground, swung and spun on it, before kicking her swords that are floating towards it, making them spin fast, and cutting the robot into 2.

9S was also helping as much as he can. He used his blade to stab the Robot's chest. He than hacks into it, and it became an ally. Also, when the other robots appeared, the hacked one than running towards his kin and fight.

He than used the Hunter Seeker, and initialized his own drone and used to shoot towards the robots that he is fighting, along with his new allies. It was able to finish the robot after a large number of shots.

As Volnutt ran to fight another one, a hidden robot than tried to attack. Unfortunately for it, the pod than flickers and exploded, destroying the robot, surprisingly.

After the group had finished, 9S turn towards 2B and Volnutt, while he speaks out.

"So...we are all done!"

But as soon as he said that, they heard another noise. They turned around to the left, and saw a large wave of robots coming their way.

While not as big as the ones that they had fought, as they are human-sized, they are still to much for even the both 2B and 9S to handle. But Volnutt has a weapon that might do something about the robot horde.

He detached his Blade Arm, and attach the Hyper Shell. He than smiled and fired at the incoming robot horde.


The explosion was powerful enough to get rid of the robots coming their way. Both 2B and 9S, who had their weapons out, looked at Volnutt. Volnutt than looked at them, shrugged his shoulders and spoke out loud.


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